A Light Within Darkness.

Chapter 79

Angron and Fulgrim above all the other Traitor Primarchs had slid into becoming a slave for their gods, despite Lorgar being a bitch and the weakest Primarch, he was still at least the master of himself basically. So corrupted was Angron, by the blood god Khorne that it was clear that he was merely a slathering beast of rage and murder with the only thoughts in his head being the best way to cut off our heads.

Despite Angron being a mad warrior, he wasn't stupid or could be led around in battle. No, Khorne wouldn't care for or make a champion out of a charging bull who would run face-first into traps. Combined with Ghazghkull being an asshole and not wanting me to steal his kill? Yeah, this was becoming terribly dangerous.

As my holy glowing Guanyin Bodhisattva had one slight issue, I didn't really think about before I jumped into battle... As beyond the yelling of Orks, beyond the cries 'for the blood god' etc. There was a rising chant of humans who saw me as something I should have fucking realized.

My form was clad in a massive glowing golden holy light that healed the pure of mind and soothed the human wounds that looked upon me. I quickly realized to other humans and especially Angron I looked like the fucking spitting image of some kind of demi-god/avenging angel of the God Emperor of Mankind!

And oh how Angron screeched and abandoned the fight with Ghazghkull as he mono-focused on me due to my supposed to the Emperor he so hated.

So not only did I have a pissed-off demon primarch screaming for my life and attempting to chop me into tiny pieces. But I also had a pissed-off giant Ork Warboss that was pissed I basically cuckolded him out of his grand fight.

And for Orks cucking them of their fight was worse than stealing a man's wife... It was unforgivable. Dear gods what was with me and stealing people's attention? First I cucked Nurgle and then I cucked the Eldar of their own mother goddess by having Isha give me half-human babies.

I swear when I accepted my place into Warhammer, I was going to kill heretics and the Xenos... But the Xenos were just too hot!

Angron roared as my mind briefly wandered drawing me back into the battle, as I coughed up some blood as the enraged Demon Primarch smashed my form through several steel walls. "Fucking red goober... Your father never loved you! And your sons were only ever disappointed in you Angron!" I roared with my voice filled with the wrath of Bhudda that made his body compact with crimson glowing blood shooting out of his demonic flesh in a mist from his body being slightly compressed due to my spell.

But with a harsh cracking level my spell all but instantly broke as Khorne's blessing upon him basically said. 'Nope, magic is gay.' The compression spell I used shattered sending shard of dimensional fragments slicing through the surroundings causing the hab sector we were in to further collapse with our forms falling down into a large industrial area that was melting metal and such.

I had literally zero doubts Angron was stronger than me, the only reason I could remotely match him and survive Ghazghkull's constant bombardment was the stupidly thick spiritual essence filling the area due to all the dead souls remaining here before they got pulled into the Warp to wherever they would go.

Though the thing was. My goal wasn't actually directing fighting Angron and Ghazghkull in direct battle... I didn't have nearly enough plot armor for that.

But what I did have was patience. Patience in which every time Angron threw me deeper and deeper into the Hiver city I could always scratch a few seals as I went down deeper.

And finally, after half an hour of getting things prepared both while fighting and before I even joined the fight, it was time. I made the Guanyin Bodhisattva fly in front of me and grab hold of Angron in all of its great many thin arms even as Angron screamed in agony, and began breaking its many arms to free himself.

I only needed a couple of seconds. And as Ghazghkull flew down and began bombarding Angron and my construct thinking I was still wrapped up in its arms to be protected. I made my move.

I held up two fingers as I channeled my spiritual energy and the construct violently detonated like a massive bomb that blinded even me after I ran away from the fight, but the explosion of my Guanyin Bodhisattva was just the start of my plan. Many of my techniques and higher-level abilities were barred from me due to the exaggerated amount of refined spiritual energy it would take to use them. But all the while, the Guanyin Bodhisattva was fighting I was channeling the technique I was funneling and acting as a filter to fill it with power.

With all that power concentrated and exploding with such force, the next segment of my plan could take place as I began making more hand signs to activate the dozens of runes and seals I placed around the hive tower where the fight took place. As a massive Yin-Yang symbol formed in the air above our hive tower, I burst into elated laughter as all went silent.

The lives of countless millions filled the surroundings with so much power, so much spiritual energy I was able to use a greater seal. Like many a great evil demon in the cultivation world that couldn't be killed, you just sealed it away in a pocket of nothingness and let them die of starvation and old age within that pocket realm.

And that's what I did, I created a tiny pocket within the local space outside of the Warp's preview and sent that whole damned hive city tower along with everyone and everything inside of it, into that pocket realm to be sealed away under two strict rules.

1 'No outside strength could be called upon while within.' 2 'The seal can only be opened up by someone with no knowledge of who is within.'

So in essence, not even I could actually open it up and the seal would be strengthened by these two rules as they formed the core of the seal.

But as I sagged in relief at not feeling the seal breaking through space and time to return to real space I shivered and felt sweat sliding down my neck. As a terrible weight seemed to cover the very world, and I realized what was looking upon the world as the skies became red with the very dust-filled clouds turning into storm clouds that began pissing a deluge of crimson red blood rain.

Khorne was here... And he was not fucking happy.



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