A Light Within Darkness.

Chapter XXXVI

Transcribing martial arts and even lesser body cultivation arts with the way all their knowledge and abilities had been fully ingrained into my very soul, made the endeavor merely a chore rather than a work of a lifetime to create a Steele that would be able to convey the techniques to peoples very souls.

Because in reality only a cultivator who has had an epiphany and took the technique to it's true Dao form, its complete essence to the point where the technique gained a bit of sentience once used would qualify to even be able to be inlaid into a cultivation Steele. But due to me having the complete techniques in my mind down to its very core ideology, I was able to skip those whole years of training and meditation with said technique.

Which is why even with me having so little cultivation experience I was able to use the vaunted sword intent even with having given myself an Open Sword Heart Orifice, I still shouldn't have been able to cut tanks in half with the sword intent having only been playing with said sword for a couple hours.

But once the martial arts and other necessary parts of having a reason to build a Sect were finally completed and put into the library pagoda, I realized it was finally time for the inquisitive humans that were walking around the Sect's barrier to be allowed in.

"Alright Elesmere, lower the gates so that we can try to turn these people into something worthwhile," I said, my eyes flashing with powerful heavy Qi that had grown from the Khorne demons I had previously devoured.

"Very well... It seems the little beacon hasn't attracted my people yet, unfortunately." Elesmere muttered as she held the weird disco ball-looking Eldar pysker tool that would supposedly bounce psychic signals into the surroundings.

She assured that me with how close this planet was to the maiden worlds of old where Eldar regularly goes mining for soul stones, they would definitely pick up her signal and would come to investigate the signal that she was putting out.

Finally with a loud rumbling of the mountain our Sect was built upon, the slightly translucent like a soap bubble barrier around the Sect, began to evaporate into the purple skies above.

"I will give them their mandate in order to ascend into the sect," I said as I stood up, and then as Elesmere waved me off, I quickly dashed off onto the stairway I had enchanted to act as a trial with gravity increasing runes until finally after twenty minutes of running and half flying down the massive mountain, I crashed down in front of the large imposing Sect Gate at the foot of the stairway.

"Humans of this corrupted world I bring news!" I said bringing power to my voice to make it weigh upon the mortals in front of me. "I am a great partitioner of magical arts and I along with my wife have come to this world to recruit and teach our arts," I explained to the literally unwashed masses in front of me.

I realized that it was for the best that I made the Steele for the people to learn from as with the way they were dressed and wielding rather raw iron tools as self-defense weapons it was likely they didn't even know how to read.

"Great lord that eradicated that which haunts our shadows and dreams, what do you wish of us humble mortals that seek shelter with you." A voice cut through and through the crowd of stereotypical peasants dressed up in patched-up clothes came a middle-aged man with a missing arm pushed through the crowd.

"You wish to know what my protection and mercy will cost you?" I asked and the man solemnly nodded with the crowd behind the shifting and as I took them in, I saw that it was literally an entire village of various people of all ages.

"As I said I and my wife came here to teach our ways so the people worthy of our lessons will become our apprentices and disciples. But for people who don't qualify, they will be servants or must leave the Sect as I have no interest in keeping a bunch of lay a bout's." I said thinking about the massive library and other sect buildings that in my haste to put up I didn't bother to make the anti-dust and other quality-of-life arrays.

But giving these people something to do also works.

"Will you desire to use us in some... experiment or likewise sacrifice us to some evil shadow monster?" The man finally questioned after digesting my words and I couldn't help deadpanning to the man.

"You got a lot of questions for someone who wants to all but squat in my territory till you can get set up and be productive... But no, I have no nefarious plans to eat or use your people in some evil scheme, You people are literally worthless for such things with how weak you are anyway." I said carelessly.

And at that, the people actually brightened up as someone saying a mouse was annoying and needed to be killed was one thing all could agree with, but a small squad of ants could easily not even be noticed which is what I was calling them. Which they most certainly were.

"This staircase is the first step to becoming disciples in my Sect. All who wish to become actual disciples must finish the climb to the summit and reach the Sect grounds via the stairs, should you fail and be ejected, you may still climb to the top of the summit on the side stairs, but you will be ineligible to become a disciple for one year while you work for the Sect and temper yourself." I explained and then from the crowd, a trio of mothers holding infants and toddlers looked to me fearfully.

"What about the children that cannot see the weight of the opportunity before them, great lord?!" The woman asked desperately, and I hummed in thought before I sighed as that little aspect escaped my mind.

"Pregnant women and mothers with children under the age of seven years of age are exempt from the test and walking up the mountain. I will take you up to the top and for pregnant women they will have light duties while the mothers with children can take turns making their way up the mountain." I said with the people nodding with relief.

There were not any truly sick or infirm people that I saw going up the mountain as obviously in this heavily chaos-touched world such weak people must have already fallen prey to the world's complete lack of mercy.

So thankfully only the truly small children and the pregnant women were the only liabilities in the group as only that one man with one hand seemed to be the only 'elderly' person in general.

"Come with me," I said stomping my feet on the ground and calling upon my Shadow Domain to bring out horse-sized massive goats that some of my demons for whatever the hell reason decided to mutate into. for the task of ferrying up the pregnant women and children below the age of seven years old.

"Ladies carry the children in front and behind you on the mounts. Don't allow them to fall off and do not worry for the mounts will not deliberately throw you off." I warned as the clearly terrified women got atop the massive goats that kneeled under the weight of my orders as the equivalent of a chaos god to them that could unmake them with merely a thought.

The thing was daemons from the warp, even my converted shadows demons were beings of intent and immaterial energy. They only took forms that would suit their current purpose and to accomplish said need in the most efficient manner.

So going up a mountain in form of carrying fragile pregnant women in the form of a massive mountain goat, was in their minds, the best way to accomplish the task I gave them.

"Go to the mountain peak and then once you gently let the women off, you may hunt the other warp-touched beings along the mountain for a couple hours," I said to my demons, and their cruel eyes lit up as although serving me would allow them to come to the material world and gain strength as all demons do, but my demons, were monsters of another kind that would feed upon other warp entities that came here to the material world and their goals were to eat the other warp entities from the warp, preventing them from fully reforming back in the warp.

"Now let's see who has the strongest will." I pondered as I began following the crowd of men and women of all ages that were staggering their way up the staircase.



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