Addict’s Recovery Journal

Chapter 98

98 Coins. leading (2)


The war of the ‘Le Daeyeon’ worldview is different from that of real history.

It’s because of the presence of high-level warriors and wizards with superhuman abilities.

I don’t know if I’ve ever been trained to use firearms or used as a sacrifice for a large ritual spell, but it’s hard to use proper power as a meat shield, other than a simple low-level misnomer.

The line of cuts in troops that can function naturally with power is also very high, and there are very few recruits in combat between countries.

This is why large numbers of tens of millions of people are fighting directly against each other.

The ‘Knight’s War’, which representatives of each party face to face, was born in that context.

The Church encouraged it because it also had the advantage of reducing human casualties extremely.

Of course, now it is a simple ritual because there have been numerous instances of a total power struggle without succumbing to the outcome.

But tradition rots.

Winning here is critical to fraud and preemption.

“They say the war is three days from now. ”

“Karakol was trying to push the schedule as far as he could, so he’s keeping an eye out for reinforcements from the Stroke Authority. ”

“It’s not hard to think about it because my grandfather, who is the nucleus of the Republic, joined the war. ”

“How many weeks have you decided to go to the Knights’ War? ”

“Six people · that is, six to six. ”

“Predictable. ”

There are 2 to 30 regular clan members in the 16 clans who have worked with us, or 5 to 60 regular clans.

All united, the numbers were roughly 500, but more than 30 levels were small enough to count. That’s the level of a knight or palace wizard in a small country, if that’s what you mean.

The Karakol side, apart from Citrio, has over 30 levels.

Jun-shik, who is over 40 of them, is a total of four.

There’s too much power coming our way.

But we also have a contingency plan.

“Excuse me, young master. 20 frontrunners from the Southern Quentil Clan have arrived! The commander is a right-wing warrior named Lavalvea Trilk! ”

I listened to Linea and went out to greet her reinforcements.

Bang, bang!

The loud footsteps sound like the ground is ringing. Soon the Minotaur warrior, 2.5 metres tall, approached us.

Rather, it was Lavalvea, a friend of Kuby’s, who was rescued from under the lake.

[Level: 46/46]

[Health: 13] [Strength: 19] [Agility: 14]

[Magic Power: 15] [Mind: 06] [Sense: 09]

[Holy: 05]

[Characteristics: Recruitment (S +), Business (A) and 3 others]

[Technology: Trick Deficiency Wreck · Ultimate (S), Quentil Bottle Technology · Ultimate (A), Quentil Modification Technique · Ultimate (B +), Taramu Blood Flow Control Technique (B) and 5 others]

44 years old, right-wing. Submasters of the Quentil Demihuman Mercenary Clan. Continental Shipping is a close friend of Cuba and is best known as a warrior in the southern part of the continent.]

The level that used to be [44/46] has been filled up to 46. In that short period of time, skills may not have improved significantly, and it is presumed that rehabilitation has restored their original level.

Suddenly, a fluent human language flowed from the bull’s head of a vicious impression.

“Kubri told me. I heard you rescued me from the Black Wizard. ”

“I just put a spoon on it. All that matters is that Master Rollango did it all. ”

“You say the same thing about Kuby. He also postponed the ball to you, Aiden. ”

I shrugged my shoulders and shook his hand.

“I’m here to help you, as promised. In addition, a week or so later, there will be up to 100 deployments arriving. I dragged most of the elites here. ”


After Quentil’s reinforcements joined, the meeting set up a line for the duel.

Iden stroke [42/64]

Lavalvea Trilk [46/46]

Arent Lindal [43/44]

Antimos Wii Lucos [34/37]

Dylan Pozo [32/34]

Finally · · · Epio [29/81]

Five or less.

Lycos Above Antimos is a werewolf Demibeast warrior, the warrior of the Aecas Clan, whom I first brought into the Association of Appeals.

And Dylan Pozo was a master of the Pug Clan and an outstanding war mage.

Arent frowns and asks me.

“No matter how talented Epio is, he’s still a child. Are you sure it’s okay to send him out before the article? Personally, I think Miss Chesha would be better. · · ”

“It will be helpful enough. ”

Chesha’s ‘Boyd’ is a means to send even the strongest in the upper ranks to goal.

However, she is not yet a good candidate for self-strengthening magic or self-defense.

“Let’s make a preliminary arrangement for two days’ notice. ”


The day of the knights’ war.

“I wanted to fight with Epio. ”

“You’ve barely learned to attack magic, so what are you saying? If he gets hurt in a fight and comes back, treat him properly. ”

I grumbled at Clara’s silver-haired mouth with complaints.

“Ah, Aiden! What the hell are you doing? This is the hair I worked so hard on an hour ago! ”

“· · · What are you doing grooming your hair in a relaxed way? ”

“Hmph! In any situation, it’s a woman’s basic skill to look good. ”

“Then relax and do your hair again. We’ll win the duel before it’s over. ”

As I said, I’ll be back before it gets cold. In this world, I remembered a story that no one else would know, and smiled and joined the other five.

“You take the lead on our behalf. ”

One of the members of the Knights’ War, Arent, reached out to me with a flag.

“Hmmm · · Wouldn’t it be appropriate for Arent, the master of Blissful Spiel, to lead the charge? ”

“The heart of this alliance is that you and Lord Ewell already know this place, and the enemy knows it. There’s no point in blindfolding. ”

Soon, Arent smiles.

“As you may know, all I’ve ever been was a Clan Master of Blissful. It means it’s not a vessel to lead anyone. I can’t believe I let someone else fight me and focus on fighting like I used to. What could be happier than this? ”

“ · · · · · · · · ·. ”

Clearly, it’s annoying to talk more about this matter. I have handed over the Union’s symbol without a word.

“Let’s go.”

Five responded to me.

As the two factions move into the midst of the confrontation, priests from the Holy See and residents from Karakol are already waiting for us.

According to the sheet, the levels of the six opponents were 45, 42, 39, 38, 38, and 37 in high order. The upper hand is stronger, but the average level is quite pushed. Unlike us, you belong to a clan like the rest of us, so your breath will be just right.

“It’s been a long time, Aiden Stroke. I can’t believe you came out here yourself. What a surprise.”

Someone stared at me and died.

It looks familiar to me.

It was Lexar, Karakol’s executive who came back with Cloeria to threaten the Blissful Clan.

“I thought you were hiding behind Abel Stroke’s back the whole time, but you didn’t waste your life, did you? ”

“ · · · · · · · · ·. ”

It’s not worth answering.

I ignored him and said, looking at the priests from the Public Church and the Struggle Church.

“The ritual is short notice. Let’s start the duel. I don’t want to talk about it in a hearty manner with my enemies who need to fight in a bloodshed soon. ”

The priest nods.

“In accordance with the long-standing traditions established under the authority of the Struggle Church and the Public Church, we will now begin the Knights’ War between the Blissful and the Karakol Clans. So justly, 3, 2, 1 · · ·. ”


Immediately thereafter, the warriors on both sides quickly became combat ready. The only two wizards quickly retreat to the rear and prepare a high order.

“Strangely, the role groups are exactly alike. Odd coincidence. Epio, you protect Mr. Dylan. ”

“Okay, Aiden. ”

“Let’s take care of the other four one-on-one. ”

“Haha! That’s good to know! ”

Lavalvea laughs. It resounded around an open area that was large enough to stand out everywhere.

“Then the Wizard and the Warrior Fair will have to deal with Epio and Dylan. Are you sure you want to do this?” ”

A colorful arent worrying about nail episodes.

He takes a step back, his staring steady.


Arent’s shield suddenly bounces back and forth. The rainfall thrown by the other assassin.

Domingo Galan

[Level: 38/39]

[Description: 41 years old, human. He is from the elite of the famous Dark Ages Guild in the Wiblet Empire and is currently an executive of the Karakol Clan. Very good at stealth and projection.]

This is his doing.

“If Epio is so unreliable, let’s quickly defeat the opponent and go for backup, Master Lindal. ”


An arent with a tongue rushes forward.

The two of them, apart from him, had already engaged intensely.

“Kuoooo!! ”

Bang, bang!

Lavalvea wields her axe with a shout. The opposing Pokémon are overwhelmed by their own super-strength and are completely overwhelmed.

On the other hand, Antimos, a wolf hunter, is overwhelmed and in a hurry to endure. If we don’t support them, they’ll collapse immediately.

After looking into the situation, I turned my gaze to Lexar in front of me.

“You’re my opponent. ”

“Yes. I will take this opportunity to repay you for your humiliation. ”

That’s what this side does.

It’s completely different from the last time I hit you once. I was the one who talked to Cesha, and now I’m the one who’s going to be completely torn apart.

I grabbed Burn Sword and Thunder with both hands.

and start breathing in harmony.

The ‘turbulent’, ‘calm’, and contradictory energies were spinning at terrifying speeds, riding the sinew of the body.


Grab it, grab it!

Rapid, resourceful shooting.

The last time I saw him, Lexar desperately received an attack from a boy that was clear that he had not even reached his toe.



The first feast of resonance disruption, the ‘Vailshaker’, he feels a vibrating sensation of the pulse in his body.

Epio watches from afar the winner, Aiden.

“· · · You’ve become so strong that you don’t even know it. ”

“You got room for one more, kid? ”


A red specimen from Flalezyam bounces off a heavy projectile. The rainbow of the enemy was blown. In front of Epio is Domingo the assassin and a wizard who chants.

Dylan, the quarterback, said:

“Epio, hold on for 30 seconds! We’ll put up a defensive spell and buy you some time before someone else does! ”

Dylan demands a delay. Underneath that is the calculation that Epio cannot beat the opponent one-on-one.

Epio, the craftsman, knew it too.

He was less thoughtful, but his brain rotation in combat was faster than anyone else.

But it’s a tough goal.

More challenging.

“The other Wizard is chanting. It means that if you defeat the Dagger Thrower first, it will be much easier. ”

Yo, Epio? You’re not thinking useless right now, are you?

“Let’s go, Fleet! ”


Epio’s new breeding ground, which operated the ‘raging season,’ rushed forward in an instant.

The Assassins are as stubborn as Mudskippers, but not as durable.

[Health] Contrary to this high episode.

That is, the closer the better · · ·!


Domingo, however, did not escape as expected. Rather stick to Epio with Zozo.

In an unexpected situation, Epio did not hesitate to perform a stranglehold sword. Domingo pulls a thin, limp path out of his arms and confronts him.

Boom! Boom!

Domingo is much more agile than Epio. Soon, as I proved this, Epio’s body was filled with countless liveliness.

However, minor wounds heal with regeneration.

Ignore the opponent’s attack and get close enough to hit Silas Yupa’s vision of “Boom Strike” · ·!

At that moment.

Epio’s body stopped.

“Ugh · · ·?! ”

Domingo wields a dagger filled with paralyzing poison that can hold an elephant down. It takes a lot of time to recover as long as it has regenerative abilities.

“That gap is fatal. ”


Domingo’s dagger pierces Epio’s heart.

Although any serious injury is a natural healing characteristic of Infinite Regeneration (S), it was useless when stabbed in the heart or head.

“You’re next, Wizard. ”

“Ew, epio! Shit!”

Dylan bites his lip in disgust.

I resent the submaster of Blissful Spiel for sending a boy like that out to die.

But it was all within the imagination of Aiden.

Incarnation (S)

A trait that Epio himself did not know until now, and that only the reader, Aiden, was aware of. The power to clearly show off all of the S class skills and characteristics of ‘Legeonyeon’ in one hand.

It finally showed its value.


The body moves gradually, apparently becoming a corpse.


Epio’s eyes were once again filled with the light of life.

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