Aegis Online

Chapter 84

While Ulged prepares each leather vane, I check in on Trinity and Gimmel. The Dwarf and the catperson are tinkering with the device Trinity’d been working on before lunch. Stroking his beard with fingers that look like hairy sausages, Gimmel muses, “But, if you overclock it like that, it’ll shorten the lifespan of the internals. HOWEVER, if we switch the materials from these to THIS, it would more than quadruple the duration this gizmo would function, with no loss of performance! And, if she takes care of it, wear-and-tear will be well within acceptable margins!”

I blink. I understood about a third of that, at most. But, it seems like the two of them are on the same wavelength, so I’ll put my trust in them. Moving on, I check on Dr Frank. He’s sitting in a chair, his back against the wall as he smiles. I pull a second stool up beside him and park myself with a soft clank.

“How’re you feeling, Dr.? Has your condition worsened much?” I ask quietly, not wanting the rest to overhear. He smiles wearily.

“A little, but I’m ‘appy to announce all my affairs are in order. My daughter and ‘er ‘usband will be taken care of, and the rest of my life’s work is all accounted for. Now, ze school you gave me is doing well! We ‘ave taken in several classes of students, most of whom are NPCs! I cannot begin to tell you ‘ow proud I am of all my students. It feels like ze old days, when I taught pre-med in ‘ospitals.”

I smile. “I’m glad to hear that. I wish I could properly repay you for what you’ve done for me.”

The aged doctor coughs, shaking his head. “I am in need of no repayment, but your kindness is noted, mademoiselle Kettrin!”

I smile as Dana chases Morrigan into the workshop, clucking at the young girl to dry her hair. Morrigan’s grubby clothes have been replaced by a set of leaf-green leggings, new boots, and a dark blue tunic. Finally cornered, Mor begrudgingly deigns to let my girlfriend put a towel to work fluffing and drying the wingless Skyborne’s dark hair.

I start as an alarm goes off in my ear. My pod’s menu pops up, and I realise it’s dinner time in the real world, as well as DnD night. Bidding farewell to Dr Frank, I approach Dana and remind her of our obligations. She gasps, her eyes lighting up.

“Ooh, excited! We’re still hunting the red dragon, after all! I can’t wait to find out what your dad’s been cooking up, and what he’s got in that box he ordered!”

I smile. “I know, I have no idea and he’s been making all kinds of devious expressions whenever he looks at it.”

Dana shudders playfully, and I pat her on the shoulder. “I have to go and eat, but you can spend more time here if you want. Just make sure you’re in time for the session. Love you!”

I kiss her on the cheek and make my way to my cabin. I conceal my wings, lay down, and close my eyes as I thumb the log-out button.



True to her word, Dana makes it in time for our game, with Jeffrey, Houseworth, mum and I arrayed about the table, with dad in his wizard get-up on the business side of the DM screen.


“So, in our last session, you all managed to drive off a red dragon, and YOU-” Dad points at Jeffrey. “-threw a dart straight up its ass! And, with no casualties, thanks to your stellar defence of Fisher’s Ford. As such, you all got a level-up to seven! Now, after a long rest, you’ve reconvened at the inn for breakfast and to plan your next move. What do?”


Dana suggests, “I think we should move. The dragon has retreated, but it may come back. If we go after it now, it won’t have the opportunity to come back. Plus, away from town, we can go all out without risk of property damage.”

I nod. “You’ll find no arguments here!”

Mum, Jeffrey and Houseworth all nod in agreement.  Dad rubs his hands together.

“Okay! So, following the tracks that Faeln scouted out last time, you carefully make your way to the dragon’s lair! Everyone, make stealth checks!”

I wince. “That’s disadvantage for me.

“Me too.” Houseworth adds.

I roll a 5, and Helm a 4.

“4 over here.” Mum groans. Dad looks at Dana and Jeffrey. “Come on, you two! Let’s see if you can salvage this situation!”

Dana grins. “I didn’t put me armour on today! So I don’t have disadvantage! Gimme something goooood… with modifiers, 23!”

Dad’s eyebrows shoot up. “Well, THAT’s an improvement! And the monk?”


Dad nods. “Well, despite half the party attempting to sound like wind-chimes, you manage to get close enough to see the mouth of the cave. What’s your next move?”

Dana grins. “Everyone, stay close to me. This is gonna cost me, but I think, considering you three, it’s worth it. I cast Pass Without Trace!”

Dad makes a note of that. “Okay, all of you have +10 to all stealth checks for the next hour, as long as you stay within 30 feet of Faeln!”

I smile at my girlfriend. “Perfect idea, babe!”

The next few stealth rolls are barely passable, and, to urging from the rest of us, Faeln goes ahead, solo, to find the dragon’s resting place. With her stealth rolls of a 38 and a 34, she not only locates the dragon and makes it back safe, she gets a third roll to lead us to the nest of our quarry. With a 27, she gets us there safe.  I grin. “I’m going to cast a spell, if that’s okay?”

Dad tilts his head. “What are you thinking of?”

I tap my character sheet. “I cast Detect Magic on myself and sneak over to get within 30ft of the dragon!”

Dad purses his lips. “Stealth roll, please, Naa’ril!”

I roll twice, take the lowest, and add 10 thanks to Pass Without Trace. “…18?”

Dad rolls. “I’m going to roll this with disadvantage since it’s asleep.”

He rolls twice, checking the Monster Manual.

“So, even with disadvantage, it’s a 25. However, as the dragon stirs, you can indeed sense a magical energy emanating from beneath the crimson titan! Now, everyone. You have one action before I’m going to ask for initiative rolls!”

Mum grins. “I cast Raulothim’s Psychic Lance! Please make an Intelligence save!”



Dad blinks, then grabs a dice, rolling. “That’s an 11…?”

Mum grins. “Fail! The dragon is incapacitated until my next turn’s start, and takes the full damage from what I roll!” she grabs a handful of dice and rolls them, counting up.

“23 psychic damage!”

Dad tallies it up. Faeln casts Rope Trick, allowing us to climb up and hide in a pocket dimension, leaving the dragon completely lost as to where we’ve gone. It prowls out of the cave. It’s still stomping around, and Faeln lowers the rope, allowing me to slip out and poke around where the dragon had been resting.

“I’d like to investigate the area it was resting, please? You said that was where the magic I detected was centred, yeah?”

“That’s right, Ky. Now, roll an Investigation check, if you would?”

“….dirty 20!”

Dad claps his hands. “It’s faint, but the lingering sense of magical energy guides your understanding of the arcane. Buried beneath the loose rocks and detritus, you can find… the edge of a huge magic circle. It’s clearly been here for some time, and looks vaguely familiar… make an Arcana check?”

I roll…

“NAT 20! Total of 24!”

A cheer goes up from my fellow party members, and dad grins wolfishly.

“This… is a magic circle designed to control, or direct, an entity of great power. It seems to have been inscribed by the cult, and, from the markings, you can tell it’s the same cult operating under Glenhollow!”

I make  a few notes, before looking at dad. “…can I still hear the dragon stomping around?”

“Make a perception check.”


“You can still hear the dragon, but it appears to be coming back. You have only a few moments to act. What do, Naa’ril?”

I swallow, then ask, “Would this magic be considered a curse?”

Dad pauses  for a few moments, flipping through his notes, before nodding.

“Yes, actually. Quite a powerful one, too. Why?”

I tap my sheet again. “I have one 4th-level spell slot, and the 3rd-level Abjuration spell, Remove Curse. Can I upcast it to try and break the spell on the dragon?”

Dad chews his lower lip for a second or two.

“Normally, no, but I’ll allow it this ONCE. As such, it’ll drop the DC by 5. Roll a D20 and add your WIS modifier, and beat… let’s say a 15.”


Reaching out, I scoop up a D20 and shake it, holding my breath as I let the little metal dodecahedron fly. It spins and tumbles, and everyone stares….


With my Wisdom modifier of 3…

“I did it! 16 in total!”


Dad throws up his hands.

“As the dragon’s bulk begins looming in the entrance to its lair, Naa’ril, with holy energy pouring from her fingers, slams a palm flat on the magic circle, the sigils blazing to life with dark light, which struggles to defy the will of the gods’ chosen disciple. The dragon reels as the divine magic wars with the corrupting influence rooted in its mind, as the magic circle bursts into flames and erases itself, leaving behind the stink of foul, necromantic energy. The dragon reels, its wings and tail brushing the walls of the tunnel, before it recovers, focussing on you, Naa’ril!”

I gulp. “Um… well…  hello?”

Dad smirks as Dana bites her lip. She’s got her hands full keeping the rest of the party safe, or she’d probably do something stupidly heroic.

Dad continues, “As the silence stretches out, you hear a deep, booming chuckle. The dragon… is laughing. Once its amusement seems to have abated, it lowers its head and looks squarely at you with one huge, orange eye. “Hello, little half-demon. And I take it you are the one who freed my mind from that wretched little curse?” the look on its face is one of shrewd judgement! What do, Ky?”

I blink as Dana, Jeffrey, and Houseworth start quietly muttering amongst themselves. “Uh, yes? I guess I did! I hope you’re not too mad about the fight earlier? We weren’t trying to kill you, we just wanted to stop you from destroying the town!”

“The dragon‘s eye narrows. “Ah, you’re adventurers, aren’t you? Hired by those from the town? I see. And what did their request entail?”  It’s giving you a curious look.”

I answer, “The mayor asked us to find out what was causing you to rampage. He said that you’d never been a problem before and that it was unlikely you just decided to go feral and start killing for the sake of it. He wanted us to try and resolve this with as little bloodshed as possible.”


Dad smiles. “The dragon leans in and sniffs at you, heated air washing over you as it gauges the truth of your words. “Hmmm… I believe you, half-demon. You did break the curse, and restore my mind and body. As such… I will reward your little group as you deserve!” it raises a claw, and brings it down!”

I yelp, and mom gives her husband a stern look. “Thomas…?”

Dad beams. “As the claws scythe down, they miss entirely, as the dragon digs them into the rock, and, with a single heave, it pries up a large, flat stone. Underneath, gold, jewels, and various trinkets glitter and sparkle, as the dragon’s hoard is revealed!” the dragon speaks again. “Each of you may take ONE magic item, or three gems apiece, from my vault. Consider it a token of my gratitude. And you may assure your towns’ mayor that I will cause no further violence. I wish not to be disturbed, that is all. Now, claim your prizes and go!”


As Dad claps his hands, I share excited looks with the rest of my group. “Magic items! How do we choose?”

Dad grins. “For your reward, I will let one of you roll a dice. Depending on the number, that determines the grade of item you each get! 1 is common, 2 is uncommon, 3 is rare, 4 is very rare, and 5… is legendary!”            

We all go quiet. The chance of getting something totally OP is dangling right in front of us. Dana grins. “Why don’t we let Kylie roll? She put in the most work, right?”

Jeffrey nods. “Sounds good to me!”

Houseworth gives us a thumbs-up. “I’m cool with that.”

“I agree as well!” my mom smiles at me, and I bite my lip as dad hands over a dice, and start shaking it. “Okay, and my darling daughter gets… a 3! You can each have a RARE magic item! Have a look and see what strikes your fancy!” he pats a couple of books, passing them to me as he scoops up his dice.


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