Age of Empires From Scratch

Chapter 141 Holy Light Domain

David, who released the field of holy light that sealed off the entire battlefield, felt that his body was undergoing a miraculous change under the washing of the huge holy light.

His body has become more balanced. The rewards he received from Squirtle and Leon originally made his head and back stronger and tougher than other parts. With the washing of the holy light, his body slowly spread to the whole body, and the two The enhancements from different parts and different sources have also produced superposition, producing an effect where one plus one is greater than two.

Not only that, David also received an improvement in his physical fitness potential from Fording before, and now they are all activated under the washing of the holy light.

The most unexpected thing for David was that he also received physical enhancement from the ambulance. After obtaining enough energy, this special state was also activated.

With just the slightest movement of David's mind, his body would transform into the body of Cybertron, the silicon-based life form of the Transformers, and the holy light within him would condense into a fire-like core.

In the form of Cybertron, David's physical strength will be greatly improved, especially the ability to withstand energy far exceeds the normal state. This is why David can still stand here firmly at this time, and continue to release the power of the Holy Light Domain. The root cause of this super big move.

In addition, he felt that his thinking ability had also undergone a slight change. His brain's thinking speed became faster and he could process multiple pieces of information at the same time.

Originally, when he sensed all corners of the entire area through the holy light, there was no way to process so much information at the same time, so he could only focus on a certain area.

But in Cybertronian form, he can easily control all events in all areas without confusion.

Just like at this time, he could clearly 'see' that the Knights of the Silver Hand on the battlefield, when they found themselves bathed in endless holy light, and the holy light in their bodies seemed to be unconsumed, almost all of the holy light The knights all used the Holy Shield technique at the same time, screaming and rushing into the pile of undead, frantically waving their weapons.

The priests who were originally in charge of healing with the team, saw that the comrades around did not need to heal themselves at all, and all human and dwarf soldiers were healed by the ubiquitous holy light when they were hurt, so they gave up on themselves His job, like those paladins, rushed into the pile of monsters with his shield on, uninterruptedly releasing holy novas.

The dwarf musketeers no longer gathered in a formation to shoot, but rushed forward with Garland screaming, and occasionally shot out the bullets and were approached by the undead, so they took out the hand ax and the one-handed hammer Wait for the weapon to kill the undead, then quickly complete the work of changing the bomb, and repeat the previous operation.

David noticed that although the Garand rifles made by these dwarves had made some improvements, they had not adjusted and perfected the original shortcomings of the Garand rifles.

The problem of biting fingers still exists, and David has 'seen' how many dwarf gunners had their fingers bitten by Garland.

Of course, unlike the fragile humans on Earth, these dwarves may not think that this is a fatal problem at all, isn't it just being 'bitten' by a rifle? Is this a big deal?

With the strong physique of the dwarves, these Garlands couldn't bite them at all. Compared with the situation where the earth soldiers broke their fingers at every turn, it was completely different.

For this situation, David found it very interesting, and then continued to appreciate the interesting things that happened on the battlefield, and by the way, relying on the special state of Cybertron's body, he performed some fine operations.

For example, a holy fire is suddenly released next to a dwarf who is busy reloading bombs, and an undead who wants to sneak attack is cremated on the spot.

For another example, when Cirvanas was fighting Nathanos, he suddenly released a holy fire, severely wounding Nathanos, and Sylvanas took the opportunity to use Arcane Shot to kill him When it was time, another shot of holy fire was added, and the first human ranger in the history of Azeroth was completely relieved.

From now on, the so-called Nathanos-Blightcaller will no longer appear in this world!

After helping Cirvanas complete this matter, David also added a holy light shield to Cirvanas to ensure that she would not be threatened in the chaos.

At the same time, he added a shot of holy fire to Alsace who was caught in the melee, making the situation of Alsace even more critical, and at the same time completely wiped out the ghosts who always followed him...

The priest has so few attack methods...

The main ones are Smite, Holy Fire, and Holy Nova. Among them, Holy Fire and Holy Nova are not learned or even mastered by every priest. That is to say, many low-level priests only have the attack spell of Smite.

No wonder after the first Orc war, Archbishop Alonsus-Fau lamented that priests lacked enough combat power, and then created paladins, a combat profession more suitable for the battlefield.

While feeling emotional in his heart, David continued to pay attention to the battle situation.

Because of the blessing of the holy light field, the alliance army is like a plug-in with unlimited blood and infinite mana, and everyone feels what it means to mow the grass.

In this environment, the Scourge undead were as fragile as ordinary small animals in Azeroth. Even after hitting them, the Autobots stopped their actions and slowly walked back to the ambulance.

The Autobots led by Optimus Prime really dislike the Scourge Legion that kills life at will, and are willing to help the life race on Azeroth deal with these Scourge undead.

But when the overall situation is clearly settled, the Autobots under the leadership of Optimus Prime will not be overly obsessed with 'killing', they know when to stop.

In addition, there is another reason for them to stop.

That is David. The original intention of Optimus Prime to come here is to have a face-to-face conversation with David. Now that the life race of Azeroth is about to get rid of the threat of the undead from natural disasters, Optimus Prime feels that the mission of himself and others is very good. That was done, and then he could take care of his own business.

But when he walked over, he realized that the lord of Cold Winter Town called David was almost integrated with the energy called Holy Light, and the thick beam of light even covered the body of the ambulance.

Even standing next to it, the Autobots couldn't see the appearance of the ambulance clearly. They could only vaguely see the lower end of the thick beam of light. There might be something like a 'pedestal'...

After waiting quietly for a while, Optimus Prime found that more and more people from Azeroth slowly gathered beside him, mainly those Paladins of the Knights of the Silver Hand wearing armor.

After the undead from natural disasters on the battlefield have been cleaned up one after another—no matter who kills the undead from natural disasters, at the same time as the undead are wiped out, the holy fire will descend out of thin air to perfectly dispose of the corpses.

Therefore, the alliance soldiers on the battlefield don't even need to clean the battlefield. After defeating the undead, they will help their companions to clean up the remaining undead. If there are no undead nearby, they will return to the assembly point. Only the dwarf musketeers wandered about looking for discarded clips.

At this meeting point, everyone on the battlefield chose the location of the beam of light in a tacit understanding.

Therefore, more and more people gathered around David, and the paladin even knelt on one knee facing the huge beam of holy light, closed his eyes and bowed his head in prayer.

There are also a small number of priests, kneeling on their knees and clasping their hands together, praying devoutly towards the beam of light released by David.

The Sect of the Holy Light does not engage in personality cults, and it is said that they believe in the Holy Light, rather than a certain philosophy of life.

But in the face of such a shocking user of the Holy Light, these followers of the Holy Light still inevitably equate David with the Holy Light and their own beliefs. In the eyes of these followers of the Holy Light, David Guerra Morgan is the embodiment of the Holy Light, because they feel that it is impossible for human beings to release such a huge amount of Holy Light.

After all, even if they are as strong as Uther and Fording, they can't do what David is doing at this time.

Especially in the battle just now, all the followers of the Holy Light were blessed. They could personally feel the filling of the Holy Light in their bodies, and they could also feel where the Holy Light came from.

There is also the ubiquitous holy fire, like the divine punishment of the holy light on the undead, which should not exist in this world!

After experiencing this, it is impossible for these paladins of the Knights of the Silver Hand and the priests of the Holy Light Sect to regard David as an ordinary follower of the Holy Light.

Even after this battle, David's status in the hearts of Lordaeron's Holy Light believers directly surpassed several first-generation paladins including Fording, surpassed the Holy Light Archbishop Alonsus Faol, surpassed The royal family of Menethil and the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

If David wanted to, he could even raise an army in Azeroth that was more fanatical than the Scarlet Crusade.

Regarding this situation, David just felt dumbfounded. He felt that if this situation continued, he would be placed in a strange position by a group of fanatics.

So after confirming that Alsace is already at the end of his battle, it is impossible to escape. David slowly reduced the output of the holy light, and began to reduce the coverage of the holy light field.

Until the Frostmourne in Alsace's hand was shattered by the Ashbringer, and he himself fell under the hammer of Tirion Fordring, and there were no Scourge undead around who could help him restore his strength, David put away Holy Light Domain.

And before the beam of light dissipated, it transformed its own form back to its normal appearance.

But looking at the believers of the Holy Light kneeling on the ground around the ambulance, I felt a headache when I felt secretly refreshed.

He hopes that he has countless loyal subordinates, but he doesn't want his group of loyal subordinates to be a group of fanatics. That is not a good thing, and some weird moths may arise.

Just when David was thinking about what to say, the ambulance suddenly said, Go on! Why did you stop?


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