Am I the Player? Surviving in Terraria as the only existence

Chapter 36: Humans vs Goblins (Final)

Chapter 36: Humans vs Goblins (Final)


The goblin commander lunged at me while screaming in a furious manner. The crazed look in his eyes told me that he had already lost any rationality inside him and consumed by his rage at me.

Although I could have wanted to say that now that he didn't have his sword the fight became a lot easier, In fact, the situation right now was pretty much a lot more dangerous than before...

The immunity to pain, and the complete disregard for the safety of his own body the Semi-berserker state granted him allowed him to run even faster and a lot stronger than before. Making most of my attacks useless.


"UUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" One of my Tree-drills was smashed away just by the sheer force of the punch of the goblin commander held. All this while letting out many battle shouts that somehow made me shiver everytime I heard them.





Most of my Tree-attacks were destroyed instantly when they came in contact with the heavy punches and grips of the body of the goblin commander. Turning them into nothing more than just mere scraps of wood at the impact.

Even the ones that managed to damage him successfully, did not even make him flinch in the slightest at the pain of having his body cut or pierced.

Basically, right now he seemed to be an unstoppable beast.

The feelings I had during this combat were the same as fighting a boss in a game for 30 minutes straight and not knowing if it's even damaged by your attacks or if you are even doing what you are supposed to do in order to defeat it.

How long do I have to do this for?

Are my attacks even going to take him down some day?

Everything seemed uncertain...

However, not everything looked grim for me...




Certain sounds were perceived by my enhanced hearing every time the goblin commander realized an attack or forced his body to over extend itself.

The sounds of bones breaking apart.

Something I'm very... very familiar with...

Anyways, the fact that his bones seemed to start breaking every time he overused his body more than what his limit allowed him to, gave me a bit of hope of winning this shitty fight...












The process repeated itself over and over for a few minutes. Me launching Tree-attacks against the goblin commander, him letting out a battle shout, my attack failing, and his bones breaking slightly. dozens of times repeating itself like an endless cycle.

It helped that he was not so conscious anymore, and that he was acting more like a beast and not like a rational being. Otherwise, he could have already noticed the pattern on my attacks and probably ideated a plan to avoid being damaged, unlike what he is doing right now.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGHHHH!!!" The goblin commander smashed away another Tree-chainsaw with his fists while still running towards me in a beastly manner.


The trees around me were already starting to scarce. It seemed that I overused my Tree-attacks to much and destroyed to many trees on my surroundings...

At most, I have a few more attacks available before I become completely unable to damage him anymore.

Though It was kinda hard to think of a way to change my current situation with the limited amount of attacks I had left...



The sound of meat being pierced reached my ears as a sharp pain suddenly attacked my back.

You have received 64 damage

I turned my head briefly to look at what had attacked me so suddenly, and saw a goblin archer smiling from ear to ear at my expression of pain.

Fortunately, he was not able to smile anymore because he was soon pierced by many arrows from the soldiers of our side.

I turned back again towards the goblin commander, and I must say, what a shitty luck...

The impact of the arrow has delayed me for a moment, giving him the opportunity to finally close our distance.

"HUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNN!!!!" The goblin commander raised his fist, ready to stomp me into nothing more but meat paste.

I started placing many stone blocks on his way to slow him down a bit. However, he just kicked them using his leg, destroying the blocks instantly.


I then used several trees on my surroundings to try and tie him up. However, as expected, he did not even care about them and just destroyed them with sheer force.

I'm pretty much fucked...

Just as his fist was starting to fall upon me, a giant rock appeared from the side of the goblin commander, and smashed him away.

"What...?" I turned my head to look in the direction the rock came from.

When I looked back I saw a few soldiers operating a catapult and giving me thumps up.

Hahaha... these guys....

Seems like I'm not that alone huh?


I let out an enormous sigh to let out some stress this situation had provoked on my body.

Although I tend to be in constant danger, this time was a bit to much even for my body to handle...

I could really have liked to lay down for a bit and rest. However, I had to take care of a certain green giant.

I gave the soldiers thumps up in return before leaving the place while looking where did the rock sent the goblin commander after such impact...

There was no way he could be dead after just being smashed away by a giant rock that probably weighed a few tons twice in a day... Gosh listen to me, this is ridiculous, how the hell did he even survive the first one? This world and its inhabitants don't make any sense.


I continued walking for a minute approximately before I found his body laying on the ground a few meters away from the rock.

I approached stealthily the destroyed area to avoid being spotted if the goblin commander ever woke up.

"Is he unconscious...?" I murmured silently when I saw his injured body not moving.


Maybe he crashed against a sharp tree that stabbed his heart while he was still flying...


Nah... probably not.



I stopped approaching as a branch beneath my feet broke in half after stepping on it accidentally.

Why does this always happen in the worst moments?!


Hmm?! I turned back to look at the goblin commander before noticing his wide open eyes.

Yeah, I'm fucked...

"You filthy little shit... I'm gonna rip you to pieces...!"

I immediately prepared my self to run for my life once again, but the goblin commander did not move.


Me, what?

"What did you do to my body?!"

What did I do?

I looked at the status window of the goblin commander.

°[Goblin commander: Seuk]°

Title: The Butcherer

[HP: 2873 / 4800]

[Bleeding: Suffers constant damage due to blood loss and will probably die if not treated properly]

[Shattered bones: Unable to move anymore]

[Burned skin: The body is more sensible to Pain]


So I won?

I mean, this guy couldn't move anymore, so... I could now do whatever I wanted to do with him, and he could be completely unable to do anything.



I seated on the ground and took a small rest.

I was really tired from the battle from earlier. And now that it was over, The feeling of tiredness assaulted my body pretty badly.

There was also the fact that an arrow was struck to my back right now, but those are minor details...

"Dammed human, I'll rip you to pieces...!!" The goblin commander mumbled silently while his body twitched from time to time. Probably because he was trying to move, but was unable to do so.

"Shut it..."

I moved my last bit of mana to a nearby tree and started controlling it.


Shall I make him suffer a bit before he dies?

"What are you-?" The goblin commander looked at the now moving tree with suspicion

But before he was even able to finish his sentence, the tree moved directly at the face of the goblin commander and covered it completely in wood. Not leaving any spot without covering.

°[Goblin commander: Seuk]°

Title: The Butcherer

[HP: 2823 / 4800]

[Bleeding: Suffers constant damage due to blood loss and will probably die if not treated properly]

[Shattered bones: Unable to move anymore]

[Burned skin: The body is more sensible to Pain]

[Asphyxia: If the body does not receive any more oxygen, The user will suffer an imminent death] (Time left: 10 Minutes and 27 seconds)

Holy shit...

What kind of lungs does this fucker have?! 10 minutes without breathing?! How is that even possible?!

Like hell I was gonna be able to defeat this guy...

"Such a fucking monster..."

I took out the arrow from my back and then took a seat on a nearby tree.

Even if he was gonna be able to resist 10 minutes, that was it, just ten minutes...

I just need to wait.








Eventually, the suppressed screams from the goblin commander stopped, leaving nothing but a deadly silence on the whole area.

The twitching body of the goblin commander also stopped twitching and soon became completely immobile.

Even thought he still had 2000 HP left, He could not survive as a living being without breathing. Something that I'm very grateful for. As that meaned that although they were OP, they still needed oxygen to live. Like any other living being.



The goblin commander finally died.

And I was finally able to rest...


You have received 32 damage

A sharp pain suddenly struck my left leg.

"Ouch! What now?! another arrow?"

I turned to look at the bastard that was not allowing me to rest, and surprisingly, It was another goblin archer.

Wow... never could have expected it.

"What's wrong human? does it hur-"





He was soon struck by another dozen arrows that came from soldiers of our side, and died pitifully without being able to even finish his mocking sentence.


I looked at the battlefield on the distance, and saw that although we were not losing, we were not wining either. Even thought we had three times their numbers, they were still managing to overpower us with just strength alone.

"I guess I still have more things to do..." I took out the arrow from my leg, and drank another healing potion to cure my injuries.


"Let's go and end this war"


That's all for today.

Took a while but the arc it's finally ending.

Let's hope the story doesn't decline from here on.

Also happy saint valentines day guys.

Now I will go on a date with my five girlfriends that are obviously real. Don't be jealous B)

Bye bye.

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