Ant King In MHA

Chapter 133: Allegiances and Enemies

__________ POV Narration__________

Everyone in that room looked at the video with interest. In it appeared a man, strapped to a chair and looking at the camera with a gloomy gaze.

In the background, a bored voice could be heard. "Subject 01 is going to be receiving the quirk called 'Spring Like Limbs'.~" It prompted many of the people in the room to smile darkly.

"Yori! To think you'd have the gall to show us evidence of you experimenting on humans! Oh boy, I guess you didn't like your freedom that much, huh?" The old scientist that kept complaining was back at riling up the crowd.

Most of them followed in looking at Yori with shocked and judgemental gazes.

In truth, no one present actually gave even an iota of a shit about whatever that person on the screen was going through. But actually putting Yori down was a lot more interesting to them.

"Shut it~!" Beru said while clapping once, to break everyone out of their fake shock.

"I see, so you are Yori's guard dog then? I guess that would make sense. I was a bit curious about why he'd bring you here of all places..." One of the people in the room spoke with spite.

"I'd refrain from using such words if I were you, mister Hirigaia. Beru isn't exactly known for his friendliness... But, to lessen your ignorance a bit, the person you are looking at is a death row inmate." Yori was the one to interject, stopping the politician from speaking more.

Why exactly? Well, he didn't want Beru to kill him and ruin everything. Not that he didn't trust the insectoid to hold back, but he wouldn't have been surprised if Beru proceeded to teleport his head in a toilet bowl... As someone scatted in it...

That would've been a bit much, so Yori obviously had to intervene.

"Him being a death row inmate doesn't make it much better..." The old scientist spoke while looking at the screen once more.

"And he isn't being experimented on, you ape~ This is an execution~ We already know the results of the test~ This was just a demonstration for you idiots~ The guy is quirkless by the way~"

Beru spoke out with a lot more calm than usual. His voice was actually cold as he insulted everyone present in that room without even batting an eyelid.

Then, the video was unpaused. Inside the room of the inmate walked Beru, a regular stroll while looking like he didn't even care about what was happening around him. As if a man wasn't just about to die in agony.

The man seemed to struggle against his bindings, he tried to scream, but his gagged mouth didn't allow for that.

"Don't be a pussy~ This hurts a lot less than lethal injections, I assure you~" Beru's voice was heard clearly. He sounded unlike any executioner would usually. He was simply joking around with the death-row inmate while patting him on the head.

"Proceed with the execution..." The voice on the intercom spoke again, it was clearly a frustrated Yori speaking there.

Beru nodded a few times, then proceeded to place his left hand on the head of the restrained inmate. The man squirmed as pain gripped his body.

Red lightning bolts were all around Berus palm, they seemed to be entering the man's body, after few seconds, Beru took his hand back, then walked off. Out of the room and presumably back to wasting his time elsewhere.

After a sped up few more minutes, the man seemed to regain his consciousness... Only for him to use his quirk by mistake.

The man's screams were muffled as all of his limbs were blown to bits at the same time. The man then died as his head and torso also blew up.

A lot of gasps could be heard from the people in the room, the man's violent death wasn't quite what they were all expecting.

They now had many questions on their minds, few were actually able to tell what Beru did to the man. Well, they all understood the implications, that he gave the man a powerful quirk that his body couldn't take, but they didn't know how he did it.

The older people present did know, of who and what All for One was. Now it was also confirmed, that Beru was the one currently in possession of that quirk.

"Isn't this a bit much? Such brutality is not often displayed so brazenly, mister Goda Yori..." The prime minister was the one to speak up, his voice attracting quite a few gazes.

"He was a man that was going to be killed either way. The process might've looked gruesome, but his death was rather instant. A lot more humane than most methods of execution used today..." Yori said with a smile.

"Still, that doesn't really tell us much, for all we know, your friend could've used one of his many quirks to make that man's limbs explode. This doesn't confirm anything..." The old scientist, Mado, as Yori finally remembered his name, was the one to bring up this fact.

"We were obviously expecting this type of response. That's why we've documented a lot of our results, implanting different quirks into many death row inmates. The results may vary..." Yori pressed his switch once more. This time, the slide was filled with titled photos.

"The first quirk 'Spring Like Limbs' was something that acted throughout the body~It killed the inmate quickly~ But not all quirks are so simple~" Beru said while pointing at the screen, specifically, the first photo.

'Poison Fingernails' was the title of the first photo. It showed to everyone, the rotted and decomposing arms of a still living and crying man.

"Many of the subjects I had to put out of their misery soon after the photos were taken~ They were all on death row, vicious and disgusting criminals~ But we didn't extend their suffering~," Beru said while pointing at more and more photos.

"Quirk factor excess, while not always instantly deadly, will always result in large damage to the user. These are all adults, their threshold is much larger, we haven't and won't test this with children, but most of you can imagine..."  Yori and Beru rolled off of each other with ease.

It looked like it was rehearsed, doing all of that so smoothly, but, for the two of them, the conversation was a lot slower, it gave them a lot of time to think and formulate things properly.

It would've been smart to plan things, but getting Beru to plan on a speech proved to simply be impossible...

"..." Not even Mado, the one that had vehemently opposed their evidence had anything to say at this point.

"... I think you've made your point... You can take these off the screen, for now, Yori." The prime minister spoke with a more serious tone this time. Yori relented and changed the slide once more. To the last page.

It was a message written in bad English. "I hope you liked<3 rea<3ding this essay as much as:) I liked<3 wri:)ting it!" It had hearts and smile faces almost everywhere. Horrendous to look at.

It made Yori rub his forehead and just close the slideshow entirely.

Most of the people in the room barely noticed the written message at the end. All of them were still focusing on the news that they had just received.

"So... If this is truly happening... Then how exactly do we hope to combat this? Stop reproducing?" The prime minister asked while looking at the stage.

"Well, that would be quite hard to accomplish... Population control is something that only communist dictatorships do, and it usually goes badly." Another guest commented while rubbing his chin.

"Indeed~ That would also be impossible to accomplish~ We will likely never actually be able to convince people that Quirks are harmful either~" Beru's words were received by a series of nods, but a few were confused.

"You've convinced all of us here... Couldn't it be possible to do it with everyone else?" One curious guest asked while raising his hand. Merely a polite gesture.

"They've been conditioned to believe that quirks can do nothing but good. The only way a quirk can be bad is if it's 'villainous'... The people in this room have some idea of the way the world works. You can be reasoned with, but bringing all of the public to accept this would be near impossible." Yori spoke while staring at every guest present.

In truth, he wasn't wrong. If the people present were also brainwashed to believe that quirks could do no wrong then preaching this here would've been more counter-productive than anything. Thankfully, these people were the ones doing the brainwashing usually.

"Besides~We did find a cure~ In the form of a certain special quirk~" Beru looked at everyone in the room, he grabbed a cloth and then a bright light covered his body.

The second it disappeared, so did his appearance. Everyone seemed shocked to see the new appearance of the Ant King. He was using that piece of cloth to cover himself.

Yori walked over and handed him the microphone.

"It has the ability to bring genes back to a point. It charges in time and it can be used constantly as long as there is energy built up over time. This quirk can technically rewind quirks into a state where they're not fatal to anyone." Beru said as that same light covered him once more, returning him to his usual form.

He gave Yori his microphone back, then continued speaking.

"The effects are, however, temporary~ A substance containing quirk factor needs to be constantly consumed to have a proper effect...~," Beru said while looking at everyone.

"I see... It seems you've already found a solution..." The prime minister smiled when speaking this time.

"I guess it wouldn't have been like you to just present us a problem, huh Yori?" He spoke in a friendlier tone this time. Prompting a smile to appear on Yori's face.

And just like that, Yori and Beru gained quite a few allies in their quest... But allies wasn't all that they gained, much to their expectation, a lot of the people present were thinking of ways to profit off of the situation.

But that didn't matter anymore, as long as they helped, then it wouldn't matter at all. As long as they helped...

'So that's what you were up to all this time, Yori? You crazed lunatic... I'll have fun watching your hopes and dreams get crushed by reality, you idealistic idiot.' Mado, the not so friendly scientist happened to be one of the people that didn't quite care about the fate of humanity, he wasn't going to be alive to see its ending anyway.

He only cared about outshining Yori, and having Yori's plan fail was the only way to do so... For too long had he been called the 'Second Best Researcher in Japan', he was going to take the top spot, one way or another.

'I also have the help of those people... Yori, Beru won't always be there to protect you. I can't wait to see your face as you die. Little fool, you think you can change the world?' Mado continued rambling in his thoughts for a while.

Eventually, the party ended. Not many events to mention after the large reveal of Yori. And Beru and Yori were quite unknowing of their new enemy and his supposed powerful allies.


Hope you liked the chapter!

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