Ant King In MHA

Chapter 140: Riots and Control

__________ POV Narration__________

The riots didn't go uncontrolled for long, many people were injured and some even died in the chaos.

Villains took advantage of the situation and looted what they could, did the crimes that they could.

But they also only got a few minutes of respite, as two powerful beings, which also happened to be the same person, descended upon them, dealing swift justice to all villains nearby.

All of them were warped into prisons, and their stolen belongings were also sent to the police, to later be returned to their owners.

Don and Beru decided to intervene since people actually started dying, and that didn't bode well at all.

The two of them acted swiftly and teleported all of the injured to hospitals and all of the rioters calmed down when seeing the flying insectoid.

None recognized the white-haired man near him, but they all knew him. He was none other than Beru, one of the most powerful heroes alive. Not everyone noticed him though, not everyone looked up during such chaotic times.

Beru attracted their attention using a rather simple method, he clapped his hands and created a sound loud enough to dwarf all of the chaos on the streets.

Silence ruled the streets for that moment, everyone stopping and staring at the sky with either fear or wonder.

Looking around, he sighed. "This is likely happening all over Japan thanks to you~ Can you broadcast the situation from here?~" Beru looked at Don with some frustration.

The people were still silently observing Beru as Don took out a camera and message Mado to prepare a broadcast.

Soon, all of the screens changed from the ending of that blasted video to the image of Beru, hovering in midair as his wings blurred in and out of existence, flapping at speeds the eye/camera couldn't follow.

"All of you...~ CALM DOWN!~ Return to your senses!~" His words were loud on purpose, to catch the attention of all the people that were rioting all over the country.

Thankfully, he was successful. All over the country, the people that were creating chaos stopped and looked at the same screen that had shown them the origin of all the madness.

"Nothing you do now will help the situation!~ Rioting will only give the people involved a chance to flee or pin the blame on others~ I ask of you now~" Beru paused to judge the reactions of the people below him.

They were mostly good. He was after all a highly respected and trusted hero. A person they all looked up to. At least he had that going for him.

Please, return to your daily routines~ I vow to take care of things~ I'll make sure, that by the end of the week~ ALL OF THE PEOPLE INVOLVED WILL BE HELD ON TRIAL~" Beru's loud exclamation brought cheers and jubilation form the incensed crowds.

The fact that they trusted him was what made that possible. Sure, some still looked at the situation sceptically, but the overall reaction was cheering.

That, however, wasn't the case for the people that were involved with the activities shown in that video. After all, Beru was a person known to not care for authority.

Namely, many speculated that the fall of the Commission was caused by him. Why? It all happened too smoothly for it to not be so. The signs of his involvement were present, even if scarce.

The main sign was the fact that he fell out of contact with the Commission right in its last moments. He refused to even try to help them, distancing his name from theirs in advance.

None could prove it, but some could speculate. Those that had that insight, knew that Beru had no qualms going against the government. What was even worse, they weren't given any time to flee the country either.

But not all of them took the claim seriously, some just scoffed, taking the insectoids words as unimportant.

How exactly could he put them on trial anyway? He had no evidence besides that video, which they could easily claim was faked.

They, for lack of a better word, were ignorant to the fact that Beru could snap his fingers and get all of the information he needed.

Either asking Yori to reach into his back pocket for blackmail material or simply going out himself and taking all of their personal belongings to look through them.

Also, it was hard for those that stood in power for so long to perceive the fact that their stable position was a threat. They just needed to donate some money or go in hiding until everyone forgot that video and it became nothing more than a small event in history...

It wasn't really the first time the government got rid of a public video, after all, it wasn't going to be impossible this time either...

At least that was the common consensus between them.

They were about to be 'taken by surprise' though. The ones that realized the real danger managed to look into ways of reducing their sentences, but the rest were quite literally fucked.

Beru, the second after giving that passionate speech, sped off and immediately got in contact with Kenji, the chief of police.

The man needed no introduction to the issues they faced. He got to action and started sending teams of both heroes and policemen to apprehend all of the people that were photographed and were known for sure to be involved.

Yori was also swiftly contacted, Beru needed his expertise to look into the organisations that were involved, just so he could find the real culprits.

This was a lot more than the people inside Japan, the people being arrested were all just customers to some kind of service. Beru needed a list of people that made that possible.

Beru had a lot of insight into criminal syndicates, having technically been at the top of one in the past. So he had some insider knowledge in these deals.

Like the fact that foreign influence was a given in such an operation. This was clearly a global affair, not just local to the small island nation of Japan.

Yori, upon being contacted, answered the call with the following:

"Don't bother, I've already started looking into it... You really made a show out there. Better be prepared, you've just become a target for whatever organizations made this happen." Beru sighed when hearing his friend's voice.

Yori was lacking any concern in his voice, that was because he knew that there was no need for concern.

"I'll take care of your loved ones, I'll make sure nothing happens to them. You just give me a list and I'll have them all on watch, you'll be contacted the instant something suspicious happens." Yori continued to speak, it was clear that he was currently working and speaking at the same time.

He tended to go on long tangents while working, and this was one of them. But it was purely letting Beru know of things to come, telling him of what to expect.

"As for yourself... Try not to kill all of the people sent after you, information is important at our current stage." Some things were quite obvious though, Beru obviously knew that they needed information if they were to get anywhere with this investigation.

But, for now, the short term goal was to get rid of the corrupted people in Japan, at least the ones involved with the scandal.

"Thanks~ I guess I can count on you~ Do try not to overwork yourself though~" Beru's concern was pretty well-founded. The scientist had a habit of not really sleeping after getting so many quirks.

While his powers gave him enough stamina to spare, it was still inadvisable to go without sleep for weeks.

"Look after yourself for now," Yori said as he hung up the phone.

'The next few weeks will be so filled with shit...' Beru thought to himself while looking at Don, who was standing around scratching his head with a dumb smile.

"We should get your men~ They will be pretty useful for us~" Beru immediately warped himself to the same place he had warped them.

They were all just sleeping around in a random forest. Don was rather glad to see them, even if he hadn't formed that great a connection with them, he still didn't want anything bad to happen to them.

"Stop smiling dipshit~ We've got work to do~," Beru said as he stretched his arms.

"You take care of your boys~ I'll want them in top shape for our next moves yea?~" Don just nodded at Beru's words.

"And NO MORE quirks for them yea?~ If I hear of any of them dying due to that, your head is dissolving next~" Don smiled at that, giving a meek, 'Yeah' at Beru's threats.

After all, the only person capable enough to threaten Beru was Beru himself. It certainly didn't help that Don felt ashamed of his actions.

Beru then warped away, thinking of ways to approach his next challenges.

'I wonder how far they're willing to go, ~ Welp, I've made many enemies today. Can't wait to show them the inside of a prison cell... Or a coffin, I'm not against either option~' Beru's mind was filled with glee as he sat down, staring at the city from the top of a skyscraper in Tokyo.


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