At the beginning of the comprehensive manga, Emperor Keke was drawn

Chapter 77

Chapter 77

The day of classes ended quickly. However, because he wanted to take three transfer students to familiarize himself with the campus, Shen Ming did not go to the Ministry of Service after informing Yukoshita Xuenai, but instead took the three transfer students to wander around the campus.

While wandering around, Shen Ming met the people of the Joestar family who were in a hurry. Since the other party looked very anxious, they just said hello and went their separate ways. Shen Ming looked at their distant figures, wasn’t it Silver Imperial Travel, it seemed that Silver Imperial Travel had encountered an accident, which was much earlier than he guessed. Shen Ming shrugged, it seemed that the other party did not mean to come to seek his help. After all, his stand-in is just a platinum star, and nothing else.

When Shen Ming was still familiarizing himself with the school environment with the three of them, Jotaro and the others had already come to the Ministry of Service with the Silver Imperial Travel. But what they are actually looking for is not Yukinoshita Yukinoshita but her sister Yukinita Yono, for the simple reason that in their intelligence, Yukinoshita Yukinoshita has the ability to be a golden lion with the ability of violent thunder and lightning, and her sister Yukinoshita Yono has the ability of ice power.

They now know very well that the symptoms of Silver Imperial Walking are that they have been withdrawn from the stand-in. And the stand-in is the embodiment of the spirit, so the soul of the silver royal line is also drawn away with the substitute 213. Although they didn’t dare to imagine what kind of terrifying ability could be snatched away along with the human body soul and substitute, so the only way they could think of now was to let Yukishita Yono use her ice power to directly freeze the body of the Silver Imperial Traveler.

As long as the power of Yonai under the snow is in place, it is completely possible to retain the last ray of life without harming the body of the Silver Imperial Traveler.

Yukinoshita Yukinoshita is well aware of her sister Yukinoshita Yono’s abilities. Also from Shen Ming. Since the other party wanted to seek her sister’s help, it meant that the other party did not understand Shen Ming’s true ability at all. She doesn’t mind helping her sister contact the people of the Qiao family, but her sister Yukinoshita Yono’s ability doesn’t seem to be able to perfectly freeze the body of the Silver Imperial Traveler without causing harm. Especially when unsealing his body, he didn’t notice it, and what melted along with it was the body of the Silver Imperial Traveler.

So Yukinoshita Yukino had an idea, looked at the unconscious Silver Miyuki and said to Jotaro: “Come back to me tomorrow morning.” If you go directly to my sister, I am afraid she will not be willing to help you. So I’m going to help you prepare a gift for her. With this gift, I dare to guarantee that my sister will be able to fulfill your commission perfectly. ”

In fact, Yukinoshita Yukino was right, Jotaro and they contacted Yukinita Yono at the beginning, but they were directly rejected. Because Yono Yukinoshita is well aware of his abilities. She can’t freeze a person intact.

“Then please, we’ll come back tomorrow.” Today, I will send the imperial party to Chiba. Jotaro nodded, since the other party was willing to help, things did not come to the worst time.

“Thank you very much, really thank you very much.” Father Silver bowed to Yukinoshita Yukinoshita and said gratefully. Really, no one knows. When he saw the unconscious silver imperial traveler on the ground, how desperate his heart was.

Yukino waved his hand. Signal that the other person doesn’t have to care too much.

The people of the Qiao family soon left. They immediately used the best medical equipment to maintain the vital signs of the Silver Imperial Travel. But they also know it. In this way, the Silver Royal Walk will not last long at all. So they directly sent the silver royal party to the plane to Chiba.

When he finally walked to the sophomore teaching building, Shen Ming saw Futaba Riyo standing in front of her science department looking at him with a resentful expression. Shen Ming remembered that he had promised Futaba before, and if he had the opportunity, he would use his time to delete it for her.

“That’s pretty much it for schools. If there is anything else you don’t understand, come to me later. Shen Ming said to Nakano’s classmate who switched to Nakano Shinai, and Nakano Shinai also nodded positively.

“Then (abfc) you guys go back first, I’ll chase you right away.” Shen Ming took out a soybean flour bread and handed it to Shixiang. Then Mad San nodded, and took Shika and walked towards the house first.

“Futaba-san. You have to look good. Today I will only demonstrate it once. Shen Ming said to Futaba Riyang. And after Futaba Liyang nodded, indicating that he had understood, Shen Ming directly launched the time deletion.

After that, Shen Ming walked a few steps quickly, caught up with Shixiang and Mad San, and then lifted the time deletion. Of course, because Shen Ming only deleted the time within tens of meters of the surroundings. So Polunarev and Gioruno Chobana, who had faced the Crimson King before, did not realize that there are still people in the world who have the ability of Diablo.

Futaba Riyo felt that after nodding, he was just stunned. Shen Ming had already appeared dozens of meters away. Riyo Futaba couldn’t help but stomp his foot regretfully. She regretted that she felt that she had no clue about the ability to delete this kind of time. She didn’t understand, why could someone play with time wantonly? She made up her mind. After going back, be sure to read more “Quantum Mechanics”.

“There seems to be something wrong with that girl.” Seeing that Shen Mingming had caught up, Mad San expressed his opinion.

“It’s that girl, that girl’s. He is also a sophomore in high school. You have to at least call someone a sister. Shen Ming quipped.

Mad San Gang wanted to refute Shen Ming, saying that he was actually very old. But I remembered Shen Ming, who was only sixteen years old. Mad San swallowed the words that came to his mouth again. In fact, she was only sixteen years old. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Good, good, good! That senior sister also seems to have a problem. Mad San repeated.

“What problem?” Shixiang, who ate the last bite of soybean flour bread, became interested.

“I felt like a doppelganger in that senior sister, but she didn’t seem to realize it herself.” Madzo thought about it and said that in her eyes, Futaba Riyo’s timeline overlapped.

“Maybe. But her problems can only be solved if they erupt. Shen Ming shrugged, puberty syndrome is like that. Only after being exposed can it be perceived and decided.

Juka watched the two talk like this. She was a little puzzled, why couldn’t she understand what these two people said?

A few people were talking and laughing and fighting, and soon returned to the front of the house. Violet had not returned at this time. However, he sent a message to Shen Ming. It turned out that he went to the library to study with Shinomiya and others.

And Mad San put on his apron directly and prepared to cook. At this time, the door was suddenly knocked, and Juka went to open the door, only to find that the person who came was Yukinoshita Yukina, who had fought with him before.

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