Batman in the MCU

The Bat and the Cat

**Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support**


Orphan didn't need to hear anymore as she could now confirm this woman was with Ziggy. She proceeded to tighten her grip on the wire binding her as she pulled the woman towards her.

The woman performed a flip as she flew towards her landing a drop kick which Orphan managed to block by raising her free arm before her.

The impact sent Orphan back a few meters, she quickly pulled out a batarang cutting the wire freeing herself.

"You know I've never fought a bat, so I'm truly looking forward to this". Orphan wasted no time as she sent batarangs flying straight for the woman who nimbly avoided the attacks and came close to her sending a fist straight for her gut.

Orphan stopped the fist with an open palm as she used it as support to jump straight for the lady as she sent a knee to the woman's face.

The strike sent her tumbling but she managed to stabilize herself with her claws. Her smile grew even as she locked eyes with Orphan, "I was right, this is fun". The two rushed at one another once more.

Nightwing had finally taken down all the others gangsters and turned around just in time to see Orphan engaged in close combat with a woman in a cat suit.

He scanned the surroundings but was unable to find Ziggy anywhere, as the man has escaped earlier on. Moving his focus back to the woman in the cat suit, Nightwing decided to aid Orphan to capture her, believing she might have just as much information as Ziggy.

Before he could move though, the doors burst open as S.H.I.E.L.D agents burst in led by two avengers Hawkeye and Black widow. "Freeze" Hawkeye spoke as he aimed an arrow straight at Nightwing, the other agents began to surround the place aiming at Orphan and the woman in the cat suit.

The woman in the cat suit came to a halt seeing all the S.H.I.E.L.D agents as well as the two avengers, "It seems we will have to continue this dance at another time" saying that she dropped a flash bang and disappeared.

The agents did not take kindly to her disappearance as the aimed their weapons at the remaining two who were left, shouting things that the two decided to ignore.

Clint noticed the two showing no signs of surrender and spoke to Natasha who was by his side, "I'll take care of this guy you take care of her, she seems like one of Batman's people so go easy on her"

Natasha simply responded with a smirk as she began to move towards Orphan. The two came to a halt however as the noticed something.

At this point in time the Bat swarm had retreated to the ceiling of the abandoned warehouse in which all of this was taking place. This meant the Shield agents were unaware of their existence, the swarm came down catching the agents by surprise.

Clint let his arrow loose determined to at least capture Nightwing, Nightwing who was already waiting for the arrow struck it with his Escrima's. The collision produced a massive spark.

The swarm of bats after covering Orphan rushed for Nightwing barely shielding him from Hawkeye's next shot the bats proceeded to head out the building.

The agents were all momentarily dumbfounded by what just happened but Hawkeye and Black widow after exchanging looks rushed out after them to see both Orphan and Nightwing riding off on their bikes.

But the agents were not going to allow them to get away so easily, giving a few orders the agents soon began their pursuit of the two.


A minute earlier;

Orphan recognizing it would not be so easy to fight of the agents as it was to fight the gang decided to summon the bat swarm once more.

The agents were caught off guard allowing for her to rush for Nightwing with the bat swarm. The two hidden in the bat swarm managed to make it out of the warehouse.

As they made it out, two bikes arrived before the two which caused them to look at each other with surprise. Orphan had of course summoned her bike with King tech courtesy of Jeffrey King but that raised the question of how Nightwing had done same.

The was no time for questions though as both of them hopped on to their bikes speeding off just as Black widow and Hawkeye rushed out with Hawkeye attempting to shoot them down before stopping and jumping into one of the many black vans parked before the warehouse, alongside Black widow.

They were but the first of many who began to chase after the two, "Oh f*ck me!" Nightwing cursed as he saw the fleet of cars coming for them.

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