Become Aquaman from Black Robe

Chapter 39 Anne’s decision

"What do you want to talk to me about?"

After closing the door, Kevin asked Annie first.

Annie stopped for a moment and stood with her back to Kevin for a while, as if she was struggling with something.

After a while, she turned around and said:

"First...tell me about you. What do you want to tell me?"

Kevin narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Annie for a few seconds. After a while, he pointed to Kimiko who was watching TV:

"Of course it's her. I mean, you don't really want to keep her here with me, right? I'm a man after all."

"You mean you can't help but be cruel to her?"

"Yes, that's what I mean. Please understand the difficulties of men living alone, Miss."

Kimiko has a good foundation and is a beauty. Although she is not within Kevin's hunting range, no matter how she says that such a beauty lives in his home, it is hard not to make people think.

After all, Kevin was single in all his previous lives, with only Xiao Zuo and Xiao You accompanying him...

Kevin thought what he said made sense, but he didn't expect that Annie suddenly laughed out loud after hearing this:



"Ah, no...don't get me wrong, I'm not laughing at you, I just don't think you are the type to do such a thing."

Annie said with a smile.

She seemed to trust Kevin and felt that Kevin would not do the things he said, but Kevin felt that Annie seemed to be looking down on him.

"So you think I can't do it?"

"No, how could it be! Why would you think of this..."

Anne subconsciously retorted, and then realized that the topic seemed to be getting more and more into the unmentionable place, and quickly said:

"OK, let's put this aside for now. I'm here today to talk to you about the Watt Group."

"Are you finally willing to get down to business?"

Seeing that Annie became serious, Kevin stopped joking. He motioned for Annie to follow him to the kitchen and asked her to sit down at the dining table next to the kitchen.

After pouring a glass of juice for Annie, Kevin sat opposite Annie and said:

"Let me hear what you think."

Anne put her hands on the table, and the fingers of the two hands were intertwined with each other. She wanted to speak but hesitated and wanted to speak. She repeated this several times before speaking very slowly:

"I... don't think this is right."

"What's wrong?"

“It is wrong to turn a blind eye to what the Vought Group, Lokomotiv and the people of the motherland have done.

"Don't interrupt me yet. I know that the Watt Group is very powerful, and I also know that the people of the motherland are very powerful. Just like you said, the water in this matter is very deep.

"If we get involved too deeply, our end may not be very good. You have told me this many times, and I understand it, but..."

Annie raised her head and looked directly at Kevin sincerely:

“But if I really turned a blind eye to this, I would feel uneasy.

"Kevin... My dream since I was a child is to become a hero. But turning a blind eye to the victims and allowing the perpetrators to do whatever they want is not what a hero should do."

When Anne said these words, her eyes seemed to be shining.

Kevin's eyes met hers and he felt the sincerity hidden in them.

The world of black robes may not be such a good world. Most of the superheroes in this world are actually bastards, but even so, there are superhumans here who really want to be heroes.

Starlight Anne is such a person.

Regardless of her origins, or whether her mother injected her with Compound No. 5 for honor or money, she was raised to be a superhero with a dream of justice.

Such people are extremely rare in the world of black robes.

Kevin even thought that Annie should not appear in the world of black robes. The world of Marvel and the world of DC are more suitable stages for her.

It's just a pity that she is wearing a black robe.

But even so, Xingguang is still working hard for his dreams and fighting for his future.

"I see."

The girl in front of him was extremely serious. Kevin thought for a moment, sat upright, and said to her seriously:

"It seems like you've thought of everything."


"Then you won't regret it later?"

"I have no idea……"

Anne is very honest:

"I don't know if I will regret it in the future, but I am sure that if I turn a blind eye to this matter, I will definitely regret it in the future."

This sounds nice.

Kevin complained in his heart, but Annie's choice was something Kevin had expected a long time ago, and he was prepared for it.

"Okay, now that you have decided, from now on, no matter what you do, you must listen to me."

After thinking for a while, Kevin said seriously.

Anne nodded repeatedly, had no objection to this, and asked:

"Do you already have a plan?"

"Actually, before you came, my plan had always been to eat and die in the Walter Group, so you want to ask me if I have a plan? Sorry, I really don't have this thing."


"Don't look like that, I don't have a plan, but I have some ideas.

"The Walter Group's use of human bodies for experiments is definitely not something that happens overnight. What we need to do now is to first find the drug that Locomotive injected Kimiko."

"The drug that can turn humans into superhuman beings!"

"Yes, we at least need to figure out what this potion is, and then figure out why they create superhuman beings."

Kevin said clearly.

Although he had known what the potion was for a long time, his character was now ignorant of it, and since Starlight liked to play hero games, Kevin would cooperate with her and continue the game.

While gaining skill points, you can extend the time against the Vought Group.

The Vought Group has the means to deal with superhuman beings, and its [Forest] institution at Godokin University will develop a virus against superhuman beings in the future.

No matter how you say it, Kevin is a superhuman. The Walter Group is actually a threat to Kevin. This is not something that can be solved by whether he obeys or not.

Since they will always face each other in the future, it is better to use the hands of Starlight and Black Robe to cause some trouble for the Walter Group first.

After hearing Kevin's plan, Annie's expression became obviously brighter. She asked happily:

"So what are your goals now?"

"What a coincidence, I actually have a goal."

Kevin said, taking out his phone and pulling up a person's profile photo.

This is a photo I found on Wikipedia. The person in the photo is also a superhuman and can be considered a superhero, but he works in a different field than ordinary superheroes.

He is a preacher.

"Is he—Ekielzei?"

Annie asked in shock after seeing the person in the photo.

This surprised Kevin:

"Huh? Do you know him?"

"Of course, you won't forget what I believe in, right?"

"Oh, that's right. You are a Catholic... Well, that's just right. I'll leave this guy to you for investigation."

Recalling Annie's family, Kevin suddenly understood and handed over the task to Annie.

Anne hesitated a little and asked:

"Is he related to this potion?"

"I don't know, but that day in the underground room where Kimiko was imprisoned, in the waste box where the medicine was injected, I found an address related to him. All in all, there must be clues on him. The difference lies in how many clues there are."

"I understand, leave this matter to me. He will have a faith expo in half a month, and I will also participate then."

Anne is a Catholic, very devout and traditional.

Because of this identity, Anne will need to participate as a guest at Jiexi's faith expo in the future, in order to benefit the Walter Group.

And this happened to be a good opportunity for Anne to contact Ekiel.

After discussing the general process, Annie completely let go of the things she had been struggling with. She acted like she was relaxed in front of Kevin, and was even in the mood to joke with Kevin:

"You just threw out the clues even though I had just thought about it. You shouldn't have been planning to investigate secretly behind my back for a long time, right?"

Kevin: "?"

I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!

Seeing Annie's half-smiling look, Kevin knew that this guy must have misunderstood something again, and quickly explained:

"It doesn't exist. I just...well, I did a little research on what kind of person this guy is. If you didn't come, I would definitely get this news in my stomach."

"Uh-huh, let's just treat it like this."

"What do you mean, just treat it like this..."


Kevin was trying to be affectionate and rational to Anne, explaining his true nature as a 'paycheck thief', but at this moment, a regular reminder sound from the kitchen interrupted their conversation.

It was the dish that Kevin had left in the food processor earlier, and it looked like it was ready.

The sound caught Anne's attention.

She first looked at the kitchen in surprise. After confirming the items in the kitchen, she turned to look at Kevin and said incredulously:

"Wait a minute, you actually use a food processor to cook?"

“Technology changes life, what’s wrong with that?”

"Don't you think the food made by the food processor tastes terrible?"

"Well...I don't think it tastes too bad..."

Kevin thought about the difference between the food in the food processor and the ordinary food, then touched his chin and answered.

Annie rolled her eyes at Kevin, stood up, rolled up her sleeves and said:

"Looks like I need to let you know the difference between humans and machines."

"...The food in the food processor is already ready."

"No, you don't want me to eat the disgusting food made by the machine. There is no door!"

Anne was oddly determined in this regard, she said, and dove into the kitchen.

Seeing Annie starting to be busy in the kitchen, Kevin couldn't help but try to persuade him. Just then Kimiko came from the living room, and Kevin complained directly to Kimiko:

"Do you also think she's a little fussy?"

Kimiko didn't answer, but just took the writing pad on the side and raised it towards Kevin.

--I'm hungry.

That's what it says.

Kevin blinked and was about to answer when Kimiko wiped away the writing on the board again, wrote another line of words, and raised it to Kevin again:

——But I also don’t want to eat something bad.

Kimiko said, turning her eyes to the food processor.

Kevin: "..."


Kevin, who knew what Kimiko meant, sighed helplessly. He looked at Xingguang who was busy in the kitchen and said with great reluctance:

"...Okay, I'll go help."

Not only was Kimiko hungry, but he was also hungry. In order to eat dinner quickly, he seemed to have no choice but to help.

Thanks to ‘The Nightmare Called Reality’, ‘Ji Yu’, ‘LinJiasen’, ‘Book Friends 20230716223829412’ and ‘Book Friends 161119091646088’ for their rewards!



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