Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 409 Bet

"Well... there should be no activities." Solim thought for a moment and said, "But... well, don't be afraid of what I'm going to say next.

"Afraid?" Sirna tilted her head, "We are all professionally trained wizards, so we won't be afraid."

Draco poked his head behind the book.

"Next semester, we will meet a disgusting woman..."

"Disgusting woman?" Sirna looked at her brother suspiciously: "Who is it?"

"Dolores. Umbridge."

"Umbridge?" Sirna thought for a while and felt that the name was a bit familiar, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

"Oh - you mean the vice president of the Pharmacists Association? The one who invented the poison testing solvent?"

"That's Saric!" Solim said: "Also, Saric is a wizard!"

"Oh, I was also talking about how the vice-president of the Pharmacist Association came to Hogwarts." Silna waved her hand indifferently.

"Then which Umbridge are you talking about?"

"No one! Does the Senior Undersecretary of the Ministry of Magic know?"

"I understand, you continue." I don't know whether Sirna really understands or pretends to understand.

"She can be considered a Death Eater now. You should be vigilant about this and don't expose too much in front of her."

"Oh... cough cough." Draco seemed to choke suddenly.

Solim turned around just in time to see the corners of Draco's mouth that had just been pursed into a line - it had been raised just now.

"why are you laughing?"

"Uh...I thought of something happy." Draco put down the book.

"What happy thing?"

"My Iron Armor Spell can now choose the direction of the rebound spell."

"Then why are you laughing?" Solim turned his attention to his sister.

Sirna put down the hand that was covering her mouth and said, "My transformation technique has made new progress."

"I repeat! I'm not kidding you!"

"Okay, okay, let's get down to business. Tell us about that disgusting woman - what did she do to you?" Sirna held back her laughter.

"It's not about what she did to me - it's...she's really that...rare...she likes to wear a pink He wears a cardigan, and when he talks, he will hold his voice and imitate the accent of a little girl..."

"Pfft..." Sirna couldn't hold back and laughed.

"Why are you laughing again!"

"Ahem...I thought of something happy."

"You're always laughing! You never stop!"

"Well, since you think this is a serious matter, go ahead and say it. No matter how funny it is, I won't laugh - unless I can't help it."

Sirna adjusted her expression and looked a little more serious.

"Huh? Wait a minute," Draco said, "You said Umbridge will come to Hogwarts next term?"

"What did you just do? I said from the beginning that she would come to Hogwarts next semester!"

"Uh... I've met Umbridge. Although her... uh, image is indeed not very good, and many people have opinions about her. But no matter what, she is the senior deputy of the Ministry of Magic. Minister, will she go to Hogwarts? And in what capacity will she stay at Hogwarts?"

"Of course Professor." Solim said: "This woman's behavior at this hearing shows that she and Dumbledore are not the same, and she will not go to Hogwarts with any good intentions.

"In this can our principal watch? He is the principal, and the appointment of the professor as the principal of Hogwarts has the power."

Sirna was interrupted by Solim before she finished speaking:

"The principal of Hogwarts only has the right to recommend." Solim shook his head, "The final decision lies with the board of directors of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. As long as the board of directors agrees, the principal cannot interfere with their decision. That's why It turns out that the reason why Dumbledore had so much trouble finding the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor: he also had to argue with the people on the board of directors."

The board members behind Hogwarts are all pure-blood families. They provide Hogwarts with a large amount of funds every year to maintain the school's daily expenses: food, food, building maintenance, raw material procurement, faculty and staff Workers' salaries... All areas where money is spent are supported by funds provided by the Board of Directors.

Since they are all pure-blood wizards, it is inevitable that the stance of most board members is somewhat biased towards the Death Eaters, which leads to a result: after Voldemort returns, the stance of these people becomes very delicate. If the majority of the board of directors had not agreed, Umbridge would not have been able to enter Hogwarts.


"But I remember that the rotating head of the board of directors has a veto power..." Draco knew this very well. After all, his father was a director of the board of directors, and the rotating head of the board of directors when they were in second grade was Lu. Hughes. If he gets the support of the rotating head, it will be easy for Dumbledore to deal with things in the school - for example, hiring Wanping, a werewolf, as a professor depends on the rotating head that year - a director named Longbottom. If it were someone like Lucius, it would definitely not work.

"Then do you know which family this year's rotating leader is from?" Solim asked Draco.

After hearing Solim's words, Draco started to count his fingers one by one.



"Isn't this the end?" Solim looked at Draco, "You should be very clear about the 'composition' of our classmate's family, right?"

A Death Eater had the status of a member of the Hogwarts Board of Directors, and it wouldn't matter if Voldemort was still half-dead. But now that Voldemort is back, if he doesn't use this identity to cause trouble for Dumbledore, is he still a Death Eater?

"In other words... the woman named Umbridge, in a sense, can be said to be the Death Eater's spy who planted himself in Hogwarts? Or to put it more bluntly, she was the person who planted Dumbledore's spy. Spies around you?" Sirna finally stopped smiling and realized the seriousness of the matter.

"That's not a spy." Solim shook his head, "Not everyone is qualified to be a spy. In my opinion, this Umbridge came to Hogwarts just to be disgusting.

Having her cause trouble in Hogwarts can involve some of Dumbledore's energy - after all, it is impossible to hide Umbridge's identity and position from our headmaster. With a disgusting thing resident at Hogwarts, Dumbledore still had to devote some of his attention to her. "

"Then what does she teach?" Draco smelled.

"Are you a fool?" Sirna looked at him with disgust, "Apart from Defense Against the Dark Arts, what else can she teach?"

"Then it's over..." Draco said dejectedly, "I'll make a bet with you - ten galleons. Our dark arts will definitely be over next semester."

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