Big Manga

Chapter 1079

Chapter 1071 :beginning

Meng Huo’s poor card game seemed to surprise others.

But they are not surprised that Meng Huo will make mahjong animations but not good at playing mahjong. If they can write detective cartoons, they may not be able to solve crimes. If they can write basketball, they may not be able to play basketball. After all, there is still a gap between knowledge and practice.

However, they were surprised by another aspect-that is, Teacher He Xi, who has always performed ‘omniscience and omnipotence’, has something that he is not good at, which makes them as strange as discovering a new world.

“Tsk tusk tusk… I didn’t expect teacher He Xi that you are also not good at it.”

Tomato became more and more excited, and he must let Meng Huo play mahjong. This is a rare opportunity. Meng Huo had to sit down. In fact, in his opinion, the luck factor of mahjong is greater than the technical factor. He is playing mahjong. The luck on the table has always been bad.

Not only Pomodoro, but other assistants seem to be particularly interested in what Meng Huo is not good at. They joined forces to frame Meng Huo at the poker table, causing Meng Huo to lose in a mess, and it didn’t stop until the animation was about to air.

“You guys have grudges with me, right?” Meng Huo asked with a smile after he finished playing cards.

“There is no hatred.”, “It’s not cool!”

The assistants said with satisfaction that they have no complaints about Meng Huo, but after working for Meng Huo for a few years, there are not many opportunities to win him, so they naturally don’t want to miss it.

In the evening, Li Qin and Hua Meng went into the kitchen to prepare dinner, while the rest sat next to the TV, waiting for the animation to be broadcast.

“Teacher, can you tell me how this animation was made?”

Wang Yanmeng is very interested in the production process of “Genius Mahjong Girl”. She recently helped to produce “One Piece” animation with her, which is a completely different experience from drawing comics. She would like to know if other animation studios also work like One Piece.

In fact. The production process of each animation is roughly the same. But each animation studio is different. Meng Huo told her about the work of Huiyue Studio he met in Yangzhou. Compared with the “One Piece” studio dominated by angels, Huiyue Studio has a special cultural atmosphere.

In addition to talking about Huiyue Studio, Meng Huo also introduced the world background of “Genius Mahjong Girl”.

The story of “Genius Mahjong Girl” takes place in a world similar to the earth. Mahjong in this world is a popular sports event, which is similar to football or basketball in this world. There are hundreds of millions of mahjong players in that world, and there are many worlds. The event is held.

Each country also has a different selection of players for the Mahjong competition. Including the twice-a-year National Mahjong Competition and Youth Competition and so on. Even among the teenagers, from elementary school to high school, every school basically has a mahjong department-and the “Genius Mahjong Girl” picture tells about the mahjong game between high school students.

“This setting is very interesting, but the teacher… why didn’t you set it like this in “Goss Soul”?”

After listening, Wang Yanmeng’s first reaction was wondering why Meng Huo didn’t use this setting in “Soul of Go”. The status of Go in “Soul of Go” is a general competitive game, but if it is set to “Genius Mahjong Girl” This kind of national quintessence competition in China, it will definitely give people a quite different feeling.

“Yes, if the “Goss Soul” is set in this way, it must be very cool!

Tomato agreed. Think about the plot of “Soul of Go”, if Go is also a world-renowned sports event in the comics. The protagonist Xiaoguang’s every move and every achievement can be described bigger, and the readers will look more refreshed.

“There is no need to do this in “Soul of Ches”. Go has a professional Go.”

Meng Huo said that the background setting of “Genius Mahjong Girl” is mainly to improve the real feeling of the “Mahjong game” in the animation. If you don’t improve your status, the audience will naturally wonder how there are so many mahjong teams and competitions. This is obviously unscientific.

Moreover, the appearance of professional mahjong masters in the animation is required, and the judges of the competition must have identities-but if these are copied from the real situation, it is obviously impossible to do it.

Although the reality of mahjong is very popular, it is not a high-level sport. It has no status. Except for gambling, other events are quite rare, and professional mahjong masters are not even known.

However, there is no need to worry about this kind of things in Go. In any case, professional players still exist, and ready-made templates can be found for games and other games. There is no need to worry about the sense of substitution at all.

“…The teacher meant that there is no other reason, but the animation must be set like this?” Wang Yanmeng asked.

Meng Huo nodded. Without these settings, the plot of “Genius Mahjong Girl” would be full of loopholes. The setting is only to help the development of the plot, and has no other purpose.

Tomato is a little regretful: “It’s a pity, I thought this animation would become a masterpiece like “God of Goss”, but from your teacher, “Genius Mahjong Girl” should be just an ordinary animation.”

“Although it is not a masterpiece, it can’t be said to be ordinary.” Meng Huo smiled: “I have high expectations for it. If possible, I want to turn it into a series of animations.”

“A series of animations? Isn’t this the same as “Shakugan No Shana”?”

“It can be said… well, the animation is about to begin…”

Meng Huo saw that the countdown was already running on the TV commercial, so he put away the chat and set his sights on the TV.

Tomato and the others also watched it. Before the animation started, several assistants were pondering what Meng Huo said just now. Is “Genius Mahjong Girl” really worth his expectations? The subject of Mahjong has not been tempered by the popularity of comics. How big is the market for it?

Now that there are more animations, there are more choices. There are still many popular animations on the air when “Genius Mahjong Girl” is on the air. Among them, why not have your own animations-so many choices, how would ordinary viewers think about it? Interested in a mahjong animation?

And even though “Genius Mahjong Girl” is also produced by He Xi in name, he is responsible for the script and music, but after all, it is the work of Huiyue Studio. It is hard to say how much they can do. Tomatoes are a little worried.

However, the scene at the beginning of the animation did not disappoint them. This was the scene where the two girls met for the first time. The time is summer. The meeting place seems to be in the wild. A young girl was sitting on the lawn reading a book, and another young girl passed by her.

“This person… is so beautiful…”

The girl sitting on the lawn looked back at the girl who walked by. Her voice acting was also very good. Tomato felt a little at ease. At least in terms of the screen and the voice acting, the standard of this animation would not be low.

“Which is the heroine?” Wang Yanmeng obviously didn’t read the introduction in advance. She asked curiously: “Is it the beautiful one or the ordinary one?”


Meng Huo replied that has a mediocre appearance. But she is the first heroine of “Genius Mahjong Girl”, and the beautiful girl who is walking past is the second heroine.

However, in fact, the scene of this encounter is not the same as the original animation. The original scene is a bit like a gorgeous feeling of spring, and he uses a scene design that is more inclined to comics.

But this had no effect. The assistants around him didn’t say anything bad, and Wang Yanmeng also looked at it quietly after getting the answer.

The beginning of “Genius Mahjong Girl” does not have an opening song. The animation of this episode progressed much faster than Tomato and the others imagined. Not long after the first meeting, the heroine was invited by a friend to play cards in the Mahjong club. The female No. 2 who appeared at the beginning is a member of the mahjong club of this school. She is the champion of the individual group in the national mahjong competition for junior high school students.

“Champion?” Seeing this scene. Tomato was surprised: “I said teacher, is it too early for the champion to appear in the first episode?”

“You’ll know if you look at it quietly.” Meng Huo didn’t answer.

The heroine played cards with the mahjong team, but she lost it-but she lost oddly. Her results were plus or minus 0 several times. After she left, the mahjong club director suspected that she had more strength than the female second. This score was deliberately maintained.

Female No. 2 chased out in order to get the truth, and got the same result as the minister said, but the heroine said to her “I don’t like mahjong”, which made her very unwilling…

Then the next day, the Minister of Mahjong used the reason of borrowing books to lure the heroine to play cards in the mahjong club, and made some score changes. As long as the heroine reaches plus or minus 0, her conjecture can be fully proved.

The other girls on the mahjong table wanted to suppress the heroine and prevent her from reaching plus or minus 0, but after some intense game, the heroine achieved the goal with a miraculous ridge blossom.

At the same time she won, the ending song of the animation rang.

Looking at the opening song, Tomato was stunned–“Okay, so passionate!” He stood up: “That game was too passionate just now! What a shame, teacher, you want to make this animation into a competitive animation?”

He was surprised and quite surprised. The plot of the first episode of the animation was compact and interesting, but it was not the plot that surprised him, but the tension and passion created by the animation when it talked about the Mahjong game.

This is a kind of blood that you can’t experience without watching the animation. It is completely created by technology. Through the psychological changes of every bystander and opponent of Mahjong, it highlights how miraculous the heroine’s final victory is. This mode is exactly the same as in “The Soul of Chess”.

“It’s incredible, Mahjong can be so passionate…” I couldn’t help but exclaimed. The animation started with a very good style, but the pictures of almost all female characters made him feel a breath of Lily animation. He just felt this It may be a niche, but the feeling of playing Mahjong is different again.

Although he can play mahjong, the animation in this episode does not describe the process of these mahjong games in detail due to space limitations, so when he watched the heroine’s games, a large part of it was not understood.

However, even if he didn’t understand it, he could know the changing situation of Mahjong through the character dialogue and narration in the animation. This should not be just him, but the feeling of every viewer who sees this animation.

“Just like “Soul of Go”, this animation can be used to learn.”

Thinking of the same comic with Tomato, in fact Wang Yanmeng would also think of “Soul of Go”, because “Soul of Go” is also in the same mode. Through the description of the psychology and dialogue of onlookers, it can make people who do not understand Go understand the game. This is the secret of its success.

“Go” became the template for many competitive comics after it was serialized, and the editorial department even refined its materials. It has become a material that almost everyone who prepares to draw competitive comics now has to learn, but so far, there is none. What pity one can surpass in this respect.

Unexpectedly, the same technology was put on the animation, and the performance was more passionate than the comics. This might be another learning object, putting some of the skills in the animation of “One Piece”.

I have already started thinking about “One Piece”. Although the animation of “One Piece” is more passionate, the elements in “Genius Mahjong Girl” can indeed find some usefulness.

At the same time, he also believed what Meng Huo said before the animation began. It is not without reason that he has expectations for “Genius Mahjong Girl”. The ambition of this animation is not small. If it is a niche animation, then it is only for mahjong players. Why spend such a lot of effort in production-I believe Meng Huo must have spent a lot of energy preparing these animation skills. .

The target audience of “Genius Mahjong Girl” can be seen in this episode. It obviously includes those who don’t play mahjong Although the style looks like a girl animation, it is likely to be A layer of skin, it is a competitive animation, passionate and exciting competitive animation.

“I do have the idea of ​​making it into a competitive animation.”

At this time, Meng Huo’s answer to Tomato’s words also proved the conjecture that he is indeed developing “Genius Mahjong Girl” into competitive animation-but this should not be surprising, because Meng Huo’s initial plan is like this.

His plan is very simple. If the first season of “Genius Mahjong Girl” can reach a standard, he will then let Huiyue Studio produce the second and third seasons, and directly turn it into a long story. If it does not meet expectations, he Just like the original book, a new season will be released every few years.

Meng Huo’s plan surprised them. No one thought that the original “Genius Mahjong Girl” might become a long story. In their cognition, the long-form animations are all quite powerful animations-they can now do the growth. Both are super popular animations.

In particular, He Xi’s long-form animation has become a golden sign. Even if an animation is written with his name, if it is not very popular, Phoenix will not make it a long-form—Xu Jing and others think they can’t destroy this. sign.

It is conceivable that Meng Huo’s expectation for “Genius Mahjong Girl” is quite high, and Phoenix will definitely judge it with a high standard. At least it is certain that if it is not better than “Summoned Beast of Dumb Quiz” or “Shakugan Shana is still going to be popular, so there is definitely no qualification for a feature-length serialization.

But can it be even hotter than these two animations?

Tomato and both have doubts, “Genius Mahjong Girl” is good, but the feeling of this episode is not particularly good. The beginning of the two animations are actually very good. (To be continued.)

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