Big Time 1958

Chapter 36

Chapter 35: Aboveboard

Now it seems that imperialism is not without progress. At least it knows that the sword is going a bit too far. Unfortunately, it was discovered by Serov again. This is really a sad story. Maybe the person who arranged Cai Zhiwu in East Berlin would not have thought that there is a person in the Soviet Union who can listen to it. A person with a Chinese accent, this person is still a secret agent. Humans are not as good as gods. Even a Belarusian lurking here, Serov would not doubt it. After all, there are a lot of Soviets in East Berlin, and there is no such advantage to be noticed at a glance. Moreover, Serov’s understanding of China is even deeper than that of the Soviet Union! At least he couldn’t make out the regional accent in Russian.

The compatriots cannot be judged by their appearance. Who can guarantee that they must be patriots driven by interests? Besides, the United States is not without Chinese. It is not impossible to find a few absorbed into the CIA and catch Serov by surprise. It’s not that such a thing has never happened. In the Korean War a few years ago, the Chinese-American officer Lu Chaoran used the phrase “Don’t shoot, I’m a Chinese” to deceive the soldiers of the Volunteer Army.

Lessons from the past are not far away, as a secret agent chief Serov will not let go of any suspicious objects. Not to mention Chinese, even if it is a Belarusian, Serov will find out all eight generations of his ancestors, this is for the motherland and for himself.

“I already reported the negotiation process to Moscow earlier!” Shelov let out a long sigh of relief, “The negotiation is doomed to be fruitless. I’m sure you’ve heard the recording I gave you! It’s time to do the original That’s what should be done! In the first three days, West Berlin will be isolated with barbed wire! Don’t tell me, you don’t even have enough barbed wire!”

What Serov said was naturally the action to isolate West Berlin. Marcus Wolf thought for a while and said, “Of course not, do we need to pick a time to start? It is best to act in the middle of the night, when the residents of West Berlin wake up early in the morning. It’s blocked, so it’s best to create a fait accompli!”

At the beginning of listening to Marcus Wolf’s words, Serov was still nodding, it seemed that his German counterpart did not waste time in vain, but in the end, it became more and more inappropriate, and interrupted aloud, ” Comrade Marcus Wolf, it seems that we are not talking about one thing, who made you sneak? Are our thinking in one dimension?”

“What’s the matter, don’t you need to act secretly? Otherwise, how to achieve a sudden effect?” Marcus Wolfe didn’t think there was anything wrong with his plan.

The    plan itself is of course no problem, but the purpose of the plan is a big problem. The Germans are generally impeccable in their execution, but the problem is that they always execute a wrong plan. Do you still need to teach this kind of thing, Serov shook his head secretly and said, “First contact the chairman of the Council of Ministers, find your German Ministry of Construction and Industry, and ask the Ministry of Construction and Industry to come up with a plan for urban reconstruction, including electrical circuit reconstruction, sewer reconstruction, and river reconstruction projects. We have to wait until the overall situation has been decided to start the construction secretly, but at the beginning, not only can we not be secretive, but we must let everyone know about the reconstruction project of Greater Berlin. The rest of the matter needs the German Foreign Ministry to come forward, I will let the consultants Comrades contact other fraternal countries, the reconstruction of Berlin this time is not only a matter of the GDR itself, the human and material assistance of other brothers is coordinated by our KGB!”

“Using Greater Berlin’s urban redevelopment plan to cover up our true purpose?” Marcus Wolf said to himself.

“That’s right, it’s easier to cover up our real purpose with an open plan project than our sneaky actions!” This is not the first time Serov has done this. He blew up the US embassy three years ago. , using the attack on the US embassy to calm down the situation in Hungary, so as not to discredit the entire socialist movement.

At the end of March, the Ministry of Construction and Industry of the GDR announced that in order to make the living conditions of the German people more comfortable, a large-scale renovation of the capital Berlin will be carried out, and all citizens of the capital will be told to overcome the recent water and power outages.

The whole plan looks very ambitious, the renovation and the renovation of the houses will start in Berlin and will be extended to all GDR cities in five years, five years from now.

After the announcement of the Berlin reconstruction plan, General Matvey Vasilievich Zakharov, commander of the Soviet Western Group, announced that, in view of the friendly relations between the Soviet Union and the GDR, the Western Group would send the Red Flag 214 Engineering Brigade to participate in this event. Berlin reconstruction plan, and the German people to complete this battle belonging to the working people.

The matter is far from over, and then the German Foreign Ministry expressed the hope that fraternal countries can lend a helping hand, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Czechoslovakia have expressed their positions one after another, and later Yugoslavia and Albania also expressed their willingness to send engineering teams to help. . With the exception of Yugoslavia and Albania, all of the above-mentioned countries were contacted by Serov through the Advisory Department of the First General Directorate and their Ministry of Internal Affairs, which resulted in this result.

For a week in a row, construction teams from other countries have arrived at the Berlin Railway Station. For these foreign comrades who supported the reconstruction of Berlin, Serov also waited at the railway station as a member of the welcoming crowd. The most popular person, the 80-year-old President of the GDR, Wilhelm Peak, also specially met with representatives from various countries, delivered a very sincere speech, and finally sang the national anthem of the GDR, “Heavy from the ruins.” Rise again, bravely open up a new future, unify the motherland and Germany for your noble cause. Prosperity will overcome disasters, so we are united tightly. We will usher in victory, the sun will shine on the earth, the sky of the motherland, and the sky of the motherland. God of the motherland!”

After the song, representatives of all countries, including Serov, all stood up and applauded, “United Germany? The responsibility for the division of Germany is not yours, you can only blame the occupying forces of the three countries for not wanting Germany to be reunited!” Serov thought while applauding.

Within a week, more than 6,000 architects and construction workers entered Berlin, and these construction workers with their own national flags received a flood of applause. There are only more than 100 Soviet architects here. This situation is mainly due to the fact that urban construction plans are also being carried out in the Soviet Union, and there is a shortage of construction workers in the country. If the reconstruction of Berlin is completed, maybe the Soviet Union will find a way to get these people into the Soviet Union to help the current construction boom in the Soviet Union.

One more thing, in the current construction boom in the Soviet Union, the originator of the later Chinese community unit building has appeared. The Khrushchev Building in Moscow has been completed, and the Khrushchev Building of the same specification is being developed throughout the Soviet Union.

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