Broly In Naruto

Lost the Battle but Won the War?!?!

Broly was about to fall over and blackout. But before that he heard strange whisperings in his head.

"Join me."

"Join me."

"Join me."

"Join me."

The strange voice hissed in his head. Broly gripped his head in pain. His green aura and purple aura were both swirling around his body. Fierce winds were being produced as the auras began to increase in strength.

"Get out of my head! I am a saiyan! I won't dare allow myself to be controlled by a weakling like you!" Broly shouted before his muscle mass increased drastically.

His body grew to over 9 ft tall. His muscles grew up to twice their previous size. His irises and pupils disappeared entirely. His hair was switching between his normal black hair and a strange light-green color. The cursed seal Orochimaru planted on him turned orange-red and covered his entire body in the markings. It was as if the cursed seal was trying to override Broly's resistance and made sure that no amount of resisting will save Broly from it's power and influence.

Broly's power increased even further with rage. The area devoid of trees, due to Broly's previous attack, was blasted with the harsh winds from the tailed boy. Team 7 was seen no where in sight. The boy's resistance against the cursed seal continued on as his chakra surged higher and higher and the markings covering his body darkened in color.

"I AM A DEVIL!!!!!" Broly roared and blasted an enormous gust of wind and chakra from his body.

The voice suddenly stopped whispering. The cursed seal markings receded back towards Broly's neck before becoming docile and turning green instead of it's previous black color. Broly's green chakra was flaring like flames in his legendary state.

"HUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH! I SHALL DESTROY EVERYTHING!!!!" Broly shouted while launching a big wave of wind around him. Suddenly a wave of chakra swirled around his brain. His power is still blasting at full force, but his previous destructive nature was haltedHe became calmer.

'Does chakra have some sort of calming affect towards saiyans? Every time I decided to give in to my instincts, it doesn't blind me anymore. I can think clearly.'

Broly looked around at the completely devastated area he was in before returning back to his original form. The only difference was the green 3 tomoe seal on his neck. Broly felt he had complete control over. He surged his chakra through the seal. The cursed seal mark started to spread over Broly's body and increased his chakra level, though that was pretty much pointless with Broly's already huge amount of chakra, and his physical capabilities.

Broly felt pain during this process, but with his training it was negligent to him. The chakra boost he gained felt strange. It wasn't an elemental chakra but something else. He decided to ignore it for now and go over it with Jabie later. He dashed away in search of Jabie, so that he could heal him back to his full strength.


Esumi parried the strange genin's hammer with her rapier, she named Stabby. For artistic purposes of course. The last leaf genin in his squad was terrified at the strength and skill this small ninja could show with such a skinny blade. How could she fight against him with basically a metal twig when he had a metal hammer!? He swung an overhead slam towards the small kunoichi. Esumi shook her head as if disappointed in the fellow leaf nin choice in attack. She was thinking how to put this kid down in the coolest way possible, while the very slow hammer attack came closer to crashing down on her figure and smashing her into a heap of meat. Her eyes brightened.

Esumi twirled as the metal hammer came crashing down next to her, missing entirely. Suddenly yellow electrical sparking flowers appeared behind Esumi as she gracefully pierced towards the leaf genin unprotected throat. The poor genin's life flashed before his eyes as he saw the ecstatic joy on his opponent's face with the cold hard metal twig coming to thrust a tiny fatal hole in his neck.

Seconds go by as silence permeates the area. The leaf genin was sweating terribly and dropped to his knees while gasping for air. He suddenly heard a loud noise behind him.

"Hahahaahaahah! The look on your face was priceless!" Esumi giggled.

"You went all "So this is how it all ends huh. Before I even took a step towards the step of true shinobi hood." Esumi mimicked in the perfect voice of her opponent.

The said opponent however was still in shock. Esumi looked over to see his response and looked at him in contempt.

"How sad. One little life and death battle and you're already done as a ninja. What a waste of time. But this little hammer of yours does look nice. I'll keep it." Esumi said before stashing the metal hammer in her sheathe storage and dashing off to find more genin to play with.

After a couple of minutes of searching, Esumi was confused because it seemed as if she was running in circles. She marked a couple of trees with her rapier before continuing on. After a few more minutes she saw the same marks from before! She surged her chakra to look for any foreign chakra. Someone placed a genjutsu on her! Esumi was pissed. She wasn't mad at the fact that she was caught in a genjutsu, but she was mad that Jabie was right about her regularly surging chakra to ward off any genjutsu users.

"Come out you sneaky bastards! If you show yourselves, I will only kill you a little bit!" Esumi shouted to the wind.

No response was given. Esumi's face turned into that of an vengeful demon in the body of an adorable 12 year old girl. She made some hand signs before having 20 balls of electricity appear around her and start to smash into the surroundings. This caused the unknown enemy(s) to shift into action.

Suddenly multiple rain ninjas began to appear from the ground and trees, as if they were ghost and not real. The ninjas were all identical, so Esumi assumed it was one ninja's technique. The rain ninja had spiky brown hair with a black jumpsuit. He wore a rebreather on his mouth and a sash that covered his eyes. Esumi put away her rapier and took out her two long blades and started to slice and cut through all the ninjas.

Each time Esumi sliced through an enemy instead of blood or guts falling out another similar looking clone came out of the wound! She surged through her chakra again and suddenly all the clones disappeared. She quickly found 3 similar looking rain ninjas in trees above her. This caused the three shinobi to be surprised and quickly flee in three separate directions.

Unfortunately for them, Esumi appeared behind all three of them and smashed them in the head with the back of her blade. Careening them towards the forest's floor at high speeds. A large amount of dust flew up from the crash of the three rain nin bodies. Esumi dispelled her three clones and looked over the effects of her action as the dust cleared. The three rain ninja were knocked out from the attack. Esumi wasn't quite satisfied due to the annoyance these three brought her. They caused her to be forced to listen to Jabie's advice! And in battle no less!

Esumi gathered each similarly outfitted boy and piled them in a stack. She was standing over them with a thinking expression on her face. 'Should I shock these weaklings or beat them to a pulp with Basher-chan?" As Esumi was thinking for a couple of more seconds, her face suddenly brightened and took on a devilish grin. She put away her two long blades and took out her metal pipe like sword, with no sharpened edges on it at all. She suddenly started surging lightning chakra into it. Basher took on an aura of electricity. Esumi took a slow walk towards her defeated enemies with a bloodthirsty grin on her face. She looked over them before taking a stance.

The yells and screams that were made in this part of the forest, caused all those entering the area to swiftly retreat. Even the animals and insects quickly ran out of the area to avoid the terrifying aura produced by the creature inside that part of the forest. Sounds thunder and electricity fizzed within the area and pounding and smashing sound effects were present in an almost musical manner. And what came from those sounds was a satisfied looking blue haired small girl with small blood stains on her outfit and weapon drenched in red.


Jabie has found two leaf nin alone. He was particularly interested in these two due to the unusual abilities he has seen them perform. He has been watching these two for quite a while. The first man he was interested in was due to his strange ability to absorb the physical and spiritual energy of an opponent just by touching them. The other one's ability was to stretch and twist any part of his body at any angle, elongating and even coiling around his opponents. Jabie definitely wanted these abilities for him and his friends. The one who was able to absorb chakra wore sun glasses, while the other one had normal see-through glasses.

Jabie activated his chakra scalpel technique before suddenly appearing behind the chakra absorber ninja. The stretching ninja noticed Jabie and quickly tried to warn his teammate. But Jabie has already sliced through the shinobi's body. The sunglasses wearing ninja fell down as if he was a puppet and his strings were cut abruptly. Jabie faced the stretching ninja face to face with a smirk that said he was assured of his win. This caused the stretching ninja to become pissed and shocked. It seems he recognized what Jabie's technique was and was cautious. Instead of trying to get near him he quickly hopped back and threw kunai at Jabie. Jabie walked towards the ninja in a calm and paced manner while dodging the kunai in a simple manner. The leaf shinobi hopped even further backwards while throwing more sharp tools. Jabie's chakra scalpel wasn't able to stretch or lengthened itself at this point and time so it was strictly confined to close range. Jabie's previously created clone appeared behind the retreating ninja and grabbed his shoulder.

He quickly tried to soften his body and escape, but the clone's hand started to form water that promptly encased him in a water cube. He held his breathe and attempted to stretch and twist his way out of the water cube. Jabie's clone watched with a disturbing smile at the futile struggles of the shinobi. Jabie carried the immobilized chakra stealing shinobi over to the trapped one. He created another water clone and had it stand over the immobilized leaf ninja.

"Give up. You can't escape my water prison jutsu. Just accept your gracious donation to my knowledge and power!" Jabie said before ordering his two clones to pierce a hole through the two ninjas and inserting two tiny clones of himself inside their body to figure out their techniques.

He had his clones make sure the two ninjas were unconscious before he inserted the two mini clones inside, so that they wouldn't know about it.

Eventually Jabie would receive knowledge on how they perform their abilities through his mini clones. Or he could put them to other uses… He soon healed the two shinobi while checking their body for a scroll. Neither of the two had a scroll, so either they lost their's or their third member has it. Jabie cursed at his luck once again before leaving them unconscious and fleeing the scene to look for more interesting shinobi in the exams and an elusive earth scroll.

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