BTTH: Auto Cultivation System

Chapter 42: Inner Demon

Su Qian sensed that Xiao Hua's situation had turned dire, and he was about to intervene. However, just as he made the decision, a bolt of blue lightning shot towards him, striking the ground a mere ten meters away. He immediately understood—the dark clouds were issuing a warning, a clear message that he was not to interfere.

Furrowing his brow, Su Qian stood in tense contemplation. After a long moment, he let out a heavy sigh, his gaze shifting towards the center of the forest where a small figure was engulfed in a pillar of blue lightning.

"I have no choice but to trust in his resilience. I truly hope he doesn't fall here..." Su Qian murmured inwardly, his heart heavy with worry as he silently prayed for Xiao Hua's success.

Just as this thought crossed his mind, a small figure suddenly dashed forward, swiftly passing by him. Moments later, five more figures followed in hot pursuit.

"You...!" Su Qian started, but before he could take a step forward, another bolt of blue lightning crackled in the air, this time landing a mere five meters away. The message was clear: this was the final warning—if he dared to advance any further, the lightning would treat him as a hostile.

A dark expression clouded Su Qian's face as he realized the blue lightning was watching his every move. Though he sighed in resignation, a question gnawed at him—why hadn't the lightning targeted the six figures? His brow furrowed deeply as he hoped they could do something to aid Xiao Hua, knowing his own actions were completely restricted.


"Xun Er!" Mei Ling exclaimed, her voice laced with concern as she desperately tried to get Xiao Xun Er's attention.

"Calm down, Xun Er!" Wei Jie shouted, his tone filled with worry as he tried to soothe Xiao Xun Er. His gaze shifted upward, tense and uneasy, as he stared at the terrifying force emanating from the dark clouds above. "These dark clouds... they're terrifying!"

"Why did it attack the First Elder but not us?" Xin Yu calmly analyzed, her eyes narrowing in thought. She had witnessed the lightning warning Su Qian to stay out of Xiao Hua's breakthrough, yet it allowed them to move freely.

"It must be related to Xiao Hua. Somehow, we're connected to his trial..." Li Mei responded, though uncertainty tinged her voice. She, too, was unsure of the reason.

"Does Xun Er realize that and rush forward?" Xin Yu furrowed her brows, studying Xun Er's tense expression.

"I doubt it. She probably acted on instinct," Ming Cheng interjected, shaking his head. He glanced at Xun Er's back before turning to Li Mei and Xin Yu. "While I don't know if we're somehow linked to Xiao Hua's trial, I do believe the lightning isn't hostile towards us. I saw Senior Zhou Tao's face turn pale, and the elders' expressions became grim. They felt the oppressive force from the dark clouds, but we didn't feel anything."

"So, we can assume we're not seen as a threat—or at least not as ones who would interrupt our little brother's trial..." Wei Jie mused as he rejoined the conversation with Ming Cheng, Li Mei, and Xin Yu. The calm expressions and steady behavior of his companions brought him a sense of relief, washing away his anxiety and fear, and restoring calm to his mind.

"Tribulations, huh..." Xin Yu murmured, her expression solemn. "If Xun Er hadn't told us about this, we might have thought Xiao Hua was being struck because he possessed some treasure that attracted this terrifying blue lightning..." She recalled the moment when Xiao Hua ventured deeper into the dense forest, and the dark clouds began to churn ominously above the forest's center.

Thankfully, it was only after Xiao Xun Er explained the situation that they managed to regain their composure. Even so, their faces were grim as they realized the intense suffering their little brother had to endure each time he broke through to a major realm.

"Well, he does have a treasure... just not a physical one," Wei Jie remarked with a peculiar expression, causing Xin Yu and the others to smile wryly.

As they reached a cliff slightly farther from the forest's center, they gazed at the pillar of blue lightning. Now that they were closer, they truly grasped the immense destructive power contained within the terrifying blue lightning.

Moreover, they felt their very souls tremble just by being near it. Even more surprising was the mysterious energy that seemed to permeate the area, subtly nourishing their souls as if the lightning itself carried an otherworldly force.

"This is..." Mei Ling whispered, her voice trembling as she sensed the mysterious yet familiar energy in the air.

"Could it be..." Wei Jie felt the same energy, a realization dawning on him.

"Spiritual Strength?!" they both exclaimed simultaneously, the truth striking them like a bolt of lightning. As alchemists, they were intimately familiar with this elusive and mysterious Spiritual Strength, but never in their wildest dreams did they expect to encounter it so abundantly, filling the entire dense forest.

"It must be because of the blue lightning," Ming Cheng remarked calmly, his gaze steady. "Even now, this energy is still spreading throughout the forest, emanating from the very center."

He could sense that the blue lightning wasn't just containing destructive energy—it was also the source of the Spiritual Strength saturating the area, transforming the forest into a haven of this rare energy.

"That's not the problem, Ming Cheng!" Mei Ling exclaimed, her voice laced with worry as she glanced up at Xiao Hua, his figure floating in the air, battered by the relentless blue lightning.

"Indeed, Brother Ming Cheng, the problem isn't just the energy," Wei Jie interjected, seeing that Mei Ling was too shaken to continue. "Since it's Spiritual Strength, it can only mean one thing—the lightning isn't striking Little Brother Xiao Hua's physical body, but rather his soul. Which means he's enduring unimaginable agony as his soul is being assaulted."

Wei Jie's explanation made the gravity of the situation clear. The expressions of Ming Cheng and the others turned grim as the realization sank in. They hadn't considered this possibility. Mei Ling's earlier worry now made perfect sense, and they all began to share her deep concern.

They all knew how tough and resilient Xiao Hua's physical body was, so they hadn't been overly worried if the lightning had merely targeted his flesh. But it was a completely different matter when it came to his soul. Spiritual attacks were far more insidious and difficult to defend against, and even possessing an item capable of blocking such attacks was rare. With the terrifying force contained within the blue lightning, it was doubtful Xiao Hua's Heavenly Suppression Band would be able to withstand it.

As they discussed Xiao Hua's dire situation, a storm was brewing in Xiao Xun Er's heart.

'Why...? Why am I feeling so restless? Is it because of him? Why am I worrying about him?' Xiao Xun Er's mind was in turmoil, her heart caught in a whirlwind of emotions. 'But that's impossible. After all, our relationship is...'

Her troubled heart didn't escape the notice of Li Mei and the others, who had been watching her closely the entire time.

"This is surprising. I never thought she was the same as well..." Ming Cheng muttered softly, a hint of shock in his voice.

His words caught the attention of the girls. Li Mei glanced at Ming Cheng, curiosity piqued. "Same? Does that mean Xiao Hua...?"

Ming Cheng remained silent, simply nodding in response. The revelation brought a wave of surprise to the group. They had always believed that their little sister was the only one, but now they realized they had been mistaken.

Xin Yu let out a long sigh, shaking her head in exasperation. "What a troublesome relationship they have. Unfortunately, this is something they must resolve on their own."

"Indeed," Li Mei agreed, understanding that they could neither interfere nor offer advice on such a delicate and fragile matter. "Whatever conclusion they come to, we'll continue to watch over them and support them from the shadows."

The others nodded in agreement, their gazes fixed on Xiao Xun Er and Xiao Hua. All they could do was hope that their relationship wouldn't become irreparable. After all, a relationship built on pretense and masks couldn’t last long, and would only lead to suffering for one or both of them.


"Why crawl like an insect in the dirt when the void can offer you peace?"

"Even in your past lives, you were nothing. What makes you think this time will be any different?"

"How much more can you endure, Xiao Hua? Your struggle is but a fleeting dream."

"The path you walk leads only to ruin. Why prolong your agony?"

These sinister murmurs gnawed relentlessly at Xiao Hua's soul, dragging him further into the abyss. He fought against them with all his might, but he could feel his resistance weakening, his strength ebbing away, until he was nearly powerless. His eyelids grew heavy, each blink threatening to pull him into eternal darkness.

'Is this... where it ends? Ah... my eyes are so heavy... I can't keep them open...' Xiao Hua thought desperately. He knew that if he succumbed, if his eyes closed for even a moment, he would be lost forever in the abyss, with no hope of escape.

Just as the darkness was about to claim him, a sudden green glow flashed, bursting forth with incredible force. The sinister murmurs were silenced, the dark whispers obliterated, as warmth and light flooded the cold, oppressive abyss. Slowly, Xiao Hua felt his strength returning.

The green glow coalesced into a single, brilliant green flame, sending out tiny embers that danced in the void. The flame formed a line, slowly drifting toward Xiao Hua's forehead. As soon as it touched him, a powerful vision unfolded in his mind—a scene he had lived through before, vivid and unmistakable.

In the blink of an eye, the dark void around him shifted, and Xiao Hua found himself back in the familiar classroom, where Elder Huo, his master, and Xiao Hua himself once stood side by side, meticulously refining each movement under his master's watchful eye.

"Xiao Hua," Elder Huo's voice resonated softly through the quiet space, filled with profound wisdom and an unspoken care. "Though you have attained great enlightenment in the art of Alchemy, there remains a void in your understanding of life and the cultivation path. Remember this: a journey is not defined by the distance covered or the speed of one's steps, but by the joy and suffering in each step taken, the wisdom gleaned from every trial."

Xiao Hua looked up, the depth of his newfound understanding reflecting in his eyes. A soft smile faintly tugged at the corner of his lips. "Master, your guidance has always been more than mere knowledge of Alchemy. You’ve shown me the true essence of life."

"Yet, you choose to walk this path alone..." Xiao Hua's heart stirred as a familiar voice echoed in his mind—Ming Cheng's voice, rich with warmth and unspoken understanding. It was the voice from the day they had sworn brotherhood, the day they celebrated their unbreakable bond. "Xiao Hua, you must realize—you are never truly alone on this journey. Though the path may seem solitary, your steps are not without company. Along the way, you will encounter countless souls, both kind and cruel. You may never fully grasp the depths of another’s heart, but bonds can still be forged—through gestures of kindness, words exchanged, and even love shared. All it takes is for you to open your heart, even just a little, and allow your eyes to truly see. Perhaps, then, the world will not seem so cold."

"Brother Ming Cheng..." Xiao Hua's voice trembled, a flood of emotions washing over him. "You were right. I was foolish—afraid, pushing others away without ever trying to look at them."

The scene shifted once more, to the moment before they parted ways after swearing brotherhood. Wei Jie turned back to him, his expression softening with brotherly concern. "Little brother, I can sense a fear that lingers in your heart, a fear you can’t seem to shake. But you must face it, embrace it, for it is this very fear that shapes who you are. And if it still weighs heavily upon you, let us bear it together. After all, are we not brothers?"

"Brother Wei Jie..." Xiao Hua's lips curved into a faint, bittersweet smile. "Who would have thought the three of us would become sworn brothers? Yet, here we are... and all of this because of your stubborn insistence that I become your little brother..."

Wei Jie's words were followed by the gentle voices of his sisters, each one filled with concern and care.

"Xiao Hua, I know you are strong, but don’t push yourself too much," Li Mei had said.

"We heard about your breakthrough from Xun Er. Please, take care of yourself better," Xin Yu added.

"You just can’t help but make others worry about you, can you? You’re such a troublesome child," Mei Ling teased, her voice light but filled with genuine affection.

A soft smile tugged at Xiao Hua's lips as he recalled their words. "Sister Li Mei, Sister Xin Yu, Sister Mei Ling, thank you. Despite knowing me for such a short time, you care for me as if we’ve been family forever."

Another scene emerged, one of exhaustion and comfort. Xiao Hua, utterly drained from refining several high-tier medicinal pills, found himself resting on Lady Azure's lap, her gentle hands soothing his weariness. "Child, I know you won't hear it, but listen carefully." her voice was warm, imbued with kindness, "You may think that those around you are oblivious, but they are not. Even Ling Ying, with whom you once had differences, now shares a bond with you akin to that of uncle and nephew. Li Mei and the others, who were strangers, have become your sisters. And what began as a simple contract has blossomed into a true familial relationship."

She paused, her eyes narrowing slightly, as if piercing through the barriers Xiao Hua had built around his heart. "Xiao Hua, even if you saved her for other reasons, even if you both lie to each other now, you do not hate her. It’s time to wake up and accept it—you’ve fallen in love with her."

Xiao Hua’s heart skipped a beat, the weight of her words settling deep within his soul. "You’re right, Sister Azure," he murmured, the truth finally dawning on him. "It’s not just possible, it’s certain. I lied to her because I love her, just as she lies to me. Thank you for standing by me through it all."

A soft, delicate voice then echoed through the space, filled with affection and sincerity. "I love you, Brother Xiao Hua."

Xiao Hua turned, his heart swelling with a love he could no longer deny. "And I love you too, Xun'er."

In that moment, the bonds that had silently formed over time solidified, and Xiao Hua understood—he was no longer walking this path alone.

Suddenly, the vision ended, leaving Xiao Hua in a world of pure blackness. Only one singular path lay before him, stretching endlessly into the darkness. There was nothing else—no landmarks, no light, just the infinite void. With nothing else to do, he took a step forward and began walking down the path.

As Xiao Hua pressed forward, visions unfurled before him like fragments of a distant past. He saw himself, living the life of a mere mortal. His childhood was peaceful, but everything changed when his parents drew their last breath. What followed was not grief, but greed. His siblings, once united, were torn apart by the scramble for inheritance—land, wealth, all symbols of fleeting desires.

There, as a boy, he witnessed the ugliness of human nature. Greed blossomed like a poison, and doubt took root in his heart. He began to question everything—people, the world, even the meaning of existence. Wanting no part of their hollow smiles and insincere gestures, he sold his share of the land to a stranger, cutting ties with those who sought to manipulate him under the guise of kinship.

From that point on, he lived far from his siblings, secluded in a small house he bought with the money. His days fell into a dull rhythm—waking at dawn, working, eating, then collapsing into bed each night. There was no excitement, no purpose beyond mere survival. He existed, scraping by, in a world painted in shades of gray.

A faint smile appeared on his face as he see this vision of his past life.

Then, the vision shifted to that fateful night—the night he had received 500,000 ACP from the System. Why had he made that decision? Even with boundless luck, he knew all too well that in this world, where strength reigns supreme, even luck without power is fragile. It crumbles like dust before the strong.

'No matter how many times I reflect on it, I still can’t understand why I made such a foolish decision,' he thought bitterly. ‘I used all that ACP on Xiao Xun Er, when I knew she would have been fine without my interference. Was my judgment so clouded back then?’

Seeing it again now, he doubted himself once more. The System had given no restrictions; he had chosen of his own accord. Yet that choice, irrational and hasty, seemed to reveal a mind clouded by confusion. Perhaps, deep in his heart, he had hoped this reincarnation was merely a dream, a fleeting illusion he could deny. His actions on that night reflected the foolishness of a man clinging to delusions.

Was it his desire for luck? A yearning for survival? Or perhaps, a darker wish to possess her?

He shook his head. Of all the questions, he knew that the last one was impossible.

“After all, the bond on us is nothing but a facade, a mask to hide from the other and the world…” Xiao Hua muttered softly, heavy with unspoken sorrow. Somewhere in his heart, he had always hoped someone would wake him from the dream of his past life. For that, he had kept his distance from others, even from Xiao Xun Er, unwilling to mend the delicate bond they shared.

Yet, despite all this, a strange relief filled him. Even if others laughed at his choices, mocked his foolishness, even if given the power to rewind time, he would still choose the same path to save her. 

After all, he had hopelessly fall in love with her. It seems he had lost the right to scold Xiao Yan about his past actions any longer.

"I wonder if this foolish thinking is the reason I live so pathetically..."

"If so, why should that matter?"

Xiao Hua's eyes widened in surprise. The voice that responded came not from the shadow he had been addressing but from an unexpected direction. He turned, his gaze falling upon a figure emerging from the darkness, its shape gradually becoming clearer.

"Is there truly any shame in choosing a path that others deem foolish or pathetic? Must one always live by the expectations of others, strangers whose judgments hold no meaning? Should their opinions dictate your actions, leading you to question your own worth? Is there any value in living merely to fulfill the desires of those who do not walk your path?"

As the figure spoke, it slowly took on a familiar form, its silhouette becoming more defined with each word. By the time the voice ceased, the shadow had transformed into an exact replica of Xiao Hua himself. The realization struck him like a bolt of lightning—his heart demon had manifested as his own self. A bitter smile tugged at his lips as he recognized the truth: the battle he fought was not against others, but against himself. His own doubts and fears had taken shape, reflecting the deepest corners of his soul, where his true longings and anxieties resided.

The Heart Demon gazed at him with piercing eyes, its voice gentle yet firm, as if chiding him for his thoughts and actions. It did not attack as heart demons were known to do, trying to drive practitioners into Qi Deviation. Instead, it spoke with the wisdom of one who had endured countless hardships.

"Beside, is there any shame in being pathetic? There's nothing wrong with living and choosing in a way that others might deem stupid. Many have walked that path, some even taking their own lives because of it, yet countless more continue to struggle forward. Is it because they hold onto hope and dreams? Is it because they love themselves and their lives? No—they simply wish to see tomorrow. They just want to live."

"What is judged as pathetic is not the life itself or the actions one takes, but the mindset behind them. It's fine to think life is challenging, even pitiful at times. But to believe your entire life is pathetic—that is the most pitiful thought of all. After all, life shapes you, whether you love or hate yourself, whether you are ambitious or not, whether you are a genius or ordinary. Once you start believing that your life is pathetic, that's where your truly pitiful existence begins. You'll despise yourself, lose your ambitions, and become even more worthless than the most common soul."

Xiao Hua stood motionless, staring at his own reflection—the embodiment of his inner turmoil. The night air was cool, yet a warmth began to spread within him, an odd comfort in confronting his deepest fears face to face.

For that very reason, Xiao Hua couldn’t help but burst into laughter. The visions of his brothers, sisters, master, Lady Azure, and Xun Er had given him solace, filling his heart with warmth. But here, in this place of darkness and solitude, he found the answer to life.

How ironic it was, that the one who provided him with that answer wasn't his admired brothers, the sisters who had guided him, or the mentors who had taught him so much. No, it was his own Heart Demon—the very embodiment of a practitioner's deepest fears and desires—that had brought him comfort. The irony of it all was almost too much to bear.

‘No,’ Xiao Hua thought with a wry smile. ‘It’s precisely because he is my fear and desire that he knows how to scold me, how to slap me awake from my stupidity and delusions.’

In the end, it wasn't the teachings of others, nor the external support that showed him the way, but rather the inner confrontation with his own weaknesses and doubts. It was this struggle, born of his Heart Demon, that illuminated the path forward.

The Heart Demon began to approach him with slow, deliberate steps. Xiao Hua understood its intention and did nothing to stop it. He stood still, allowing the demon to draw near. When it was just a step away, the Heart Demon thrust its hand into Xiao Hua’s chest. Xiao Hua accepted the strike without a word.

"May I say one thing before this is over?" Xiao Hua's voice was soft, almost gentle. The Heart Demon remained silent, waiting for his words. Xiao Hua raised his hand, placing it on the back of the demon’s head as he spoke quietly, "Thank you for staying beside me. Thank you for reminding me that I’m pathetic. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for killing me."

"When you start despising yourself and believe your life is pathetic, I shall appear once more to 'kill' you again." The Heart Demon raised its head, meeting Xiao Hua's crimson-cyan eyes. It smiled warmly, a strange tenderness in its gaze. "No matter how many times it takes, I will return to pull you from the depths of despair. For living is far more painful than dying."

"What a great supporter I have. Perhaps the best there is." Xiao Hua smiled in return, and suddenly, the dark world around them began to crack, like a mirror shattering, crumbling slowly into dust. He looked ahead and watched as the Heart Demon, too, began to disintegrate, turning into ash along with the collapsing darkness.

"One more piece of advice," the Heart Demon muttered, its voice fading. It glanced in a specific direction, and Xiao Hua followed its gaze. There, Xiao Xun Er’s worried face appeared, a reflection of concern and affection. The Heart Demon turned back, locking eyes with Xiao Hua. It spoke softly, "Deal with that one quickly, so you can move on."

"Indeed. It seems I must." Xiao Hua closed his eyes as the Heart Demon vanished. Xiao Hua opened his eyes, filled with newfound clarity. The first thing he saw was a beautiful lady with silky, azure-colored hair cascading down her back, dressed in elegant green clothing that accentuated her slender waist and exuded an air of grace. A small, yet enchanting smile adorned her face.

"It seems I’ve worried you too much, Sister Azure," Xiao Hua said softly, returning her smile. He stood up, as if the weakness he had just experienced was nothing but an illusion. He realized he had been within his mental world. "Thank you for saving me and staying by my side all this time."

"Hmph! Is this a proposal or something?" Lady Azure snorted, though the small smile on her lips revealed her happiness at his successful breakthrough. She glanced downward and added, "But don't just thank me—be grateful to them as well. Without their help, I might not have been able to reach you."

Following her gaze, Xiao Hua saw nine Lightning Beasts. Seven of them were transparent, their forms unclear and shrouded in mystery, while the other two were more distinct—a domineering golden-colored beast and a serene blue-colored one.

"This... this is..." Xiao Hua was at a loss for words at the sight of the nine Lightning Beasts, especially the two new ones. Normally, these creatures would be dormant within his body, seldom making an appearance. "Why are they here, Sister Azure?"

"This place is your mental world, and to these nine Lightning Beasts, it’s their home," Lady Azure explained with a smirk of disdain toward the beasts. "Essentially, they’re here because they were protecting their home."

Xiao Hua couldn’t help but smile wryly. "I never imagined that my mental world would become someone else’s home," he muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose in mild frustration. "And not just for one, but for ten of them..."

"And I wonder who is the tenth one, child?" Lady Azure narrowed her eyes and shows a smile that doesn't reach her eyes. She turned to him with a knowing look. "In case you forgot, we cannot survive by staying outside and needed a vessel to hold us."

Xiao Hua could only smile wryly in response. He couldn’t muster a single complaint. After all, without their help, he might have been trapped in that dark abyss forever.

"Anyway, go back and refine the Heavenly Astral Lightning," Lady Azure instructed with a gentle smile, pointing upward. "After passing the test, the Heavenly Astral Lightning has recognized you, and refining the Heavenly Mortal Lightning will be much easier."

Xiao Hua nodded. With renewed resolve, Xiao Hua sent his consciousness back to his physical body. As his eyes fluttered open, the relentless onslaught of blue lightning continued to crash against him. Yet, the searing pain that once accompanied each strike had completely vanished. Instead of agony, his soul felt invigorated, as though washed clean by the very essence of the heavens themselves.

He raised his head, looking toward the sky. A profound sense of gratitude filled him for the Heavenly Astral Lightning that had created this trial. With a soft cry, he declared, "I'll refine you!"

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