Chef’s Harem in Multiverse

Ch: 40 [Hail Hydra]

Suddenly, the glass window broke and a small ball-like object rolled in. Fuck! Grenade? I grabbed Emi and pulled her down.

"What the fuck?! Grenade?!" She screamed.

I created a gravity force field around us just as the grenade exploded. The scorching flames engulfed us for a few moments, but the force field kept them away. The heat from the flames, however, still reached us. It was bright and the sound of the explosion was so loud that it nearly made us pass out. The brief moment seemed like an eternity.

Soon, the flames sided. The room was... Well, destroyed. I don't know who it is, but to think they would throw a grenade in a hospital. I finally got up. I was unhurt. My ears still ringing. I saw Emi standing up from the floor, but she was trembling. The emergency alarm was ringing.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, worried.

"Yeah, I am fine... But... You... How did you?" She stuttered.

"I will explain later," I said as I grabbed her clothes which were fine thanks to my gravity field, and handed them to her, "You get dressed and check on the others. And, please keep my power a secret."

"Yes. Okay, I understand," She replied, getting dressed.

I walked toward the shattered wall, ready to fly out to see if I can catch that fucker. But, to my surprise, Emi pulled my robe.

"Be careful," She said.

I gave a faint smile to her.

"I will. Don't worry," I said, before I flew out of the window.

As I flew outside, chaos erupted around me. Staff members were frantically running and screaming, but to my surprise, there was no sign of fire. People were helping the injured and ambulances were lined up on the street. The police had not yet arrived. I scanned the area, hoping to catch a glimpse of the perpetrator, but they were nowhere to be seen. I was about to begin my own search. Fuck! I don't have time to wait for the police.

I created a gravity force field around my body and flew after the figure. Can't take any risk, if this guy is the attacker, he might have weapons with him. I flew down in front of him. He is wearing a skull mask and his hoodie is covering most of his face and it was dark.

"You in a hurry?" I asked.

He pulled out a gun and pointed it at me.

"Get out of my way," He growled.

"Oh, come on," I laughed, "I survived a grenade blast and you are pointing that little toy at me?"

"Move!" He screamed.

"Ok, here's what we are gonna do. In the next five seconds, you are gonna put that gun down and surrender yourself to the police. If you don't, then I will shove that gun in your ass, and blow it off. Five," I said.

[Bang!] He pulled the trigger.


The bullet hit my chest, but bounced off.


He fired two more times. I flicked my finger and sent him flying.


He pointed his gun at his head, "Hail Hydra!"

"Hydra!?" I mumbled. Fuck! I can't let him die.

He pulled the trigger. For a brief moment, everything seemed to be frozen in time. I can see the bullet standing still between his head and the muzzle. Is this the Symbiote's unique power? Whatever it is, can't let this bastard die like this.

I dashed forward and punched him. He flew for a few meters until he landed with a loud thud. The bullet missed him by an inch. I didn't let him rest for a moment. I kicked him and he fell down, his head hitting the ground. He quickly took another gun out of his shocks and tried to kill himself again. I used my new Symbiote power and threw a tendril at his hand, snatching the gun from him.

"What the fuck?! Stop it!" He screamed.

"I told you, haven't I? I am gonna blow off that gun in your ass," I said, as I manipulated gravity to crush his hands and legs.

"Arrrrggggg!" He screamed in pain, but I ignored him.

I grabbed his neck and lifted him up, "Now, scream your Hydra's name... Tell him to save your ass..." I slammed him on the road. Then I took the gun and shot him in the thigh.

He screamed in agony.

"Why did you try to kill me?" I shot his right shoulder.

"Fuck you!" He screamed, trying to get away from me like a squirming worm.

I kicked his stomach, sending him flying and crashing into the nearby dumpster.

"I will ask one more time. Why did you try to kill me?" I pointed the gun at his crotch, "I will blow off your balls you lunatic motherfucker."

"Okay! I will talk! Just spare my balls! I am not supposed to tell you anything! I am just a new recruit. A man just paid my bail and offered me to erase my past if I kill that doctor," He confessed as he pulled out Emilia's photo and placed it on the ground.

I can hear the siren of the police cars. They will be here any minute and since I am here, Peggy and Gwen must have heard the commotion and must be on their way, right now. I have to hurry.

"Tell me about the man who bailed you," I commanded, "Do you know his name? Did he mention his job?"

"He gave me $100,000.00 to kill the doctor and he was supposed to get me to Miami after the job is done," He said, panting.

"Stop wasting my time and answer. Who is he? Give me a name, a description. Anything! Where did you meet him?"

"I don't know. He wore a ski mask and a suit, and he never talked... Fuck! It hurts..." He groaned.

"You piece of shit, answer me," I growled.

"Okay, okay... Arggg... Please... Arrg... It hurts..."

"Tell me his fucking name!" I screamed, pulling his hair.

"I... I don't know. He just gave me this letter and that photo. It got his handwriting in there... I swear!" He said.

"Give me the letter," I ordered.

He pulled a plastic bag from his pocket and gave it to me. It was a plain white envelope. I tore the envelope open and found a letter. The content was quite simple.

"Congratulations. You have been selected for the most honorable position in our organization.

The Doctor is in the hospital. The mission is simple. Kill her patient, capture her and you will get $100,000,000.00 and a new life waiting for you in Miami. You have been paid the bail and I have taken care of the rest.

Your new identity is provided in the packet. I have no doubt that you are a professional.

Please be careful, since the police will be swarming around. I have arranged a plane that will be waiting for you at the airport.

I look forward to hearing your story.

Hail Hydra!"

The last sentence made me grit my teeth. What does Red Skull want with Emilia? I have to ask her.

Huh!? Another letter! I put it in my robe's big pocket. I will read it later.

The siren is getting closer. I must get inside the hospital before anyone suspects me. Besides, this fucker... One moment he was about to blow his brains off and the other moment he became so cooperative. Well, whatever it is... If it's anything like the situation with the girls around me then... Oh, hell no!

I shot his balls and the upper part of his thigh.

"Fucking, lunatic monster!" He screamed in pain. I tore open his shirt and pushed it into his mouth to prevent any attempt at suicide. Ah! What's this? Another grenade... It was lying on the ground. I looked around, although it was a dark alley without any houses or anyone around us, exploding a grenade... Humm... I took off the pin and used my gravity power to throw it into the sky.

"Mummmmm!" The bastard screamed behind me.

The grenade exploded in the sky. This should be enough to catch the police's attention. Time to return to the hospital...

I stopped in my tracks. He has seen my face. I can't let him live. It was only a matter of time before he reveals my identity.

I quickly pulled the cloth out of his mouth, "Where is the money? Answer me and I will let you live."

"Aaaaaaggghhhhhh! Please... Fuck! It hurts! Arggghhhhh!" He screamed.

"I will really shove this up your ass and shoot! Answer me, motherfucker..." I screamed.

"There is a plastic bag in the glove compartment of my car... The keys are in my pocket..." He said, panting.

"Where is your car?"

"It is a blue Chevrolet Impala... The plates are D34 937, A... 77. It's parked in the parking lot of Ast-Lion Bank," He said.

"And you expect me to believe you?" I said, kicking him.

"It's the truth..." He replied, moaning. "Please call medics..."

[Bang!] I shot his arm.

"FUCK YOU!" He screamed.

"I am not the kind of man who is stupid enough to trust a low-life criminal like you," I said, pulling out my gun, "Now, tell me the truth. You have an accomplice, don't you?"

"No. No... I swear..." He pleaded.

"You're a liar. A big fat liar!" I screamed. "I am gonna shoot you again..." I pointed at his bleeding crotch. I am surprised to see this bastard still conscious after all that. Did they feed him something? Whatever...

"It's an Aston Martin... White with a red stripe, license plate A77 724, same location..." He said, panting.

I can hear the sound of police siren. Now is not the time to play around.

I shot his forehead. His body twitched for a moment, and then went limp. I wiped the gun with his clothes. Can't let any fingerprints remain. I put the gun in his mouth and made him hold his gun, obviously using my tendrils. And thanks to the gravity layer around my skin, I never actually touched him physically.

After a quick look around the area, I flew into the sky. Time to get to the hospital. I will secure the money later.


[In the darkness]

"Fucker is a superhuman! You always surprise me, Brian. Things just got interesting..."


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