Create The Salvation Army And Save The Three-Body Broken Ball At The Beginning

Chapter 77

Chapter 77 Tragic Future? Everyone In The Avengers Directly Saw Through The Defense!

“…I was wrong.” Tony Stark’s mouth twitched slightly, and he raised his hand in surrender very honestly. Not at all the rebelliousness of the super capitalists in the Marvel world….

Well, of course, this is definitely not because he is afraid that the opponent will give him a backhand with a light knife…

“Hmph! You bald eagle people.” Huang Yuan regained his laziness, but his voice was still slightly hostile.

“What’s wrong with the bald eagle?” Steve stood up instantly with a serious expression. He is a patriot and cannot listen to bad things about his country without being indifferent. Even…he knows very well that he can’t beat Huang~Yuan…

Tony Stark frowned and looked at the yellow ape repeatedly. Compared with Steve, he thought more.

Before, he saw that the yellow ape indirectly caused the official system of the bald eagle to collapse, so he wondered if this person had some personal grievances with the bald eagle. But later, under Chu Bai’s rule, the world was unified, so he didn’t think much about it.

But now, Huang Yuan’s attitude! It seems to confirm his previous guess!

Thor’s face is indifferent, let alone the bald eagle, what does the death of the earth have to do with him?

“Why, you are not convinced?” Huang Yuan straightened his body slowly, with a playful face, and even cast his eyes on Jinbai.

What does this have to do with Mr. Chu?” Tony Stark calmed down instantly.

“The world under your feet is now in 2023,” Huang Yuan said leisurely, “There are also bald eagles in this world! Moreover, the bald eagles attacked us not long ago, and even wanted to dig me out who joined the Salvation Army.” In the past, into their nationality.”

“It’s so scary, Bald Eagle!” Huang Yuan said exaggeratedly, “First attack with aircraft carrier and plane, and then dig the wall without paying attention to Mr. Chu at all…”

The yellow ape desperately put eye drops on the bald eagle in the main world. It can be seen from this that the impression of the bald eagle in the main world on the ape is really bad.

In particular, Huang Yuan followed Chu Bai to the Marvel world and saw that the world view of the group of capitalists who are not human has been refreshed. No matter which world the bald eagle is, he hates +10!

It can even be said that in the eyes of the yellow ape, the bald eagle has been equated with the former world government… Those capitalists are Tianlong people!

At this moment, the scene was dead silent.

The members of the Avengers all became extremely ugly, their bodies trembling uncontrollably.

“Chu, Mr. Chu.” Steve looked at Chu Bai helplessly, with cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

“Mr. Chu, I’m very sorry!” Tony Stark immediately made a decision, stood up impressively, bowed deeply to Chu Bai, gritted his teeth, and then said, “I don’t know the situation in this world yet. ! Bald eagles who don’t understand the world…”

“Wait a minute, I’ll look up the Bald Eagles! Those who offend you…” Tony Stark clenched his fists, “I’ll get rid of them all.”


Not at all like something Iron Man could say.

But even Steve, who has a heart of justice, did not question Tony Stark and completely acquiesced.

“No hurry!” Chu Bai Ping said, “Let’s see the Avengers first.”

Chu Bai also had a headache before, unable to change the real world on a large scale, obviously destroying the country, try not to do it if you can…

But now, since Tony Stark has opened his mouth and is willing to perform surgery on the bald eagle… let him do it!

As for the result… Well, anyway, Chu Bai thought about the situation on the other side of the ocean, and the other side has reached the bottom, and no matter how it changes, it will be upward! It can’t be worse.

Anyway, as long as the opponent doesn’t directly collapse and disintegrate, it will have a huge impact on the world. No matter what the result is, Chu Bai can accept it.

“So,” Thor didn’t care about white or bald eagles, he asked curiously, “Who is the Avengers…

“You’ll know it when you start watching!” Chu Bai thought for a while, and said to the void, “Queen, send a message to all members of the Salvation Army who have free time. If they want, they can go to the underground movie hall to watch The Avengers together.” Alliance! Of course, it’s fine if you don’t want to.”

Chu Bai is going to do some team building, but it’s not mandatory. One thing to say, what is the difference between mandatory team building and going to work?

Immediately, Chu Bai led a group of people to the underground movie hall. There are already many people sitting in the cinema hall now.

Chu Bai picked a position with the best viewing angle, and found that there were sisters Lei Dian nearby, Lei Xing was still sipping dessert, Zhongli was holding a pot of tea [with a relaxed face

Wendy is holding a cup of milk tea…… Oh no, this is just a box of milk tea, which is obviously wine……

Naxida also came, but the King of the Great Mercy Tree did not come. Chu Bai asked the queen, and learned that King Dacishu, after all, all went back to deal with the affairs of various countries. After all, their country is completely different from the AI ​​ruling the country next door, and Monde’s offline monarchy.

Chu Bai led a group of people and sat down smoothly. Not long after, Warring States brought many admirals, the Four Emperors, and the Seven Martial Seas into the cinema hall.

“Master Chu Bai.” The empress saw Chu Bai, her eyes sparkled, she jumped up, and rushed to Chu Bai’s side, like a little girl chasing stars, “holding Bai’s tail with great excitement.

“Let’s watch the movie first.” Chu Bai showed a noncommittal look, and with the other hand, he took out the gourmet tablecloth, called out a bunch of gourmet food, and distributed them to those sitting beside him who didn’t bring any food.

Finally, everyone is admitted.

Under the queen’s control, the movie screen suddenly lit up.

Moreover, this time is completely different from the past. The queen used her own illusion projection, so that the movie is no longer limited to the movie screen, but a real reflection is formed around it.

“Fuck! Awesome.” Liu Peiqiang’s eyes lit up instantly.

“Grandma, I thought I was just watching a movie normally! I never expected…” Zhang Peng was also full of excitement. The realism of this projection, this light, this water, ah! What is the difference between this and virtual reality?!

Although, the technology of the wandering earth world can actually achieve this kind of thing. However, it is clear that during the previous disaster period, it was impossible to invest resources in this area…

An old man like Luo Ji subconsciously held his breath.

Iron Man One.

As soon as Tony Stark appeared on the stage, he showed that kind of playboy demeanor. To be honest, Tony Stark, who has never been honed, is really not very likable.

Tony, who was beside Chu Bai, stiffened for a moment, keenly aware that his old friends were casting their eyes on him.

Even, there were many people on the scene looking at him from time to time, with different expressions, and from time to time they said some words that he couldn’t understand at all.

“Is he the protagonist this time?”

“Interesting! It’s really interesting… I knew that Mr. Chu has the collecting habit of the protagonist.”

“Fart! Luffy from the Pirate World, the commander-in-chief didn’t let him join. Also, the commander-in-chief also didn’t invite the travelers from the original god world.”

“The traveler mainly didn’t meet… Luffy, Luffy is actually quite normal! One thing to say, if you want to invite him to join, he may not be willing.”

“Fart!” Garp was anxious when he heard this, his old face flushed, and he clenched his fists, “I will correct him after I go back. I believe it can be corrected!”

Then, old friends around Karp said a bunch of difficult words.

What about “started again, started again, Karp is real, there is no compulsion at all”, “Your teaching, correction, let you teach so many pirates?”, “Your grandson, you can still Explain, you don’t always follow them, how can your son explain it?”, “Your family is pure rebels!” “Give up, the more you control your children, the more you will be ruined.”

Karp was trembling all over, his forehead was bruised, and he couldn’t speak a word, tears streaming down his stomach

“…Protagonist!” Tony Stark chewed on the noun. He stared at the screen, feeling more and more confused.

Then, what happened to Tony Stark in the past was broadcast on the movie screen… He was publicly executed.

His thoughts, his life, his entanglements, his changes…all of them are fully exposed.

By the end of Iron Man, Nistark had been so silent that he began to doubt his life.

Especially when he saw the old friends of the Avengers around him, and when he saw his eyes, Tony Stark’s eyes were blank, he really wanted to leave the earth on the spot! Run into the universe, no one Get to know him and start your life anew.

“Don’t worry!” Chu Bai swept past Steve, who couldn’t stop laughing, and Thor, who was gloating, one by one, and said leisurely, “You all have roles, come one by one.

Others at the scene: “……?”

The smile froze at this moment.

“Quick, quick, quick! Play the next one.” Tony Stark’s eyes lit up for a moment, and he urged anxiously.

That’s great, although there is a problem with social death…but as long as the big guys are all social dead, then it means that there is no social death.

Captain Citi, Thor, Iron Man II, Avengers II…

After watching every movie, there is a break. You can add some snacks… If you feel that it is really boring to watch, you can also tell the queen and leave halfway

Of course, under the queen’s superb hallucinatory special effects, everyone was immersed in the movie. Even if it is not reminded that every movie ends, many people will even forget to eat

Movie after movie!

The calmness of the members of the Avengers lasted until Ultron was played. When they saw the Ultron plot that was completely different from the Ultron story that happened in their own world, their expressions almost twisted into a ball. Even exclaimed aloud.

…What the hell? Ultron can be dealt with so easily? Falk squid, you are kidding me!”

“Impossible! Absolutely impossible… Where is Ultron’s hundreds of billions of nano-robot seas?”

“Ultron can perfectly monitor the Skynet of the entire world?!”

“What about the evil agreement that Ultron reached with high-level leaders and capitalists from all over the world to let those capitalists assist him in ruling the world?!”

Stupid, completely dumbfounded.

Tony Stark turned his head stiffly to look at Chu Bai, hesitant to speak several times.

“Keep watching!” Chu Bai made a booing gesture, and he said calmly, “When watching a movie, don’t make a scene and disturb others… There are still others who are very rude.”

…ask for flowers…

Chu Bai frowned, slapped Hancock’s hand that was touching in a strange place, and gave her a hard look, “Don’t be so undignified in public.

“Oh…” Hancock looked disappointed.


His impression of Hancock has been completely broken.

This… This woman, and after him, is even more slutty and nympho than in the original book!

Time is still passing fast.

Tony Stark watched the movie, someone questioned him for letting his child die because of the crisis of Ultron, and his expression was complicated and weird. On the one hand, he also lamented the casualties of innocent people; on the other hand, he also felt that, compared to

In their world, Ultron killed very few people.

How many people died in the movie? Tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands? Or more?!


In their world, before Chu Bai came, the number of people who died directly or indirectly because of Ultron was calculated in units of billions.

The bald eagle and Europa, which have social order, are better, and the ones like Shenzhou, which have not been defeated, are also okay…

On the Black Continent, there is no order at all, and at the same time, there is no country that controls Peace Egg, which threatens and protects the countries of the Black Continent… This directly leads to Ultron having no scruples at all over there.

Kill special kill…….

Time is still ticking.

And the following episodes caused the members of the Avengers to change their expressions drastically. They realized something and their hearts throbbed.

Even, some people’s psychological endurance is not very strong, panting heavily, feeling hypoxic to the point of vertigo.

“This is……..this is from the future?!”

“How is that possible! This, this kind of thing… how is this possible?”

“I don’t believe it! Fake, it’s fake….

When the plot progressed to the Avengers Civil War, it was exposed that Tony’s parents were killed by Captain Citi’s friend. Steve, who was sitting with Tony, felt like he was sitting on pins and needles.

Tony clenched his fists tightly, and his scalp was numb with anger. If it weren’t for the fact that Chu Bai was by his side, he would have already hit Steve in the face with his fist.

As for Hawkeye, Black Widow, and Dr. Banner, they were all trembling and staring at the screen. Persuasion? Persuasion? What kind of persuasion? If you really open your mouth, it may become a fuse, directly leading to

It exploded, it really hit Chu Bai, it was so fucking exciting… …

Thor has always maintained the mentality of watching fun from beginning to end. Anyway, although the relationship between him and Tony Stark Steve is good, but that’s it, even if the two fight, it’s not easy.

Will tell him to stand in line.

But soon, Thor couldn’t laugh anymore.

His parents died, Asgard exploded, his sister got out of trouble… even, in the end, even his younger brother couldn’t keep him…

Thor stared blankly at the illusory images around him, Thanos clenched his palm a little bit, just like killing a chick, and broke Loki’s neck… No

No mercy.

“Loki…” The moment Loki landed, Thor stood up uncontrollably. There was a faint flash of thunder all over him, and he almost lost control.

At this moment, neither Steve nor Iron Man dared to fight any more.

Their expressions changed drastically, one by one, they rushed up and grabbed Thor’s arms.

“Thor! Thor!! Calm down!!!”

“It’s not true…Fuck, you’re really electric!”

With a crisp bang, Steve smashed his shield directly on Thor’s face, and even with his mild temper, he swears directly, “Fuck, it’s okay for you to shock me.

! If you spread the electricity again, it will affect the commander-in-chief and other innocent people!”

“That’s a movie! What happens in the future… Your brother is not dead, your parents are not dead either! Instead of worrying about this kind of thing, you might as well think about how to deal with it.”

Nistak was also roaring, and he was so anxious that he started to use himself as an example.

“I saw with my own eyes how my parents died! I am here to endure… You idiot, what are you doing here?!”

These words directly made Thor wake up like a dream.

He squirmed his lips, the eight-foot man, his eyes turned red at this moment, he gritted his teeth and nodded heavily, and sat down bitterly again.

Naturally, such a big movement could not be covered up.

Countless people around cast their gazes over, with different expressions.

Especially people like Garp of the Warring States Period, either with solemn expressions, or eager to try, obviously intending to rush forward to stop it if they really go crazy here.

Especially Karp, seeing that Thor was under control, he even picked his nose a little bit disappointed, “I thought we could fight…”

Navy people:

Four Emperors:


You Nima are also really amazing!

Fighting in front of the commander-in-chief in this movie theater?!

Don’t you think carefully about how terrifying your destructive power is? Your fist clash, and that movement, probably will attract the commander-in-chief to take a shot, and push your head into the ground with a backhand…

the other side.

Liu Peiqiang and Zhang Peng, who were tense all over, got up and took a running posture. Luo Ji and others, who were ready to run at any time, also breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly moved their buttocks back to Sichuan again. .

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