Entertaining Children

Chapter 1316

Chapter 1316 I’m on my way?

Chapter 1316

It is impossible for the entertainment media not to pay attention to the wedding of a star like Xiao Yao. Xiao Yao’s wedding did not invite the media, which does not mean that the entertainment media would not be able to understand the situation of the wedding.

Before the wedding, some entertainment media reporters who found out about the news went to Fussen. But at most, those reporters can inquire into the hotel where the wedding guests are staying and take photos of the stars who are suspected of the wedding guests.

Reporters were denied entry to Xiao Yao’s wedding scene. All guests attending the wedding were sent to Neuschwanstein Castle and returned by vehicles arranged by Xiao Yao. Security personnel were also arranged on the wedding scene. Neuschwanstein Castle can not be mixed into the wedding scene.

However, Xiao Yao refused to allow reporters to enter the wedding scene, so there were no restrictions on the guests. It is very convenient to take photos and videos on mobile phones now, and Xiao Yao cannot ask guests not to take photos or record videos at the wedding.

Many of the guests attending the wedding are also stars. Whether it’s purely for sharing with fans, congratulating Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting, or taking advantage of the heat to attract attention, it’s not surprising that wedding guests post photos and videos taken at the wedding on their social media accounts. Things.

Even if there is no entertainment record to enter the wedding scene, as long as it is deliberately searched, collected, and organized, it is not difficult to understand all aspects of the wedding. Because of Xiao Yao’s high popularity and high attention to the wedding, there are many media and even individuals doing this.

The public is concerned about celebrities’ weddings. It is nothing more than the form and location of the wedding, the ostentation costs, the number of celebrities among the best man and bridesmaids, and even the number of celebrities among the guests attending the wedding and the level of coffee rank. The media reported on Xiao Yao’s wedding mainly from these aspects.

The wedding is held in Europe, naturally it is Western style. However, the town of Fussen and the castle of Neuschwanstein are not well-known among ordinary Chinese people. Many people didn’t understand why Xiao Yao put the wedding in that place at first. However, after some popular science in media reports, when they knew that Neuschwanstein Castle was actually the prototype of Disney Castle, those talents suddenly realized that they praised Xiao Yao’s ability and dedication to the wedding.

Not everyone can use Neuschwanstein Castle as a wedding venue. In addition, the report also mentioned that Xiao Yao covered all guests’ hotel expenses in Fussen and arranged dozens of the same new BMW models to take all guests to and from Neuschwanstein. Fort, so it seems that the pomp is not small.

As for the expenses, the reporters do not know the specific amount, but they all speculate that Xiao Yao’s expenses should be not small.

There have been several well-known “Weddings of the Century” in the China Entertainment Circle before, but they cost hundreds of millions of dollars. However, there are a lot of sponsors for the wedding. In fact, the parties who held the wedding didn’t pay much, or even not counted. On the contrary, the gift money received is still profitable.

But this wedding of Xiao Yao is different. The reporters found that Xiao Yao’s wedding did not have many sponsors, and the sponsor brands of the wedding were all the brands of goods actually used in the wedding, and they were all sponsored in kind, without financial sponsorship. The biggest sponsor of the wedding may be the use of dozens of cars that BMW sponsored to pick up and drop off guests. Therefore, Xiao Yao’s wedding must be quite expensive.

However, I think that Xiao Yao has not had any brand endorsements other than his own company so far. Xiao Yao’s wedding is not much sponsored and it is not so incomprehensible. Think about Xiao Yao at a Las Vegas casino more than a month ago. After winning the news of 20 million US dollars, Xiao Yao’s prodigal behavior of organizing such a luxurious wedding without looking for sponsors also seemed less “silly”.

In the wedding of Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting, the selection of the best man and bridesmaid is basically not surprising. Zhao Rui, Lin Qisan, Zhou Zhihao, Zhu Zitong, Nina Aiiguli, whether from the closeness to the bride and groom or In terms of fame, they were all natural choices. The only surprise was that there was an unfamiliar face in the bridal group.

Reporters can easily find out that she is Lin Shaohua’s daughter and Lin Qisan’s sister Lin Xiaoyi. However, although this is also a second-generation star, she is currently studying at a non-art major in a non-art college in the United States. She is still in the entertainment industry in her early twenties and is still unknown in the entertainment industry. It seems that she has never entered the entertainment industry. meaning. It is impossible for Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting to ask her to be a bridesmaid to help her raise her profile and pave the way for her debut.

Given the current popularity and celebrity status of Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting in the Chinese entertainment industry, it is impossible to find a female celebrity in the circle to be the bridesmaid, such as Cheng Xi, Fan Linxuan and others under the Qi Jia studio are not yet married. The relationship is also good, both are suitable candidates for bridesmaids. Judging from Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting’s move to ask Lin Xiaoyi to be the bridesmaid, this wedding is really “private”.

As for the guests, Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting’s number of guests in this wedding is actually not that many. More importantly, after knowing that the wedding was held abroad, many fans speculated that the top international movie stars, singers, and sports stars Xiao Yao met in the United States for the All-Star Celebrity Games did not attend, which inevitably was a little disappointed.

However, there are no comments on the Internet that ridicule Xiao Yao’s wedding for lack of appearance, because the presence of the “Daydream” band alone is enough to make Xiao Yao’s wedding kill all China’s celebrity weddings in terms of celebrity level and quality. Not to mention that “Daydream” not only attended, but also performed as a guest performer for all guests at the wedding dinner.

There is one last point, that is, the process of Xiao Yao using his mouth to hold the sock ring at the wedding was photographed by some celebrities among the guests with their mobile phones and posted on his own social media. In this link, the netizens of China, let alone meet, know very little. Therefore, this video is also one of the objects of heated discussion among Chinese netizens.

Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting’s wedding has too many topics for discussion, and related topics have been searched in turn, so the popularity of this wedding lasts for a long time.

From before the wedding, a reporter accompanied by secretly photographed guest photos reported that Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting were about to hold the wedding. It took almost two weeks for the online discussion of Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting’s wedding to be completely dissipated.

The topic of Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting’s wedding is hotly searched, and naturally there are the names of Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting. The topic of the wedding has been popular for almost two weeks, and the names of Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting have also been at the top of the hot search list for almost two weeks. The names of Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting disappeared from the hot search list until the wedding enthusiasm dissipated.

However, this disappearance only lasted three days. Three days after Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting’s wedding related topics were searched, the name Xiao Yao once again airborne the top of the searched lists on various social platforms.

Only Xiao Yao was on the hot search this time, not Sun Tingting. The reason why the name Xiao Yao has been able to bombard netizens and the public for nearly two weeks has caused many people’s eyes and brains to feel tired and even a little bored with his name. Just three days later, they airborne all kinds of hot search lists again. The top of the list is because the news is too shocking for the netizens and the public.

The news that made it to the top of the hot search list is: Xiao Yao is currently training in the East China Sea Shark Basketball Club!

The East China Sea Sharks are one of the teams in the first-level professional league of China Basketball. After Xiao Yao played the charity show game four or five years ago, the East China Sea Shark Club issued an announcement saying that it would invite Xiao Yao to try out. Although the East China Sea Shark Club and Xiao Yao both confirmed the existence of the trial invitation, in the end Xiao Yao did not accept the invitation and did not actually go to the trial. Therefore, in the eyes of many people, the invitation to the trial training It is still a speculation on both sides.

But this time it was different. Because the content of the news this time is not that the East China Sea Shark Club invited Xiao Yao to try out, but that Xiao Yao is already in the try out.

Of course, Xiao Yao’s trial training does not mean that Xiao Yao will definitely pass the trial training. It does not mean that the club will definitely sign with Xiao Yao. Xiao Yao will become a professional player, but Xiao Yao, a star in the entertainment industry, will go to a professional basketball club to try. The news of training can still be called the news of baozhaxing.

Therefore, as soon as the news came out, the name “Xiao Yao”, which was only popularly searched, landed to the top of the social platform’s popular search lists again in just three days.

This news is not an official announcement from the East China Sea Shark Club or Xiao Yao’s official social account, but a report from a somewhat famous but not too authoritative online media. The source of the information stated in the report is from An internal employee of the East China Sea Shark Club broke the news.

This kind of report actually cannot guarantee the authenticity and accuracy of this news. However, because this news was too shocking and too eye-catching, many media reprinted this news in the first time in order to grab time, but indicated the reprint and “According to the inside of Big Shark Club” in the report. “Employees broke the news”.

Strictly speaking, Xiao Yao’s participation in the basketball club trial is a sports activity, which should be regarded as sports news. However, given Xiao Yao’s status as an acting star, the entertainment media will certainly not let it go. Therefore, this news hit the top of the hot search list on various social platforms in one day.

However, reprinting is after all reprinting. Since this incident was too shocking and eye-catching, after reprinting this news, many media still need to further confirm the authenticity of this incident and follow up on the follow-up of this news, and further dig out more relevant news. .

Suddenly, countless sports reporters and entertainment reporters contacted the East China Sea Shark Club and Xiao Yao’s studio to verify the matter, and many reporters even went to the East China Sea Shark Club training base in Shencheng to verify in person that Xiao Yao participated in the trial training. thing.

Xiao Yao could not be seen, but both the East China Sea Shark Club and Xiao Yao Studio responded directly to the reporter, expressing that there was something wrong. After confirming the authenticity of the news, the media reporter naturally further explored the reason why Xiao Yao went to participate in the trial training.

Is Xiao Yao going to tryout to become a professional player? The response from the East China Sea Shark Club and Xiao Yao Studio was affirmative. They both stated that as long as Xiao Yao’s trial training passed, the two parties would sign a professional contract, and the East China Sea Shark would also help Xiao Yao register with the Basketball Association. Xiao Yao will not be okay to entertain the East China Sea Shark Club, and the East China Sea Shark will not arrange trial training just to let Xiao Yao have the addiction of a trial training, let Xiaoyao fool around.

Then why did Xiao Yao suddenly want to be a professional player? Xiao Yao’s studio did not give any special reason, but Xiao Yao suddenly wanted to be a professional player. The reply from the East China Sea Sharks Club was that Xiao Yao wanted to be a professional player and wanted to come for a trial training. They felt that Xiao Yao was qualified to come for the trial training, so they let him come for the trial training. The same did not give Xiao Yao a sudden change of career and wanted to become a professional player. the reason.

Xiao Yao is different from many acting stars. He is the real boss of the studio, and his agents have to listen to him. He always takes whatever job he wants to take, and does whatever he wants. Judging from the basketball level Xiao Yao has shown and his consistent behavior style, it is possible to suddenly want to play professional basketball on a whim.

However, Xiao Yao’s sudden “whisper” at this time still made the media reporters feel a little strange.

If it’s after the charity exhibition game four or five years ago, or after the NBA All-Star Celebrity Game three years ago, or even after the NBA All-Star Celebrity Game where Xiao Yao proposed to Sun Tingting at the beginning of this year, Xiao Yao “on a whim “It’s understandable if you want to be a professional player. After all, Xiao Yao’s performance in those games was very good. He won the MVP of the game, and it made sense to try the professional game after the game with a lot of self-confidence.

But this time? Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting had their wedding abroad at the beginning of the month. Normally, Xiao Yao should be spending his honeymoon with Sun Tingting at this time. Basketball shouldn’t appear in Xiao Yao’s mind at this time, who is supposed to be full of sweet and happy heart, let alone suddenly want to play professional basketball.

Media reporters and even netizens thought along this line of thinking, and naturally they thought of the Basketball World Cup held in Italy last month.

During the   Basketball World Cup, Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting watched all the China Basketball Team matches live. Their tickets are provided by Chen Yang, and the tickets provided by Chen Yang are provided by the organizing committee to the relatives and friends of the players of each team to support the players on the spot. The seats are almost connected together, so that area is a comparison. Special player family area. Many media reporters who report on the spot will give some attention to that area. During the gaps in the game, the broadcaster will inevitably give some shots to that area when shooting scenes in the live audience.

Due to several celebrity matches and charity matches, Xiao Yao, an acting star, is not only well-known among basketball fans, but also famous among basketball professionals in China. Whether it is the basketball sports commentary of Haiyan video or the basketball sports commentary of CCTV, there is no one who does not know Xiao Yao. As long as the broadcast footage is given to the family members of the Huaxia players in the audience, the commentator of the game can always recognize Xiao Yao and call out his name. Therefore, fans and netizens all know that Xiao Yao watched all the matches of the China Men’s Basketball Team in the World Cup.

The performance of the China Men’s Basketball Team in this World Cup is not good, it can even be said to be very bad. This bad situation is not only the result of the game and the unsatisfactory ranking in the end, but also the course of their game.

Due to the poor performance of the China Men’s Basketball Team in the game, some fans who were dissatisfied with the players on the field were among the audience who watched the game broadcast on the Internet. Netizens issued a barrage saying that the players on the field were too bad. It would be better to let Xiao Yao in the audience. Play instead of those Chinese players on the field. As soon as this barrage came out, it won the support of many fans and spectators. Some online viewers even swiped up the barrage of “changing Xiaoyao” in a certain period of time. After the game, many similar comments and posts appeared on some social media and forums on the Internet.

Sport stars are also stars and have fans. The players of the national team are certainly basketball stars in China. Whether it is a barrage during the game or a comment post after the game, this kind of remarks are naturally refuted by the fans of the national team players, saying how an entertainer can be more powerful than a professional player, and there are even fans of some star players clamoring Let Xiao Yao “you do it, you do it”!

In the past few years, Xiao Yao’s fans have long been trained by Xiao Yao to be quite Buddhist. In Yaowan’s eyes, Xiao Yao, a great genius and great evildoer, is clearly there, no matter whether it is fame, coffee position or business ability. They usually don’t even pay attention to the attacks and slander of Xiao Yao by other star fans in the show business circle, and never participate in the tearing of the rice circle, so how can they go to war with sports star fans?

Many fans think: “You say that Xiao Yao is not as good as a professional player in basketball. Anyway, my Xiao Yao is in the mixed entertainment industry. Just make a good show and show us a good song for us. Let’s return it. I’m worried that Xiao Yao, the guy who thought it out, really changed his career to become a professional player in order to prove that he is better than which star player in basketball.” With this idea, naturally he would not comment on the comments of the fans of the national team players. Response.

Those netizens who used the “Change Xiao Yao” barrage and said after the game that the star players of the national team are not as good as Xiao Yao, in fact, they use Xiao Yao to criticize or say that they are ashamed of the national team players, but not many really feel that Xiao Yao, an acting star, is really better than those professional players in basketball.

Although Xiao Yao’s data from several exhibition games, the physical fitness, golf quotient, and technical characteristics shown in the games are not without saying, after all, the comparison between exhibition games and professional games still lacks some convincing power. Therefore, apart from a few netizens who argued for the purpose of continuing to disgust the national team members and their fans, on the whole, the netizens did not have too much debate on this point.

Although there has not been a major network war or a wave of public opinion, it is unlikely that Xiao Yao will be completely ignorant of these things on the Internet. However, with his usual style, he would ignore it. In fact, he did not say anything at the time.

Now Xiao Yao is going to play professional basketball suddenly. Is it because he not only saw the comments of those people at the time, but also put it in his heart, really want to come up with “I do what I do”?

(End of this chapter)

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