Eternal Calamity: From Naruto

Chapter 103 Spiritual Clothes

Chapter 103: Spiritual Garment: Clothes of Heaven

An aura of heaviness, majesty, calamity, and tyranny emanated from Geyue, casting a shadow over the world.

Geyue, who broke out of the cocoon from the pitch-black light ball, was wearing a jet-black armor suit lingering with black flames.

The armor on the left shoulder, right arm, and calf are painted with scarlet lines and have sharp barbs, making him look extraordinarily ferocious, like a chaotic demon god, giving people an extremely depressing feeling.

Spiritual Clothes: Clothes of Heaven!

This is the ultimate use of Geyue's left eye pupil technique [Suzhan Mingzun], abandoning the huge and inconvenient body of the ultimate body, Susano, and continuously compressing all the mass inward, and finally formed such a armor.

This armor condenses all the quality of the ultimate Susanoo. Under the compression of nearly a thousand times the terrifying mass, the spiritual suit has gained a higher level of defense, further power, and lightness and flexibility. The body shape and fast speed have completed the sublimation of quality and quantity.

How strong is the ultimate body Susanoo with extremely compressed quality, higher power, and super high mobility?

Ge Yue didn't know it before, but he knows it now.

The greater the mass, the greater the gravitational force, and therefore the greater the kinetic energy, or force, that causes the velocity required to escape from gravitational force.

That is to say, Geyue, who was wearing the spiritual outfit, gained the terrifying strength and speed enough to free her body from the shackles of gravity, and move on the air!

But if you want to move by stepping on the air, in theory you must at least reach the first cosmic speed, that is, Mach 23.2, and the speed of 7900m per second is expected to be achieved.

The original Bamenkai achieved this step by burning his life, and then almost kicked out of the finale.

Now Geyue has also obtained this kind of power, and naturally understands that it is no lie that Maitekai kicked and killed Rokudao Madara in that state, because this power is too powerful.

In the same way, if you want to kill the Herrscher in front of you, it's not difficult.


The next moment, Geyue stepped on her footsteps, and a terrifying power burst out from the soles of her feet. The invisible and substanceless air seemed to turn into indestructible bricks and stones in an instant, perfectly carrying his foothold.


Then, with a deafening sound burst, Geyue's body pulled up a series of gorgeous rings at an extremely terrifying speed, and appeared in front of the Herrscher of Thunder in an instant.

In the high-dimensional horizon of the Herrscher of Thunder's microscopic domain, the sense of existence belonging to Geyue even occupied the entire world in an instant, engulfing her like an endless and deep black hole.

The ultimate and unavoidable crisis of death has struck, no, it has already arrived!

But since you can't dodge, then there's no need to dodge!


The extremely brilliant knife light swung out, and the all-annihilating power instantly covered a 100-meter area around her, forming an absolute prison of death.

But unfortunately, the moment before she swung the blade, Geyue's figure had disappeared from her eyes and appeared in the sky a thousand meters above her.


And at this time, the turbulent wind blasted from the front of the Herrscher of Thunder, and the terrifying power bombarded her body like a missile, blowing her out obliquely.

Boom boom boom!

Immediately afterwards, a series of explosions exploded around Herrscher of Thunder, kicking him around in the air like kicking a ball, which was extremely insulting and ironic.

Finally, after being kicked like a ball dozens of times in a row, an extremely strong emotional expression finally appeared on the face of the Herrscher of Thunder, which was extreme rage and killing intent!

"Give it to me—get out!"

In a clear and awe-inspiring scolding, the power to annihilate everything was activated again, accompanied by a series of sword dances like thunder, instantly weaving a big net full of murderous intent around her.

"Why do you speak, and why do you show such an expression?"

The sharp sound of steel rubbing against each other sounded, and Geyue showed a haughty grin on her face, and hissed, "A monster, it should look like a monster!"


The voice fell, and accompanied by a ring of air that was trampled by terrifying force and spread to the surroundings, Geyue kept jumping around the Herrscher of Thunder in the air, constantly accelerating, and then exploded at a certain moment, rushing into Thunder In the spider web woven by the Herrscher.

"Die - lunatic!"

The murderous intent in the eyes of the Herrscher of Thunder soared, and a sinister smile resembling an evil ghost appeared on his awe-inspiring and beautiful face. Seizing this momentary opportunity, he slashed out with a knife that annihilated everything!

"Have you ever seen—the sun bursting?!"

There was also a ferocious smile on her face, as the four rings of thorns in her eye sockets spun violently, the spiritual outfit on Geyue's body suddenly ignited, and her whole body was like a black scorching sun, emitting endless light and heat from time to time. All the colors in the world are suppressed.


In the next moment, the two collided with each other. It is impossible to describe what happened at this moment. The thunder that wiped out everything and the black sun collided with each other, just like the world returning to ruins.

Sound, light, air, smell, and even time and space. Everything turned into chaos and blackness in this instant.

Ka Ka Ka!

Immediately afterwards, there was a shattering sound that made the soul tremble, and then there was an explosion in the void, and the entire sky shattered like a mirror, revealing a darkness as deep as a black hole inside, and then erupted. A devastating shock.


The terrifying shock wave like a nova erupted in all directions, and the circular shock wave swept away all the matter it touched, spreading out a spherical shape like a water polo blasted in the air, and everything touched by the aftermath They were all disintegrated into nothingness in an instant.

The whole world trembled under this shock wave, and the surging frenzied air suddenly turned into a typhoon and spread out in all directions, ruthlessly ravaging the ruins of the city below, as if to completely wipe it off the map Erase in general.

It wasn't until a quarter of an hour later that the terrifying aftermath finally stopped, and a huge pothole with a diameter of fifty kilometers and a depth of five kilometers appeared on the ground.

Then, with this pothole as the center, a radius of 100 kilometers is a desert without life. Occasionally, one or two pieces of building debris that are lucky to remain on this desert seem to silently tell what it used to be like.

hot, hot, dead

This is the center of the giant crater, covered with lava and glazed crystals, wisps of purple lightning and pitch-black fireworks flicker in it, entangled with each other from time to time, bursting out wisps of destructive waves. Just like the legendary hell.

Suddenly, a dazzling golden radiance lit up in this Jedi that could not allow human beings to survive at all, and then the naked Geyue walked out of the golden light.

He stretched his body, constructed a brand new robe with the ability of Void and Ten Thousand Zang, spread out his palms, looked at the purple gem lying quietly in his palm, and a purple ball of light shining with strong divine brilliance. Immediately, there was a lot of anticipation.

"Let me taste the taste of the Herrscher's soul."

Geyue chuckled, raised her hand, and swallowed the ball of light shining with divine brilliance.

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