Free Shinobi in Naruto(With Divine Purple Card)

Ch79- Cave? No…

At this time, Mito jerked, her attention darting toward the direction of the village. "My father is looking for me, I need to go," she said, her tone full of urgency. Kai studied her for a moment, his gaze thoughtful. "Your range must be amazing. There are no humans within a kilometer radius around us, yet you can feel your father's emotions."

Mito's cheeks flushed a faint pink, and she looked away, her eyes finding the ground more interesting. "It's just an innate ability," she said dismissively, as if brushing off Kai's comment. She paused, a slight frown creasing her brow before she looked back at him, a hint of uncertainty in her gaze. "I can find you here tomorrow, right?"

A moment of silence stretched between them before Kai nodded, his voice firm when he finally spoke. "Yes, I gave a promise, didn't I?" The soft assurance seemed to bring Mito visible relief, her face beaming like an excited child before she dashed off toward the village, her form disappearing quickly into the thick foliage.

As Kai watched her go, he stood and began to wander around the forest, his footsteps soft against the lush carpet of fallen leaves and moss. Mikoto, a silent observer until now, finally spoke up, her voice laced with curiosity. "Are we going to live in the forest?"

Kai shook his head, not stopping his exploration until he found a large rock. Mikoto watched as his fingers crackled with electricity, blue arcs of lightning wrapping around his forearms like an ethereal blade. With a swift motion, he swung his arm, carving a hole into the solid rock with relative ease.

After his handiwork, he walked into the newly-created entrance, his movements commanding yet measured. He kicked the ground forcefully and, as if obeying his silent command, the earth morphed into a spiral staircase leading down into the depths. Mikoto watched in stunned silence, her mind reeling from the impressive display of chakra control. She had known Kai could use jutsu without incantations and seals, but witnessing such mastery first-hand was truly something else.

Kai descended the stairs, and Mikoto followed. The interior was vast, featuring three large rooms carved out of the rock's heart. Kai moved into one of the rooms and kicked the ground once more. A large hole opened up, so deep that Mikoto couldn't see its base.

Taking a deep breath, Kai expelled a stream of lava into the hole, hardening it instantly. On top of the hardened lava, he added a layer of earth and filled it with water. He'd created an indoor hot spring.

Testing the water with a hand, Kai seemed satisfied with his work. He then moved to the other room, pulling out a scroll from his pocket. He unrolled it, and from within, he summoned a large bed. He looked at Mikoto as he gestured to the bed. "I only have one bed, you can have this. I will sleep on the floor."

Mikoto nodded, glancing around their newfound refuge. Despite the unusual circumstances and the unconventional lodging, there was a peculiar comfort in knowing that they were safe and hidden. And as they settled down in their respective rooms, the soft whispers of the forest night and the distant murmur of the hot spring provided a strange sense of tranquility, a subtle reminder that in a world filled with chaos and danger, they had managed to carve out a moment of peace.

"NO!" Mikoto exclaimed before she could catch herself. She realized she had responded too hastily and too loudly. Trying to correct herself, she said, "I mean, you don't have to. The bed is big enough and the floor must be uncomfortable. We can share it."

Kai stared at her, his gaze inscrutable. Mikoto's heart pounded in her chest as she awaited his response. His face didn't betray a flicker of emotion, not even a twitch of his eyebrows, as though he was carved from the same rock that housed their refuge. A painful lump formed in her throat. Had she been too forward? Had she overstepped?

Finally, Kai nodded, breaking the silence. "Alright."

A wave of relief washed over Mikoto. She managed a weak smile. "Let me wash you. You drained too much chakra; you must be tired."

Kai paused for a moment, considering her offer, before he nodded again. Mikoto felt her heart flutter at his compliance. Since the first time she had helped him wash, and they had opened up to each other about their feelings, Kai had gradually become more receptive to her advances. Yet, every time, it felt like a small victory, a fragile bond forming between them, which could be shattered by the harsh reality of their world.

They moved into the third room, which Kai had converted into a rudimentary washroom with another impressive display of his earth-manipulating abilities. Kai began to disrobe, his movements as fluid and controlled as ever, his gaze averted from Mikoto as he folded his clothes and placed them aside.

Taking a deep breath, Mikoto moved towards him. She reached out, her fingers trembling slightly as they made contact with his skin. It was warmer than she had expected, and despite the day's toil, there was still a firm strength that coursed through him.

Under the cascading warm water, Mikoto began to wash him, her hands carefully running over the planes of his muscled back, the sturdy line of his shoulders, and the nape of his neck. She felt him relax under her touch, the tension gradually easing out of him.

Each touch was careful, filled with a sense of reverence. It was these moments, away from the bastard world they lived in, when they could forget about the chaos and danger for a while. It was in these moments that she felt closest to Kai.

As she finished washing him, she noticed a deep-seated exhaustion in his eyes, probably a byproduct of using his chakra so excessively. Yet, he showed no signs of it physically, his body just as strong and unyielding as it had been when they began their journey.

"Your turn," Kai murmured, his voice breaking through the silence that had enveloped the room.

Mikoto nodded, turning her back to him as she began to disrobe. She felt a peculiar vulnerability in exposing herself this way to Kai, her companion in this world of chaos, and a warmth in knowing he would not exploit it. They bathed in comfortable silence, each immersed in their thoughts, before retiring to their shared bed for the night.


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