Future Martial Arts Training Network

Chapter 436 - Get into the Devil\\\'s World

“Master Cangwu, what does Ling Xiao mean? No matter what the world channel is, let the demon army come, and then fight with the devil day by day, so that the half emperor who is not afraid of the devil comes, and rushes out of their encirclement to come to the super army. ?”

Through the Haotian Mirror, you can monitor the situation in the entire Minghan Realm in the Great Hall of Human Races, especially the location of the 96 World Passages, which is the focus of monitoring during this time.

“Ling Xiao should have your own ideas. Didn’t you find that the morale of their Huaxia tribe’s army is so high that they will win every battle, be fearless, and make rapid progress?” Tian Jian said while looking at the mirror.

“Huh, this is to send the strong human race to the demon army to kill, you see, the Huaxia tribe must have so many people injured in every battle, so if they continue to have a million army, how long will they persist?” It is a meteor who has just returned from the outside world.

“Cough, meteor, you don’t know much about the situation of the Huaxia tribe, but you should know the life spirit liquid allocated to you. This life spirit liquid is made by Ling Xiao’s spiritual pet, so the strong people of the Huaxia tribe are not afraid. Seriously injured and disabled, as long as you don’t die on the spot, you can fully recover.” Zidian coughed and said that everyone else smiled at meteor.

“What? Life Spirit is made by Ling Xiao’s darling? This is too apocalyptic. Shouldn’t such a relic be placed in the control of the Human Race Council?” Meteor was shocked, and then thought Want to say it without anger.

“First, Ling Xiao is not a person in Minghan Realm; second, he is a realm with two identities and belongs to the senior level of the Heaven and Man League. We simply don’t have any qualifications to let him do anything;

Third, Ling Xiao provided us with a lot of life spirits, so that we can save the lives of countless powerful people, enough to receive the attention of the Minghan world, and it will probably become the realm of Minghan. “Cang Wu said with a smile, the meteor suddenly turned pale.

“Okay, don’t think too much about the old guy. Ling Xiao had cut nine emperors and half emperors when he broke through the Emperor Wu in the Tower of Ten Thousand Realms. How many demons and half emperors will die in his hands, so he is very likely to become the realm of the Minghan Realm.” Tianjian said in time to guide Meteor, not afraid of him to find Ling Xiao, but afraid of him Offended Ling Xiao.

“Also, the arrogant demon who can become the realm of the world can come to the Minghan world to participate in this millennium battle. Perhaps the teacher’s enmity can be repaid.” Meteor took a deep breath and said that his teacher was also a half emperor. The strong, but fell in a thousand years of war.

“All parties temporarily attacked and defended in accordance with the previous laws. The biggest variable in this battle is Ling Xiaojiezi’s side. We do our business well and do not allow any interference in his affairs. If we need our cooperation, everyone must With active cooperation, I have a hunch that this battle will be won and we will be rewarded by the will of the world.”

Hearing what Cangwu started to say, some of the emperors had intentions in their hearts, but when they heard the last sentence, all the emperors’ eyes were brightened because they actively participated in the war of the millennium for the purpose of the world’s will reward.

Even if the reward is not enough for them to break through to the Emperor Wu Realm, it is enough to extend their lifespan, and with a longer lifespan, they can also look for more opportunities.

Time passes by day and the war between the two realms continues. Only the fierce fighting broke out around the Huaxia tribe every day. Although the scale is not large, they are all based on tens of thousands of people. It’s about twice.

While fighting and training, the millions of troops of the Huaxia tribe are not only rapidly growing their strength, but also their fighting spirit and morale are constantly rising. They are besieging the demon as if they are captive animals. Attack, if you don’t want to fight, return to rest.

Of course, the demon are not fools, they are not thinking about impacting the encirclement of the Huaxia tribe, but the space left by the Huaxia tribe is not large, they can not come to too many troops at the same time, can only accommodate one hundred thousand demon troops, When they impact from any direction, they will only leave a large number of bodies.

The encircling circle established by the Huaxia tribe also set up a large number of war equipment. If the Mozu sent troops to fight, the Huaxia tribe did not use war equipment at all. If they wanted to impact the encirclement, they would use the war equipment to kill the demon blood.


The Mozu did not think of using the strong to impact the encirclement, but one day when they sent a hundred peak martial emperors to impact the encirclement at the same time, the Chinese tribe only sent a strong man close to the peak martial emperor, but before they broke through Beheaded.

“Outside the channel, there is the super demon strongman of Minghan Realm, who is close to the peak of the Emperor Wu Xiu, but has exploded in strength close to the level of the semi-emperor, and beheaded our 100 peak demon emperors in more than ten breaths.”

The demon army across the channel got this news, and there are some dilemmas. If they don’t send the half emperor strongmen to enter, I’m afraid they can’t help the evil of the human race. kill.

“Don’t worry, report the news to the high-level immediately, let them send our demon genius to hunt this person, can’t let them create a super half emperor strong in the future.”

The leader of the demon army made a decision to temporarily maintain the original situation across the passageway. Every day, sending tens of thousands of troops to fight with the human race can always consume some of the living power of the human race.

However, the Mozu did not know that they would die tens of thousands of people every day, but the Huaxia tribe only killed hundreds of people. The other powerful men were all cured and recovered, so they thought that the loss of the human race would be equally great.

Time passed quickly, two years passed, the war between the two realms continued for two years, and gradually began to change. Some passages of the Minghan Realm fell into the hands of the Demon Race, and the Human Race can only migrate the surrounding people and the emperor. Spirit Vessel, and then build a fortress to defend the Demon Army.

In the same way, part of the world channel of the demons also fell into the hands of the human race. The human race established a base outside the channel, stationed the army, and began to constantly attack the surrounding demonic forces and plunder various demon resources.

In two years, enough troops of the Huaxia tribe have been trained to become an iron-blooded army, and a large number of strong men have been born, including 18 senior martial kings, 150 intermediate martial kings, and nearly 1,000 junior martial kings.

Not only that, the newly born Wu Zun strongmen in the past two years have also gathered to train as a reserve army, and the total number has reached as many as 300,000. They will also participate in actual combat occasionally, and their experience has gradually increased.

“Leader, I heard that there are human forces in all regions that have invaded the Demon Realm. I don’t know when we will attack the Demon Realm?” In the Huaxia tribe, many senior officials are asking Ling Xiao this question.

“It’s almost time. Let’s start preparing. Half a month later, we broke through the channel into the demon world and started the legendary battle of the Huaxia tribe.” Ling Xiao said to everyone with a smile.

In fact, in the past two years, Ling Xiao has arranged a large number of people to visit the Devil Realm to explore various intelligences. After sorting out, he found an important intelligence. His son Wudi Devil Emperor, a junior Wudi peak strength strongman, and lived in a ruined small world in infinite sky.

The goal of Ling Xiao is to countless Devil Emperor and Countless Sky. He wants to kill the Countless Devil Emperor and at the same time seize the Countless Devil Emperor. At the same time, he will build a holy place for China to train the earth in the World of Ten Thousand Towers.

Of course, Ling Xiao did not tell anyone his plans at this time. The matter of beheading the Infinite Devil Emperor will be placed at the end of the war. Before that, he had to lead the Huaxia tribe to get enough benefits.

“Okay, let’s prepare.” When everyone heard Ling Xiao say this, they were overjoyed, and they all left to prepare for various military matters. After all, the battle of the million troops is not a small thing.

Of course, all this does not have to worry about Ling Xiao. The Huaxia tribe now has a large number of talents. Whether it is the older or the younger generation, there are many strong people who can stand alone. Of course, they are only a bit weak.

After two years of fighting against the demons, the warriors from the earth have been recognized by the will of the Minghan world, and they will no longer be affected by the will of the world, so the strength of the eruption will be even stronger.

At this time, both Ling Xiao and the seven spiritual pets’ cultivation practices have reached the peak of the Emperor Wu Empire. Even if they suppress cultivation practice in the next few years, they have enough strength to protect the army of the Huaxia tribe. Don’t worry about anything.

Because in order to deal with him, at least one intermediate martial emperor and one junior martial emperor are required, otherwise it will not pose much threat to the combination of him and the seven and a half emperor spirit pets.

However, according to the rules of the millennium war, although the two sides have the attention of the Wu Emperor and the strong, they have always faced off in the void outside the two realms. It is a battle of extermination, which is likely to cause the destruction of the small world.

Under the instructions of Ling Xiao, the entire Huaxia tribe mobilized and began to prepare various materials, while arranging the aftermath and defense matters, to avoid being attacked by the demon army in the Minghan world.

Fortunately, in recent years, the research of the Huaxia tribe’s battle method has reached a new height. Wan Jinyou has been sent over half a year ago to restore the two-way transmission array to the two-way transmission function. Although the number of people sent each time is not large, the earth people only If you want, you can send it back to Earth.

At the same time, around the Huaxia tribe, Ling Xiao took out a large amount of rare materials and arranged a heavy formation with Wan Jinyou to protect the Huaxia tribe, while Wan Jinyou, who had reached the senior martial king, would also stay and personally control the guardian formation.

The half-moon time passed by, and after preparing for everything, Ling Xiao led the Chinese army to take the initiative to attack. It only took more than ten breaths to destroy all the demons around the channel, and even one of the reporters could not escape.

Subsequently, Ling Xiao recovered a group of martial arts strongmen who took the lead. He personally took this group of martial arts strongmen into the world channel and occupied the channel in just a few dozen breaths, killing the channel and killing the demon outside the channel. The high-ranking forces fought fiercely.


Subsequently, millions of troops of the Huaxia tribe rushed out of the world channel like tide, quickly defeated the defense line of the magic army, seized the barracks and warehouses of the magic army, and wiped out most of the magic army.

“Leave 200,000 troops to clean up here, and the other armies are divided into four groups to chase down and kill the four magic cities around.” Ling Xiao immediately issued an order, and then left three spiritual pets to sit at the entrance of the channel, and each of the four military forces had a spiritual pet to accompany him. , He is in the middle of the strategy.

“It’s not good, the Terran is coming over.”

“Quickly report to Lord Demon Emperor, some race has seized the passage, and has killed the surrounding magic city.”

The forces of the Mozu fleeing in front of them all sent letters, and soon the news was passed to the Devil Emperor City thousands of miles away, and reported to each level, and passed to the hands of the demon half emperor strong who sat here.

“To convene a large army, be sure to defeat this human race army and take back the world channel. The infinite magic emperor has already ordered that the Wuheng prince will go through this channel to the human race to challenge a demon strongman, but we have lost this channel to call If you don’t **** it back, we will all die on the day Prince Wuheng goes out.” The demon half emperor strongman shouted in fear.

Afterwards, the demon half emperor personally led a large number of warships and demon army, madly rushing toward the position of the world channel, hoping to stop the action of the human army.

At this time, the warships of the four armies of the Huaxia tribe have reached the surrounding four magical imperial cities, and at the same time launched attacks on the four magical imperial cities. Ingest the imperial spirit veins of each city into your palm realm.



The armies of the two sides also fought fiercely, starting with the battleships and the equipment on the city attacking each other~www.mtlnovel.com~ Then the short armies of the army joined together. The results of the **** training of the Huaxia tribe came out. The high-end fighting power was constantly beheaded, and in less than one hour all four magic imperial cities fell into the hands of the human race.

The human race only beheaded the martial arts and above strong soldiers in the demon army, and did not mass kill the demon civilians, but all the resources in the entire city were plundered by the human army, and then the defensive equipment on the city was destroyed, the human warship Quickly withdraw from the passage, and the 200,000 troops left behind have built a strong city.

The reason why it is so fast is because of Ling Xiao’s suggestion that each part of the city can be separately refined in the form of refining magic weapon, which is not only easy to carry, but also can be formed as long as it is stitched together.

The city is large enough to accommodate two or three million troops, so in addition to the one million troops, the Huaxia tribe also sent 300,000 logistics personnel, basically all martial arts, but most of them are at the Wuzong level, they will be responsible The various logistics of this million-strong army, as well as the work of counting, collecting and transporting loot.

With these logistical armies, the main battle force can fight with peace of mind, and then return to the healing, training, and wait to play again, no longer have to worry about some trivial things, and do not have to waste the main battle force to do other things, greatly improving the Huaxia tribe army s efficiency.

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