Gate: Journey In The New World Vol I

Arc 2: Noble City XIS: Aftermath I


Disclaimer: I don't own Gate or Nihon-koku Shoukan, as they belong to their rightful owners.

Arc 2: A City, A Diplomacy, A Dragon

Noble City XIS: Aftermath I

They came...They saw and They vanquished.

As soon as the targets were marked successfully the F15s were given the signal to engage and unleashed the missiles right away.

As the missiles soared through the air, their trajectory was set to collide with a specific set of targets. These targets were primarily composed of the dark imperial wyvern armies and the imposing black dragon. The moment the missiles made contact with their intended targets, a brilliant flash of light illuminated the area. This was quickly followed by a spectacular display of flames and explosions that engulfed the entire area. The intense heat and pressure of the blasts consumed everything in their path, leaving behind nothing but ash and debris. It was a sight to behold and one that would be etched into the memories of all those who witnessed it for years to come.

"Direct hit!"

It only took one person to utter the words aloud as everyone in the control room at Headquarters exploded in cheers.

The huge monitor that displayed live footage of the ongoing events in the city had finally shown the exact location and spot where the supposed target was and moments later that certain spot was now nothing but flames and a mushroom cloud.

"Sir! We finally did it!" One of the staff members remarked to the American General.

The older man himself could only smile as he could see no point in rejoicing that he had been into these kinds of situations before.

However, for his Japanese Counterpart, it was the opposite.

To General Hanzama, It was an achievement, a significant triumph against a formidable enemy that posed a grave threat to their cause. However, unlike the rest of everyone who were jubilant and overjoyed, The Japanese General's reaction was rather subdued, almost as if he couldn't believe what had just happened. His countenance betrayed a sense of disbelief and incredulity as if he was struggling to process the enormity of their recent victory.

"You seem amazed General..." The American man had remarked, giving a relaxed grin.

He paused for a moment before taking a deep breath.

"I just hope our team and envoy are all safe." He replied, choosing to think the well-fair of their men.

The latter smiled in return as his attention turned towards the huge screen once again.

Just as the control room staff were beginning to contact the reinforcements right after the big event...He then let out another remark afterward.

"I do wonder if the people in that city got to see what our world is capable of."


What happened just now was not the work of one single person.

The huge steps that the flame dragon had taken were the most she had taken just to escape the powerful fire and explosion that erupted when the mysterious iron eagles emerged from the clouds.

For one this brought Giselle an important small memory not long ago when her eyes lay upon the iron eagles that moved in incredible speed.

She recognized the shape and appearance as the ones she had seen during her first attempt to save the beast from a supposed dark magical influence.

She remained speechless but in awe in those moments.

She felt the agony of the dark dragon as well as the imperial wyverns who were wall-consumed by the flames.

It was a horrible end for the enemy.

It was satisfying since they were responsible for instigating a lot of events that ended in a lot of deaths.

Yet in all of that, the draconian woman was exhausted and her mind was still not at ease as there were more things to take care of.

Let alone checking the Flame Dragon's current state, and then something more important to begin with.

Then she felt her two companions gently placing their snouts on her shoulders.

She looked at them with a surprised expression.

They were indeed comforting her and showing their support.

She didn't understand it at first, but along the way, she began to realize what they meant.

After that...A small tear fell from her eye.


It was a miracle that she was able to escape.

She felt their presence even before they emerged from the clouds.

The Flame Dragon had to let go of the enemy as soon as she saw the flaming iron that was summoned by the Iron Eagles themselves.

A huge powerful shockwave emerged after the bright light.

Despite the serious injuries she had sustained and her rapidly dwindling strength, she summoned every last ounce of willpower and determination to unfurl her magnificent wings and take flight, managing to soar a few precious distances away from the epicenter of the massive shock wave that had just been unleashed.

It was able to catch with her which accelerated her flight and found herself crashing towards the ground, though in a safer way.

By then, she observed the destruction and the complete demise of the corrupted enemy.

The inhuman scream echoed throughout the land.

She wondered if the battle was over...

If this was it.

She did everything in her power to keep the enemy at bay so it wouldn't spread its destruction across the remaining districts of the city.

Yet despite all that...Were her efforts in vain?

Did she even succeed?

In the midst of that, she felt something that touched her and she looked to her right and saw a familiar little dragon.

Little Foot gave a small growl as he leaned on his mother.

In quick response, the red dragon pulled her offspring into a huge embrace.

She missed him so much and vice versa.

Finally, mother and son were reunited... properly.

Amidst this surprising event, citizens from across the city witnessed the incredible but mysterious appearance of the iron eagles.

The most captivating moment was when the sky was illuminated by a colossal and vibrant display of flames, followed by a powerful gust of wind that made everything sway.

The crowds at the Western Gates were placed in a situation where they had to halt their tracks and watch it.

The entourage which consisted of Team Shino, Tomita, and the rest of the troupe, all saw it as they escaped the main battlegrounds.

The Recon Humanitarian team at the Estate witnessed the grand display from afar.

The surviving government officials of Guest Palace, the diplomats, and representatives.

And lastly, members of the Rose Knights who had narrowly escaped the final destruction.

Such power could only appear in the new world in a thousand years.

But to the eyes of the ones that were aware...

It was just the work of the F15 fighters who only were there under the orders to eliminate their target.


The shock on their faces was inevitable.

Soon they saw the destruction of the Imperial Wyvern armies...every single one of them burnt to crisps as they were all consumed by the large flames.

The cheers had stopped.

The hall went into silence.

As if every one of their confidence was sucked out.

Especially, Adem, who was thrown into a stage of denial and disbelief.


"T-This can't be..."

His voice only echoed throughout the hall.

His lips began to tremble and he gulped for the first time.

The man walked around in front of several higher officials.

He walked back and forth...Wondering what had just transpired. Not knowing that a certain bunny woman was secretly grinning in satisfaction.

For a few moments, Adem looked lost...not until a member of the governing body approached him.

"Your excellency...we lost contact with-" He didn't get to finish his sentence as he was then greeted with a very loud raging voice.



His voice exploded in a frustrated and raging manner, which shocked the rest of the crowd present.

The live footage still kept playing.

In these moments he would thrive on his anguish.

"They are powerful... indestructible, and even blessed with..." He trailed off, slightly shaking his head.

The Imperial Wyvern Army, which was considered the best in all generations, collapsed like that.

Who could have known?

He knew that accepting the usual support and offer of the Parpaldia Empire meant that they would still be looked at as a kingdom that relied on a kingdom for aid.

He dreamt of even bigger.

To bring back what Sadera could no longer do.

To be the most self-reliant and self-efficient Empire that it could be.

To restore its glorious era.

Having without the support of any ally.

Yet still, he had to explain it.

How he had brought them back for this invasion.

Moreover, his original plans which were now poised to be redacted to give way for new ones.


The crew couldn't believe that they would live to see the latter parts of the day.

Especially, the emerging sun once again.

Captain Dalda stood as he watched ongoing events from the merchant ship.

He was leaving with new unanswered questions in his mind.

The rain had come back once again after what appeared to be a sudden event that instantly wiped out the massive wyvern armies that were still dominating the skies a while ago.

He couldn't believe that they were all gone now.

Even his superiors, who were able to see the annihilation in its entirety were left pondering.


His thoughts were cut off when a crew member approached him.

"The ship has sailed...Are you sure we have completed our objective?"

He remained silent for a little while.

"Yes, we've gotten all we need." He replied while glancing at the former captain of Maihairk's Wyvern division.

The crew member blinked in surprise as he too wanted to ask the question.

"Captain...Do you think Qua-Toyne is not the weak kingdom that we all thought to be?" He said.

The older man looked at him...his eyes still baffled.

The ability of a weak kingdom to even repel a massive aerial invasion that is deemed impossible to counter was just too farfetched.

Qua-Toyne was not known for that...Unless the prime minister and his officials are hiding something from the world.

Besides, magic that could possess that kind of power and strength could only be considered as myths or fairy tales.

A lot of questions indeed.

"So what do we do now captain?" The crew member asked once again.

Captain Dalda looked at him and moments later gave a smile.

"Simple, we return home and follow new instructions."

There had been a change of plans...Major ones.

The man then glanced at the skies and the sun.

With all of these new developments, it looked as if things were going to be interesting from now on.

Let alone that the tide is now starting to turn around for Sadera's conquest of Rodenius.

For now, they are at least safe to sail back home with an important piece to the game.


"Just like that...It's all over..."

Yuji couldn't comprehend how this became the longest and most dangerous hours he had been in his life.

As the young writer stood in the middle of a barren wasteland that was formerly the Eastern district itself.

The whole place was now unrecognizable compared to yesterday or to even in the morning before all of the mayhem had started.

Now, it was all ruins and silence.

He moved around the surroundings and he couldn't even recognize whether the spot where they were standing was a part of a street, plaza, or a structure.

Parna stood alongside as she too was enveloped in her silence.

He could tell that a lot was going on in her mind and the fact he wanted to ask if she was alright.

By then she spoke much to his surprise.

"There's no turning back." She remarked, confusing the writer.

"What do you mean Parna-san?"

The young bunny woman took a deep breath.

"Knowing that they would hunt for my head if they discovered that I double-crossed them." She explained in response." And considering what has happened in this place..." She trailed off her words in the end.

Not wanting to mention the kingdom that destroyed her homeland.

Yuji nodded in understanding.

"I see..."

"But I still think you would achieve your dream for your people." He added, which caught her attention.

The young writer scratched the back of his head while giving a small nervous smile." Well, there are many more opportunities besides...depending on that kingdom." He explained.

She blinked a couple of times as she tried to comprehend.

"Trust me...It will happen in the future." He added.

"Though, right now, we should be focusing on how to reunite with the others."

When their focus started to go back to her surroundings, she was overcome with shock at how the devastation the area had received.

At first, she thought this was the entire city considering how big the entire eastern district was.

The rain was still ongoing yet it was finally in the middle of transitioning into drizzle as the dark clouds were displacing away giving way for the sun's rays to come out.

At this point, Yuji had to wonder again.

What now?

What should they do next?

What would be the outcome this time?

Among all the questions racing through his mind, one struck out in particular, and he wondered if a certain red-haired young lady was alright.


AN: Hello there fellas! So this is going to be a short chapter and also the first of the Aftermath chapters as the arc transitions to the closing stages. Things have to be wrapped up, with the characters and stuff, and of course, a little bit of drama would happen next, etc.. but in the meantime, the tension will have to calm down first.

With that said, thank you very much for reading the chapter! Please forgive me for the occasional grammar mistakes, since English is not my main language.

I appreciate your time to give the story a chance :)

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