Global Games: Start with 10 Billion Psionic Coins

Chapter 1054

  Chapter 1053 The defense network is closed

    “Having these materials, Lord Dallak should be satisfied, right?”

    Alice jumped off the seat nimbly, and yawned cutely: “Ha! I hope Lord Dallak can come sooner, In this way, I don’t have to pretend to be lively and cute without being too old.”


    At this time, the communication device on her wrist suddenly sounded a notification tone.

    Glancing at the display screen of the communication device, she found that it was her student Morgan Lieyang calling.

    Without thinking too much, Alice connected directly to the phone.

    “Teacher.” Morgan Lieyang’s slightly nervous voice came from the other end of the phone: “Is the plan going well?”

    “Everything is going well.” Alice narrowed her eyes and replied lazily: “My tampered detector was successful. Hit the protective cover of the Yanshan Base of the Blue Stars, and obtained a lot of information from it.”

    “Really? That’s great!” Morgan Lieyang was in high spirits.

    Since the teacher said “not a lot”, it is basically equivalent to having a full view of the Blue Star Human Headquarters.

    In the past, the Yanshan base had a protective cover, and the Skrulls didn’t know what was going on inside.

    Morgan Lieyang’s ambition is not only to usurp the throne, he also wants to sit in the position of “Leader of the Skrulls” to win this war.

    For this reason, the information on the Yanshan base is very useful.

    I didn’t expect the teacher to do it so easily!

    “Thank you teacher!” Morgan Lieyang hurriedly thanked him.

    “You’re welcome.” Alice said lazily, “By the way, where are you now?”

    “I’ve already returned to Star Scruw, and I just left the space rift not long ago.”

    “Then come to my place, let’s take a look at these materials together .”

    “Okay, I’ll be right there.”

    After talking about this, Alice hung up the call.

    As for the fact that she manipulated the miniature robot to observe the Holy Silver Fleet, she completely concealed it.

    When her lovely students find out that she is an undercover agent sent by the dark energy rebels, they will surely drop their jaws in shock, right?

    Alice thought happily.



    Blue Star’s human side.

    Two hours later, Blue Star’s seventh- and eighth-rank powerhouses returned from all directions and met in the sky above Neon Island Tokyo.

    Just now they went to chase the scout launched by the Skrulls.

    These small scouts and micro-robots fly extremely fast and have high magic resistance. Only practitioners above the seventh level can successfully catch up.

    Blue Star’s 20 or more powerhouses of the seventh rank and above took a lot of effort to destroy all the detectors and robots.

    After everything was cleaned up, they returned to the sky above Tokyo to discuss their next steps together.

    Looking at the empty city below Tokyo, Chika Fujiwara looked sad.

    Two years ago, this was an extremely prosperous city, and Tokyo ranked first in the world.

    But now, downtown Tokyo is full of dilapidated walls.

    During the “gravitational funnel” incident half a year ago, the city of Tokyo was hit hard, and most of the residents were killed by monsters.

    Now, the remaining residents have also moved out of the city to start over on the vast and sparsely populated continent of North America, and the whole city has completely turned into a ghost town.

    Looking down at the Tokyo city below, I can only see a desolation without a trace of human habitation. Every time she saw the tragic situation in Tokyo, Chika Fujiwara would feel pain in her heart.

    Xu Xiaotian, who was standing not far from her, could clearly feel her pain.

    Xiaotian gently flew to Fujiwara Chika’s side, and softly comforted: “Don’t be sad, big sister with pink hair, everything must look forward. After defeating the Skrulls, I believe this place will regain its vitality.”

    “Thank you. “Fujiwara Chika barely squeezed out a smile, but the tears couldn’t help sliding down her face.

    But for the sake of the neon people, she, the prime minister, must cheer up!

    Fujiwara Chika took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the negative emotions in her heart.

    She looked at Su Yu, who was silent in front of the crowd, and asked, “Mr. Ke, what should we do next?”

    Su Yu touched his chin, and replied, “Of course, wait for the tower fire defense net to take shape. After it takes shape, we will go to Familiarize yourself with the defense net and test its strength.”

    “Okay.” Chika Fujiwara nodded slightly and looked around.

    Now, the golden thread protruding from the tower salary defense net is almost “touching” the ground.

    Chika Fujiwara activated the [Vision Art] skill of the [Shaman] profession, and could clearly see that the end of the golden thread was only two to three hundred meters away from the ground and sea level, and it took about a minute or two to reach it.

    She looked back at Su Yu: “Does that mean that the defense net is fully formed after the golden silk thread touches the ground?”

    “No, that’s not true. It’s only half done when it touches the ground.” Su Yu shook his head immediately.

    He looked at everyone and explained: “After the tower fire defense net touches the ground, the golden thread must pass through the surface to form a closed loop underground, so that the defense net can be fully formed.

    Just imagine the birdcage where the people of the Chinese imperial capital walk their birds. , the current defense net is equivalent to a net with only birdcages and no bottom, and the defense net will be fully formed when the bottom is completely connected.”

    “Oh, so it is.”

    Listening to Su Yu making a birdcage Metaphor, everyone understands immediately.

    In fact, think about it.

    If the defensive net only has a net but no bottom, the Skrulls can dig tunnels to break through the defense. With the technology of the Skrulls, it is not difficult to dig dozens or even hundreds of tunnels in a short period of time, so the tower salary defense network has become a joke.

    The defense network is only meaningful if it is closed into a whole underground.

    “Mr. Ke.” Fujiwara Chika asked again after understanding: “How long will it take for the defense network to be closed?”

    “Hmm…” Su Yu replied after thinking for a while: “It will probably take two hours.”

    “Oh, then It seems that we can only wait for this period of time.” Chika Fujiwara sighed slightly.

    She turned to face all the high-level powerhouses present, and said respectfully: “Since the defense network will take two hours to close, why don’t you go to the Kyoto headquarters to rest first? If you haven’t run out of game time today, you can advance the game to avoid wasting time. “

    Fujiwara Chika said these words in Huaxia, but she has a strong neon accent, which makes people know that she is a neon person.

    “That’s very good.” Many seniors answered happily.

    They can play games online for these two hours. After all, two hours in the game is equivalent to a day outside.

    But at this moment, Su Yu suddenly said: “Everyone, why don’t you wait for a while. I will take you to a place, and it will not be too late for you to enter the game after you have a look at that place.”

    “A place? Where are you going? “Zhong Feng said winkingly from the side.

    Su Yu smiled and replied: “The place in the southwest of Shankou County near the sea.”


    Five minutes later, southwest of Shankou County.

    The flying speed of the seventh-level cultivator is very fast. Even a cultivator who has just been promoted to the seventh level can fly at six times the speed of sound.

    Tokyo is about 830 kilometers away from Yamaguchi Prefecture.

    With Su Yu and other eighth-rank bosses leading them, the group arrived at the seaside in the southwest corner of Yamaguchi Prefecture in just 5 minutes.

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