God of Vampires

Chapter 55: C55

Since I woke up, i accessed my divinity for what happened since i embedded the 'spark'.

You see, divinity isn't just some type of energy. You would say it is an entire working machine, once I became unconscious the machine or in this case my divinity started recording a film of my journey to here, wherever i am in which by the way i now know why this place reeks of my divinity.

A world shaped with but a wound, huh smells strange i say.

But back to the point, I'm pretty weak. Not very much so, i still have lots of divine power in my reservoir and i could do wonder with it, its just i am now limited to this realm or world.

And from the rules or laws of this universe that is bigger and richer than my previous universe, to recover divine power, there are two ways for eternal gods.

Eternal gods are those that were born from the void or something like that, and there is another kind of god but will get to that later. Now the way to recover for me is an eternal god, one is to just hibernate which is simply sleep it off to recover or just stay awake, this process is very very slow.

It's like waiting for a turtle to arrive at the finish line which is kilometers away from its current position.

The second way is basically faith, you need believers to gain faith energy which converts into divine power, this process is very fast.

And it is the way i'll go because i have so many things to try out now that i feel strange if i may say.

With these new feelings I have now, i need to identify them.

But with this realm empty of even the littlest lifeforms, how am I going to get believers? Well that is rather easy but first this place needs furniture, it has trees, mountains, waterfalls, rivers and such but i mean more like a system!

A world system, if you know what i'm thinking.

And now that i think about it, where is my personal system.. Huh i lost it, well honestly i don't need it, with divinity following my will i can do pretty much anything as long as i have enough of it.

Back to the subject, to start this world system, I need to name the project first.. The world I mean.

Huh, no idea what to name it at all, I guess magic is obviously in the air, i could smell it.

And this is a realm not a planet which is a ball of mud and rocks… the same as a realm but different, well a little tiny bit different but you get the point.

What about Nexus! Simple but fitting of this realm as i have a nagging feeling it won't be the last one i plan.

Now a world system, which i'll need to implement inside the core of Nexus. Which is easy, barely an inconvenience.

I lifted off the ground and brough my hands together then separate them slowly, which causes the ground below my feet to open leading directly to the core which takes the form of a gigantic ball of all kinds of active colors moving around constantly, this is magic and it is tempting for anyone to swallow it all to obtain untold power that is the feeling it give but i won't do so because it will only give seventy points of divine power which isn't worth it and won't do anything to me at all.

I went down the hole in the blink of an eye, arrived just above the core by a few millimeters, i held my hand and laid my palm on its surface and instead of absorbing, i chose implanting which is basically giving out divine power to the core, and this is to implement that world system which will bind every being born in this realm to it, and to escape they have to obtain supreme godhood which is a very long way for mortals.

I close my eyes and imagined it like I always do, designing a system which is pretty simple and easy to use that any newborn will pick it up quick.

As i laid out a foundation, i started adding user functions, such as status, quests and skills which are earned by learning them or receiving them as a quests reward.

Next came the status window, it contains:







There is level caps, they work as bottlenecks, like at 100 a mortal becomes a demi-god, and at 500 they become a god and after crossing more than a thousand level they cross into the supreme god rank, In this way this realm is now in hardcore mode.

Occupation works for each job you get, but you only get to choose one job at the start and only get a second chance to change it at level 100 after that it remains permanent.

Well that is unless the administrator chose to work my hands.

Anyway back to things at hand, the name is set at birth by the parent, if they were not named after five days, a name will be generated for them.

As for Title, Species, Skills those are self explanatory. Skills although a function of its own, it's still a work in-progress so for now it will be something the person creates and learns, including simple stuff like cutting wood, cooking and so on.

Quests are generated when someone asks you to do something for them, whether it is a voice speaking it or a text in paper, the important thing is to come in a requesting way or a task order given by the higher ups, you know how that works.

This was just the mortal user, now lets move into God user which is not a supreme god who is unbinded by the world system, a normal god is still very much bound so yeah a god user.

And it contains:





Divine power:



In this you notice new lines of informations added, Authority is what comes after you ascend into godhood and it is what replaces occupation, authority is fixed at what people believe you are the god of, like take for example a mortal was worshipped as the god of light when said mortal ascends, his authority is fixed at that moment as Light.

Divine power! in this case, you see mortal users have experience points to level up but after ascension it becomes divine power which will require lots of it to level up and it will be hard, like i said before hardcore mode.

The rest is known, no further explanation needed.

After that i created a backdoor linked to my divine power, administrator basically, and i set my name, a new name mind you as i am trying to live a new life here and what i should be doing is leave behind my mortal name in which i was as cold as stone, an emotionless puppet.

But I have no idea what name will be fit to me and my upcoming greatness, but you know what! Let this world system i created generate a name for me and i'll accept it even if it is ugly.


Well, that is okay i guess and i promised that i'd accept it and now i am known as Ynos.

I take off my hand from the core and observe the changes done to it which is not much but now has traces of my divinity inside it mixing with magic.

I left the hole I created and fixed it back to the greeny ground it was before, I looked around now taking in the beauty of this realm, then looked at what I am wearing. Not that there is anyone here to care but i like to be dressed like a gentleman.

My clothes torn which I understand from the trip i took through the overvoid, i snap my fingers and it was replaced by a dark blue suit, black tie, it is always refreshing to change sometimes.

An earthquake occurs next which i expected, this stops though now that the world system is fully one hundred percent installed into the realm Nexus!

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