God's Choice: Sell the Qing Dynasty for tens of billions at the beginning

Chapter 109

Zhou Yin sat on Wu Xin's feet, holding the mouse in his hand, and looked at the screen in front of him intently.

On the screen, Wu Xin actually designed an airplane!

To tell the truth, after the establishment of Nanming Aircraft, Zhou Yin also went to the company to inspect.

The company's designers designed the software for the aircraft, and she couldn't understand it at all!

It's too complicated!

But the software in Wu Xin's computer to design the plane seems to be fool-like software.

Or, rather than an industrial software for designing airplanes, it's better to say it's a game for assembling airplanes.

To design an airplane with this software, you don't need to know anything about aerodynamics, mechanical design, aero engines, etc.

You only need to set the shape of the aircraft, the energy used, the cruising speed of the aircraft, the range of the aircraft, etc.

The software will then be able to calculate the appropriate aerodynamic shape and list several different engines for you to choose from.

Then there is the interior space design.

Just like the software that simulates the design of a house, you just need to put the furniture and functions you want in the position you want.

The aircraft control system is even simpler.

You don't need to know anything like programming at all, the software directly loads you with the world's most advanced aircraft control systems, safety systems, and so on.

"Brother Xin, this software ...... Where did it come from?" Zhou Yin turned sideways and looked at Wu Xin in disbelief.

With this software, where is the need for aircraft designers and engineers?

Anyone can design an airplane!

Then let the manufacturing plant produce it!

"Why can't the software be written by me?" Wu Xin looked at Zhou Yin in his arms with a smile.

He used to be a programmer.

"How is that possible? Brother Xin, you don't know how to build an airplane! And industrial design software requires a lot of experimental data, right?"

"Wait a minute, is this a game??" Zhou Yin was suddenly stunned.

If this is just a game of building airplanes, it is really possible that Wu Xin wrote it.

Because then you don't need any experimental data, you can just put the different modules together.

"It's not a game. Wu Xin smiled and shook his head.

"You're right, I didn't write this industrial software. It was written by Xiaobai. Wu Xin said with a smile.

"Xiaobai?" Zhou Yin looked at Wu Xin with a puzzled expression.

Who is Xiaobai?

She doesn't know who is named Xiaobai in the group?

"Xiaobai, come out and say hello to Ayin. Wu Xin shouted.

Zhou Yinzheng was puzzled.

A white kitten pops out of the edge of the screen.

"Hello Mr. Zhou, I am the master's personal butler, Xiaobai. Xiaobai's voice came from the stereo.

"Xiaobai??" Zhou Yin looked at Xiaobai on the screen, and then at Wu Xin behind him.

"Xiaobai is my personal butler, and it is currently the most advanced artificial intelligence in the world. Wu Xin said with a smile.

"Artificial intelligence ??" Zhou Yin looked at Xiaobai on the screen in surprise.

Artificial intelligence, of course she knows what it is.

It's often seen in science fiction movies!

However, artificial intelligence in the real world is simply artificial intellectual disability!

Except for Alpha Dog, which is barely considered artificial intelligence in the field of Go, what the hell are other so-called intelligent programs?

Now there is an artificial intelligence appearing in front of her eyes, which makes Zhou Yin not surprised. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Is it really artificial intelligence?" Zhou Yin looked at Wu Xin again.

"Otherwise, do you think I can solve the optimization plan of the car so quickly~?" Wu Xin asked with a smile.

"Little white...... Did you write it?" Zhou Yin looked at Wu Xin in disbelief.

Compared with industrial software, artificial intelligence seems to be something that Wu Xin can write.

Wu Xin smiled, neither affirming nor denying it. []

Xiaobai didn't write it out of him, but it was indeed his!

And Xiaobai naturally didn't explain to Zhou Yin.

"There's still some interior design left in this plane, or you can finish it. Wu Xin proposed.

Zhou Yin is his woman, and his private jet is naturally Zhou Yin's private jet.

"Hmm!!" Zhou Yin's eyes lit up, and then nodded a little excitedly.

Designing your own airplane, like designing your own house, is inexplicably attractive to most people!

Zhou Yin held the mouse and began to design the remaining internal space.

More than half an hour later, a business plane designed by Wu Xin and Zhou Yin was completed!

The plane is not like a traditional business aircraft, with a cylindrical fuselage plus a pair of large wings.

Rather, it is a flattened triangle, like a manta ray.

The aircraft is powered by graphene batteries and eight electric turbofans.

The maximum cruising speed is Mach 1.3, which is more than the speed of sound!

It is the second supersonic civil aircraft after the Concorde!

At the same time, it is also the world's first pure electric supersonic civil aircraft.

However, when flying at supersonic speeds, it will speed up the power consumption.

At a speed of Mach 0.9, the range can reach 40,000 kilometers, which is enough to circle the equator!

And this aircraft also has a perfect autopilot system.

Even without a pilot, the autopilot system can complete the entire process of takeoff, cruise, and landing by itself.

This feature is naturally thanks to Xiaobai.

As an artificial intelligence, no one knows the program better than it!

Ayin, give it a name. Wu Xin said with his hands around Zhou Yin's lower abdomen.

"Hmm...... Let's call it Qingluan. The car should use the name of the famous horse, and the plane should use the name of the divine bird!" Zhou Yin said with a smile.

She also participated in the design of this aircraft!

"Okay! it's called Qingluan!" Wu Xin directly confirmed.

"Xiaobai, send all the data to the chief designer of the Nanming aircraft and let them start building...... Qingluan!Dragon!".

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