Golden Age Legitimate Fei

Chapter 119 - Mr. Jun Wei, Out of Danger (74.3)

Chapter 119: Mr. Jun Wei, Out of Danger (74.3)

Translator: asassin

The next day after the court ended, Imperial Censor Xu brought his wife as well as his sons and nephews to Silent Spirit Temple outside the capital to pray as expected. That didn’t draw much attention since the capital knew that Xu Family loved their niece dearly. Not long ago when Ye Li’s engagement with Prince Li was broken off, Imperial Censor Xu came forward for his niece’s sake and confronted both Minister Ye and Prince Li directly without any hesitation. Later when she got married, all the young lords of Xu Family escorted her to Prince Ding’s Manor on her wedding day. It was perfectly common that Xu Family went to a temple to pray for her safety now that she went missing with her safety still a mystery. People like the emperor or Prince Li who might have paid attention to that didn’t since they were dizzy and confused over the aftermath of Princess Ding’s disappearance so they didn’t have time to care about whether the ministers burned any joss sticks after the court was over.

As Ye Li’s close friend and the future second lady of Xu Family, Qin Zheng went to the temple with Lady Xu as well. She was very worried about her missing friend. After arriving at Silent Spirit Temple, she worshipped every deity in the temple. Looking at this sweet future daughter-in-law, Lady Xu was more than satisfied with her. After they had done worshiping the deities, Lady Xu went rest in a room. Qin Zheng asked her maid to leave her alone and chanted the sutras to pray for Ye Li in the quiet hall when she was startled by a clear voice. “Miss Qin.”

Qin Zheng was surprised. As soon as she turned around, she saw a handsome young man in moon-white robe standing near her. Qin Zheng frowned. She found this smiling young man strangely familiar but she was sure she knew no such person. “My Lord, who are you and why are you here?” Standing up, Qin Zheng stared at this young man with her guard up and took a few steps back calm and collected.

Ye Li noticed that. She laughed to herself and pretended not to. Lifting the hem of her robe, she went down on her knees and prayed like Qin Zheng did a while ago. Turning around, she glanced at Qin Zheng who was staring at her with a smile: “I’m here to pray. Don’t be nervous, Miss Qin. I’m an old friend of the second son of Xu Family. Please tell him for me that my surname is Chu, Chu Jun Wei.”

Qin Zheng stopped for a second. She seemed to understand something. She nodded at ease and told her: “I see. I’ll tell him that.”

“Well, thank you a lot, Miss Qin.” Ye Li said with a smile.

Ye Li sat in the back chamber of the hall. It was seldom visited at a desolate corner. The deity that was worshipped here was not eminent so few would come here except young monks who were here to do cleaning.


Opening her eyes and standing up, Ye Li saw Xu Hong Yan and Xu Qing Ze stand at the door with frowns. She flashed a smile. “Second uncle, second brother, don’t you recognize me?”

Xu Hong Yan watched her for a good while before he shook his head: “Well, I didn’t recognize you for sure when we met outside.” Xu Qing Ze’s usually cold expression warmed up a bit. He nodded that he didn’t recognize her either.

Ye Li smiled apologetically: “I saw you talking with the abbot. It wasn’t convenient for me to interrupt so I’ve invited you here.”

The three of them took seats.

Looking at her dress up as a man, Xu Hong Yan scolded her with a frown: “Young lady, why don’t you return to your manor after you are out of danger? If it wasn’t Prince Ding who sent a message and told us that you were fine, we would have sent a letter to Yunzhou. Do you want your grandpa worried dead?”

Seeing how angry and anxious her second uncle was, Ye Li did feel apologetic. She blinked her eyes and looked at him frustrated: “Second uncle, I know it’s my bad. But… it won’t do any good if I return to the manor now. The scheme against me didn’t succeed this time and there will be another one without doubt. I’m better off this way. Now that I’m in hiding while they aren’t, let’s see who is going to take down who.”

Xu Hong Yan glared at her and said: “Good for you that you’ve had everything planned. However, there has been a rumor that Prince Ding is a jinx to his wife.”

Ye Li laughed: “That doesn’t sound so bad. Mo Xiu Yao won’t be able to marry another woman even if I’m gone.”

Sitting by the side and listening to the conversation quietly, Xu Qing Ze frowned and asked: “Li-er, what’s your plan for the future?” Princess Ding can’t remain in the capital dressed up as a man for long. The more often she met them, the more likely she would be exposed.

Getting rid of her smile, Ye Li looked at her uncle and brother with all seriousness and said: “I’ll leave for Nan Zhao.”

“You’ve lost your mind!” Xu Hong Yan scolded.

“Second uncle…” Ye Li looked at Xu Hong Yan resigned. Meanwhile she eyed Xu Qing Ze for help. However, Xu Qing Ze looked at her in the same disapproving way.

Xu Hong Yan waved his hand and said: “There’s no need for you to say anything further. If you are tired of the capital, go to Yunzhou instead. You haven’t seen your grandpa for years.”

“Uncle… I’m Princess Ding. How can I run away from the people and affairs of the capital simply because I’m tired? If so, Mo Xiu Yao did make a bad deal marrying me, didn’t he?” Ye Li said with a smile.

Xu Hong Yan cast her a glance and said calmly: “Oh? Is there anything you want to do in Nan Zhao? Are men of Prince Ding’s Manor so useless that you, a princess, need to go all the way there by yourself? Don’t talk with me about that. Ask your grandpa and big uncle.”

“Second uncle…” Looking at her disguise as a male, she didn’t feel it proper to throw a tantrum in a girly manner so she looked all innocent at her second uncle. “Big brother is there too. You don’t have to worry about my safety.”

“Does Prince Ding know what you are going to do?” Xu Hong Yan asked.

Ye Li had a little guilty conscience. She hadn’t seen Mo Xiu Yao yet.

“What are you going to do in Nan Zhao, Li-er?” Xu Qing Ze hit the nail on the head when he asked with his eyes fixed on her.

Ye Li looked at him grumpily but answered honestly: “Nan Zhao is in a worse state than our capital. I’m worried about big brother. Now that I’m not needed here, I want to go there and have a look.”

Xu Hong Yan said with a frown: “Your big brother knows what he’s doing and he’ll act according to his means. What use does he have for a girl like you? As for the capital… does Prince Ding plan to use your disappearance and cause a fight between His Majesty and the Empress dowager?”

“They are in a pretty fierce fight already but they should never have dragged Prince Ding’s Manor in.” Said Ye Li with a frown. “Prince Ding’s Manor can’t wait to be set up forever. Uncle, you must have known the reason that big brother went to Nan Zhao. If Nan Zhao isn’t peaceful, it might drag Great Chu into war. Now that I’m a member of Prince Ding’s Manor, I stand by it. I can’t ignore what’s happening around me like other noble ladies. The world won’t let me, either.”

Xu Hong Yan said with a frown: “You… will fulfill your duty as Princess Ding as long as you take good care of Prince Ding’s Manor and don’t let it hold Prince Ding back.”

“We are a couple so I’ll go through thick and thin with him. His Highness can’t travel far given his health. Why can’t I do that for him?” Ye Li answered firmly. From time to time, she would worry because of what Mo Xiu Yao had said to her. If things in Nan Zhao went out of control and descended into the state which he had predicted, there would be no doubt that he must lead troops and go to war himself. She didn’t dare to think whether he would come back from a war alive given his conditions. She was worried about Xu Qing Chen as well. Mr. Qing Chen was truly unparalleled in terms of his wisdom and ability. But as a powerful family which had stood over a hundred years, Xu Family was still no match for the imperial family in terms of security. Besides, Ye Li knew well that Xu Qing Chen was a frail scholar who knew nothing about martial arts.

She looked seriously at Xu Hong Yan and said: “Second uncle, I know what I’m doing and won’t get myself in danger.”

Looking at his niece, who had clearly made up her mind, Xu Hong Yan sighed frustrated. “Li-er, you are a girl. Don’t take too much responsibilities. Neither your big brother’s nor Prince Ding’s problems your responsibility.”

Ye Li smiled slightly: “I know. If I know nothing and can’t do anything, I’ll surely remain in somewhere safe. However, now that I am able to help, big brother doesn’t need to take risks himself. I don’t know much but there’s one thing I’m sure about. Second, third, fourth, and fifth brother all want to help big brother in Nan Zhao while can’t leave because of their own businesses. Taking advantage of the fact that I’m missing, I can go and help big brother thus Grandpa, big uncle don’t have to so much worry about him.”

Xu Hong Yan glared at her grumpily: “Not worry? How will they not worry?”

Ye Li blinked. “Second uncle, you got to admit that I’m better than third brother. You’ve let him join the army. How come you can’t stop worrying about me?”

“He’s a man. It won’t matter if he falls or hurts himself. It’s not the same with you.” Said Xu Hong Yan.

But Ye Li felt he was slightly shaken. So, she hurriedly added: “I won’t go there by myself. My secret guards will follow me. Second uncle…”

Resigned, Xu Hong Yan had no choice but to say: “Anyway, you are married now. Go ask Prince Ding. My opinion won’t count if he doesn’t agree.”

“Thank you, uncle.” Ye Li was more than happy. From her point of view, her uncle was more difficult to persuade than Mo Xiu Yao.

Xu Hong Yan sighed with resignation seeing her joyful face. It’s no good for girls if they are too weak, like his little sister, Li-er’s mother. Nor is it good for girls to be too strong and clever, like this niece of his. He only hoped that Prince Ding would keep her safe and sound in the capital or send her to Yunzhou.

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