Great Emperor Myriad

Chapter 54 - Really Here To Give A Gift?

Chapter 54: Really Here To Give A Gift?

Great Master Jiao Mu and Liu Xiongfei shot each other strange glances.

Liu Piaopiao was the reason as to why they visited today. Especially when Jiao Mu heard that Ling Xiao was from Longevity Sect and that Grand Supreme Elder Lin Shan was going to mistreat him, he was both surprised and mad, so he quickly came to take a look.

On the other hand, Liu Xiongfei had become very interested in Ling Xiao.

Having received earlier instructions from Ling Xiao, Jiao Mu did not address him as his honorable master and instead, he looked at Ma Yan.

“Oh? What crime did Ling Xiao commit?”

With his eyes, Ma Yan gestured to Liu Yiyi who then walked toward Liu Xiongfei and Great Master Jiao Mu to give them a bow.

“Uncle, Great Master, Ling Xiao’s guilty of terrible crimes for killing innocent people and a disciple from Longevity Sect. He has even killed Grand Supreme Elder Lin Shan’s grandson, Lin Haoyu. Seven days ago, he killed Elder Mayan’s grandson, Ma Jun, and eight Indulgence Sect disciples at Ferocious Beast Mountain Range. Those are monstrous crimes, please do something about it!”

Liu Yiyi made herself look like a weak lady, even her eyes started to tear up as she spoke. She had portrayed Ling Xiao as such a despicable person who would commit all kinds of crime, which made the crowd sympathize with her too.

“Mayor Liu, Great Master, please stand up for me!”

Ma Yan bowed again before he glared at Ling Xiao hatefully.

“Miss Yiyi and Elder Ma are right, Ling Xiao deserves to pay for what he did! He’s a troublemaker, and he doesn’t belong in Longevity Sect! Great Master, Mayor Liu, please redress the scales!” Lin Shan condemned Ling Xiao.

“Ling Xiao, Great Master Jiao Mu and Mayor Liu are here. You’ve committed too many evil deeds, so kneel down and submit yourself!” Ma Yan roared at Ling Xiao.

“You’re so noisy!” Ling Xiao commented coldly. He was becoming bored with this situation.

He could not be bothered to deal with them courteously anymore as he had seen enough of their hideous characters. So, he looked at Great Master Jiao Mu.

“Jiao Mu, have you successfully refined the drug?” he asked.

Jiao Mu’s smile instantly brightened as he trotted to Ling Xiao. It was clear that he could not contain his excitement. “Honorable… Young Master Ling, I’ve successfully refined the Seven Mystic Treasure Pills, please take a look!”

He respectfully handed Ling Xiao a jade box.

At that moment, the crowd was stunned.

‘What’s going on?

‘Aren’t Great Master Jiao Mu and Mayor Liu here to denounce Ling Xiao? Why did Jiao Mu comply with him?’

Baffled, the crowd watched with their mouths opened.

When Ling Xiao opened the jade box, three longan-sized treasure pills were revealed. Not only did the fragrant pills emit rays of light and looked mysterious, but they also had seven bright patterns on them.

“Since the patterns are clear and the fragrances are pure, they’re indeed fine Seven Mystic Treasure Pills! But the production rate is too low, you must work harder! But alright, I’ll accept them!”

Ling Xiao furrowed his brows, but he eventually accepted the three Seven Mystic Treasure Pills.

“Seven Mystic Treasure Pills?!”

Great Elder exclaimed as he suddenly recalled something. His eyes were filled with disbelief.

“Are those Seven Mystic Treasure Pills from the ancient times? The peerless treasure pills that can help masters in Dragon Tiger Boundary to fathom the connection between Heaven and men, to understand innate powers, and to advance to Grandmaster Boundary? It is said that only fragments of the pill’s ancient manual are left, yet you’re able to restore it. This… This is amazing!” Great Elder was very thrilled.

“That’s right, these are Seven Mystic Treasure Pills! But it wasn’t me who restored them, it was Young Master Ling’s… senior who restored them and gave them to me!”

Jiao Mu let out a dry cough when Ling Xiao shot him a signal to prevent him from revealing the truth. He chuckled.

“Young Master Ling? Young Master Ling’s senior?”

Great Elder, Nangong Xuan, and the others were intrigued. Based on Great Master Jiao Mu’s words, it seemed like he had a friendly relationship with Ling Xiao. Yet if that were true, who would dare to harm Ling Xiao?

‘No wonder he wasn’t afraid at all when he heard that Great Master Jiao Mu’s coming. He’s actually his support.’

‘So much for worrying about him.’

On the contrary, the faces of Lu Guan Jie, Ma Yan, and Grand Supreme Elder Lin Shan changed drastically.

‘Great Master Jiao Mu and Ling Xiao have such a close relationship? How can we do any harm to him now?’

Moreover, Ma Yan was frightened by the mention of Seven Mystic Treasure Pills as these were peerless treasure pills that were capable of helping masters in Dragon Tiger Boundary to advance to Grandmaster Boundary. He could already foresee how this would shock everyone in the Ancient Great Barrenland.

After all, the barrier between those boundaries was like a natural moat that was extremely difficult to go beyond. So if a treasure pill could help with their breakthrough, many masters would go after it like a flock of ducks.

One could only imagine how honorable Great Master Jiao Mu would become in the Ancient Great Barrenland if the people were to know that he possessed the Seven Mystic Treasure Pills.

More so, who would dare to lay a finger on Ling Xiao now?

Ling Xiao looked at a horrified Ma Yan before he said, “Jiao Mu, I heard that you wanted to take Ma Jun as your apprentice?”

Jiao Mu immediately understood what he meant and so, he sneered, “Young Master Ling, you’re belittling me, aren’t you? I don’t just take anyone as my apprentice. I’ve only seen Ma Jun once. Even though he has ordinary qualities, he doesn’t have the talent for pill alchemy!”

Ma Yan’s face reddened immediately after hearing Jiao Mu’s words. He was both angry and ashamed.

Earlier, he had boasted about his grandson who he claimed was going to be Great Master Jiao Mu’s apprentice, but now, he was slapped in the face instead. Nonetheless, he dared not rage in front of the great master, but he was deeply resentful of Ling Xiao.

“Who said that he was going to eat that giant bluestone?” Ling Xiao cast a sidelong glance at Lin Shan.

Lin Shan curled his lips as he turned to look away. Although he acted as though he was clueless, he was truly enraged.

Who would have thought that Great Master Jiao Mu was here to give Ling Xiao a gift?

“Elder Meng, Elder Wang, Elder Li, you’ve done well by being firm and by not associating with the vicious. It’s truly rare! I’ll reward you with these Seven Mystic Treasure Pills, and I hope that you can advance to Grandmaster Boundary as soon as possible!”

After Ling Xiao remarked, three light rays were seen going into the hands of the three elders who were nearest to Nangong Xuan.

The three elders were stunned, but they were quickly overjoyed as well.

“Thank you, Saint!”

“Saint, with your unequaled talent, your name will spread across the Ancient Great Barrenland. From now on, I’ll be your firm supporter!”

“That’s right, I’ll support you too, Saint! Lin Shan is nothing compared to you!”

As the three elders thanked Ling Xiao, Lin Shan was vexed because they reprimanded him on top of expressing their gratitude to Ling Xiao.

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