Half-elf Ranger

Chapter 449 - Avatar comes

The silver-gray curtain that enveloped the sky had long since disappeared without a trace.

Instead, it was a star that was brighter than the sun, and strands of divine power gathered on the goblin wizard’s body in the tremor, gradually becoming brighter.

This is a star that symbolizes the birth of a new god.

When the true God condenses the power of faith and completes it, it means that the entire ceremony of conferring the gods is completely completed.

At this time, the battle on the periphery of the Serenity Forest had already started, and the passionate horn sound was mixed with crazy cries, resounding through the wilderness like a storm, endlessly.

The hoplites of the alliance army clenched the swords and shields in their hands to form a steel city wall, silently and solemnly facing the surging enemy army, they maintained a neat military appearance, motionless.

The long-range firepower to block the enemy is the kobolds and goblins in the front row of the formation.

On the vast emerald field, the most indispensable things are kobolds and goblins, especially in the month of summer tide, a season that is most conducive to reproduction departs, and it happens to be a month when the number of wild races surges.

At this time, these little men who can successfully serve as long-range arms after simple training are frantically pouring down arrows and arrows in their hands.

Accompanied by the rhythmic death movement transformed by the whistling rain of arrows, the charging gnolls, ogres, bear goblins, lizardmen and other countless slave captives are like cutting wheat. fall down.

Even if some ogres with tenacious vitality can rely on their rough-skinned and thick-skinned bodies to hold their breath and charge forward, they still cannot charge to the front of the alliance army, and they will only end up crying like a hedgehog. fall to the ground.

Nonetheless, these dead cannon fodders are not useless, as they are called, the real role of cannon fodder is to help the elite troops of Hobgoblins attract firepower.

After the Hobgoblin army sacrificed a large number of slave cannon fodder, the Hobgoblin warriors in the back row, the lizardmen, bully frogs, and all kinds of ferocious and cruel animals finally pushed the distance between the two sides to about 300 meters.

At a distance of 300 meters, this means that it has reached the attack range of the enemy’s long-range firepower.

“For the glory of the Almighty! The whole army strikes!”

In the last row of the Hobgoblin camp, the Hobgoblin leader standing on the wooden tower, with the blessing of the spell, shouted with great excitement with the loudest voice in his life.

“Woo! Woo! Woo!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately picked up a half-human-high horn, and his bulging cheeks were like a toad, and he blew it violently.


The powerful force was accompanied by the resounding sound of the battle horn, and the horn in the hands of the Hobgoblin leader could not bear this shocking force, and burst directly.

this moment!

All the horns in the Hobgoblin army rang in unison, like a thunderclap, echoing through the wilderness.

“Bowman! Launch!”

One after another, the roars from the Hobgoblin commander sounded one after another.

The lizardmen longbowmen and goblin archers walked behind the warriors at a very fast speed. Under the protection of the frontline warriors, they immediately fired crossbow arrows to suppress the enemy’s firepower and cover the frontline charging warriors and slaves. advance.

“Longbowmen! Attack!”

At the same time, the priests of the God of War had already noticed that the enemy’s long-range troops were advancing into the attack range, so they slammed down their long swords and roared.

With an order, the longbowmen who had been waiting behind the spearmen for a long time quickly pulled the bowstring, and a special cone-shaped armor-piercing arrow shot out from the string.

Accompanied by the tremors of the bowstring, the galloping arrows swept across parabolas, crossed the dense formation in the front row, and fell from the sky, targeting the long-range firepower of the Hobgoblin army.

“Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!”

Well-equipped hobgoblin warriors, holding their shields in the front row, fearlessly drove the slaves who were trying to escape the battlefield, advancing towards the Union army.

The distance between the two sides is shrinking little by little at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Just within this death isolation zone, countless howling arrows and stone bullets flew back and forth in the lineup of both sides like a hurricane.

From time to time, a group of figures fell to the ground on their backs in a mournful wailing.

Scarlet blood quickly soaked through the green grass, and a strong smell of blood quickly filled the air.

Flocks of ferocious vultures cast shadows on the battlefield, whirling in the sky.

In the dense rain of arrows, the kobold goblins in the front row of the alliance army fell one after another, and the heavily armored warriors in plate armor, steel masks, and armed to the teeth were also forced to lift by the arrow rain. Get up.

The long-range firepower of the Hobgoblin faction is also within the range of the longbowmen’s firepower.

Even if the triangular-shaped armor-piercing arrow hits their light armor, it can still penetrate the body unabated.

The fierce battle turned into a confrontation between the long-range firepower of the two sides at an extremely fast speed.

However, these fearless charging hobgoblin warriors and slaves are closing the distance between the two sides at a speed visible to the naked eye.

From this, it can be seen that this firepower confrontation is obviously dominated by the Hobgoblins.

Kobold goblins are small humanoid creatures, because of their own racial talent, they cannot be equipped with powerful medium and large ranged weapons at all. Therefore, the bows and crossbows in their hands are mainly short bows and light crossbows.

Under such circumstances, it was naturally impossible to suppress the firepower of the lizardmen longbowmen and bowmen of the Hobgoblin camp.

Even though they were also attacked by longbowmen, mainly the half-elves of the town on the waterfall, but their number was the most fatal flaw in the alliance army.

The longbowmen were not even half as powerful as the lizardmen longbowmen.

This also means that a most tragic short-term battle is about to start.

“Hold on! On the reserve team!”

Looking at the trend of kobold goblins gradually collapsing, the barking kobold has even reached the brink of collapse, and may be scattered at any time. The commanders calmly issued orders one after another.

Immediately, in the tight formation, a new force of kobold goblins appeared from the rear, reached the front row again, took over the position of the first group, and then faced the rain of death, madly pouring arrows and arrows.

A stream of blood spattered, and countless mournful mourning continued to sound.

A batch of charging slaves fell, the kobold goblins of the alliance also plummeted at an extremely fast rate, and the heavy soldiers and the soldiers behind them also began to die.

With the gradual weakening of the long-range firepower of both sides, the hobgoblin warriors who drove the slaves and braved the arrow rain finally approached the short-range distance.

“For the glory of the Almighty! Attack!”

The hobgoblins, who were full of anger, let out a loud roar at the same time, and countless sharp swords flashing with a cold light were raised to the sky.

The lizardmen, bully frogmen, kuo-toas, all kinds of large and ferocious animals, and even a large group of spellcasters who followed behind them also found their positions in an instant, and launched towards the alliance army’s solid formation like a city wall. Crazy charge again and again.

The Hobgoblin army learned from the Union’s hoplites, and also formed a steel city wall to charge the Union’s middle army, followed by a large number of lizardmen warriors with sharp javelins on their backs, and finally a large number of spellcasters. group of people.

At the same time, the perfect advance formation for Hobgoblin warriors is not affected. The other miscellaneous soldiers, such as bullywugs, bear goblins, lizardmen, and a few remaining slaves and ferocious animals were all driven away, and moved towards the flanks of the alliance, with a tendency to swallow the entire army in one bite.

When the charging lizardmen fighters shortened the attack distance to less than 100 meters, they pulled out the javelins inserted behind them one after another, and their bodies slammed, and the countless javelins they threw shot at the front row of the alliance. The remaining kobold goblins.

This group of lizardmen are obviously different from ordinary lizardmen. They look more burly and sturdy, and their whole body is full of strength. Some scales appear as dark black lizardmen even taller than ogres.

It can be seen from this that the evil lizardmen who believe in the demon lord Seth Inak have definitely received some kind of special reinforcement.

“Steady! Don’t mess!” The commanders who noticed the rain of javelins let out a dull growl.

As long as the formation of the heavy-armed warriors in the front row is chaotic, the entire army will be instantly disrupted by the Hobgoblin warriors and fall into a rout.

“Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!”

With the scarlet blood splashing and the piercing sound of gold and iron, the remaining goblin kobolds were almost cleaned up by the javelin, and there were also a lot of heavy infantry who couldn’t dodge in time, and were pierced by the javelin and died on the spot, even using the steel shield in their hands. He successfully blocked, but was also knocked backwards by the powerful impact.

In the Alliance army, a line of hoplites was visibly shaken by the javelins thrown by the lizardmen.

However, under the calm command of the commanders, the vacancies were filled by the reserve soldiers, and the seriously injured soldiers were quickly dragged down.

After all, the level of the heavy-armed warriors who can be assigned to the first line of defense is almost all over level 5, and some even reach level 3. In the face of the deadly threat of javelin, this kind of loss has been minimized.

If it was the ordinary army of the original residents, it would have suffered heavy losses in this round of javelin throwing.

Following the completion of the lizardmen warrior’s projection of the javelin, heavy footsteps sounded, and the formation was formed. The Hobgoblin warrior in the front row also took this opportunity to collide with the heavy armored warrior like two steel torrents.

“Clang! Clang! Clang!”

The continuous blocking sound sounded, and the heavy armored warriors who stabilized the formation successfully caught the elite warriors of the Hobgoblin army who shouted ‘For the Almighty Magrubiya’ and blocked the sharp knife that was trying to pierce the defense line. .

In the face of the attack of the hobgoblins, the heavy armored soldiers in the front row were not afraid to confront them head-to-head. Even though they are wearing heavy armor, their bodies are still very flexible, and they can also look for a fatal attack while dodging the opponent’s attack.

The overall level of Hobgoblin warriors is at most about three or four levels, and not many have reached the extraordinary rank. They rely on the advantages of quantity, equipment and army formation.

However, when equipment, army formations, and even levels were all destroyed at the same time, these Hobgoblins could only rely on crowd tactics to push these heavily-armed warriors.

“Pikemen! Attack!”

One after another, unhurried orders were issued by the commanders.

The spear warriors who had long been waiting behind the heavy infantry stepped out, and they simultaneously held the three-meter-long refined iron spear in their hands.

These warriors in leather armor and long swords slung around their waists fully stretched their left arms, and their center of gravity drove forward quickly and powerfully, stabbing straight at their targets.

A stream of blood splattered.

The first batch of Hobgoblins who collided with the heavy-armed warriors, with the cooperation of the spearmen, were mostly cleared up in a short time.

However, they were soon replenished by a steady stream of elite warriors.

The dull footsteps sounded, and the second batch of hobgoblin warriors formed a torrent of steel, shouting the name of the god, and pushed them up as if they were dead.

The number of Hobgoblin troops is too large, and it is obviously unrealistic to rely on spears and sharp swords to quickly clean them up.

“Spellcaster! Attack!”

When the spearman joined the battle, orders were issued again.

Surrounded by shield warriors, the Alliance’s group of spellcasters finally joined the fray.

Among these spellcasters are a number of kobold warlocks.

Although most of these kobold warlocks are hovering around the second level, they are still a force to be reckoned with.

– “Three-Circle Spell: Crown of Madness!”

A group of tiefling warlocks were the first to sing obscure incantations. In the hobgoblin army, dozens of twisted shadow crowns transformed by the dark breath instantly fell into the heads of the strongest lizards and hobgoblins. .

Wearing the twisted crowns, their entire bodies were twisted by the dark energy, their faces became hideous and terrifying, and the bloodshot eyes were also beating eerily with the gloomy dark power, and the bodies with blue veins swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye. Swelled and became extremely burly and majestic.

“Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!”

One after another, the angry roars that were suppressed in the bottom of my heart broke out one after another in the hobgoblin camp.

These crown-twisted hobgoblins and lizards frantically wielded deadly weapons in their hands, madly attacking all comrades they could see.

Immediately, the attacking troops in the front row were quickly chaotically ravaged by these dozens of companions who turned their guns.

– “Grease!”

– “Fireball!”

– “Summoning Thunder!”

– “Lightning beam!”


The wizards, warlocks, and druids began to cast spells one after another, the chant sounded, the brilliant spells flashed, and the scorching flames and harsh lightning all exploded in the most densely populated areas of the enemy group.

Most of the heavy armored warriors have not yet started, and the second batch of hobgoblin warriors who have not yet charged are almost completely harvested by the spellcasters.

These so-called elite hobgoblins face the deadliest threat as long as enemy spellcasters do not join the battlefield.

In the face of another failure in the second round of the attack, the Hobgoblin commanders immediately ordered a group of low-level spellcasters who had just arrived to join the battlefield.

Along with the neat and powerful third-round charge of the Hobgoblin warriors, the Hobgoblin priests also chanted obscure incantations.

– “Supernatural Ability: Shadow Attack!”

However, the magic spell had not yet been completed, the dark shadow twisted, and a group of stern-faced assassins appeared strangely in the shadows behind the dozen hobgoblin priests.

They raised the daggers and daggers in their hands at lightning speed, and greeted the most deadly vital points of the casters.

A stream of blood splattered, and the Hobgoblin priests who were caught off guard all covered the gushing neck or heart and other wounds, looking at the hunter who disappeared in the shadows again in disbelief, and fell to the ground.

Diffuse gunpowder smoke shot straight into the sky, and the sky that had become unusually bright was gradually shrouded in gloomy dark clouds.

At the same time as the frontal confrontation, the two flanks of the alliance are also facing surging enemies.

The troops guarding the two wings were mainly ogres and trolls in Horn Town, as well as a large number of adventurer teams and some scattered professionals who could not cooperate.

Relatively speaking, what they face is nothing more than a chaotic group of soldiers.

However, what is surprising is that although the equipment and overall strength of bullywugs and lizardmen are not as high as those of hobgoblin warriors, they are the most numerous.

Moreover, with the cooperation of various cruel and ferocious animals, even if the attack was messy and disorderly, it also brought a lot of pressure to the troops defending on both flanks.

Looking at the crumbling front of the two wings, under the command of the commander, several powerful wizards rushed towards the two wings.

– “Five-level spell: Death Cloud!”

Facing the innumerable bullywugs croaking on the right-wing formation, the wizards from Iron Horse Town chose the most effective spell.

They took out four magic scrolls in a row in a very extravagant manner, and threw them all towards the place where the bullywugs gathered the most.

A large cloud of eerie mist shrouded the bullywugs’ heads, forming a deadly separation zone between the army and the bullywugs at great speed.

When the strange cloud covered the moment, bursts of shrill screams sounded one after another. Those bully frogs, ferocious animals, and huge giant frogs, etc., who were already densely gathered, clutched their throats and struggled to fall to the ground, bleeding to death in an instant.

The most powerful part of the fifth-level spell “Death Cloud” is that it can directly kill creatures with a creature level of around the third level. Even higher-level creatures are immune to death effects, and with low toxin resistance, they will immediately fall into a poisoned state, become weakened, and be slaughtered.

And the level of these bully frogs is around level 2 at most, and in the face of the attack of the “Death Cloud Technique”, almost all of them will be killed immediately. Under the influence of toxins, the beasts such as the vicious wolves and vicious apes that survived by chance also became weak, lying on the ground and whimpering constantly, and were soon harvested by long-range crossbow arrows.

The four magic scrolls instantly wiped out hundreds of bully frogs and a large number of ferocious animals, and at the same time shocked the troops that were rushing in from the rear.

Looking at the densely packed corpses on the ground, all the big eyes of the bully frogs who rushed over were full of deep fear.

Countless painful lessons have taught these evil humanoids to never provoke those who can cast spells lightly.

——“Five Rings Divine Art: Summon Thunder and Lightning Storm!”

At the same time, in the direction of the army’s left flank, the sky was shrouded in dark clouds in an instant, and a large area of ​​thick thunderclouds quickly condensed over the Lizardmen, making the entire battlefield even more gloomy and gloomy.


Immediately afterwards, a dazzling lightning pierced the sky, followed by an earth-shattering explosion, a deep purple electric light, like a sword-like lightning, accompanied by thunder, and under the control of the caster’s mind, one after another. Fall into the place with the densest lizard population.

Accompanied by the flickering of the deafening thunder, charred black corpses jumping with dark purple arcs and billowing smoke were continuously left on the battlefield.

The crowd of neighing lizards ran out of the range shrouded in thunderclouds like ants on a hot pan.

Looking around, the giant beast of the Hobgoblin army with its big mouth was about to swallow the Alliance army, and it seemed to be defeated like its front teeth were broken.

Only the hobgoblin elites in the center were still shouting the name of the gods and attacking the steel defense line composed of heavy armored warriors as if they were dying.

“You can’t count on a bunch of garbage that only struggles in the mud.” The Hobgoblin leader, who stood on the tower condescendingly watching the battlefield situation, spat in disdain when he saw the rout of bully frogs and lizardmen.

Just when he was about to give the order again, as if he sensed something, his expression suddenly changed.

Immediately, he turned around quickly, knelt down deeply toward the place where the strange red light flashed, and shouted devoutly and madly:

“We welcome the coming of my lord! The great goblin-like patron saint, the supreme warchief, the unrivaled war lord, the Mighty Magrubiya, the leader of your most devout people, the Hrukh hobgoblin tribe, greet me. The Lord is back!”

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