Haunted Houses’ Chronicles

v5 Chapter 11 - bid farewell

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I haven’t practiced diving, and I can’t grasp the posture of falling into the water in a hurry.

I just felt that the entire lower back hit the water stiffly, and the impact was so good that it didn’t make me faint.

This stinky water is almost as cold as bone, so it’s good, it can temporarily numb the intuition and make myself feel less painful.

I couldn’t help but screamed, and my mouth was instantly filled with a few odors of water.

I was almost disgusted by this disgusting moment, and I could only rely on my willpower to support it, because I knew that it was easy to drown if I was a little careless in this situation. They won’t be able to save them by then, and I will become a burden.

My water quality is not good, naturally I dare not delay, and I can’t care about observing the situation.

Seeing the location of Bai Kai and Qin Yiheng vaguely, I swam in the past.

I barely grabbed Qin Yiheng’s clothes and wanted to lighten his burden.

But he only felt that his whole person seemed to have no energy, floating in the water like a dead wood. No response.

My tears almost came down, and I swam in front of them.

Qin Yiheng and Bai Kai were unconscious at this time.

Bai Kai was driven firmly by Qin Yiheng’s arm, and his face could barely stay above the water surface, but because of the impact of the huge current, the water surface in the entire house was not stable. Bai Kai’s face floated on the surface of the water, I wonder if it was dead or alive.

I shook it, and he didn’t respond.

I pushed them hard, but I only saw Qin Yiheng’s hand slowly hang down.

I never thought that one day I would face such a situation. Even long ago, I had imagined the worst.

But in all the worst plans, there is no such ending.

I can’t accept losing my best friend, not to mention, I lost two this time.

I let out a sigh, only to feel the tears could not control it came down.

But more of it was still stinky water hitting his cheeks.

I grabbed the shoulders of both of them at the same time, trying to drag them out in a backstroke pose.

But even in the water, when there is buoyancy. It would be too difficult for me to drag two people at a time.

I gave them one mouth after another, hoping someone would open my eyes and scold me.

But to respond to me, only the huge surge echoed in the whole house, still made people trembling cold.

I know I can’t delay any longer.

If you are lucky, even if I can only drag one person at a time, it will be too late to rescue them all.

But now it is only the last willpower that supports me, my physical strength has reached the limit.

I don’t know if this lucky will take care of me, in fact, I don’t think I will be lucky.

Is there really a trade-off?

I suddenly remembered that Bai Kai had asked me somehow in Mohe some time ago.

If he and Qin Yiheng have a person who must go to Shenyinhe, who will I choose?

Damn you, **** your eyes open! How to choose the fuck! ! ! ? ?

I wiped my face. In this case, emotions can’t get out of control.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down. At this time, the smell of the stinky water was not so disgusting. Instead, he made himself sober.

Both of them still breathe, at least people are still alive.

I went to check the white wound, and his entire coat was basically stained. But in the water, I couldn’t tell the exact location of the wound.

Can only be touched indiscriminately, it seems that he has not been pierced into the sharp weapon. But I am not sure whether the wound is still bleeding.

Qin Yiheng was better there, but there was no obvious trauma. When he was just above, Qin Yiheng was obviously trying to save Bai Kai. In this case, his physical condition was at least better than Bai Kai. If you are optimistic, it ’s just that you ’re out of energy or some other reason for the coma. There should be no life threatening in a short time.

I looked around. In silence, my mother must rescue both of them.

So I took a deep breath and pushed them both toward the corner of the house.

The water has risen to a few meters at this time, and the closet that was difficult to climb before can be reached directly by the hand.

I opened the doors of several wardrobes and chose a relatively high one that would not be filled with water in a short time. Qin Yiheng was first placed in the closet.

Then I swiped in the direction of the door with the white open.

In my sight, I saw Qin Yiheng paralyzed sitting in the closet. The figure is getting smaller and smaller.

I have tried my best not to cry, but the tears can’t stop.

I feel that after so many experiences, how many times I have been in a critical situation and life and death matter, I should have been numb to death for a long time.

But I didn’t expect that until now, not to mention death, I can’t even bear this farewell.

I’m desperately pedaling, just hoping to make myself swim faster.

The body has long been frozen without consciousness, I just rely on instinct. A kind of survival instinct, not for myself, but for these two **** dads who dare to rush forward with me!

Swimming in this way, my own consciousness began to blur a little.

I tried my best not to close my eyes, but I still felt that my body was slowly losing control.

In this way, I finally reached the door of the house and turned my head to see. The previous sadness disappeared instantly, and what filled my heart was a relief. I didn’t even think I laughed.

Mom’s just been giving first aid to people, and I never thought about it. The water level has risen so high.

The doorway has long been submerged, and looking out of the water, there is no way to escape from the sky, only countless wardrobes, and the bodies of white flowers floating on the water.

That ’s fine, my brother ’s brother still has a look on Huangquan Road.

I said to myself that if someone really missed me Jiang Shuo, I must burn a pair of playing cards.

At least we can still fight the landlord to relieve boredom.

At this time, it would be nice if there was a cigarette.

It seems that because of the momentary loss of hope, my whole person finally became completely paralyzed. All the previous fatigue and pain were found at once.

I think death is just that. It’s not as terrible as imagined.

In a flash, a lot of pictures appeared in the mind like a rumor.

What just surprised me is that most of the pictures turned out to be before I started. What makes me even more strange is that these pictures seem to me unimpressed. Like the previous feeling outside, I feel that I am on a mountain of mountains, which is like a dream and a memory. But I have no energy to distinguish. I can only vaguely know that I am looking for someone, running in a panic.

But the more feeling is that in this reality, in this strange house, my body slowly sinks into the cold black water.

At this time, I do not know if it is the reason for my survival instinct.

Suddenly I struck a cleverness, and something happened in my mind instantly!

My despair seems too early, I can completely dive and drag out the door to get out! Even if there is a piece of ocean outside, but it is not a closed space after all, there must be a chance of survival. What’s more, the well that Wan Jinrong jumped into was probably a secret exit!

Thinking about it, I quickly struggled a few times, choked two sips of water, and finally came out of the water.

I hurried to see Bai Kai, who was still floating on the water, not far from me.

I dragged him over and looked up at Qin Yiheng, and I screamed badly that the water had not reached his chest now!

I took a deep breath and tried to dive first, and found that the visibility of the water was very poor. Almost nothing can be seen.

In this way, I can only use the memory to find the door. And no mistakes are allowed, because neither me nor Bai Kai, the current physical condition is not enough to cope with too long. What’s more, Bai Kai is now in a coma, unable to hold his breath at all. I don’t know how long a person will drown before dying, but I can only fight hard.

Can only gamble!

I first put Bai Kai on my body and chose a relatively light posture for swimming. But desperately, Bai Kai is now unaware. I thought about it. I could only tear off his jacket and make a rope as soon as possible to tie his two arms to my waist.

I patted the white open behind me, shit! This time you survive, I can call your father every day!

Then took another deep breath and dived again.

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