Hey, Why Are My Skills so Weird!?

Chapter 120 – Facing Leon Meyer (1)

As soon as the teacher left the classroom, Sylvia and Ley came toward me.

“We’ll be in the same team, Jane.”

“Brother, team up with me.”

I smiled wryly and raised my hands in surrender.

“Of course, of course. I was planning to team up with the two of you from the start.”

Sylvia smiled.

“That means that we already have three members on our team. We only need two more.”

“How about Andrew?” I suggested while looking at my friend.

Sylvia shrugged and Ley nodded.

“I don't mind.”

“I'm fine with it too.”

However, when I went to ask Andrew if he wanted to join, he put on a complicated expression.

“… What about Karime?”

I was startled, but I quickly understood his question.

The teacher said that the member of our team doesn’t need to be from Class 1 as long as they were freshmen. It meant that it was possible to invite Karime.

But– I glanced at Ley, who was talking to Sylvia, and smiled wryly.

Yeah, that is not a good idea.

Plus, I don’t really want to team up with her either. I mean, being in a team with my ex is going to be quite awkward.

Andrew sighed when he saw my expression.

“I thought so.” He said and looked at me sadly. “Jane, Karime, you, and I have been friends since we were children. Even if you broke up with her, it doesn’t mean that you can’t continue being friends.”

“Just… Let nature take its course. I just don’t want to make things awkward.”

Andrew smiled wryly.

“Then, I will form another team and include Karime. It’s a shame that we can’t be in the same team, but I don’t want to make her feel excluded.”

I could only agree reluctantly.

“Okay. But first, I can try to ask Ley what she thinks. If she agrees, I don't mind including her, but I don’t think she will agree.”

Andrew nodded

After I finished talking to Andrew, I told Sylvia and Ley about his proposal. As expected, Ley frowned as soon as she heard the idea of letting Karime join our team and expressed her opposition firmly.

“I don't like her.”

I sighed. It seemed that there is no chance of Andrew and Karime joining our team.

“That means that we still need two more members, huh?” Sylvia murmured. “Well, I don’t care too much about the other members. As long as you are in the team, Jane, it’s alright for me.”

“Me too.”

I smiled wryly. I feel flattered.

But you are not making this easier for me.

I looked at the rest of the students in class and considered which ones could be possible team members, but in the end, I just sighed and stopped worrying about it.

Anyway, the first exam is in the sixth week, so there is still a lot of time to decide. I don’t want to choose the other two team members rashly.

After that, it was time for the next class.

The following classes were very uneventful. This was the first week, so the classes were mainly about introducing ourselves and a brief summary of the subject. It was pretty boring, to be honest.

The only exception was the class on Wednesday.

Introduction to combat.

The teacher for this class was a woman called Doris Heller. She was a tall woman of 1.9 meters (6.2 feet), with a slightly muscular body, and short brown hair.

As soon as the class started, she used her aura to suppress us. Her aura felt heavy, as though dozens of weights had been put over us.

After just a few seconds, several of us were sweating as we tried to resist her pressure.

I was feeling pressured too, but fortunately, I had experienced the demon’s aura several times before, so my condition was better than most of the students.

Only Sylvia seemed to be doing better than me. In fact, Sylvia was completely indifferent, as though the pressure did not have any effect on her.

Her reaction caught the attention of the teacher, which increased the pressure in response, but even so, Sylvia remained unaffected.

That made the teacher show a slight expression of praise.

After three minutes like that, the teacher finally withdrew her pressure.

“I know that all of you are geniuses, and I saw your performance during the entrance examination. However, I hope that you understand that you are still weak. Believe me, you are still way below the standard of a student of Sanctuary’s First.”

Teacher Doris then looked at each one of us before turning around and walking towards the door.

“Follow me. We will go to the training room.”

The training room was very big. It was filled with all kinds of training gear, and it had several places where people could spar.

Moreover, it was just one of the dozens of training rooms in Sanctuary’s First, and every one of them was equipped with similar equipment.

However, we did not have time to admire it. As soon as we arrived, the teacher took us to the center of the room.

“I saw the video of your entrance examination's performance; however, I want to see your capabilities from close up. There are ten of you, so it means five battles. Mm, let’s start with the weakest. Number ten, your name is Leon Meyer, right? Pick one opponent.”

Leon’s face became dark when the teacher called him the weakest, but he did not dare to refute her and stepped forward.

He then looked at every one of us before finally fixing his gaze on me.

… Am I this unlucky?

“Jane Walker, I want to fight him.”

Sigh, it looks like I am...

I sighed and stepped forward, standing in front of Leon.

“Sorry about that, but you seemed like the weakest, so…” Leon smiled apologetically.

'Man, that doesn’t make me feel better.' I rolled my eyes exasperated.

The teacher then pulled out a cabinet filled with training weapons from a storeroom and gestured with her chin.

“Pick one.”

We nodded and grabbed a weapon. I picked a spear similar to the one I always use, and Leon picked a longsword.

The teacher looked at us and nodded.

“Very well. You can go all out during the battle. Don’t worry, I won’t let any of you be gravely injured. If I determine that the situation is about to go out of control, I’ll interfere.”

Leon and I nodded.

“Then, get ready. Now, fight.”

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