Horror Camgirl

Chapter 20 - Special Department

Chapter 20: Special Department

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

The child ghost struggled but eventually turned into a wisp of dark smoke, vanished in the air instead of getting into my nose. Maybe because it didn’t kill many people. It wasn’t that evil.

The policeman caught Song Na. She had a Buddhism plague before her chest. I could indistinctly saw some white powder in it.

It was the child ghost’s cremains.

“Song Na, is it you who deformed Zhu Ling’s face?” I stopped her.

“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Song Na tried to avoid my eyes.

“Your child ghost is bald, wearing red outfit. You ordered it to ruin her face at the filming site, didn’t you?” I asked.

She was terrified and trembled with eyes popped out, “How…how did you know?”

“Keeping a child ghost could kill your own fortune. You order it to harm people. You are really well served.” I roared with anger.

Song shouted emotionally, “Why could she have anything she wanted? She is no better than me. I am no less beautiful than she is and I am way better at acting than her. I should be the top star! I should be the international super star!”

Zhu Ling approached her and slapped her in the face, “Song Na, you think I did nothing to have what I owned? You can ask around what I have done as an extra when I started my acting career. I soaked in freezing cold water the entire day in deep winter. What about you? You used stand-in even when you spoke lines on the snow. You are a shame in the industry!”

[Nicely said! Zhu Ling, you have my respect.]

[Zhu Ling is a good and professional actress. Song Na is rubbish, a bitch!]

[I am now Zhu Ling’s fan. Nice slap!]

After Song Na was taken away by the police, I turned off my channel. I comforted Zhu who had tears in her eyes, “Zhu Ling, it’s all right. Everything will be alright.”

She sighed, “I meant to help her in the first place but I didn’t expect things would end up this way.”

A man said behind us, “Zhu Ling, your face is cured. It is great!”

It was Fang Huajian.

“I didn’t know Song was such a vicious woman. I was deceived. Ling, you can count on me. I will help you and make you even more popular than before.” He said.

“Save it! I have had enough of you. Screw you!” Zhu Ling said.

Then she said to us, “I am sorry about this. Please allow me to buy your dinner. I have made reservations.”

Fang’s face turned red, with hatred in his eyes.

He wouldn’t let it go. After all, he was humiliated in public. But it was not my business anymore.

I looked at him and I saw hatred in his eyes too when he looked at me. He might hate me too.

The whole thing between Zhu Ling and Song Na went viral on Heiyan. My live streaming was short, but I got more rewards than last time. It was movie star effect.

Lord Zhengyang didn’t watch the live video but Rosy Cloud Fairy did. She was outraged, “How dare she keeps a child ghost and makes it harm people! The magic world is doomed. Kid, if you come across things like this in the future, give them a hard lesson. I will reward you big!”

She sent me another file. I opened it. It was a prescription of herbal bath which could help strengthen the bones and get stronger and healthier.

I believed in her firmly because of the scar-removal ointment thing. I bought herbs which cost much more than the ointment. Very soon, I ran out of money.

I did spend money like water.

I bought a wooden barrel because I didn’t have a bathtub. The fully-boiled herbs were black, thick, and stinky. It was too stinky that my neighbors even knocked on my door for many times.

Gritting my teeth, I forced myself to jump in the barrel.

The herb soup was warm in the beginning but got hotter and too hot to stand. I couldn’t help scream. But I clinched the barrel edge, shivering in it.

I knew it was taking effect. The herb was strengthening my bones.

Hold on! Hold on to it!

My face was not pretty. My body had to be strong!

I wanted to be strong!

I had been socked in the herbs for two hours. But it was like a century for me. I crawled out of the barrel. After taking a shower, I felt fresh and uplifting. I could even a 25-kilo sack with only one hand.

I checked my body and found the touch of aura got stronger.

While I was still soaked in the joy, I got a phone call from Tang Mingli. He sounded serious, “Junyao, someone who wants to see you.”

“Who is it?”

“Have you ever heard of the special department?”

Tang told me later in the car that my live streaming caught special department’s attention.

Special Department, also known as Special Event Investigation Department, acted like the State Security and had branches through the country. Mr. Jin, the one I was going to meet, was the captain of Shancheng Branch.

I saw the man who was sitting in the corner when I walked in the cafeteria. He was thirty-something, looking tough, brown-skinned, masculine and powerful.

He stood up and nodded when he saw me, “Ms. Yuan, have a seat. What would you like for a drink?”

“Latte, please.” I order one randomly. I had no idea of coffee at all because I didn’t have money to have a cup of coffee at such a fancy place.

Waiter served a cup of coffee very quickly. I sipped. It was nothing special.

While I was tasting the coffee, that man smiled, “My name is Jin Fan. Ms. Yuan, allow me to be straightforward. I watched each of your live videos. You seem to know some ghost hunting skills. May I ask who your teacher is?”

I was full of confidence as I got strength from the herb bath. I smiled, “Mr. Jin, about that, I am sorry I can’t tell. My teacher wants to keep it a secret.”

As they wrote in the books, great masters usually were weirdoes. People would buy it if I said the least about myself.

Jin skipped to a different topic, “Ms. Yuan, do you know that your live streaming is a way of superstition? ”

My heart skipped a beat. Seriously? Would they shut my channel? Live streaming was the only way I could live on now. If they turned it off, I would have no money for my brother.

My face turned pale and Tang reached for my hands, “Since you know it, why don’t you shut down her channel?”

I was shocked that he said that.

Jin said seriously, “Our technicians tried but couldn’t shut it down.”

“What?” I was even more shocked, “What do you mean?”

“We contacted Heiyan. Their technicians also couldn’t run on your channel. All they could do is to recommend you on the front page. Our technicians also tried to turn off the server, they still couldn’t turn off your channel.”

I was too shocked to speak a word. Now my channel became a haunted or what?

“Ms. Yuan, do you have anything to confess?” He asked.

I was mad at his attitude. I didn’t make a crime.

I answered coldly and indifferently, “Mr. Jin, I have no idea about my channel. But opening a channel is not a crime, isn’t it?”

“No, of course not. But what you streamed about is…”

“I streamed whatever I saw with my own eyes.” I paused and asked, “Are you asking me to shut down my channel?”

Jin laughed and then said, “No. You got me wrong. You have our support to keep doing it.”

Not just me, but Tang was also surprised.

“I just want to meet you today and get to know you.” Jin handed a name card to me, smiled, “If you encounter any problem when you are hunting ghosts, you can call me, anytime.”

Was he…being nice?

Excuse my stupid head. What was the hell going on?

After chitchat for a while, Jin left. He hopped in a car where a young man was waiting for him.

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