Horror Game: All My Organs Have Their Own Consciousness

Chapter 40

   At this time, the white coat on Doctor Gao’s body has returned to normal whiteness.

   He sat at the table and looked at Lin Hun with a smile, his face full of kindness.

   “Yeah, I met again, but I didn’t expect us to meet in this way.”

   The same smile, Lin Hun sat in the chair in front of Doctor Gao with a relaxed look.

   “Then are you ready for treatment?”

   Doctor Gao took out a form and said.

   [You answered Dr. Gao’s words, you were judged to be sick, your mission failed, and endless treatment began. 】


   Silently looking at the hint of Future Vision, Lin Soul’s expression remained unchanged, and he continued to smile at Lao Gao.

   If it were not for the hospital’s rules that did not allow to attack the doctor, he had now thrown a punch, directly exploding his gold glasses.

   “It’s no good not to speak. As a doctor, I need to understand the patient’s condition.”

   Seeing that Lin Hun didn’t reply, Doctor Gao raised his eyebrows and glanced outside the door thoughtfully.

   There, the nurse in red stood expressionlessly at the door.

   [Doctor Gao used the authority of a doctor, but you who did not answer, were judged to be sick and started endless treatment. 】


   The new prompt that popped out made Lin Soul couldn’t help but scold his mother.

   This is Nima.

   This Doctor Gao is definitely the most cunning trick he has ever seen.

   From the first meeting.

   This product keeps digging holes.

   Then how should I answer?

   Lin Hun looked at Doctor Gao, and the prompts in his eyes kept beating.

   He is using Future Vision, constantly trying to check the results with various answers.

   “Is this form of yours for me?”

   After a high-intensity attempt, Lin Soul quickly found an option that would not be judged as ill.

   He turned his eyes to the form in Doctor Gao’s hand and asked.


   This time it was Doctor Gao’s turn to be silent. He looked at Lin Soul who hadn’t asked, his eyes narrowed slightly.

   There was a cold breath over his body.

   If it is said that Lin Soul did not answer the question just now, it may be because the twenty-fifth boy outside the door reminded him.

   But now he asks straight to the point.

   made Doctor Gao feel full of murderous intent towards this life from the world of the sun.

   He was able to find the most suitable answer.

   There must be some secret hidden in this human being.

   Some kind of secret that can understand everything.

  For such a magical human being, the best way to deal with it is to put him in a petri dish, put it in the showroom, and study it slowly.


  If you want to do this, you must follow the rules.

   let him be judged as a patient.

   “Yes, you have ten minutes to fill out this form.”

   pushed the form over, the smile on Doctor Gao’s face had become very false.

   discovered Lin Soul’s secret, he has no need to continue acting.


   Seeing his performance, Lin Hun also smiled.

   It’s just that he smiled happily.

   Because he discovered that the doctor did not choose to attack him directly.

   “It seems that in the hospital’s rules, there is an option to prohibit casual use of violence, otherwise the other party will never be so patient.”

   picked up the form and looked at the form that looked like “If you have a certain disease, you must kill one of your relatives to relieve it. Whoever kills you.”

   “You saw a murder case going on. You have the power to kill everyone. How would you help the murderer and kill all the victims?”

   “You have seen a woman, and you feel that she is beautiful. Will you make him a specimen or seal it into a wax figure.” Such a question of the underworld.

   Lin Soul was silent.

   These questions, but normal people don’t know how to answer them.

   But for the hang-up when you have the future.

   He just needs to constantly perform brain simulations.


   The pen tip is moving.

   One answer appears on the form.

   See these answers.

   The aura on Doctor Gao’s body became increasingly cold and vicious.

   This guy definitely has some kind of strong insight.

   I really want it!

   Seeing Lin Hun smoothly filling out the form, Doctor Gao’s eyes flashed with inexplicable light.

   “Do you want to join us?”

   “What are you talking about? I don’t understand.”

   Dr. Gao’s sudden invitation caused Lin Soul to be taken aback.

   He looked at the weirdness in front of him, his expression inexplicable.

   “Human beings are at the limit. If you want to go beyond the limit, you can only give up being a human being, Forest Soul, I can see that you are very different from other humans. The times have changed. Why don’t you think about it and become an existence beyond humans?”

  Doctor Gao is supporting his chin with his hands folded, his white coat is gradually stained red with blood. .

Chapter 58:

  【You choose to join the treacherous camp, the deflection of your camp, your organs are disappointed in you, and you have lost the power of all organs. 】

   Mind turned, Mirai Vision jumped out of such a reminder.

   Seeing this reminder Lin Soul, his mind moved.

   “Only as a human being can my organs be awakened and strengthened? From this point of view, as a human being, this identity is very important.”

  If it becomes treacherous, if you can continue to use the power of the organ.

   Lin Hun didn’t mind changing his identity.

   Try to feel like being creepy.

   But the hint of Future Vision let him know that this idea was dispelled.

   has become treacherous, and may be able to make him stronger for a while.

   But compared with the power of the organs, the growth ability to become creepy is much weaker.

“I reject.”

“you sure?”

   narrowed his eyes and looked at the man in front of him, Doctor Gao’s malice became more and more serious.

   The scarlet aura radiated from his body, forming a light pattern of teeth and claws, turning this ward into a cave of flesh and blood.

this moment.

  Doctor Gao couldn’t even suppress the killing intent in his heart.

   I want to take action to solve this guy in front of me.

   He, who has a human mind, felt a very strong sense of danger from the guy in front of him.

   If you let it go.

   This guy will grow into an extremely scary existence.

   Fingers quivered.

   A blood-colored scalpel overflowed silently from Doctor Gao’s fingertips.

   He stared at Lin Soul whose face gradually became solemn, and his eyes were stained with rich blood.


at this time.

   The lights in the ward suddenly flickered.

   A heavy pressure fell from the sky and directly acted on Doctor Gao.

   huge, dark and unstoppable.

   Even if Doctor Gao possesses the power of the highest level of Xue Li, he was almost wiped out by the pressure on the spot.

   “You… are not sick, you can be discharged from the hospital.”

   The scalpel at the fingertips turned into blood and evaporated in the air, and the creaking Doctor Gao squeezed these words out of his teeth.

   fell with his voice.

   The heavy pressure suddenly disappeared.

   At the same time, the soul of forest in the ward disappeared.

   “This guy has insight into some of the rules of this hospital and can’t let him stay here anymore.”

   Doctor Gao took a few deep breaths, and his body gradually recovered to its original state.

   He pushed his glasses and glanced at the blood-clothed nurse whose expression changed a little at the door, with a twisted smile on his face.

   “It seems that this test product is still flawed, so let’s prepare for the second preparation.”



  The spirit is slightly tranced.

   Soul Lin found that he had appeared in a wasteland.

   The wasteland is very flat and covered with long weeds.

   There are obvious signs of construction around.

“here it is?”

   Looking at the heavy locomotive parked on the edge of the building trace, Lin Soul’s expression moved.

   “The hospital… disappeared?”

   stepped on the solid ground.

   looked at the weeds all over the floor, Lin Hun frowned.

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