HP: Spirit Talker

Chapter 92.1 Greengrass

I won't describe my time in Greengrass in detail, just a few details. I'll start with what I saw first — a house elf who was sent to either give me a portal-key or use the services of a house elf to travel. I chose the portal-key, as I find house elves very unpleasant, and in their presence I feel something familiar but unpleasant, so I do not want to be in their company any longer than necessary.

Then I found myself in a white stone pavilion in the garden, which allowed me to look at a three-story mansion, with a claim to be called a small castle because of the presence of several turrets and sharp roofs.

Inside it was very different: some rooms were kept in the old style, others were arranged pathos, pretentious, lush, with a lot of thematic decorations, like columns, moldings, massive vases and so on. And the part where I was taken by a familiar house-elf turned out to be much more "warm" and "homey".

As far as I understood, the owners had divided the house into zones where different guests were allowed under different circumstances. We dined in a beautiful, moderately large room, brightly lit by magical lamps.

There were no strangers at the dinner table except myself, though I thought the Bullstrokes would be there for sure. Henry and Suely were moderately outgoing, friendly, smiling. The youngest daughter, Astoria, a thirteen-year-old blonde, was a carbon copy of her mother and the leader of the table in cheerfulness. In contrast to Astoria, the eldest daughter was overly cold and aloof.

And it's not that I made any mistakes or accidentally offended anyone. The girl was like that from the very beginning — politely cold. In the emotional background I felt a slight dislike and boredom in my direction.

I've seen a lot of English people, both Muggles and Muggles, so I know for sure that there are beautiful people here too, the more talented people are more attractive by nature. So when I saw the sunny beauty of the mother and the youngest daughter, I was surprised by Daphne's cold appearance. Correct aristocratic features, clean smooth skin without moles, beautiful platinum hair, but icy blue eyes and stubbornly discontented pale lips.

The image of the girl can be called beautiful, but not attractive, especially considering her repulsive look. I don't know about anyone else, but I really didn't like her, so I was happy to toe her line. But I couldn't resist a little demonstration of my displeasure with the situation.

I wasn't trying to "smooth things over" or smile diplomatically. I was not interested in this fourteen-year-old ice cube at all, and her figure is still very adolescent, angular, so I responded to every cold, smooth tone with an exact replica that stood out sharply.

But again, I did not mind: in Britain I do not have to play a role or hide, in the extreme case I can generally turn my attention to the world of muggles. With only the knowledge that Miyazaki taught me, I could settle in very well, and when I started to realize my ideas and goals, the upper class of the commoner society would accept me as a native.

 In addition, in the Kingdom of Great Britain, an unusually large number of squibs are born, I have not met this explanation in public, but the fact is recognized.

When we went into the pastel living room, where we had tea and continued to talk, I was surprised at the way Mrs. Greengrass moved — she rode in a chair on wheels. I didn't ask any questions — that's very rude — but a good disguise by the puffy skirt of her dress didn't fool me, and a glance through the astral confirmed the speculation.

Suelyn Merion Greengrass, below mid-thigh, is completely missing her left leg. Frankly, I wasn't surprised — I was shocked. Judging by the energy, the woman is quite strong, her body is strong, young, she is still able to bear more than one child, in addition, connected to the ancestral altar of the spouse, that is, properly introduced into the Kin. What was the cause of the mutilation? No, the energy channels clearly show that it is not from birth, so it is an acquired disability.

I asked my hosts for some drawing materials to brighten up the evening, because a blonde had already made the cream sour with her sour face. Although they were surprised, they provided everything I needed.

The first drawing was of a cheerful, sunny fairy laughing and flying among the giant flowers. Everyone liked this picture of Astoria, even Daphne's eyes sparkled with interest. The mother of the family was portrayed as a mysterious witch cursing with a mirror, in the middle of a clearly witchy dwelling full of mystical things.

Since I didn't really see any special traits in Henry's character, I portrayed him as a pumped-up hulk in a leather vest with a huge axe in his hands. The female part giggled at the resulting image, and the man himself was not offended and smiled. But the most "bulky" image has Daphne, who to portray — was not even a question, but the real Ice Queen must be drawn thoroughly. As a prototype, the queen from the Soviet fairy tale film of the same name was taken — there the Snow Queen was portrayed very atmospherically. This work took the most time and gave me a chance to think.

First of all, I want to clarify why "dark" spells and charms are called that. Not dark magic, not specific, harms only the physical shell, the flesh, without affecting the energy and "subtle bodies" of the aura, the spiritual body of a living being. Dark magic affects everything at once, or in some cases, to a greater extent, non-physical components.

Such magic literally tears out whole sections of the energy channels, buying them off, cauterizing them, greatly reducing the chances of full recovery. So I said this to the point that neither Anthony Hilliard's nor Mrs. Greengrass's energy was "cauterized" by the magic that robbed them of a limb.

When I made the prosthesis for my information specialist, I wired silver wire inside the bone tubes and placed control structures in hieroglyphics at the joints and on the joints.

As a result, Anthony's new hand is not only as obedient as his own, but is also capable of sensing and performing limited magic. When the man was told about this option, he didn't even want to hear about the delays — he was happy with the fact that he was getting an almost full-fledged limb.

There is no point in weighing the pros and cons. The measure of a true lord's gratitude is not a pound of beans! If I give a woman a limb back, the gratitude will be tangible, that's for sure. It's not that, it's that I can build another metal prosthesis that hears perfectly, but the frankly creepy look is an obvious drawback. On the other hand, I can make a living prosthesis that will be fully alive, even feel native, but of plant origin.

How would people react to that? How will they accept it? Although I've already made a decision, and this is just a dalliance.

The real queen looked at the people from the canvas. In her fixed gaze and the petrified expression on her face, one could only read confidence and unwavering will. Silver and pale blue robes, a high, geometrically ideal crown, a tall, dangerous staff, a high throne on which the mistress sits.

In the darkness, icy columns and walls with frosty patterns, and feet hidden by an icy mist. The family of aristocrats looked at the picture in silence for the first few minutes, I didn't want to get into the emotional background. When they were ready to discuss it, I spoke.

— Lord Greengrass, Lady Greengrass, I have something to offer you. ....

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