HP: Spirit Talker

Chapter 93.1 The Train

The remaining days before school passed quickly. First, I used the analyzing structure to dismantle the simplest artifact of Muggle concealment and disguise provided by my maid. Under the eyes of Gwyneth and Kiriko, in the sealed basement, I put on an elaborate light show where I spent an hour analyzing the structures of this simple artifact.

 It was obvious from the faces of the observers that they were amazed at the sight of futuristic holograms with dynamic elements. I transferred the received information to my usual system of hieroglyphs, tweaked a few things here and there, changed a few things, and in the end I got something unexpected even for myself. The artifact consists of a flat bracelet ring on the arm and a collar.

The material can be anything you want, but hoarding is mandatory. For Kiriko, I chose silver for the arm and leather and fabric for the neck, which Gwyneth and I designed together into a very cute piece of jewelry, like those worn by girls at Made Cafes in Japan.

The artifact, type "Masking", is capable of creating a persistent illusion, creating the effect of invisibility, and averting the gaze of the living and the dead. The image of the illusion can be set by any imagination, and a small memory base stores up to two dozen images. It is powered by the host and draws a little from the environment.

So we got a ticket to the big world for a good, obedient girl. So I put my business aside for the rest of the day, took Miss Travers by the hand, and the three of us spent many hours walking around London. Kiriko, whose skin color we had only changed and whose ears and teeth we had corrected to match the color of her eyes, refused to let go of my hand for the first time. By the way, the girl with normal skin color turned out to be a mestiza with easily recognizable Japanese features.

The girl's behavior, calm and unexpectedly reserved, allowed us to visit many places, but we especially liked (I too, because before this normal walk through the city I never got together) the Royal Museum of Jewels (the girl, like me, has developed a fervent love for different stones), on a huge Ferris wheel and in the zoo. Oh, we spent most of the day at the zoo, at the end of which Kiriko, very embarrassed, asked for something for the first time, namely a "big cat".

Actually, I was worried that such an outing might be stressful for a child who had never seen anyone but me and Gwyneth before. But Kiriko turned out to be a very plastic, stable psyche, but she behaved very restrained, it is restrained, because I noticed her impulses, but the girl was constantly restraining herself.

I even happened to notice Kiriko admiring the experimental samples of crystals. She reached out to pick up an oval scarlet-colored stone, but pulled her hand away as if burned, pressed her palms to her chest, and then stood still for a few minutes, just looking.

It seems that the imprint of the spirit contract was stronger than I thought, and the girl simply does not know her place in the world, and the request of the cat — a great opportunity for education.

That same evening, I went to Diagon Alley, where I brought back a two-week-old ash-black spotted kneazle. I decided that since the girl was magical, she should have a cat, especially since Kiriko was already more magical than Gwyneth, so she could use a companion.

The fuss about my musical artifacts hardly affected me: I received a few letters, which I didn't open in a hurry, because I was completely devoted to Kiriko. Of course, I didn't want to drag her to Hogwarts — there was nothing for her to do there.

On the first of September, dressed in the style of "Alfonso Capone", but with a surtoute instead of a jacket, I took a taxi to the station. Later I will travel through chimneys or by apparition, but today I decided to make this journey in the most "traditional" way.

I pass through a brick wall and I'm on platform 9 and 3/4. As I looked around, I realized that I had done the right thing. I don't know for whom, but for me, who once saw everything on the TV screen and had time to see everything in this life, this place seemed bright and clean.

Even though the weather was overcast, here, because of so many children, their excitement and impatience in the air, because of the pure children's desire for miracles and adventures, the soul became light and good. I smiled involuntarily as I watched the many scenes of parents saying goodbye to their children, meeting friends after vacation, friendly handshakes and hugs.

How long has it been since I was like that? How long ago and how far away are those places where my friends used to create havoc with noise and spinning on the first of September? My chest tightened, pleasant and painful at the same time at the memories of the past — distant and inaccessible.

Shifting my hat, hiding my eyes, I went to the carriage. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed that not only students but also adults looked at me with interest. However, the high standing collar of my light coat and hat concealed me so well that I was not immediately recognized, and in a few seconds I was already hidden in the train.

About half of the compartments in the carriages were already occupied: people took their seats and then went out onto the platform to meet their relatives and friends. But it was not difficult to find an empty one.

I left my coat and hat on the rack and sat down by the window with the curtains half closed. It would be interesting to see Gabby and Fleur's faces when they received my gifts. Memories of my sisters made me smile. Good girls. I had sent the sets of musical pendants to Lucy Dunois in advance, asking her to distribute them to the children and Fleur and Gabrielle just in time.

I didn't know if I would miss the delivery time, but the woman would send the gifts on my behalf and everything would be just right....

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