Immortal Soul of Steel

Chapter 375

Chapter 373: Conflict Of Interest In Litigation

Li Te was a little stunned by Lin Youde’s words.

But Lei Mengmeng agrees very much: “Most of these copyright disputes are handled by “Machine Warfare” itself.”

“There is almost nothing we can do. From the moment the other party starts to appeal, we can only passively wait for the result.”

“So, it’s useless even if you’re in a hurry now.”

Lux wiped Lin Liuli’s mouth with a tissue. When she wanted to help Latoni, she was rejected by Latoni with a blushing face. asked slowly.

“However, I still can’t figure it out.”

“Whether it’s the copyright of Ferocious Bird or the copyright of Gundam, isn’t it all given by “War Machine”?”

“This kind of copyright is given by others, is it necessary to sue?”

In Lux’s doubts, Gu Lincai nodded slightly and replied, “Yes, Miss Lux.”

Lux asked suspiciously, “How?”

Gu Lincai glanced at Lin Youde hesitantly, while Lin Youde smiled and nodded, Gu Lincai calmed down and asked back.

“Miss Lux probably doesn’t pay much attention to mobile weapons.”

“But Miss Lux, if you talk about Demon God and Geta, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?”

Lux thought for a moment and replied, “Freedom Federation?”

Gu Lincai nodded and replied, “Correct.”

“The same is true for ominous birds. When it comes to ominous birds, everyone will think of the Free Federation.”

“Because Ferocious Bird, Geta, and Demon God are also known as the three major IPs of the Free Federation.”

“In the context of the current era when dimensional beasts are raging, a well-known robot IP can greatly expand the people’s sense of security, increase the confidence of the people, and promote social stability.”

“And unlike the Free Federation, which has Geta, Demon Gods, Ominous Birds, that is, the Extreme Soldiers series, the only IP we can get out of when we integrate it is the Undead series, which is the Extreme Soldiers series.”

“The Shilla Alliance still has the Gurungast series and the Leon series, two IPs.”

“We are unified but only have one Undead series. This is a bad breath for all citizens who are concerned about safety and international reputation.”

“Now, we have finally united to have an IP of the Gundam series that is comparable to or even surpassed. This is undoubtedly a major event that can greatly enhance the confidence and cohesion of the people.”

“Not to mention the various feats that the current director has achieved with Gundam in the world of “Machine Warfare” before, which has made people subconsciously think that Gundam is stronger than the existence of the ominous bird.”

“After that, Gundam appeared in reality to fight against dimensional beasts, and even participated in the Olympics. This undoubtedly makes the people who unified have a huge sense of pride.”

In Lux’s expression that seemed to understand, Gu Lincai said seriously.

“In this way, Gundam, which has a huge influence on the unity, is judged to be a copyright infringement of the Ferocious Bird series by “Machine Warfare”, and the Gundam will be classified under the name of the Fierce Bird series.”

“That would be an incalculable damage to the unified international image and how much damage it would do to the people, I think.”

“So, even if it is to combat the unified national image and the unified national confidence, this copyright lawsuit is valuable.”

Lei Mengmeng nodded slightly and received: “This is just a non-economic benefit.”

“Don’t forget, Gundam has now started to be produced by Wang’s Heavy Industry, and has received a lot of orders because of its excellent performance in the Olympic exhibition games.”

“If the copyright lawsuit is successful at this time, Titans Heavy Industries asks Wang’s Heavy Industries to stop using Gundam’s copyright.”

“Then Wang’s Heavy Industry, which has just received a large number of orders, will receive a large number of breach of contract lawsuits. If it doesn’t work, Wang’s Heavy Industry may go bankrupt.”

Lux was stunned for a moment and exclaimed, “Is this too much?”

Gu Lincai said with a wry smile: “This is the usual method of the shameless businessmen of the Free Federation. In fact, as far as I know of similar incidents, the Titans have done no less than 10 times, but they have won very few times.”

“But whoever makes this kind of copyright lawsuit, wins a huge profit, and loses is just a symbolic compensation for some reputation damage.”

“For Titans Heavy Industries, which is a big business, it’s a sure-fire deal.”

Lei Mengmeng nodded and sighed: “So when Wang Liumei took the order before, she pushed all the foreign orders away.”

“Who knows if these guys are doing something wrong. It’s better to expand the domestic market honestly.”

“And, don’t forget. Gundam’s copyright has great economic value.”

“Now all of Gundam’s domestic toys have been sold out. Once the copyright is obtained by the other party. If you want to continue to sell toys in the future, you must pay Titans Heavy Industries a large copyright fee.”

Lin Youde took a sip from the teacup and added: “Also, don’t forget. Now Gundam is one of the signatures of our Lin Institute.”

“Once the copyright of Gundam is taken away, it will be a huge blow to our Lin Institute.”

“Although the body data and various technologies are still there, as long as you change the image, you can continue to use it.”

“But our research institute has just been established. Once this happens, the economic loss will not be mentioned for the time being. Just carrying the infamy of plagiarism will discourage many talents who would have been willing to join our research institute.”

“After all, most people still value things like fame.”

“Even if some people don’t value reputation, there is no guarantee that the other party will not use the name of this kind of thing to blackmail us to improve our treatment requirements. This is another expense with an infinite Lux’s face Gradually gloomy: “That is to say, Titans Heavy Industries is specifically for us? ”

Lin Youde put down the teacup: “Forget it, at least from the current stage, the other party is obviously prepared.”

“And the time is right on the day when we started recruiting talents. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a fixed-point sniper.”

Hearing this, Li Te looked sad: “Uncle, what should we do? Can’t we do something?”

Gu Lincai shook his head: “It’s a pity that this kind of copyright dispute originating from “Machine Wars” can’t be dealt with by the litigant. Because this copyright was originally granted by “Machine Wars”.”

Li Te was a little angry: “Since it’s all copyrighted by “Machine Wars”, can this kind of lawsuit really win?”

Lei Mengmeng said with a sullen face, “Yes. Little Tezi, don’t forget. We originally had an IP robot series called Wild Boar.”

“However, because the wild boar looks like an ominous bird, it was judged that the copyright of the ominous bird has a higher priority by “Machine Warfare”, so now we basically can’t see the wild boar series in the unified country.”

“Now there are only the undead series, and a large number of derivative bodies of the undead series.”

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