
Chapter 101 - I hope he is dead

When Gloria Star was not blown into a ball, there were dozens of unsuitable places for children floating in the sky, and it was the eighth galaxy, the main source of the indisputable capital star GPP. And in these places, a kind of drink called “tornado” was popular. It is a powerful stimulant. After drinking it, it can be out of sight for 72 hours. It is said that the response is great and it can sing the song of freedom to run the marathon. Back and forth, I don’t know how many lovers die each year from excessive tornadoes.

On the day of his adulthood, Lu Bixing took a sip from the one-eyed eagle and felt it was so intensely stimulating that even after more than ten years, he still remembers it-just like this time.

This meeting should actually be the time of Lin Jingheng ’s morning exercise. Except for those days when he was kept in the medical cabin, General Lin ’s morning exercise has always been thunder, and today is absent. He rested on one of his arms, his grey eyes were slightly closed, his hair was messy, and the undulating lines on his side were unusually smooth. His lips were blood and water, and he looked much softer than usual.

Lu Bixing stared at him with good eyes and looked at it, and his heart became a drumstick. At this moment, he seemed to have just filled a liter of “tornado”, and felt that he could whistle to swim in the sea of ​​clouds for two circles. , But also reluctant to leave Lin Jingheng, had to cling tightly to the planet’s gravity, with a mess of characters jumping in his head.

The sound of his heartbeat was too loud, not only shocked himself to heaven and into the ground, but even Lin Jingheng, who was sleeping, was shocked. Lin Jingheng’s eyes opened a slit, and he raised an index finger at him, asking him to be quiet. Lu Bixing couldn’t do it, so he had to turn his side to block the morning light shot in by the window, and lowered his head and kissed his fingertips.

When he lowered his head, he felt like a crowned knight, and suddenly was added by the light. After the last step in his long growth, he would be fearless in everything he encounters.

“Lin,” Lu Bixing knew that Lin Jingheng wasn’t asleep, so he approached it annoyingly, talking softly in his ear, “Is Zhanlu’s fuselage really blown up? Then I’ll make a new one for you OK? I saw the specifications of the Alliance ’s first mech in the book, the design of the military plant has entered the fourth draft, the engineering team began to adjust the robot, and wait for the military plant to be built … hey, do n’t laugh!

Lin Jingheng’s voice was a little hoarse: “You make a draft before you talk.”

“I’m the best mech designer in the eighth galaxy.”

Lin Jingheng did n’t open his eyes, but could n’t laugh—when he was young at Wulan Military Academy, his classmates quarreled and ridiculed each other. The idiomatic saying is “you are the eighth of the galaxy” or “you are the eighth “The galaxy level”, those who are scolded often feel that they have been greatly offended, and then there is no civilized language in the next anticlimax.

In other words, the “eighth galaxy” is an adjective slightly more civilized than a curse.

The gentleman who claimed to be the first Mech designer of the eighth galaxy brushed his earlobe, like every ordinary man who would talk about human words and would blew a cow, and began to run the mech endlessly in his mouth: “I I also want to add a part of the “primary mech” in the military factory, which is the type of “kart mech” that can be opened in one day of training, but a brother in the engineering team told me that after all, the primary mech is a lethal weapon. Popularization is too dangerous. I think he has thought through it very much, so he intends to use the “junior mech” as a teaching aid … Kaixing will set up a new Xinghai College, which may not be like Wulan’s Wulan College in the future … By the way, in the future, the star will be like Votor-oh, of course, there are more people than Votor, and the entire planet is well-packed and powerful. It is too weak. We will also have layered highways and sidewalks. The car accident will be wiped out … There are a lot of wasteland on Daystar. I can ask the president for a piece and build it according to your mansion in Votor? “

Lin Jingheng said: “Not good.”

“Then follow my previous home on Gloria Star-my original home is very large, and it takes a lot of robots to clean it up. You can use Zhanlu as the electronic housekeeper for the central system.”

Lin Jingheng said, “Zhanlu is very noisy.”

“It’s okay, you think we are bothersome, you can bomb out the two of us together so that I can bother each other with Zhanlu, and nobody bothers you.” Lu Bixing quickly gave a solution, whispered, “But … … and don’t bomb me out too often. “

Lin Jingheng felt that the people next to him limped together and tried to reach out, as if shaking in mid-air for a long time before falling on him, and then began to walk around untruthfully.

Lin Jingheng opened his eyes and glanced at him. Lu Bixing quickly controlled his own hands, and his tail was raised two meters high: “Hold me for a while and don’t move.”

Lin Jingheng nudged gently on the back of his hand.

Lu Bixing sighed silently, holding the man’s body temperature in the palm of his hand, he had some taste of the food, and he was very impressed, and felt very sorry for Turan-because he did not know how to blow her cowhide when he was not sensible. There is no chance to repair the broken skin.

Although Lin Jingheng didn’t show it, Lu Bixing intuitively didn’t make him comfortable. The young scientist seems to have discovered a brand-new discipline and challenge on the road of life. When he turned to the “catalog”, he was a bit hungry and eager to think Digging some textbooks from Captain Turan Guard comes from my promotion.

After thinking for a while, Lu Bixing was shocked that his thoughts were about to run away, and he quickly pulled back his face with red ears.

“When we get old, the war should be over,” he said. “I’ll teach, write, write a lot, talk about how to reshape the Alliance’s first mech, and write a memoir, half of which Seriously, the remaining half focuses on today-how did I get the first male **** in the league … “

Lu Bixing hated that he could plan every second from the next second until the two people moved into the grave. Just making a list and thinking about what the two people can do together will be enough for half a month. After listening to the beginning, Lin Jingheng felt that according to President Lu’s plan, the remaining two hundred years of natural life may not be enough. He hopes that human beings will carry out another genetic modification so that everyone can live another five hundred. Only for years.

Listening to his description, it is as if the end of life, the waves of big and small will disappear, and there is no life or death in the world.

“Do people still like to read such delusional stories … what about old people?”

In the fortress of Angel City, next to the crying statue on the central square, a movie promotional film is being played on the three-dimensional screen. In the years of war, the entertainment consumption of Angel City is higher than that of Votor, and the poor are expelled from the Garden of Eden. People may just have entertainment.

The literary and art industry is unprecedentedly prosperous. As a result, some movie makers have even crossed the class and obtained the privilege to enter the fortress of Angel City. Yevgenia ’s concerts are hard to find even with electronic tickets, which is no less expensive than a blue sea.

There is a telescope in Marshal Woolf’s lounge. The view is very good. You can use it to look at the stars at night. You can see the square at a glance during the day. He held a tea cup and watched the entire promotional video. The movie is called “Happy Corridor” , Probably told a couple of men and women love story, from the twenties to the gray hair, very romantic, set in Votor-of course, Votor has been occupied by pirates, the movie is a virtual background synthesis of.

“It is said that the upcoming movie is highly anticipated by the audience, and the pre-sale tickets for the premiere have been sold out.” The Marshal’s personal secretary stooped down, and respectfully continued to give him hot tea. The secretary’s name was “Wang Ailun”, in his early 200s, had olive skin and was tall.

The old Marshal has a quirk and doesn’t like artificial intelligence. All the work around him must be done by real people. Wang Ailun has been with him for more than 150 years and takes care of his daily life. When there are outsiders, this high-weight person The secretary can hardly speak, and has a very low sense of existence. Most of the time, he is more like a robot than artificial intelligence. Only in private places without outsiders, he will chat with Marshal Woolf: “Everyone is anxious about tomorrow, so They are all hoping for something that can last forever, love … or whatever else; everyone wants to return to Votor, and the blue sea can get the market, isn’t it because the hype is a ‘nowhere to go back’? The film has both, maybe it will become the theme of all tea parties in Angel City next week. “

“You can see it very well. I heard that the Blue Sea Cultivation Base has your equity and made a lot of money?” Marshal Woolf gave Wang Ailun a smile with a smile, before he answered, and said softly, “I want to go back to Votor, but Votor is not what you want, and people around you have changed for a long time, and when you live to the age of white hair, you will find yourself It ’s also changed. You used to believe that everything was undoubtedly gone. Ideals and beliefs had collapsed at least a hundred times. Almost all the organs on the body had been changed by the medical cabin. Occasionally, I wanted to recall a little bit of the past. Also asked for artificial memory, Ellen, you said it was ridiculous? “

Wang Ailun listened to the wall like a flower, didn’t answer much, didn’t take the opportunity to show the loyalty of “I’ve always followed you,” and it was very comfortable.

“Sometimes … you feel like a zombie occupying someone else’s identity. They were right to suspend the human genetic modification program. Why do people live so long? We are born without such a long-lived soul and extend the life of our bodies endlessly. Does it make sense? Living yourself into a cinerary casket, the metabolism of the entire society is as slow as fossils, and there is rancid smell everywhere. “

Marshal Woolf said, he started holding a tea cup.

The old Marshal was never married. It was said that a joke-like gossip was passed on when he was very young, but the other party died before the alliance was established. The deceased was large and no one mentioned it later. He has a long history from handsome boy to gray-haired, and has the same history as the Union Museum. When he is not working, he stays out and does not have much entertainment. His only hobby is probably holding a cup of tea in a daze and remembering his life that he will never forget.

Some people say that if not for these years, the alliance’s most promising generals have made accidents one after another, so that the rest of the military commission are wastes that cannot be raised, and the old marshal should have retired.

Suddenly, the room in the lounge ringed softly, and then a wall slowly opened, revealing a secret room on the wall.

The old man is happy and quiet, and foreigners are not accepted in the private lounge. Except for the secretary who takes care of him, no matter who comes, he must make an appointment. Who knows that there are no secrets.

Wang Ailun had already been prepared, took out another set of tea set from the sterilizer without raising his head, and poured tea like flowing water, and placed it in front of several guests. The number of cups and the number were not bad.

Several visitors were wearing ceremonial robes and masks made of special materials, and their chests barely exposed the silhouette of a “sister-in-law” with the head of a snake and the symbol of anti-Uruguayan society. This makes the Star Wars Pirates of the Alliance talk free to come and go freely at the heart of the Angel City fortress!

“Come here?” The old Marshal glanced at them, “Angel City adjusted the temperature to 26 ° C to take care of our old things. Are you wrapped so hot?”

“We are full of fear,” a masked man replied. “Under the alliance, the dust floating in the air may be monitored, and a hair will make us uneasy.”

Another masker said, “Hopefully, in a hundred years, the world we built will be free of electronic terror.”

They are used to the “prophet language” of the Anti-Uruguayan Society, and greet them with a set of lines, with long endings, pressing strange rhythms, and speaking like singing.

Woolf waved his hand: “Okay, don’t think about it a hundred years later, you and the gang of glorious regiments are all upset. Now the organization is in chaos and complaints, let’s take care of yourself first.”

Wang Ailun stepped forward, raised his wrist, and a three-dimensionally projected light shot from his wrist. A plain-dressed middle-aged man appeared among everyone, with anxiety in his eyes.

A few masked people from the Anti-Uzbek Society were suddenly taken aback, and for a moment no one could care about pretending to be a god, and said in a nonchalant, “It’s Alexander Harris!”

“What happened, is he still alive?”

“Alive,” replied the dumb secretary. “The Prophet Harris’s pseudonym ‘Hop’ had been hiding under Prince Gloria before hiding in the eighth galaxy. Recently, we have received reliable news that this person has reappeared and is organizing. Secretly seek support. Everyone, because of your mistakes in decision-making, and united with the Glorious Army, those ungrateful things fell into disdain after occupying Votto, trapping you in the eight major galaxies, and now being entangled by those local warlords The organization complained, and the opposition was getting louder and louder. Harris has always been very confusing. He will now return to the organization, and what will happen, you know. “

Marshal Woolf sat down slowly: “We are allies, you, the wind and the storm are already outside, but the storm is not enough inside.”

Several masked people from the Anti-Uzbek Society were silent for a moment. One of them came forward and said, “Marshal, can you give us some clues since you have news channels?”

Wang Ailun smiled: “The last coordinate of the Prophet Harris is near the eight-galaxy egret star. He will detour a civil channel through the interstellar customs. According to reliable information, someone inside the organization will meet him in the seventh galaxy. My personal suggestion Don’t let him show up in public, it’s better to solve him in the eight galaxy, what do you say? “

One masked man asked blurtly, “Marshal, is the news accurate? What is your channel?”

Woolf looked up, and his aging eyes suddenly shot like a hawk-like light, as if he could instantly penetrate his mask. The talking masker suddenly felt awkward and moved anxiously. The two companions behind him dragged him, and he immediately lowered his head: “Sorry, I am not …”

“It doesn’t matter if several gentlemen don’t believe us, you can wait for Harris to come back and fight with him in a high profile to see who can compete with each other,” Wang Ailun said with a smile, “I personally look forward to— —It’s getting late, the Marshal has an appointment for a medical examination next time, so be careful on your way. “

A few masked people were on others’ sites, of course they didn’t dare to make trouble, and quickly left in a familiar manner. The door of the secret room was closed again. Stop talking.

Woolf asked, “What’s up?”

Wang Ailun hesitated: “You sent someone to pick Harris, give him armed support, and leaked his whereabouts to the rabids of the” Manic “. Do you want to help him or do you want his life?”

“Harris is a smart man, much better than this group of wild dogs who know the slogan, and he went very close to the two rebellions of Baita in his early years. At that time, Lauragden blew up, ‘forbidden fruit’ and chip technology They have lost one after another, and for so many years, these idiots have not made any achievements, but I suspect that Harris knows what, just because he opposed the son-in-law plan, he has refused to say. “Woolf could have been To be a dangerous person is an old age, and there are always some unrealistic dreams of peace, and they are not with us. “

Wang Ailun said: “Yes, it is always difficult for rationalists to do a little bit.”

“But only the rationalists can stir the biggest storm and become the eye of the typhoon.” Woolf said, “He is so nostalgic about idyllic pastoral fantasies, he needs to teach him some lessons to wake him up and let him know the gun , Belief **** is not, power change must bleed, and he can only rely on us-after all, what charm is there in the ghost place of the eighth galaxy that keeps him so long? “

Wang Ailun looked up at him.

Woolf’s face was in the shadow, like a statue that had been dead for a long time.

“Whatever it is, clean up together,” Woolf waved his hand, “save him that he always wants to hide back to farming-that **** stick needs a little bit of hatred to spur.

Wang Ailun responded, and then asked, “Marshal, do you trust Harris about the eighth galaxy and Jingheng?”

This time, Woolf was silent for a long time.

The secretary realized that he had asked a question that was difficult to answer, and bowed his head, preparing to leave silently.

“I hope to believe,” Woolf said, “I hope he is dead.”

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