
Chapter 105 - He is a stain on my life

The one-eyed hawk, who had been silent next to him, waited for them to leave, and then slowly said, “You are letting the president choose, whether you are a **** in the lead or a mouse in the gutter.”

Lin Jingheng shrugged unwillingly.

“You know what he would choose,” Cyclops said, “In this world, I don’t know how many people can make up for food and die, and live and die, but no one can actively return after seeing the light. In the mud, why do you force him so tightly-and you, Lu must, when did you become a spokesman for the Silver Ten Guards? “

Lu Bixing walked silently to Lin Jingheng. Although he didn’t move his feet manually in front of his dad, he quietly extended a foot under the table and bumped into the tip of Lin Jingheng’s shoes. He didn’t want to do anything, just wanted to touch Touch him, this symptom is especially like obsessive-compulsive disorder, which belongs to “Lin Jingheng obsessive-compulsive disorder”-as long as you see someone there, if Lu Bixing doesn’t touch it, he will have to scratch his heart and uncomfortable: “General, please take me and give Appointment of my spokesperson. “

“Don’t make trouble.” Lin Jingheng nudged him gently with his toes, and said like a dog, “If I need to leave the eighth galaxy temporarily, what are you going to do?”

Lu Bixing asked rhetorically, “Don’t you say that there is me, will you come back no matter how far you go?”

The one-eyed eagle coughed heavily: “… two, am I dead? I don’t know yet?”

“How come,” Lin Jingheng gave him a rather mild smirk, “Brother Lu, I believe that at least this self-knowledge, you still have.”

How the one-eyed eagle listened and felt awkward, I always felt that Lin Jingheng was sarcastic again, but he couldn’t find fault again, Qiqiao gave birth to a set of blank smoke.

Lin Jingheng watched the old Persian cat explode and only slightly converged: “I started the communication backup center of the Silver Ten Guards, which is Marshal Woolf at the Angel City Fortress. According to normal conditions, the Silver Ten Guards will receive the news. After splitting up and converging, considering that the current space channels around the alliance are almost paralyzed, the time from when they receive the news to when they arrive here will not be too short. In contrast, the Ranwu in the June 7 galaxy will arrive first. step.”

The one-eyed hawk is a **** who doesn’t read much. Except for his mech trading, he is very ignorant and can’t understand: “So you have contacted the Marshal of the Alliance? Is it reliable, should you let Edward grow up? A face? “

“‘Spare center’ means taking his coordinates as a ruler, not him as the contact center-the old marshal is not my subordinate, can I order him to help me call the Silver Ten Guards? In case I call When the Silver Ten Guards broke my face with the league, what’s the matter of sandwiching the old Marshal in the middle? “Lin Jingheng was annoyed by saying a few words,” Brother Lu, please use your brain, please continue this way. ” The mouse couldn’t hold it. “

The one-eyed eagle shot up: “Your mom …”

Lu Bixing pushed the tea cup on the table between the two of them, and lowered his face: “Second, am I dead? I don’t know yet?”

Lin Jingheng and the one-eyed eagle recovered their cold eyes at the same time. The one-eyed eagle sat down and muttered, “He started first.”

Lin Jingheng explained with a little human words: “When I was leaving, I arranged the silver third guard’s guard and a few backbones into the old marshal’s personal guard. Generally, as long as Marshal Woolf is still alive, his The private guard will be inseparable by his side. The coordinates of the Silver Three Guards are open and determined. In extreme cases, they can be used as the point of contact for the contact center. However, Marshal Woolf has been in the military for more than two hundred years. He can’t hide his old man’s actions in his personal guard. “

Lin Jingheng said this, his voice paused, his hands on the table slowly clasped his hands, his fingers were slightly tight. Since these days, his doubts about Marshal Woolf have become heavier, but at this moment, it seems I can only pray for a bit of luck. The old Marshal must not have problems, otherwise he ventured to start the backup center. Isn’t that trying to trap them in Angel City?

The thought flashed in his mind, and Lin Jingheng quickly threw it out again. At this point, he didn’t want to make himself needlessly anxious.

Marshal Woolf, over 300 years old, the founding father of the Alliance, one of the important founders of the Declaration of Freedom, the first president of Ulan College, the entire military commissioner named him, such a person … How could you betray the alliance? What is the picture?

Lin Jingheng thought: “I hope it is my persecution paranoia.”

However, as soon as Lin Jingheng prayed, God his old man laughed.

The unfortunate Yang brothers are now trapped in the fortress of Angel City.

“Now this angel city fortress is to be placed in ancient times. It is considered a refugee camp during the war? All refugee camps, how can this ghost place be so sparsely populated and have beautiful scenery? There is not even a residential building nearby. “Well …” Thomas Yang tried to call the police and found that the signal in the area was blocked. He couldn’t crack it for a moment. He just scolded a swear word, glanced at Lin Jinglian, and then turned back again. “… I hate it. , The space field is also shielded. “

Poisson Yang: “Speak well, don’t be disgusting!”

The two tried to break through each other’s information blockade, and one controlled the armored vehicle. It seemed that the same person had two heads and four hands, which worked seamlessly. Their mecha cars quickly escaped the intricate laser nets and tried to rush out, but were blocked by the other two mecha cars one by one. Poisson controlled the mecha cars to float up. Nearly hitting the air orbit, Thomas Yang screamed in a “squeaked” voice: “Did you buy a driver ’s license for a mecha car near the ground!”

“Yeah,” Poisson wryly said, “still buy one, get one free, isn’t that gift for you?”

“Beauty, let me introduce you formally. This Mr. Poisson Young is not only a senior technical officer of the third silver guard. He is also the champion of the” Imitation General Lin Contest “and won three consecutive terms.” Without delaying his work, he pulled the laser gun sight and the laser swept out. A mecha car chased by them was anxious to dodge and hit the high-altitude orbit. Positively, the mechanized car fell on the spot, and the track cracked from the middle, but it deformed. However, the track that would alarm when someone poured a glass of water out of the car window seemed to be dead. At this time, the whole cracked, but it was silent. interest!

Thomas Yang cursed: “Seeing his fangs, even the warranty of the track has been taken out together-this boy is reclining general quotes in front of the mirror all his spare time, I witness it with my own eyes.”

The voice faded, Poisson suddenly braked, and the near-mechanical vehicle sank abruptly, passing by a chaser who rushed out of the dark.

Thomas Yang fired two shots. The first shot was a laser, which accurately hit the safety energy valve on the bottom of the opponent ’s armored vehicle. The high temperature and high energy dented the surface of the valve, and then he shot a blast, and the blasting bomb was firm. The ground adhered to it, and the two mecha cars staggered like lightning, and they were pulled away in a second.

Immediately, a blast blasted the energy core of the chaser’s armored vehicle, causing a more violent reaction, and a fireball exploded in the air.

This time, the movement was finally big enough. A distant laser searchlight came over, and then the deadly airway started the automatic maintenance after knowing it.

The internal security monitoring system of the Fortress of Angel City will soon find this shielded place. Several of the near-mechanical vehicles that chased them saw a bad situation and responded quickly. They immediately opened the space field and ran away. .

Poisson Yang exhaled, and finally had time to yell at each other: “You testify? You witnessed when you put your head in the toilet to fill the IQ? Sorry, Miss Lin, we are in a hurry today. We are short of staff and can only show my brother. You pollute you. “

Thomas Young protests: “I’m your brother!”

Lin Jinglian-Maybe it is so dignified that she always pays close attention to her manners at any time. Maybe it’s because she is a bit problematic. She doesn’t know what it means to be “fear”.

In short, she had just experienced a dangerous abduction and assassination. Her skirt was still stained with her guard’s blood, but she was sitting in a mech car with no panic or sadness on her face, as if she had just sat. After drinking afternoon tea there, I was curious and slightly envious: “Are you twins? The relationship is so good.”

Thomas Yang turned his head to make a retching, Poisson Yang sneered, and then the two almost agreed: “He is a stain on my life.”

Lin Jingyi lowered her head and laughed, then she asked, “Now, can I know what is going on?”

“To make a long story short,” Poisson Yang turned his face, “Your elder brother, General Lin Jingheng, is alive. The news was recently exposed in front of the Star Pirates. Due to the collapse of the alliance communication network, he summoned the Silver Ten Guards through us, but when we received the order , When trying to release a remote signal to contact his companions, the remote signal was suddenly interrupted, and the signals of the transition network around the Angel City Fortress were all disturbed. “

Thomas Young seamlessly said, “In other words, inside the Angel City fortress, someone colluded with the pirates, knowing this in advance, is blocking us from contacting the Silver Ten Guards.”

“If the black hand behind the scenes is really in Angel City, and you are the only living blood relative of General Lin, you are in a dangerous situation now, and the other party will probably want to kidnap you to coerce the general,” Poisson said. Come here, and I really ran into this group of grandchildren, but fortunately caught up. “

Lin Jingying raised his hand and held the corner of his mouth, as if shocked by the huge amount of information.

“These things will be very troublesome to the security team. We better evacuate as soon as possible,” Poisson said. “The other party ’s shielding of the space field has failed. Do you have a relatively safe place to temporarily settle?

Lin Jingyi thought for a while: “Go to my house. There is a private mecha transceiver channel in the backyard. After leaving the atmosphere, you can directly enter the encrypted transition point and go directly to the Eden test base.”

The Brothers Yang stared at each other—the special direct passageway of the Eden Test Base should be built after Lin Jingyu ’s inspection base was ambushed and aborted.

Thomas Yang said carefully: “Ah … I’m sorry, we have been very sad about that and haven’t dared to tell the general yet.”

“Thank you,” Lin Jingyi’s mouth moved with a smile, and naturally shifted the topic, “How is my brother?”

“It looks good,” Thomas Young said. “It doesn’t look like he will be hunted down by the eight major galaxies, and he is actually mixed with the new government of the eight galaxies. You know, the word ‘mixed together’ is to him It’s incredible. “

Lin Jingyi laughed. When she really laughed, her eyes would bend upwards and shatter, revealing sharp corners and sharp chins. The whole person was wrapped in a blood-stained dress, but it seemed to be The spring breeze passed.

“Ah, no,” Thomas Yang covered his eyes. “I can’t live in the world without seeing you much.”

“Fucky,” Poisson Yang said, “We are going to wear the space field, Miss Lin, please tell me if you are uncomfortable.”

The mechanized car screamed, and Lin Jingjing sprayed a lot of protective gas, carrying them directly to the back yard of Gordon’s house, and then, using the private mech there, flew out of the atmosphere of the fortress of Angel City.

Lin Jingying’s pass was unimpeded, and they reached the Eden Test Base within half an hour.

Lin Jingying looked a bit like his brother at first glance, but when they really got along, they felt that they were not like a mother.

She doesn’t talk much, but she talks very well. Occasionally, she is always easy-going and appropriate. Let others say most of her words for her. There is also the illusion of chatting with her. It is very comfortable to get along with her. When wearing the space field, I can see that she is uncomfortable, but she is not coquettish. She still politely said it doesn’t matter. She also asked many stories of Lin Jingheng in the silver fortress.

Thomas Yang is a little bit of a male version of Turan. He also found a good-looking opposite **** and couldn’t find it. For a while, he was hot and asked what to say. He sold General Lin’s daily chores at the Silver Fortress … I don’t know who said “General’s Quotes” in the mirror every day.

Just when the captain of the Three Guards fluttered and felt that they wanted one more lover in dreams, they arrived at the Eden Test Base.

The mech docking channel opens layer by layer, with a cold light flashing on the docking door, and there is a decorative Eden sign next to it. From the top to the bottom, the entire base building is neat and clean, and large and small vehicles are in the middle of the research building. Running around, busy and orderly.

At first glance, this base is nothing special. However, although Silver III belongs to the logistics department most of the time, it is also a professional soldier. Thomas Yang’s gaze swept across the Eden sign on the abutment door of the passage—what was blocked by the sign, and his experience of dealing with mech all year round should be exactly the size of a missile launch port.

As the mech entered the mech receiving and testing station of the test base, a certain sixth sense that made the back bone cold was awakened. The deeper it got, the stronger the feeling. The entire Eden test base seemed to be enveloped by a layer. Weird aura. The Yang brothers looked at each other calmly, and they saw doubts in each other’s eyes.

A few researchers looked like they had received the news from Lin Jingying. They had already waited at the door of the Mecha transceiver station, and respectfully led them in. No one said except “Ms. Lin”. In addition, no one asked why she was following two strangers around her, not even looking at them, just as if they didn’t exist.

Thomas Young glanced at Poisson Young and asked him with his eyes: Is this real?

Poisson Yang looked at Lin Jingying’s back, frowned and shook his head: none of them looked up at her.

It stands to reason that the security level of the Eden test base is extremely high. If they do not go through special passages, there should be heavy guards outside, would it not be reasonable to question the strangers? Just because they followed Lin Jingyu?

But … Isn’t Lin Jingdi just a spokesperson for the Gordon family?

The twins communicate with each other silently.

Poisson Yang frowned: “When she first heard that the general was still alive, the reaction was not normal, too calm.”

Thomas Yang: “Yes, there is no incredible process. I just accepted it, as if I knew it.”

Poisson Yang quietly squeezed his finger and made a special gesture: “And when she was abducted, the guards around her were also strange.”

Most of the guards and bodyguards were paid to provide services to employers, and it was not easy to be faithful, and the two guards reacted like dead men at the time and died for her without hesitation. Loyalty was almost anti-human.

Being able to save oneself without hesitation in the first place is not non-existent, but such people are either true heroes or have deep feelings for the protected.

But the reason why heroes are heroes is because they are rare. Miss Lin has great magical powers, and has a 100% hit rate? And if the guard gave his life to protect her because of personal feelings, Lin Jinglian’s response was not very like … She laughed as usual, as if not two people died, but two types of artificial intelligence were scrapped.

“All the equipment and communications here are separate and not under the jurisdiction of the Fortress of Angel City,” said Lin Jingying. “The surrounding transition points are all encrypted. You can use this to build remote locations without being intercepted.”

Thomas Yang patted Poisson’s elbow secretly and shook his head slightly: after all, it was the general’s sister.

Then he asked Lin Jingyi casually: “Once the remote communication is established, the sending end can be easily scanned and located by the person. Will this not cause you any trouble?”

Lin Jing pouted and smiled: “It doesn’t matter.”

Poisson Yang tentatively said: “Also, after the remote signal is sent, we will immediately meet with the other third silver guards and go to the eighth galaxy, Miss Lin. Look at the long journey. Do you need to prepare?”

Lin Jingyi said for a moment, and then said, “The two came here to save me, and helped me a lot. If there is anything I can do for you and my brother, please say, but I am still safe in the management committee. , You must remember to bring more guards next time you go out. “

“You … don’t plan to follow us?”

“My home is still here, I ca n’t say just go,” Lin Jingyi said with a smile, “Please, the communication and contact center of the base is ready for you. Do n’t forget to ask my brother for me at that time Say hello, take care of him, and I will have a chance in the future. Maybe I can also go to the eighth galaxy … I haven’t left the first galaxy so long, really. “

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