
Chapter 38 - Above the wasteland, a bit of star fire

“Mr. Lu,” White put a dozen of scraps of paper in front of him, “not counting.”

Lu Bixing looked a little tired, and there was a circle of dark blue under his eyes, and he pressed from time to time on his eyebrows and temples.

In the empty workshop, those robots who didn’t know their pain were displayed silently like terracotta warriors and horses.

Lu Bixing supported his forehead and turned over White’s work. The morning light of the energy tower entered the workshop obliquely, casting a thin circle of shadow on his face, and he remained silent for a while, as long as White had an illusion, as if In the next second, he would push that dozen of calculation papers and tell them that it was over, and he would never have to do such useless work again.

This prejudice made White a little uneasy, although he didn’t know why he was uneasy.

But he waited for a while, and Lu Bixing just asked calmly, “I have read all the reference books. Where can I not understand?”

The four students stared at each other in a cramped manner, and the cocky **** said, “I don’t understand anything.”

“It’s impossible to understand anything,” Lu Bixing looked at the messy draft paper, lightly, “unless he didn’t read the book.”

He usually talks to people, always showing gentleness and enthusiasm, so that people standing in front of him have a feeling of being valued by his wholeheartedness. However, at this time, although he is still regarded as gentle and patient with the students, it shows a little A bit of burnout after restraint.

With all that said, people who ca n’t do anything, or who ca n’t be touched, may really be in the stone of human skin. They died from the day they were born, so they do n’t care about the physical decay again.

The door to the workshop was always open and empty.

Lu Bixing glanced over, very disappointed, and found his insistence a bit ridiculous and a bit despicable-because an invisible death countdown hung above the base, he knew it well, but did not intend to tell anyone.

Involving the Silver Ten Guards must be a major military action. Even if Lin does not intend to use the base as a bait, the three teaching and mixing **** at the base are absolutely untrustworthy. Paradoxically, he knows this clearly and still thinks about himself. I can light them with a rough vermiculite.

This logic is simply inconsistent.

“Neither of these mathematical models can be understood,” Mint said boldly. “Even … I don’t even know how to put the numbers into it.”

Lu Bixing came back and paused: “Well, so‘ it ’s reached the corresponding level of primary education ’, it ’s really deceiving, right. How much did you buy for your primary diplomas?”

White pulls his hand and carefully answers, “I didn’t buy it, I just … just didn’t use it later, and many things were forgotten.”

Mint interrupted him: “Eighty fidelity, the Education Bureau can find the number, plus two hundred, can buy a full set of application materials.”

“It’s expensive,” Lu Bixing opened his personal terminal and pulled out the reference book. “The original old dean of the School of Information Technology said that 138 can do a full set, and you’ve been pitted.”

“General Lu, the elementary education of other galaxies in the alliance covers all the classic mathematical models,” Huang Jingdi nodded his temples, “when their children’s brains develop to a certain stage … Of course, the normal brain, Eden will Inject these known conclusions from them, as if they were born. “

Lu Bixing looked up and shot two cool eyes at her: “What do you want to say?”

“Ancient savage savage is a human, and the ancients of the earth who have never gone out of the atmosphere are humans, and we are also humans, but humans and humans are not the same-we are not the same as the Alliance people, they are born things, we are Achievements that you ca n’t achieve in a lifetime, ”said Huang Jingying.“ Mr. Lu, you ask us with the league ’s primary education level, do n’t you think it ’s unfair? ”

“I don’t think so,” Lu Bixing said with a smile on his face, and flipped open the e-book floating on his personal terminal. “Do you consider a small model of elementary mathematics as an achievement? This view is very interesting. But in me It seems that the existing mathematical models are just tools, and they are no different from hammers, hammers, and hemp ropes. The first person to invent a hammer can be called a “genius achievement”. Then, those who held the hammer and smashed walnuts and smashed their brains. Gorilla is going to give this ‘Genius Achievement Award’ a title? “

He was accidentally out of the scope of humor, and it was so sharp that Huang Jingxi sensitively heard the anger in his voice: “Mr. Lu, what are you doing?”

“Nothing.” Lu Bixing lowered his eyes and eased his tone slightly. “Look at the math book by yourself. The library permissions on your personal terminal are open to you. Several classic models used are described in great detail. There are real The incomprehensible points can be singled out and asked me, but I will not read the safety instructions for the hammer, what else? “

White hurriedly said, “Mr. Lu, then … we have to do this homework?”

Lu Bixing said very briefly: “Do it.”


“If you believe one thing is useful, you try to persuade others. If you ca n’t, you can do what you do.” Lu Bixing said, “In a war situation, the energy issue is the most important thing. No solution, no escape. “

Otherwise, even if Silver Nine landed, after all, they drove thousands of miles from outside the region without a foothold and a stable energy system, which is also a trouble.

Disappointed is disappointed, what has to be done.

The four students exchanged their eyes very cleverly, and they resigned to the side silently and did not bother.

The word “mathematics” makes people feel unattainable, but the “Safety Instructions for Hammers” seems more approachable, probably because of a change in mentality, and at noon, four students who finally settled down to read the “Instruction Manual” It seems that for the first time, young children who started to stumbling and building blocks, while clarifying their division of labor, taught themselves and whispered together, and sometimes scolded a few words, clamoring for a rough context.

Lu Bixing ignored them. Soon, the maintenance procedures of the first batch of robots have been calibrated and they can be released to work, but the number of robots is not enough, and the speed must be slow. Lu Bixing feels that he had better re-plan the base’s energy system plan. Simplify it.

Just as he sent the first team of robots to the scene and turned back to the workshop, someone suddenly called him: “Lu … that, an expert.”

Lu Bixing looked back and was taken aback.

I saw a baby-faced Saturday, with a rabbit ashes on the neck for the holiday. The old man with a toothless mouth and the old man with a lame leg, who had been fighting endlessly, made Lu Bixing a multimedia movie-loving old lady, always feeling that the pot and bowl area was not large enough. Sister … wait, a bunch of people are here, not only here, but also a bunch.

Saturday ’s mouth was bruised, his clothes were disheveled, the buttons flew away halfway, revealing a few deformed holes, and he didn’t know who was scratching his paw on his neck, leaving three bloodstains on his face, but with excitement on his face. The smile was like a bear child who had just smashed the glass of another’s house, “triumphantly triumphant.”

Behind him, about a dozen young people were **** by a twine into a string of grasshoppers. The image was even more tragic. One even flew off his trousers and belt, his nose was swollen and his face was swollen, and he staggered step by step .

Fat sister carried a heavy laser gun on his shoulder-probably a guy who could pull off a thick iron gate by pulling down the trigger. The iron face followed the supervisor unselfishly and saw the bunch of grasshoppers who were tied up. Slow, just go forward and use the muzzle pestle.

The one in her pants was hit by an elbow in her elbow, and she let go of her unexpectedly. An accident occurred at the scene–

I saw his trousers fall to the ground, revealing two legs with luxuriant lower limbs … and a boxer trousers with dinosaurs.

Lu Bixing and the dinosaur looked at each other for a moment, and were confused: “Excuse me, what custom is this in your base?”

“These are all from the Self-Defense Forces, stand with me,” he said on Saturday, nosebleed dripping, and he stretched his hand carelessly, did not wipe it clean, extended his tongue and licked it a few times, vaguely “I asked them to come with me this morning. They refused, so I had to fight them one by one.”

Lu Bixing felt as if he heard a very retro word: “Sorry, what next?”

“The duel, the fat sister and the holiday are all witnesses,” said Saturday, “whoever loses must listen to the other party, and recognize the other party as the boss.”

Lu Bixing nodded, counted the number of people tied to the hemp rope, and said with a little admiration: “So you hit eighteen games in the morning without losing, you are really a hero.”

He smiled proudly on Saturday, and just wanted to wave his hand to say “not worth mentioning”. Before he set the shape up, the turbulent nosebleed flew down again. He stood upright on Saturday, holding his nose to the bank with his hands.

Lu Bixing glanced over the string of “Zhuang Ding” tied to hemp rope, thinking: “Leave it away and fight backwards, so why not take advantage of yesterday’s invincibility to beat them one by one? So what is civilization doing? “

At this time, the holiday next to him opened his mouth frowningly on Saturday. He said, “We’re here for you.”

Lu must walk for a while.

“You said yesterday, who doesn’t want to die like this, come to the mech platform today to come to you.” Holidays said, “We are here, will the Self-Defense Forces start walking through tomorrow?”

The old lady of the movie said cooingly, “I am so old, but regardless of the work, I just come to see.”

The fat sister said, “I still have to do business. I can only come for a while before noon.”

The old toothy man smiled warily: “Shall we fix the audio first?”

The flint that has collided countless times in the dark finally burst out a tiny Mars. This is the first batch of the base to stand out. There are a total of thirty-four people, although less than half are middle-aged and elderly, and young people are basically forced Sixth of the force of force, one by one seems to be born in order to interpret the “wrong melon and split dates.”

But they are still above the boundless wasteland, a little bit of star fire.

The residents of the base seemed to live in canned sardines, but the empty mech station occupied half of the area. For more than thirty people, it seemed quite empty, and they had to rely on the internal network to communicate with each other. Working with robots during the day, the robots are extremely efficient and selfless. They walk around with a group of hand-waste waste like dogs. From time to time, one of the four students rushes past, and they must shout after landing: “Teacher, this Does that count as one step … “

In the evening, the energy tower began to fall, and the sky was getting darker. The students finally completed their first homework, lying horizontally in the open space on the mech platform. Suddenly, the emergency lights next to them turned on. Lu Bixing taught like a rounds. The director came over relentlessly, kicking each of the two boys’ calves: “Get up, today’s class is not yet.”

White was on all fours, and the dead dog looked at him like, “What are we doing today?”

Lu Bixing took it for granted: “Mending homework. Late homework and delaying classes. Of course, you have to make up after school. Isn’t this the case in your previous school?”

If their previous school dared to do this, the teacher would have been violently sacked. Each of the four students spread their faces like a funeral test, and followed him painfully to the mech platform.

Thirty-four people came on the first day, and everyone wore a black eye, and the next day, they ran away tiredly, leaving thirty-two.

The hard-working robots worked all night, dismantled the spare radiation collectors on each of the mechs, and “buzzed” according to the design drawings and welded the half-beds. Early in the morning, the four students who had been tortured by mecha with half-board, and the young men who had been persuaded by him on Saturday, took the radiation collection board with their human power, two people in a group, a robot led the way, and began to press in a weary manner. Design stitching.

As an elderly literary artist, the film old lady got a big loudspeaker that can enter the museum. With an accent that was unknown, they recite classical literature in a gust of wind under their feet: “In front of the enchantment, they also Be fearless, but look for them, attack them, and defeat them! (Note) “

On the third day, a huge radiation-collecting plate like a dome had already taken shape, and it was far away from the energy tower that had been quiet for hundreds of years. Twenty-eight kinds of tinder were left, and the movie old lady said too much. I lost my voice, so I had to carry my back and sit beside it solemnly.

However, some people started to look around the silent mech station.

On the seventh day, Saturday and vacation, there were a few young men in the Self-Defense Forces, who followed the students thoughtfully, listening to this probably the eighth galaxy’s most manual mech designer to talk about mech operations. And internals.

On the ninth day, the radiation collection board was installed and connected to the base’s energy system. The entire mech station sent waves of tide-like “hums”, and Yu Yin could not patrol. Lu Bixing suspended the students’ class that day. Take out the design drawing of the thermoelectric system to be connected to the mech radiator, and reset the robot’s construction procedure.

Several students raised their wrists, recorded the entire process with personal terminals, and followed him around. A row of heads leaped out of the low wall outside the workshop, whispering and whispering.

On the tenth day early in the morning, several people who had run back came back, all cheeky, pretending to be nothing, as if they just went out to the toilet and finished their intermissions. Saturday and vacation. A group of younger brothers surrounded several people who had “defected” and beat them up. They were so weird and horrified that the old woman in the movie was archived.

In the afternoon, the few **** who had been beaten by Lai Ling didn’t leave, but they were still dead robots and assholes, and dozens of people came from outside the Mech Station to join the ranks of work. The manpower suddenly multiplied, and cranes, manipulators, and other less intelligent tools that were sealed under the mech station were moved out for repair and oiling, and the construction speed of the thermoelectric system doubled suddenly.

In the early morning of the twelfth day, the sky of the base was not yet bright, and everyone heard a long roar in the middle of asleep and awake. Like a bagpipe from outside, the silent airflow was centered on the cooling tower around the mech station. The tide was spreading all around, squeezing past the chicken-cage-like balcony and home, and every dilapidated door and window murmured in response.

The one-eyed eagle walked to the balcony of the guest room with a smoke, squinted and looked in the direction of the mech station, and saw a huge object slowly being magnetically held in the air, and the interior was full of light, like an artificial star. The roar suddenly intensified, countless windows were opened, countless sights were thrown to this side, and then, the base that could only meet the civilian power supply for six hours a day was suddenly brightly lit, and I did not know how long the street lights had not turned on one after another, highly dense. The bustling illusion was almost lively in the residential area, and the three-dimensional screen unfolded, and the standby screen of the lotus lightly wobbled in the night breeze.

The night was noisy, and the one-eyed eagle slowly exhaled a smoke ring, muttering, “Fuck.”

Lu Bixing finished drinking a pot of coffee and was still sleepy. He continued to test the energy system just completed, and he tried to hide in the corner and stretched a large-scale lazy waist while no one looked at him, before he opened his mouth to yawn. Lu Guangxing saw a surveillance camera not far away making a circle.

He got excited, remembering that Zhan Lu said he wanted to “monitor himself”, forcibly yawned back, and when he lowered his arm, he grabbed a hand of his hair, found the angle at the fastest speed, and showed teeth at the surveillance camera Smiled and waved.

The image quickly penetrated the atmosphere, flew into space, and landed on the screen in front of Lin Jingheng.

Before waiting for General Lin to feel the wave of this fan meeting, Lu Bixing took a few steps to take the surveillance camera in another direction, just to be able to photograph the 10,000 lighted base behind him.

Lu Bixing crossed his fingers and compared them with each other, as if he was using the monitor screen as a selfie camera, and said something to him.

A corner of the screen quickly intelligently identified the lip language and automatically typed subtitles.

Lu Bixing said: “I was wrong, I reviewed, and I was not angry, okay?”

Lin Jingheng’s tight mouth hasn’t completely relaxed yet. Lu scientists posing to the corner was discovered by the people in the base. I do n’t know how many self-defense team members who have n’t seen so many lights over excited for a long time. The stimulant orangutan indiscriminately surrounded the surveillance camera in the middle, grinning his teeth and making various weird things.

The long-lost surveillance camera was scared on the spot by these groups of magic flurry dances, and the screen in front of Lin Jingheng was completely black.

Lin Jingheng: “…”

The author has something to say: Note: The sentence recited by the old lady in the movie comes from Donkey … 诃 德

2333 I said how to find the word in the input method.

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