In Harry Potter with OTS System

CHAPTER 34 – Separate ways

Sometime before Dumbledore started to speak with Logan.

“Hey, Nolan.” Once they went outside of Dumbledore’s office, Merula suddenly called Andrew.

“Mm? What?” Andrew asked while Merula came closer.

Do you have your invisibility cloak?” She asked in a whisper.

“Uh? Yes? Why?” He tilted his head in confusion.

“Lend it to me quickly.”


“Yeah, why Merula?” Ben also asked a little bit intrigued.

“Come on! Just a little bit.” She insisted.

“Not until you tell me why.” Andrew said.

“Argh! Just lend it to me, I’m curious about what the director is going to talk with that freshman.”

“Mm? Why though? Isn’t it just for him to help there?”

“Are you kidding me? A personal talk in the Hospital Wing just for telling him he can help in the infirmary? That didn’t happen when Lobosca asked to help. There must be something else.”

“She does have a point.” Ben nodded while rubbing his chin. “There may be something else. Also, didn’t you see how he healed me? He didn’t even say any charm, he just touched me with the wand and I instantly healed! Lend it to us, Andrew, now I’m curious too.”

“Fine…” Andrew shook his head. “But we three are going together. Just in case.”

“Argh… Fine.” Merula rolled her eyes.

“Okay, let’s go.” Andrew nodded while taking the invisibility cloak, one he bought in the Knockturn Alley a few weeks ago.

“Wait! I want to go too.” Suddenly Rowan spoke, she’s been quiet until he took out his invisibility cape.

“Huh? Why?” Merula frowned.

“I want to see too…” She nodded shyly.

“Oh no, too many people. It won’t work.” Merula shook her head. “You’ll have to stay.”

“I hate to admit it Rowan, but Merula is right… We all can get inside the cloak at the same time.” Andrew smiled apologetically.

“Huh… I get it, it’s fine then.” Rowan nodded a little saddened. “Well, I’ll wait for you back at the common room.” She said before going to the common room.

“Okay, let’s go.” Andrew finally said before they three got under the invisibility cloak to go to the Hospital Wing.

A few minutes later, they got into the Hospital Wing, just in time to hear Dumbledore talking, they were right beside another student.

“I guess you’re right.” Dumbledore nodded. “Then, would you kindly answer my question, Mr. Taylor?”

“Of course, that’s why you’re here, Professor.” The freshman, Logan, answered while looking at Dumbledore.

*chuckles*” Dumbledore nodded while chuckling. “Well, why did you kill Patricia Rakepick?”




All three of them tried their best not to let out any kind of word, even putting their hands over their mouths to not be discovered. Still, Dumbledore’s words left them with their eyes wide open.

*chuckles* Oh well, I guess that I knew this was coming the moment I saw those four in there.” Logan said. “But, to answer honestly, she and I had a little encounter before. She and some other friend of hers tried to kill me.” He shrugged.

“So, you got your revenge?” Dumbledore asked.

“Mm? Yeah, kind of. I mean. At first, I wasn’t going to do it. Honestly, I could have just got the hell out of there, but you see, there were these three students of Hogwarts, or well, I should say four if I consider that girl Rowan Khanna, or Khanna Rowan, that was hiding behind a tree.”

“Mm? What does that have to do with you killing Rakepick?” Dumbledore sat in one of the stalls that were close to the beds.

“I knew that the woman wouldn’t leave them be.”

“Are you telling me you knew she was going to kill them? What made you think that?”

“Pfft… Common, professor. We both know that Dark Wizards aren’t known to be merciful. I learned that the first time I met her and her friend, who, by the way, tried to kill me when I didn’t answer their questions, with an Avada Kedavra even, *chuckles*. Also, it seemed that they had some history together.”

“So, you stayed there to see how things went?”

“Precisely. I thought she would kill them all, but she just started playing with Ben. Of course, she then lost her temper, and lo and behold, she used the Avada Kedavra. Trying to kill him.”

“And you saved him, for what I understood.”

“Yup, why would I let him die? He’s a fellow student, and most of all, he didn’t deserve to die.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Why wouldn’t I, Professor?”

“Indeed.” Dumbledore nodded while rubbing his chin. “But Rakepick did?”

“At this point, I’m pretty sure she has done some nasty things. I mean, she tried to kill a student, a kid at that. I’m sure that someone that does that kind of stuff without remorse isn’t precisely a good person *chuckles*.”

“And I assume you also killed her friend, the one that tried to kill you before.”

“…” Logan nodded.

“And you didn’t consider letting them both live?

“I would be dead if I tried to play that game, they were two against one, and both of them were throwing a lot of nasty attacks on me.”

“What about Rakepick? You could let her live, from what I understood, a friend of yours caught her. It would be easy for you to catch her alive.”

“I’m sorry, Professor. But that’s not an option for me.”

“Why not?” Dumbledore frowned.

“Well, you see. I’ve thought that Dark Wizards and Witches aren’t precisely the best bunch, and while I’m not proposing to do a purge ‘em all, I at least would take care of those that tried to kill me or kill someone close to me, or in front of me for that matter.”

“Killing a murderer turns you into another murderer.”

“Maybe.” Logan nodded. “But I’m not letting those bastards reap more lives. With each one of them out of the streets, more people would live.”

“There’s still Azkaban, Mr. Taylor.”

“From what I’ve heard, The Ministry of Magic even let a lot of Death Eaters free. Some of them out of bribery, others out of a supposed case ‘Imperious Curse’, and whatnot.”

*sigh…* I think, that it doesn’t matter what I say, you won’t change your choice?”

“No. I’m sorry, Professor. But I don’t think those people deserve to live.” Logan shrugged. “Though, to be honest, it’s not like I would start going on a rampage or something. I’ll just try to protect.”

“Protect who Mr. Taylor?”

“Those that are close to me, and those that wish to help improve this world.”

“…” Dumbledore looked deep into the eyes of Logan. “Murder corrupts the soul, Logan.”

“I’ve heard so, not that I’ve felt it. But, honestly? I prefer to carry the burden of a corrupted soul instead of carrying the corpse of a loved one. You tell me, Professor. What would happen if I wasn’t there last night?”

“…” Dumbledore looked at him for a moment. “Then I’m afraid that Miss Khanna wouldn’t be here with us today, and I would be in the Great Hall informing everyone about our loss.”

*gasp*” It was then, that they both heard someone gasping.

Logan turned to look behind him, frowning as he did so, with a wave of his hand, the cloak of invisibility that covered the three students went out flying.

“Well, it seems we have an audience, Professor.” Logan said while looking at the three.

“It seems so.” Dumbledore nodded.

“Not like it took you by surprise, Professor.” Logan noted.

*chuckles* So, you still remember?”

“I mean, I’m not that sure how my own spell would fare against a cloak of invisibility, but I hope it’s not that different, at least not enough for you to notice me, and not the cloak.”

“True.” Dumbledore nodded with a smile. “Now, I would like to know, Mr. Nolan, Mr. Copper, and Miss Snyde.”

“Um, we’re sorry, professor, we were just curious about-” Andrew started to speak, but was interrupted.

“So, it was you that killed Rakepick! You took the chance from me! It should have been me!” Merula shouted while pointing at Logan, not really caring about being undercover.

“From what I remember. I actually saved your ass.” Logan shrugged.

“I…”  She tried to do something, but no words could come out of her mouth, as she knew he was right. If it wasn’t for them, Rowan would be dead, and probably all of them.

Actually, this one thought is what made them lose focus for a moment. They could be dead right now, or at least one of them would. It was by mere luck, a mere coincidence, that they were all alive right now, and that no one died.

“Calm down, Miss Snyde. As I’m sure you have heard, killing it’s not something you should be thinking about.”

“But… But… She deserved it! After all that she did to us last year!” Merula said to Dumbledore.

“Knock it off. As much as I hate to admit it. He’s right. Trying to kill her wasn’t a wise choice for you.”

“But you did it.” Ben frowned.

“Yes. Because I had the ability to do so.” Logan shrugged. “But from what I saw, neither of you had said ability, not even combined. You were directly into their trap, and that almost killed you.”




All three stayed in silence.

“I must say, that Logan’s right. I don’t approve of his methods, but he at least can protect himself. You three, instead, almost got yourself killed last night. You should have talked to any of your professors, or me.”

They just looked down.

“Now, I suggest you three leave to your common rooms, while I continue my conversation with Logan here.”

They started to walk out, not before they glanced back at Logan.

“So?” Logan started to speak after a few moments. “What will happen now, Professor?”

“…” Dumbledore looked at him for a moment. “What do you mean, Logan?”

“Well, I’m pretty sure that you’re not the kind to like murderers.” Logan shrugged. “And while I killed a murderer, I know pretty well that it also makes me one. So? Will I be forced to leave Hogwarts or be sent to Azkaban?”

“…” Dumbledore stayed quiet for a moment. “Would you quietly do so?”

“Why are you asking something you already know, Professor? *chuckles* I may accept to leave Hogwarts. But I’m not going to be put inside of Azkaban. That place’s hell.” He shrugged.

“I supposed so.” Dumbledore nodded.


“Nothing.” Dumbledore shook his head. “I’m not going to expulse you or send you to Azkaban.”

“Mm? That’s a surprise.”

“Did you think I would?”

“Honestly, yes.” He nodded. “I was prepared to run the hell out of this place.”

“You’re assuming that you would be able to escape from me?” Dumbledore lifted his eyebrow.

“Sure. I may not be able to win against you, but that doesn’t mean I won’t be able to escape. Though it’s not like I want to test it, now that you said you won’t do any of that.”

*chuckles* I do have another question I would like you to answer.”


“What were you doing inside the forest?”

“Testing my abilities. That place is full of dangerous creatures. I wanted to see what I was able to do.” He shrugged.

“So, I guess you got your results?”

“Oh well, I would say I have a lot of power. At least for me to survive against bastards like Rakepick, and protect someone.”

“I must say, Logan. That for you to be able to handle Rakepick and a friend of her, you for sure are not an ordinary wizard. But that’s something I suspected the moment you show me your book, I guess.”

“That’s true.” Logan shrugged. “Though, I have a question. Now that I’m not going to be expulsed, I want to know if my request to help those that come to the Hospital Wing is accepted.”

“Sure.” Dumbledore nodded. “You can help heal those that need your help. Should I assume that the reason is you wanting to help your fellow students?”

“That, and improve my abilities. As I said before, it would help me get better at healing.” Logan shrugged. “Though, don’t expect too much, for the moments there’s a limit of what I can heal.”

“Even then, I’m grateful that you wish to help your fellow students.” Dumbledore nodded with a smile before standing up to walk out of the place.

When he was about to leave the door, he stopped and turned to look back at Logan.

“I forgot. As the headmaster of Hogwarts. I sincerely give you my thanks for saving your fellow student from what would be a really tragic fate.”

“There’s nothing to thank me for.” Logan nodded. “Just try to keep them out of danger, Professor.”

*chuckles* You see. In all my years as a professor in this school, I’ve learned that it is quite difficult to control the student body of a magic school. Don’t you think so, Logan?”

*chuckles* I sure do. I guess.”

“Also, I hope you understand, that someday, the path you’re going through is going to cost you a lot. And I sincerely hope, you do so before it is too late.”

“Thank you, Professor.” Logan nodded. “But I won’t promise anything. I’ll do what I have to, to keep those around me safe.”

“…” Dumbledore looked at him for a moment, before nodding and leaving the place.

After a little while, Logan sat down in one of the beds.

*sigh…* That was goddamn exhausting… I can’t even believe that I’m still going to be able to study here. I was already planning my next moves outside of Hogwarts.”

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