Infinity in the Void – Freedom in the Abyss

The Blue Marble and The Evening Star

I was in my office, writing on a piece of paper— nah, I was just doodling. I have paperwork handled for me by Utopia.

I also collected some information about the groups in this academy, since this place is all about factions, I need to learn who I should mess with.

So far, the boys have three groups, and the girls have forty-two. The girls are more disorganized and... more bitchy, so let's count them as a ragtag bunch.

The boys have the Sports Coalition. Made of all the frat boys and those in the sports clubs. By far the largest group, and has the most influence in events. Some teachers are with them.

Since I won't be here long, I don't need to deal with this group much.

The next one is the Liberty Troupe, the theater kids. I would fit in well in this group with my personality and flamboyant nature. Though I would be very violent if someone decided that I didn't deserve the limelight.

It is my nature to steal the spotlight, whoever takes it from me will... hah... I can't break bones here.

The last one is the Gamers and Weeb. This is where the nerds and bookworms gathered, they have a vast information network and don't just include boys.

I don't need this group since I have Utopia, my Silver Knight. Between a bunch of kids who casually hack into the government for some insignificant feud and a Herald of the creator of inorganic life, it isn't hard to tell which is superior.

"[Your Highness, the paper you wanted is complete.]", Utopia announced.

"Thanks.", I smile, looking at the files on my computer. Hmm... yup, everything is in place.

This is the flyer for the upcoming field trip. In here is all the necessary information and requirements to go on this trip.

The location will either be the Amazon forest or Atlantis Minor Island. The Amazon forest I can easily get access to because of one of the indefinite commissions - Find El Dorado, the City of Gold. 

But for Atlantis Minor Island, it is a bit tricky. It is an uninhabited island in the middle of the sea that drifts around the Atlantic Ocean. It is rumored to be the entrance to the actual Atlantis.

So it all goes back to either holding the students hostage in a forest or waking up the apocalypse. Hehahaha~ this should be fun.

I also listed a number of things the students need if they want to go, hiking boots, a thermal blanket, two extra sets of clothes, and some camping gear. Me? I can stay up all night to watch them.

Having fun wouldn't be fun without a moment of respite after all.

For the athletic requirement. No obese people, let's be real here, at best an overweight person would only be good as a sacrifice for when some beast jumps out to attack. Likewise, malnourished people are excluded, they don't have enough stamina or strength even with the power of a god.

I also excluded LGBT people, because I just hate them. There is nothing wrong with liking the same gender or whatever, but don't make it your entire personality. Use your brain cells on more important matters than your gender. I am Greek, the supposed horniest type of people, you don't see me making a fuss out of it.

Well, I more or less added this to incite drama. This should be fun.

And lastly, no bitching and regretting joining. You will stay for two weeks, no crying about returning home once you sign up for this.

I sent the file to Francis for review, after that it will be done.


Hmm, Londinium enters the room, locking the door behind him.

"You know, how the fuck did Selen or Francis let you be here in the first place?", I asked the cockroach standing in front of me.

"Why not? As long as I don't accidentally commit chemical warfare, I am fine.", he shrugged as he took off his disguise, "I am actually the calmer one compared to the other two."

"Really? Calmer than Amelia?", I just stare at him.

"Well, she has the Flame of Order, being too emotional since her power is fueled by the memories of an entire civilization.", he hung his lab coat on the coat hanger.

This doesn't seem very fair to me, the Flame of Order is obviously related to Shemiss Aluqdim. She got that, while all I got was my judgmental look... I did pass on the opportunity to gain power from Lughz Dustur.

Hey, I'm not trying to be the very best, like no one ever was here.

"So about our deal.", I stood up from my seat.

"Do you want to learn from me?", he asked as if challenging me.

"The answer is still no, but I'm ready to be proven wrong.", I took my trench coat off the hanger, "Show me how the style of the Jury can help me fight against the World itself."

"So where do you propose?", he asked, summoning his katanas.

Where would be nice for us to fight without any interruption? Somewhere in the Mongolian Steppe would make it a fair fight... no, somewhere that gives me an edge is better.

"The Shunan Bamboo Forest in China.", I stated, wearing my trench coat.

"Sounds good to me.", he shrugged, slicing the air with two katanas— opening a black portal.

He stepped in first and I followed after. The feeling of entering a wormhole sent a chill down my spine, seem like I was not built for this kind of travel.

It didn't last long though, less than a second even. We entered a forest full of bamboo in every direction. The air here is extremely fresh and easy to breathe too.

China is a place full of beautiful wonders, I'll take pleasure in destroying this place. Hehe...

I snap my finger, summoning Quirinus— which I immediately used to try to stab Londinium in the back.

But he slipped out of the way in an instant, even using his katanas to deflect the red lightning.

"In the Name of Humanity.", I stab the lance into the ground, "Grow."

The crimson spikes of the lance grew, expanding into a sea of red thorns coming after the Records of Venus.

Londinium for his part, was more agile than he appeared to be, running and weaving through the dense bamboo forest to escape the thorns.

He turned around, abandoning his katanas - which fell into portals - and breathed out that yellowish-brown smoke from his mask. He then proceeds to grab the smoke with his right hands.

The smoke condensed into a... brown compact bow. Fucking hell, he's an archer!

He pulled the string back with his left hands, creating two arrows made of red smoke. I rolled to the side at the same time as he let go.


The arrow passed through the thorns, burning them up with acid gas... he just shot the atmosphere of Venus.

That was 500 meters away from me. The speed and potency is fucking insane.

"In the Name of Humanity.", I pointed my lance at him, "O' Passion, Ignite!!"

The forest of thorns ignited into a storm of red electricity. With a swing of my lance, I sent them all towards Londinium.

No matter how fast he is, he can't outrun light.

Barely a second later, he was hit by a barrage of red lightning. But that did not stop him for long as he began to create a smokescreen around me.


I dodged two arrows by using Manifest Destiny, I can't be too close to it or else my respiratory system would melt.

There isn't much I can do here but...

"Awake, the Fire of Destruction and Progress!!"

The world around me ignited in crimson flame, then they burned a blazing blue.

"Embrace Infinity, Dive into the Endless Abyss."

I stroked my hair, turning part of it partially red and yellow.

"Let the Passion within my Heart Ignite!! For this Melody of the End!!"

I took off Ars Goetia, letting the scars on my left arm glow blue, like vent, red smoke escape from them.

"Sing!! O' Souls of the Damned!! Let the world hear your Injustice!!"

I summoned Anima Lacero, ripping a chord— and the blue fire around me expanded, consuming me and everything in a kilometer radius, rendering all the bamboo into ash.


Then all the fire gathered around me, forming a scarf made of flame.

"For This is my Style of Wickedness!!"

It is time rock!!

"You seriously going to fight with that guitar?", Londinium asked, standing in front of me while brushing some fire off his shoulder.

"Yup.", I slammed my guitar into his abdomen and ripped a chord.


A beam of Malice Flame sent him away, crashing him into a mountain, and destroying it. I can't really tell where he is through the smoke—


I played a chord to block the smoke arrows.

How the fuck is he still fine?!

"Escalation Level Zero: Beat of Hatred!", the zone instantly expanded, scorching the earth into ashes.

Everything should burn... but he is still standing there, unbothered by whatever I throw at him—

He loomed over me in an instant, and he threw a kick at me— I blocked with the guitar, but the strength was enough for me to be sent away.


He is getting serious now. This will be good!!

"Escalation Level One: Melody of Destruction.", I rolled to the side, staggering him long enough with my flame to avoid a sword slash.

I plucked Anima Lacero, blasting him with a stream of fire, "Escalation Level Two: Path of Ruination."

I kicked him in the face, blasting some fire at him. Then I tried to push it, "Escalation Level Three: Dance of Annihilation."


A fireball exploded right under my foot, knocking him to the side with a sudden blast!

"Escalation Level Four: Encore of Entropy.", I spun to gather the fire around me, swirling around me like a protective shield.

"Escalation Level Five: Chorus of Insurrection!!", I absorbed the fire, forming wings made out of fire.

I flapped my wings, moving back to avoid several sword slashes.

"Escalation Level Six: Choir of the Damned!"

I screamed at him, letting him feel the agony of the people crying out for help, of the ones under tyranny who died unjustly. But he is just standing there.

"You know, I witnessed my whole world dying and ended many more as a job.", he casually stated, "This is just Friday for me."

I overlooked that.

"Hah... fuck it. I'm burning you down! Escalation Level Seven: Requiem!!"

All of a sudden, the fire vanished— leaving only a dry hot world around me. I can see steam coming off of Londinium.

I snapped my finger, calling Quirinus back to my side. Then I stuck the hilt of my lance to the bottom of the guitar, letting the tendrils wrap around it.

The fire absorbed by Anima Lacero then transferred to Quirinus, crackling with red electricity while venting fire.

"So you are going all out then?", he asked me as his carapace began to open up and more gas escaped, "Then I shall too."

"With pleasure, Londinium.", I smile, "Escalation Level Eight: Trailblaze!!"

I began to play the guitar, adding up the multiplier from my melody and the guitar!!

"It is time to awaken, Quirinus!!"

The spikes of the lance glow red, pulsing with power. White wind, red lightning, and blue fire began to swirl around it.

"The Arden Flame of Calamity, may you be released from your binding!!"

I strummed the strings, and black clouds began to gather above us, sparking with red lightning.

"I am the Reignbow of Quastezmar.", Londinium raised his upper right arm up, "Heed my Call O' Swarm of the Mist."

"Split the Heaven and Rend the World.", the storm above began to swirl as I added more and more multiplier to Quirinus.

"A thousand shots are unneeded.", several magical circles formed above him, "Only one that strikes far and true."

"In the Name of Humanity!!", I pointed the lance up, and I became the Eye of the Storm, "Carve the Path for the Future!!"

"Mercy of the Yellow Mist!!", he swiped his hand down—

"World Breaker!!!", and I launch a storm of lightning and fire at him—

From the sky above, a spiraling arrow made of the atmosphere of Venus came flying down toward me— but something unexpected happened.

The arrow and my storm attracted each other, his bent and mine flew upward. Then they hit each other.

Just as soon as they appeared, my storm and his arrow both... vanished without a sound. The sky cleared out, revealing a bright blue sky.

The spiraling storm spear of destruction burns all in front to nothing, and the air shot all the way from Venus carrying a piece of the planet. They were rotating opposite of each other with perfect counterforce...

Then we just stare at each other. I cancel out Malice and detach my lance and guitar. While Londinium closed his carapace.

"How about we call this a draw?", he asked.

"Sounds good to me.", I agreed.

I mean, we just threw world-ending attacks at each other that somehow canceled each other out.

We seem to be pretty evenly matched, and I shall ignore the fact that he can call up an extinction arrow anytime he wants.

"So do you think I can't fight against Theia without the power of The Pale Court?", I asked as I walked closer to him.

"Honestly, you got this in the bag. I was just messing with you.", he shrugged.

"I KNEW IT!!", I kicked him in the shin, which hurt me more than it hurt him.

"So... do we return or go get something to eat first?", he asked as he summoned his katanas.

"Hmm... I don't know, I want to try some bamboo soup.", I look around at this desolate place.

The once beautiful and breathtaking bamboo forest was no more, all burned to ashes and rendered irrecoverable. The soil is pretty much dead now. Not to mention two mountains being completely stripped, and one collapsed in of itself.

Welp, it is time to run away from my crimes again.

A novel I'm enjoying is PROJECT: Ninety-Seven by Glitched. Go check them out if you are into bug girls and dystopian feel! but don't tell them I sent you.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.