Life As Aozaki Orange

Chapter 323

“People are about to die, and they are still so indifferent. It really hurts people’s hearts.”


The corner of the one-eyed girl’s mouth twitched slightly, feeling that this Canozaki Orange was really a showgirl, but she didn’t have the slightest reaction.

“I’m going to kill the assassin now!”

As she said, she was going to push Canozaki Chengzi away and go to hunt down the girl who had just assassinated. Even if such a small character gave her a year of escape, she could easily catch up and be crushed to death.

However, Cangzaki Chengzi didn’t intend to let her leave, and reached out to hold Othinus’s delicate and pretty face, showing a hint of pity.

“Compared to chasing down assassins, I still have an unfulfilled wish!”

“…” Othinus stopped and said indifferently, “Speak quickly, otherwise, the wound will soon heal itself.”

“My wish is that you give a kiss full of love~”

Cangzaki Chengzi bit her cherry lips slightly, and her expression revealed a bit of tenderness and unwillingness.

Hearing this, the one-eyed girl thought for a second or two with an expressionless face, and then pushed Aozaki Orange in front of her.

“Your wound…has healed.”

When the words fell, she turned and left unceremoniously.

This is not a lie. Although the stabbing dagger has a curse that the wound cannot heal, the curse has no effect on Aozaki Orange at all.

If Aozaki Orange intends to speed up the recovery from the injury.

It will probably heal in just a few breaths.

“Just cooperate with others a little bit.”

Cangzaki Chengzi smiled helplessly, and quickly followed the footsteps of the one-eyed girl who left. She didn’t feel any indescribable anger about the assassination of the girl. Of course, this did not mean that she would not retaliate.

However, this is… that’s what the Magic Association should do.

“Hmph, it makes me willing to help you with revenge.” The one-eyed girl walked forward indifferently, and a arrogant voice came, “Human, you should be happy about this, this kind of gift… No one else wants it.”

“Oh… that’s really an honor.”

Cangqi Chengzi smiled and trotted to the one-eyed girl side by side. The two figures were drawn for a long time under the light of the street lights and slowly disappeared at the end of the street.

Shortly after.

Several figures in cloaks appeared, and they gathered at the place where Cangzaki Chengzi was assassinated. They looked at the ground that was originally blood-stained, but now it was clean and there was no trace of it.

“It seems… even the blood has been cleaned up silently.”

A man in a cloak crouched down and stroked the white snow, “It seems that our assassination has no meaning at all. Ivy is a strong woman.”

“Compared to these, I feel… Ivy seems to have discovered us.”

The trembling voice of fear suddenly came out, and a woman with a tall figure was outlined under the cloak. Her body couldn’t help shaking. She clearly remembered…I was glanced at by Ivy intentionally or not.

That feeling…even made her think about death.

“Is this possible?” Someone asked, “If Ivy found us, why didn’t I choose to kill us, but leave as if nothing happened?”

“Maybe, it’s just that we don’t care about our little characters.”

Someone has an idea.

“No, not at all!”

Suddenly, the cloaked man with a calm voice said in a serious tone, “Perhaps Ivy healed her wounds, has consumed a lot of magic power, and has no ability to fight, so she didn’t attack us!”

“It makes sense, if we go after Ivy now!” Someone said excitedly, “Then we are very likely to succeed in the assassination, as long as Ivy summons the guards.”

“Yes, that’s it!”

The man in the cloak with a calm voice nodded slightly, “Now we will set off to chase and kill, as long as we must kill Ivy before the guards arrive!”


The cloaked men glanced at each other, then nodded tacitly and started chasing them. They had to kill Ivy, the president of the Magic Association, as soon as possible before Ivy’s guards arrived.

the next day.

Early morning in London.

In a remote alley.

“Ah ah ah… it’s dead!”

A homeless man with torn clothes ran into the street with a frightened look. He saw several people in cloaks, and their bodies were neatly thrown into the corner.

Chapter 536 Who is stronger between you and her

Vampire Mansion.

(Thinking Ivy-sama…it’s beautiful too.)

Anisha Marshall was wearing a white dress, her delicate white hands gently folded her blond hair by her ears, and she peeked at Mrs. Ivy who was reading the information seriously on the sofa opposite.

As a subordinate, you should know not to disturb your boss’s thinking, not to mention that in the eyes of people in the ‘magic world’ today, Mrs. Ivy is her master.

Although now Ivy-sama is no different from her master.

“The conflict is getting more and more intense.”

Cangzaki Chengzi looked very calm, and she read the information that she just sent. Not long after she established the Magic Association, she inevitably had conflicts with some magic associations. In the process, some magic associations were brought into the sphere of influence, and some of them were strong. The Magic Society has reached a cooperation.

However, there is still an irreconcilable conflict with some magical associations…

There are many reasons for the conflict, but it is nothing more than some conflicts of interest. The rapid expansion of the Magic Association and the seizure of the ownership of some high-quality spiritual veins also have an impact on some magician businesses.

For example, the magicians from the Magic Association used the power of the Magic Association to forcibly seize the market for potions, spiritual equipment, exorcism, divination, etc., directly forcing a big cake under the old world structure.

The consequence of all this is that… some magicians’ income has dropped significantly.

As a result, contradictions cannot be reconciled.

And this is the reason why she was assassinated by the magician last night.

Probably, she is now to many magicians.

It’s the role of an evil king.

“This is… there’s no way out.” Anisha said respectfully, “Lord Ivy, according to the information, those remnants of the old era began to secretly gather around London, planning to kill you and defeat the Magic Association. headquarters.”

There was a hint of sarcasm in her voice, which was a mockery of those magicians who were over-comprehensive. In the current situation, they actually wanted to overthrow the development of the Magic Association. But, who would have thought… the inside of these old-time remnants of the party , a large number of traitors have long been out, and they directly sold the action time of these old era remnants, what magic they want to use, and how to deploy their manpower.

Those old remnants who want to resist are like dancing in the palm of the Magic Association.

“…How does it sound, I feel like I’ve become a villain.” Aozaki Orange smiled and took a sip of the black tea on the table: “However, since it is such a role, then I can’t send my subordinates. Give experience one by one, and take action directly… Kill them all.”

“Hey… Mrs. Ivy is going to do it herself!”

Anisha Marshall looked startled, and subconsciously stood up with both hands on the table, “This is too dangerous. If Mrs. Ivy is in danger, it will be a devastating blow to the Magic Association…”

She is no longer an ordinary little character. With the development of the Magic Association, the power she has now can easily destroy her vampire family.

However, these have a premise.

That is, Lord Ivy must be safe and sound. If there is any accident with Lord Ivy, she will be swarmed by countless people who rely on the authority of Lord Ivy.

Pulling her down directly does not belong to the status and power that she should have.

So, whether it’s to be able to taste the blood of Lord Ivy in the future, or to continue to sit on that fascinating throne of power.

From the bottom of her heart, she hoped that Ivy-sama would be safe.

“Showing strength…is also conducive to the internal stability of the Magic Association, isn’t it?” Aozaki Chengzi chuckled and raised a finger, “Many people within the Magic Association have doubts about my strength, and even ambitious guys have already begun. Tentatively weakening my influence in order to gain more rights from within the Magic Association.”

“…Sorry, Lord Ivy.” Anisha lowered her head in shame, her voice a little angry, “There are indeed some voices questioning you within the Magic Association now.”

Although she has always tried her best to strengthen the authority of Lord Ivy in the Magic Association, but because Lord Ivy has never shown any strength, and rarely appears in the eyes of the people of the Magic Association, this has caused some magicians to question the strength of Lord Ivy. .

Of course, these doubts … do not belong to the public opinion.

“Don’t worry about that.” Aozaki Chengzi smiled softly, waved his hand, and said, “As long as you get rid of those old remnants, all the problems will disappear. You just need to spread the news about what I want to do.”

“I understand, Ivy-sama.”

Anisha stood up and did a dress-lifting ceremony, then hurriedly left the living room. Those old-time remnants were only about three days away, so she had to hurry up and make arrangements.

For example, if Mrs. Ivy shows her overwhelming strength, she should blow it hard and spread it to every corner of the world in the shortest possible time, so as to make Mrs. Ivy more influential.

However, if Mrs. Ivy does not perform well, then she will do her best to suppress public opinion, try to ensure that Mrs. Ivy’s influence is not weakened, and try to divert her attention as much as possible.

In short, she has a lot to do.


Cangzaki Chengzi looked at Anisha who was leaving, and showed a smile. Although this little vampire is very strong, there is nothing special about it, but it is very easy to use, and Anisha can understand it with just one look. , to understand whether he is going to pour tea or warm the bed.

at the same time.

in the slums.

A man with a white cloak, embroidered with gold threads, was walking alone on a dirty street, and he was a little out of tune with this dirty environment.

The overly luxurious and noble dress set off the abjection and filth of the slums.

“…Hiding in such a place seems to be the limit.”

The man hiding under the cloak made such an indifferent voice, and immediately turned around and walked into the dark alley. After turning a few corners, he walked to a girl in a red cloak.

The girl leaned weakly against the damp wall, the air that was difficult to circulate was mixed with the viscous smell of blood, and the slippery ground gathered a pool of dazzling blood.

This girl… suffered a near-fatal injury.

“Looks like… you’re dying.” The man declared indifferently, “It’s a pity, that woman Ivy is not weak at all, and your risky assassination has no meaning at all.”

“…I already know.” The girl in the red cloak smiled miserably, “The magician sent by the Magic Association to hunt me down has already told me about it.”

After she assassinated Ivy and escaped last night, she was madly pursued by the Magic Association. Even if a partner came to support her, she was quickly killed by the magician of the Magic Association.

After fleeing all night, she was seriously injured and on the verge of death.

Probably not long before, the magician of the Magic Association will come, swarm her to kill her completely, and take her head back to claim credit.

“What do you think about… Ivy, that woman?”

The man asked the girl like that.

“I feel…it’s a lot.” The girl with the red cape smiled, “However, what a pity, Edward Alexander, my feelings probably don’t make sense to you. That woman revealed too little information. The most I can say is…that woman. It’s hard to kill.”

“Yes, I understand.”

Aleister nodded slightly, and immediately turned to leave the alley. He had no intention of saving the girl at all, and only came to ask for some information.

As for the girl’s life and death… it’s not within his scope.

It can even be said that he does not want to save the girl, but now this girl can be said to be the sure-kill target of the Magic Association. If he saves the girl… he will face enormous pressure from the Magic Association.

This is not a good thing for him…

“Ah… I really want to see you and Ivy fight.”

The girl in the red cloak turned her head sideways, looked away from Aleister and said, “Which one of you is stronger? Many people are very curious about this.”


Aleister didn’t answer, and disappeared into the shadows in a blink of an eye.

Seeing this, the girl in the red cape curled her lips in dissatisfaction, and immediately raised her head to look at the blue sky. She had already heard the sound of footsteps surrounding her, and she had about half a minute left to live.

Really unwilling, she clearly stabbed the magic blade into Ivy’s abdomen.

That is… a spiritual item that cannot be healed once stabbed.

Chapter 537 No chance if you don’t sell

Three days later.


The dark clouds in the sky are thick and thick, and they seem to block all the moonlight.

In a situation like this…it’s not easy to do anything.

Even if it is a sweatshop that beats the bones and **** the marrow, it is rare to give a thoughtful leave, and this lively London city is as quiet as the clock is stopped.

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