Luck’s descent (BL)

Luck in the harem 3

Nielle had to laugh as a bunch of Lacrisans went to find the young man in a second. It didn't take long before they found him under one of the tables and dragged him to Nielle.

Nielle looked at him in surprise, "You are more familiar to me than the others," he stated.

The young man whimpered in terror, trying to get out of the grip of Lacrisan, who had found him first.

"What's his name?" Nielle asked as he seemed to remember seeing him.

"Cassi, had him flogged last time," he clarified.

"Oh, cried," he remembered, "can you cry now? I would like someone's tears." he laughed and walked over to him.

"I-I'm sorry...I-I'm sorry...please let me...go...please, sir...I'm-I'm..." he sobbed for a while, and though he tried to stop them, a drop of tears fell from his eyes.

Nielle laughed and lightly walked over to him, " shouldn't have run would have had just one round of sex and collapsed," he said.

"I-I...d-don't want to have sex...I've n-never...I don't..." he trembled in terror. When Nielle touched him, his knees buckled and he fell to the ground. He bent down at Niella's feet and begged again, "Please...s-sir...don't hurt me...please...don't hurt me, don't hurt me..." 

Nielle stared at him for a moment before gritting his teeth at the unexpected anger that filled him. He hated behavior like incredibly embarrassing as this weak Lacrisan was currently displaying. Although he usually loved the subjugation of others, he loathed overdoing it.

"It's because you only know how to beg for mercy from the stronger that you are where you are," Nielle barked and pulled Cassi to his feet, "Do you think crying will help you? Or that pleading will help you? Didn't you see what I did to others? I say I want to destroy you, but you keep begging...don't you have any pride?" he laughed in fury and threw Cassi to the ground again,

"When you want to prevent something, do something for it! It doesn't matter, how long it takes! If you know it won't work, at least pretend it doesn't bother you! Powerless fool!" Nielle kicked him in the face, although he himself didn't know where it was coming from, 

"If you don't have the power to do something here, at least don't beg! Bite, defend yourself...or accept it with pride! Weak! Why you weaklings can only plead and hope that someone will listen to you?! No one will listen to you!" he screamed and kicked him roughly again.

"Sir...calm down...sir..." the Lacrsans tried to stop him, "Cassi just hasn't slept with anyone...he's just afraid, sir...sir, stop..."

Nielle glared at the young man for a moment longer before straightening up a bit and breathing lightly. He didn't feel well, everything hurt, he didn't want to play with these weaklings anymore. However, he couldn't suppress his inner anger.

He hated weak people...he hated when they thought they could get something done by begging the stronger. Nielle knew they couldn't...he knew it because he himself was born weak, because he spent his whole life in defiance and his whole life trying to protect his own neck...that's why he couldn't stand the sight of someone who, in moments when he wasn't feeling his best, in his thoughts evoked his younger self...when he saw himself in them and was filled with anger towards it.

Nielle would never beg anyone… he would never submit, even if it would be easier. Because it wouldn't solve anything...his life wouldn't improve. That's why he put so much effort into creating an environment around himself in which he was in control, in which he could defend himself instead of perpetually fearing when something would go wrong.

It took a lot of work, a lot of effort, a lot of disgusting was harder than getting killed and submitting...and so most people chose the second path, thinking they couldn't do anything about their fate. Nielle hated them….people without an ounce of pride.

"I understand," he said, "he's in the harem and he's a virgin," he laughed, "how lucky," he clarified and sat down.

"Sir..." one began, but Nielle cut him off.

"Fuck him, " he ordered.

The Lacrisans fell silent in a second. Cassi looked up at him in horrified disbelief before Nielle elaborated, "Everyone...I want to see each of you do him today...and don't go easy on him."

,,S-sir....w-wait...n-no...ahh---ahh! Please…w-wait!" Cassi yelled in disbelief.

Nielle looked at him dispassionately, though he more or less didn't think clearly. Although he had drunk the Lacrisan's blood several times, although his luck had replenished a little, he still felt that it was nowhere near enough. He could feel his ring filling with bad luck, he could feel his breathing getting worse. He knew he had to replenish his luck more intensely.

The longer he sat looking at Cassi, the worse the feeling filled him. His breathing became worse, memories of times when he wasn't lucky enough in his life came to his mind. He had to top it up, he knew he had to, but for some reason instead of doing so right away, he stood up disgruntled and glared at Cassi, "Why are you so weak?" he grumbled.

He wasn't sure if the anger was directed at himself, at his father, at other people opposing him, or at Shane, who had dare to try to choke him today, but that didn't change the situation. With the feeling of lack of luck and memories of how he had experienced it many times before, he was angry at himself and at everything else. He hated how easily his father could whip him, he hated how he had to hide, he hated how easily his luck ran out.

Usually, he didn't deal with any of this...he knew he was doing well...but when he was experiencing that disgusting feeling of being down on his luck again, his mind couldn't fully focus on anything other than proving his power...and nothing was easier than doing it on his Lacrisans.

"I-I'm sorry..." Cassi sobbed.

"You can't defend yourself at all," he laughed, "you're completely useless. You can't even escape... you have nowhere to go... do you think you'll live to see any freedom at all? You won't, cause no one is on your're completely alone," he laughed and bent down to Cassi.

But he didn't have time to touch him when there was a knock on the door. Nielle looked up blankly at the door, watching as it opened and Brelle walked in.

"Nielle?! The guards saw you come in here, are you in?" he asked hesitantly, as if he wasn't sure if he could enter but did.

Looking at the scene inside, however, he stopped in shock and, after thinking for a moment, ran up to his brother, "Nielle...what are you doing here, for all the luck? Why are they all naked?" he stared at the Lacrisans in horror.

"Don't you see?" Nielle asked dispassionately and slowly stood up as his mind cleared slightly, though his world was still spinning, "Orgy."

"Nielle…" Brelle began as Nielle grabbed Cassi off the ground and tossed him in Brelle's direction.

The young man fell into the prince's hands, whereupon Brelle looked at him in confusion.

"I don't want to see him anymore...take him, he's yours now," Nielle explained.

"Nielle...come with me," Brelle sighed and gave his brother a hand.

"Fuck you," he said, but Brelle caught him anyway.

Nielle watched his brother hold him for a moment before he broke free, "Don't you dare touch me," he said, "why did you come?"

"Elyan sent me to you...he said to check you for a fever...every time you get hurt, you have a fever," he said, lightly touching Nielle's forehead.

Nielle batted his hand away and backed away as his brother dialed him.

"He was right... Nielle, come to the room, you have a fever, " he said. 

Nielle looked at him blankly. He felt exhausted, he wanted to sleep, he would beat someone up at the same time, and somewhere inside he felt strangely desperate. However, he didn't let any of this make him to stop thinking completely.

He gently raised his palm and cupped his forehead…it was true that he was hot. He glanced at his black ring and after realizing that it probably wasn't a good idea to really stay here any longer, he walked out of the room. On the way, he grabbed Cassi, who had no way to defend himself against his grip, and went outside.

Nielle didn't even realize Brelle was leading him to his room. When they arrived, he wanted to throw him out at first, but because he felt weird, he ended up letting him stay in the room. Nielle sat down on the bed, threw Cassi to him and ordered, "Don't fight back."

Cassi knelt for a moment, watching in confusion as Nielle brought his forearm to his lips and pulled a knife from under the bed. Cassi let out a loud scream as he made a long bloody cut through his arm.

"Nhááh!" Cassi clenched his teeth, he tried to get away from Nielle in a panic, but he wouldn't let him.

Brelle suddenly joined them and stroked Cassi's back, "Let him...he needs it today...if you let him, it will pass in a moment," he promised, and when Cassi calmed down a bit, he whispered , ,,good boy."

Cassi stared at Prince Brelle for a moment, whose soft smile seemed like he wasn't was reassuring and Cassi hesitated for a moment before letting Nielle take his luck.

He took it longer than usual, continuing until the feeling inside him subsided a bit, until he could breathe better and his thoughts returned to normal. Nielle had the impression that his new cheeky Lacrisan must have some really special luck as it tasted stronger and energized him right away. No other Lacrisan had made him feel the way Shane had. And now that he didn't have the chance to take his luck, suddenly nothing else was enough.

Nielle stole Cassi's luck for some time before his luck replenished enough to make Nielle feel better. He was still exhausted, slightly dizzy and felt like he had a fever, but it was nothing compared to how he felt a moment ago. Pulling his lips away from Cassi's wound, he looked at Brelle, who stroked Cassi's hair.

"Keep him." Nielle didn't want to see Cassi.

"You know I don't accept Lacrisans, if you give him to me, I'll let him go," Brelle said.

"Do what you want, I don't want to see him anymore," Nielle explained.

Brelle sighed deeply, "Wait outside, okay?" He gave Lacrisan a smile and when the young man nodded, he was left alone with Nielle.

"Why are you still here?" Nielle didn't understand.

"Elyan said your luck was in poor condition...I came to make sure you were okay...and I brought you medicine for your fever," he said.

"I don't need anything...go away," Nielle said, "I'll sleep and I'll be fine."

Brelle sighed deeply and put the medicine on the table: "I'll leave it here, drink it, Elyan made it," he said.

"Anything else?" he didn't want to talk to him or spend more time with him.

"No," Brelle nodded, "Good night, Nielle."

Nielle watched him get up and disappear out the door. He looked after him for a moment, glad he was out, before moving to the table and picking up the medicine. He moved his hand to his forehead and drank the medicine with a deep sigh.

Nielle was aware of all his weaknesses. He knew that he was in the greatest danger of all the princes, he knew that his luck was the most easily exhausted, he knew that his father wanted to kill him, he knew that luck hated him enough to send him to bed whenever he was hurt. 

However, Nielle couldn't lie in bed, he couldn't show the king that he was an easy target...that he was weakened by harmless injuries. He couldn't afford not to fulfill his work duties and not go to Alycante.

That's why he drank the medicine, knowing that everyone will be cured with Elyan's medicine. He left the empty bowl on the table and got into bed. He somehow replenished his luck. He somehow drank the medicine, his wounds were bandaged, and although he felt like a shit, he had no choice but to sleep and wait. 

Because Nielle couldn't afford to be vulnerable... because he knew that luck was never on his side.

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