Marvel’s Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 40

Chapter 41 God’S Shadowless Curse


According to Jerry’s knowledge from watching the movie before, the title of Half-Blood Prince, which is somewhat of a secondary school, was given to him by Snape when he was in school.

In this sixth-grade potions textbook, a lot of Snape’s experience in potions was recorded.

Of course, most of these potion experiences will not be used until the sixth grade potion refining, and even memorizing them is not very useful now, just like formulas used in high mathematics, even if they are memorized, it is difficult to be flexible. Used in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in elementary school.

So Jerry now has the sixth grade potion experience, which is not very helpful to his current first grade potion study.

However, what he valued was not Snape’s knowledge of potions, what he really valued were the few spells Snape had invented in this Half-Blood Prince’s notebook.

Especially the most famous “Shenfeng Wuying” curse.

This is a spell that Jerry values very much at the moment.

It’s not to say how powerful he is. According to the movie, Harry only seriously injured Malfoy after using it.

Because hits such as restraint spells and stun spells can be directly controlled, life-suppressing spells are sure to kill, and Shenfeng Shadowless spells are only serious injuries.

Of course, it may be that Harry is not skilled, if Snape uses it, it may be more lethal.

But don’t forget, even a little wizard in the first and second grades, if they use “all petrification”, they can make people stay in place and can’t move.

However, even so, Jerry is still very fond of Shenfeng Shadowless Curse.

Because this spell has a very prominent advantage, that is, when it is released, it is invisible and cannot be detected at all.

Generally, when a normal spell is released, a magical light is shot out, which is very conspicuous, just like a life-threatening spell. When it is shot, it is a green light flying towards you.

Although death is inevitable, if your reaction is fast enough and your prediction is accurate enough, there is still a chance that you will pass by.

But the release of the Shenfeng Shadowless Curse does not show any magical light. When a Shenfeng Shadowless Curse is released, it is like releasing an invisible blade. Unless you are protected by the Iron Armor Curse in advance, it is difficult to detect.

This advantage may not be particularly obvious in the wizarding world.

Because wizards’ physical fitness is good, but their speed and reaction ability are not too different from normal humans, so many times, they can’t rely on their bodies to evade magical attacks.

Shooting a magic wand is the same as shooting a bullet with a gun.

With the speed of magic and bullets, ordinary people can’t dodge at all.

Even if there is a successful evasion, it is not because his speed is faster than magic or bullets, but only through the movement of the opponent’s arm waving to predict the attack trajectory in advance and dodge in advance.

There are very few wizards who can do this, so they all choose not to dodge and use magic defense, cast an iron spell, or directly face the wave.

However, in the Marvel world, there are still a lot of guys who are beyond ordinary and can dodge bullets.

For ordinary magic shots, if the opponent’s physical fitness is excellent, like a flash bullet, then his magic will be difficult to cause damage.

At this time, the Shenfeng Shadowless Curse comes in handy. When it is released, it is invisible and invisible, and it can cause damage to the other party without the other party’s knowledge.

This is also the magic spell he planned from the beginning and must obtain.

However, because he was busy reciting textbooks before, he didn’t have time. Now he has basically memorized all the textbooks. Today, he just came to the potions class, so he took it away.


Holding the Half-Blood Prince’s notes, Jerry first returned to the Slytherin lounge and hid the book in a suitcase before returning to the first floor auditorium for lunch.

There was no class on Friday afternoon, and after lunch, he returned to the dormitory again.

The three of Xiao Ma Fu are not in the dormitory. In fact, boys of this age are willing to stay in the dormitory during the day, and most of them are exploring the castle.

After a rest, he regained the energy consumed by the “refreshing and refreshing” of the potions class in the morning. In the afternoon, he was alone in the dormitory, studying the few self-created spells that Snape recorded on the notebook.

A total of six mantras were recorded in the notes, namely: Shenfeng No Shadow Mantra, Quick Healing Mantra, Upside-Down Golden Bell Mantra, Admiralty Falling Mantra, Closing Earplugs Listening Mantra, and Toenail Growth Mantra.

After reading and writing down all the six curses, Jerry realized that the Shenfeng Shadowless Curse not only has the characteristics of being invisible and shadowless, but also has the characteristics of a curse.

That is the place where it was cut by the Shadowless Curse of Shenfeng, and it will be cursed and cannot be healed. Nothing like ordinary healing spells, potions, or Muggle remedies.

Unless you use its corresponding counter-curse, which is the Quick Healing Curse invented by Snape.

Only then did Jerry realize that not all spells can be broken with the universal cracking spell “Stop the Curse”.

Many special spells need to know the corresponding anti-spell to be able to decipher their magical effects.

Just like if you are hanged in the air by the Fuchsia Mantra, you must use the Fuchsia Falling Charm to remove it, or wait for the magic effect to disappear by itself.

Under the effect of “refreshing and refreshing”, Jerry’s brain is running fast.

However, I don’t know if it’s because of the high level of the spells Snape invented, or because his current magical theory and knowledge are not enough. UU Reading

It took him a whole afternoon, and he didn’t even learn a single spell.

You must know that when learning those first-year spells before, it was not as difficult as it is now.

“It seems that the library is still going to go!”

With only the first grade textbook and the content of the teacher’s class, it is still difficult to quickly learn a spell of this level like the Shenfeng Shadowless Mantra.

So he had to learn from classmate Hermione, read more related magic books in the library law, and gain additional magic knowledge in order to improve his magic level.

I looked at the time, it was past six o’clock.

With a drowsy brain, Jerry left the Slytherin lounge and headed to the Great Hall for dinner.

After dinner, instead of chatting with the little Slytherins in the Slytherin common room, he went straight to sleep to recover the sequelae left by the refreshment in the afternoon.

It’s impossible for Jerry to spend a lot of time socializing,

His time was so precious, he was consuming Little Red Star every day, and of course he used it to study magic to improve his strength.

In Slytherin, as long as you are good enough, as long as you can get a lot of honors for Slytherin, then you are the most beautiful boy in Slytherin.

It doesn’t matter if you communicate or not.

And as an idol of all the little wizards in the future, it is also necessary to keep a distance from fans and maintain a sense of mystery.

eleven o’clock in the evening,

When all the little Slater wizards fell asleep, Jerry, who had replenished his sleep, got up, went to the common room with the magic book, turned on the brain-enhancing function again, and entered a learning state.


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