Monarch of Darkness

Chapter 38: Second general Aaron Jadestar

The small river flowing across White Orchid valley is as tranquil as always. Everyone went to the river bank and started to play. Evan called over the crocodile,who was staying in that area. It was already familiar with Evan as Evan had been playing with it whenever he went for Swimming in river.

At first Evan used to bully this crocodile with other guys,but later he became friend with it.Now the crocodile had let 5 to 6youngsters sit on top of it. Levi and Evan were swimming while matching the speed of crocodile. Everyone was discussing about the events of war. 

"Where is John,he should have come with Paolo",a boy with spiked hair asked.

Paolo who had a frail body looked toward all of them and said,"You don't know! It seems like both father and mother of John have not returned from battle of yesterday." A pin drop silence followed his statement.

Everyone who were in a very happy mood,seemed to turn silent. Some of them tried to cheer up everyone but everyone felt their spirit dwindled, after everyone discussed some loses of Sylvia clan. Evan also felt sadness as he long seen everyone from Sylvia clan as his own people. 

Everyone left gradually. Old lady Adaline had sent someone to Sophie and she had already left early. Now Evan was alone with Levi. They both sit on a rock while dipping their legs on flowing river. Evan was feeling heavy on his heart.

Although Evan had already had painful experience of war when Eternal moon kingdom got destroyed,he got over from it with much difficulty. He thought he could protect his loved ones in this life. That's why he started to cultivate earnestly. But now facing the the cruelty of war, which could brought sadness to many of his friends,Evan also felt heavy in his heart.

Levi who was also sitting on the same rock as Evan,was looking toward Evan silently. Sometime passed in silence.Suddenly a person appeared nearby the rock where the two boys are sitting. He spoke,

"You need to get over from your condition quickly. Show your smile, supress your feeling in heart. But don't forget your sadness and helplessness either. That will help you in becoming strong. When you feel,you lack will for facing difficulties, remember these emotions. These will become your strength, in your path of cultivation."

Evan who was in a daze suddenly heard someone saying these words from his side. He looked to his side and saw a middle-aged man in a clean white robe. He was looking very amiable and a slight smile could be seen on his face.

Evan felt the person infront of him had no malicious intention towards them. He asked, "Uncle,who are you? Are you someone from Sylvia clan?"

I am Aaron Jadestar. I am not from Sylvia clan. I am from Thousand sword kingdom.You can call me Uncle Aaron", The middle aged man replied smilingly.

Before Evan could tell anything, Levi shouted and from his tone he was clearly very much excited. "You are second general of Thousand sword kingdom. I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Uncle Aaron, why are you here? Is there any problem going on in Thousand sword kingdom", Evan asked. 

"Little Prince, Am I only allowed to visit you if there is a problem going on! I will not bother Sylvia clan even if there is a big problem going on. Sylvia clan is already protecting two queens and you. This is already a huge contribution to our 'Thousand sword kingdom'."

"Uncle Aaron, I don't have that meaning. I am only worried that if any big problem has appeared in thousand sword kingdom",Evan tried to clarify.

A smile appeared on the face of Aaron. He patted the shoulder of Evan and said,"Little prince,you are still a child. First become a healthy child first. You have to eat more, you are looking frail. You don't have to worry about our kingdom. Our kingdom is strong. There are still many true cultivators who will not hesitate to stake their life if anyone dare to attack our kingdom."

Evan nodded his head in agreement. Aaron looked toward Levi and asked,"Kid,what is your name?"I am Levi Sylvia." Children of Sylvia clan are as promising as always. A smile appeared on the face of Levi,after listening the praise of Aaron.

Evan thought,"Second general of my father is truely a responsible and valiant person. I wonder how the first general Jacob looks like. I have heard that he is very wild and fierce", Evan thought in his mind.

"Don't think too much little prince. Death is very common in battle. No true warrior fears death. We will meet soon. Take care", Aaron said it and disappeared from the sights of Levi and Evan.

Evan had already let go the feeling of sadness in his heart. "Levi,what is your strength now?", he asked to Levi. I am currently in the mid stage of element sensing realm but I am not too far from late stage. "Why are you asking?", Levi looked toward Evan.

Evan said, "Originally I wanted to tell you this plan after I start my cultivation. But after this last war, I have changed my mind."

Levi looked at Evan curiously. "You can tell me your plan. I will follow your plan, no matter what you say." Evan chuckled. He thought, "Levi is becoming more like a brother whom I can trust in future."

Evan looked toward Levi and asked, "Can you tell me the reason why Sylvia clan lost so many warriors in battle?" Levi frowned. He thought for some moments and replied,

"I think we are lacking more strong warriors in our side. That's why we were in a disadvantage and lost so many warriors."

"What do you think?Why we lose so many warriors in our side",Levi asked. Levi already felt that Evan was very clever and could really analyze many things. He even could solve some problems he was facing in cultivation. So,Levi trusted what Evan had to say.

"I think,you are wrong in this matter. Sylvia clan is not weak. It is as strong as always. Problem lies in how enemy attacks and we responds.

You can't throw some stones to stop a river. They could control beasts but we have less than 100 magical beasts which we command.

That is the important point Sylvia clan should never forget",Evan said.

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