My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 449 The legendary “several days passed in the blink of an eye”

There is a saying circulating in the Kingdom of Wildhammer:

The warmer the temperature you bring home, the more enthusiastic your wife will be.

The farther away from the ground, the closer to the mantle layer, and the higher the temperature.

The high-pressure and high-temperature environment has produced many rare ores, and has also provided higher-paying mining jobs in the Kingdom of Wildhammer.

If a person works about fifty meters underground, he only needs to spend about 15 minutes commuting every day.

For every fifty meters the workplace drops, commuting time increases by 15 minutes.

When the working site is located at a depth below 500 meters, the daily commuting time directly doubles to as long as 6 hours, so that miners can only spend the night underground without seeing the sky or the sun for more than ten days.

The extremely inflated commuting time is caused by the security checks that must be completed when entering and leaving the workplace every day.

The hot, high-pressure underground is not only a source of minerals, but also a breeding ground for all kinds of dangerous creatures.

In a world with monsters, underground creatures are far more ferocious than Xia Zuo's previous life.

Underground miners must be fully armed and use three layers of protective clothing to completely isolate their bodies from the underground environment. They must collect enough rare ores within a limited time and return to the mining vehicle before the air in the tank is exhausted.

Throughout the mining process, you must always be aware of the underground monsters lurking in the dark.

As we all know, building an alchemy spaceship requires the use of metal materials that can withstand ultra-high temperatures.

The propeller, spacecraft shell, ultra-high pressure air flow pipes and valves, any metal material that breaks down in ultra-high temperature will cause irreparable losses.

Although enchantment and magic circles can help metal materials remain stable in ultra-high temperature environments, the energy consumed by these two methods is too staggering.

The August family finally decided to use special ores produced 2,000 meters underground in the Kingdom of Wildhammer to create metal materials that can withstand ultra-high temperatures. Enchantment and magic circles were used to reduce the weight of the metal materials and reduce the spacecraft's lift-off time. resistance in the process.

The hidden dangers of the Wildhammer Kingdom lie in the places where special ores are mined.

The special ore has no associated ore and is a piece of independent and pure dark blue crystal stone, protruding from the floor and ceiling like stalactites.

The miners risking their lives to open the ore warehouse, control the mining machinery, cut the special ore amidst the roar of the engine, and cut out a whole cone-shaped piece of special ore from the root close to the floor and ceiling.

They thought they were in an underground mine.

But actually... this is the belly of an underground monster.

This monster is huge, with a body length of more than 15 kilometers. It lives underground on the heat energy emitted by the earth's mantle and underground minerals.

Its outer appearance is that of a slender snake, but to a tiny creature like a human, it is a behemoth that spans half the city and is wider than a commercial street.

The royal family of the Wildhammer Kingdom discovered this underground monster many years ago.

They called it [Spar Earth Dragon].

The crystal earth dragon lives deep underground and has almost no hearing and visual systems. It relies on vibration feedback to judge the things around it.

The Wildhammer royal family took advantage of this characteristic and quietly injected a large amount of medicine into the crystal earth dragon, causing it to fall into a long-term sleep state.

The crystal earth dragon in its sleep still maintains normal physiological functions, inhaling the heat energy of the earth's mantle, absorbing underground minerals, combining the two and transforming them into special ores that can withstand ultra-high temperatures.

As long as the crystal earth dragon remains asleep, it will not notice the miners cutting ore on its belly, and it will not become furious and cause an earthquake that destroys half of the Wildhammer Kingdom.

In dangerous mining jobs, things can go wrong. From the team leaders who commanded the miners to mine special ores to every member of the Wildhammer royal family, everyone who knew the inside story was hoping that the Crystal Earth Dragon would sleep forever.

When the Holy Pattern Ministry sent an order to increase the mining volume of special ores, the pressure on everyone in the entire production chain doubled.

The mining team leader wants to arrange for more miners to come underground. The alchemists refining the sleeping potion are working continuously, and the mining machinery is rumbling day and night.

The people who have the biggest headache are the members of the Wildhammer royal family who are directly responsible for mining special ores.

Miners die every day due to improper operations. The drug resistance of the crystal earth dragons is increasing day by day. The medicines refined by the alchemists will soon be insufficient.

If there is even the slightest accident in the supply and injection of sleeping potions, half of the Wildhammer Kingdom will be over.

At this juncture, Shengwen's subordinates issued a second order urging the mining of special ores.

The members of the Wildhammer royal family who received this order began to plan on the spot how to make themselves seriously ill and escape from this big trouble.

A piece of important news from the temple immediately gave up the idea of ​​​​giving up the throne for the members of the Wildhammer royal family.

The Holy Pattern Ministry and the Mystics Guild jointly issued a war warning to all temple members:

[At 6:20 this morning, the Strange Demon Church sent three fully-staffed Strange Demon Legions to launch an offensive on the circular island in the temple territory. From now on, the war between the Temple and the Strange Demon Church begins. All temple members have entered a state of war emergency and must resolutely implement the production instructions issued by the Holy Pattern Department. 】

The war between the Temple and the Strange Demon Church has begun!

No wonder the Holy Pattern Department issued two production orders in a row on the same day!

Western Continent, a secret base in the western mountains.

Xia Zuo finished deducing the future, walked to the desk and sat down with a colorful light that was rapidly dissipating.

He picked up the secret message ring on the table and looked at it, and smiled meaningfully.

"Before I even had time to warn the Royal Family of Wildhammer, Bovaru chose to sacrifice the ringed island so decisively... This is quite good news."

Xia Zuo swept the documents on the table into the drawer and dismissed the special forces team waiting in the corner.

Now that Bovaru has made his choice, these things used to remind the Wildhammer royal family are no longer needed.

Having said that, Bovaru must have been very conflicted when making a decision.

Although there are not many people on the ring island, the number of animals, plants and monsters is extremely amazing, and the vitality reserves are also huge.

When I think of Bovaru handing over such a natural treasure house to the Demonic Church to ravage...

Xia Zuo shook his head regretfully and felt heartbroken because the alchemy materials on the island were trampled by strange demons.

Calling up the scene of blood bond induction in his mind, Xia Zuo looked at his clone and Rexor.

It is expected that in the evening six days later, the work of cleaning up the Western Continent will enter the most important stage. At that time, the temple team will be driven out of the Western Continent by the blood magic clone team.

Before that, Xia Zuo had to help Rexor find Grand Sabage, so that the bald man could successfully obtain Inster Heguman's consciousness container from Grand Sabage.

As soon as the bald man got the consciousness container, Xia Zuo immediately killed Grand Sabage and used the [Breeding Cyst] to absorb the remaining 50% of Inster Heguman's character template.

Xia Zuo had already thought about making the fort mage's vest into a faceless man, and let this vest follow Rexor back to the Eastern Continent.

When the August family was about to launch into the sky, the fort mage's vest rose up and worked with Rexall to stop the August family's unjust acts.

Xia Zuo knew that doing so was doomed to be in vain, and the August family would ascend to the stars and leave the planet as usual.

But he still insists on doing this, so that after he leaves, the humans on this planet can still have a backbone to rely on.

The fort mage vest, as well as some vests suitable for appearing in front of the temple members, will be retained by Xia Zuo as a force to look after the planet.

If Xia Zuo could successfully escape from the planet and fly out of the territory of the Sakuma Universe Empire, these remaining vests would be buried with the planet, protecting it until the moment of death in battle.

If Xia Zuo cannot escape from the Sakuma Universe Empire...then this planet will become the only place to stay in a short time, and the vest left on the planet will also become an important force that Xia Zuo can control in the future.

(This book is about to be completed and the battle has been skipped.)

Six days after the battle between the Temple Army and the Strange Demon Church on the ring island.

The circular island has become a living hell, the green plants have been burned to black coal, and the embers have taken away the last trace of life in the crackling sparks.

Rolling black smoke floated out from the charred woods and stagnated in the low-lying valley, forming a large haze where the smoke was difficult to dissipate.

Anyone who has witnessed the smoke incident in the altar square of the shaman tribe knows that there is a dimensional rift that can exist for a long time - the dimensional passage leading to the [Land of Rest], covered by billions of plants and animals. The torrent of spiritual bodies exploded, and only Kama Hebrain could accelerate the closing of the plane rift.

The dimensional rift caused by the last smoke incident covered an area of ​​approximately 800 to 1,000 square meters, and it took Kama Hebrain five hours to close it.

So what about this time?

How long does it take for Kama to transform into a dimensional rift that can cover the entire ring island basin?

If Kamahiberan cannot close this unprecedented dimensional rift in a short period of time, can the "tiny creatures" on this planet be able to resist launching an attack on the [Land of Rest]?

The choice is in Xia Zuo's hands.

[Future.360] to [Future.399] timelines, these timelines are very special.

"Xia Zuo" took advantage of the opportunity of the plane rift appearing on the ring island and repeatedly tried to attack Kama Silberian, looking for a practical and effective method that could cause heavy damage to Kama Silberian.

Kama Hebraine is a spiritual creature.

If you look at it from the perspectives of alchemy, magic, and magic, you can think of it as a very powerful soul-like creature that can control the souls of living things.

Theoretically speaking, special oils and spells that restrain soul-like creatures can also be effective against Kama Hebrain.

Temple Alchemy’s [Anti-Ghost Oil] and [Defense Evil Spirit Barrier], Demon Hunting School’s [Evil Ghost Oil], [Moon Dust Bomb], and [Yaden Sigil], and the Strange Demon Church’s [Control Shadows] 】Waiting for many shadow magics, any party on this planet has mastered the method to defeat Kama Hebraine.

If everyone can unite together, produce a special oil that is enough to cover the entire Yuanjie tree, and then collectively cast a spell to restrain the spirit body, then it is indeed possible to defeat Kama Hebrain and complete the mission of this planet.

The future is changing rapidly, and if the situation changes slightly, the future will be completely different:

The Temple, the Golden Wattle Clan, and the Kama Hebryan have become allies and entered into a sacred oath.

The Church of the Strange Demon has not joined the Holy Covenant and has the desire to attack Kama Hebraine.

In the [Future.402] timeline, the Strange Demon Church launched an attack on the [Land of Rest] and threw all the newly hatched strange demons into this battle.

The August family in this timeline waited and watched for a moment. After confirming that the Strange Demon Church could not defeat Kama Hebraine, they took advantage of the fact that Kama Silberian was exposed to nature. At the same time, the army of the Strange Demon Church was defeated by Kama Xi. Bollain seized the opportunity, lifted the smoke of creation, and launched the alchemy spacecraft to leave the planet.

The starry sky monsters did not chase the August family immediately, but immediately rushed towards the plane passage on the ring island, scrambling to attack Kama Hebraine.

This future timeline has the least pressure, the fewest pursuers, and the highest safety factor for all those who want to escape from the planet.

Using Kama Hebraine to hold back the armies of the Starry Sky Demon and the Strange Demon Church, and supplemented by the disguise of the Creation Smoke, Xia Zuo's plan to escape from the planet will be smoother.

If you want to embark on this future timeline, you must lead the Strange Demon Church to attack the [Land of Rest].

Again, the choice is in Xia Zuo's hands. Whatever choice he makes will determine what kind of future he will have.

If you want to complete the mission of this planet and bet on Vasaksat's attitude towards the winner, then provoke a battle between the Temple, the Church of the Strange Demons and the Kama Hebryan, and steal the battle at the end of the battle As a result, he used [Breeding Cyst] to absorb the template of Kama Hebrain first.

As long as Vasaksa's attitude towards Xia Zuo is not to slap him to death, then relying on Kama Hebrain's template, [Breeding Sporang] and the laws of time and space he masters, he might be able to become a loyal person loyal to Vasaksa The special existence, to be precise, is to become a biological material sampler in the way of Sakuma.

If you want to leave the planet more safely, just drag the temple into the battle between the Church of the Strange Demon and Kama Hebrain, and then have "Xia Zuo" personally remove the smoke of creation, and leave the planet while the three parties are stunned. At this time, there are the least number of starry sky demon pursuers. "Xia Zuo" can completely deal with them by himself and fly safely outside the territory of the Sakuma Universe Empire.

"How on earth should we do this?"

Xia Zuo walked around in the alchemy room of the secret base.

His mind was racing with thoughts, racking his brains to compare the pros and cons of various future timelines.

Thinking about it carefully, his success rate of escaping from the planet is already very high. The real problem he faces now is:

Every time after sailing in the starry sky for a period of time, his eyes would go dark and he would be forced to stop deducing the future.

This kind of "black eyes and one black" scene is caused by the [Space-Time Phase Simulator] reaching the limit of deducing the future, or is it triggering some kind of cosmic device hidden around the planet?

What makes Xia Zuo even more strange is that he uses "deducing what is the meaning of two black eyes" as the main idea to deduce the future. When he went to the [Space-Time Phase Simulator] to deduce the future, he could not get any answers, and not even a new future time appeared. Wire.

This extremely weird situation made Xia Zuo, who was accustomed to using the [Space-Time Phase Simulator] to find answers, fall into a state of confusion.

It is confirmed to be completed on the 31st of this month. Thank you all for your company. There is a ZFB password red envelope in the last paid chapter on the 31st. Since one of the three promised supplementary chapters cannot be completed, this red envelope will be larger, so be sure to come and claim it.

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