My Last Hunt

Chapter 360: Level Battles 34

Level Battles 34

This area was not consistent with the beast population. Only scattered and hidden beasts try to remain vying for the wandering monsters for some good feast. Almost all of its population was hidden and waiting for the right time to stand behind the leading beast for the final war. 

They had been preparing and leveling. The recent development gave big signal for the hidden powers. They were ready to crush the hunter's hold and wipe out half of the human population whoever came in the way. Some of the strong Hunter Kings betrayed Rank Masters or they failed to tame the beasts for the Hunter King Test Trials. Resultantly the beast took hold on their consciousness and now they work for the beasts. 

This increasing damaged the Hunter's balance of the power in all seven continents. Within a month the Hightown might be facing the stronger beasts directly. The loyal Rank Masters had been gathering the loyal hunters wherever they were present. They could not risk to loss the territory of Hightown. From Hightown they could again begin their journey toward the battles however once the beasts took hold on the Hightown then all hopes would die with it. 

The apparent peace is mere deception:

In The First Tower of Rank Masters;

All First Rank Masters were present in the first Tower Hall. Their tamed beasts were flying above the sky outside the Tower. With all their overbearing presence they gathered on the First Tower to decide on some important matters. 

Other than four Rank Masters all others were doing field jobs of guiding the Hunter Kings and making sure that their strong hold yet to sustain last breaths. The Four Hunters were near retirement however they not giving retirement because of the threat. They could not let disloyal hunters take place these open slots this was the reason that these slots were not given to the new entrants. 

Presently they were testing the loyalty of the two First Rank Masters who recently joined First Tower. They were not here at this moment. This meeting was urgent and the Rank Masters wanted to make some arrangements in case anyone of the two failed to bring harmony in the biggest island of the Frost Fire Continent. 

This continent has been under threat from previous decade. "Frost Fire is our biggest battle ground as the signs point out." The comparably stronger Rank Master started pointing the first sour fact of today's meeting. Other Rank Masters respected him for various reasons. First he was most loyal strongest among them. 

Not only was his tamed beast exceptionally loyal toward him in fact the hidden guardian added to his overall strength. This guardian was the shredded stone of dead beast. The Rank Master let it reach the requiem state and gave permission to take the body of the dying hunter. 

There were several emblem decorated on his chest as a sign of his accomplishments. This guardian stone was also standing at the entrance of the Tower Hall prudently keeping look at the beasts flying above the sky. "Indeed the new Rank Masters have promised that he would kill the leading dens of the beast and weaken their strength. They left today. I am not sure the consequences after they return." The older Rank Master added. 

"Both were bragging that they could defeat their dens with their present level of strength. Only their success could prove their bragging." The third elder spoke sarcastic. The reason behind his tone was clear. He once did the same and bragged things which turned out toughest and he returned injured. 

He barely saved his life back then. Few things which he learned from the battle he shared with others. According to the findings only a Hunter Monarch could stop dens of the several leading beasts in the Frost Fire continent. 

"Giving them a chance is necessary because anything could prove helpful even if few of them retreat." The first Rank Master smiled. He has met several new joiners with utmost level of ambitions to bring peace for the Hightown however half of them got killed and half of them returned injured. 

Their deaths were for the sake of the Hightown so it has its worth. It was rule of the Three Towers that the new joiners were always given chance to prove their positions. They were mostly experienced Hunter Kings with strong backgrounds willing to test their grounds for the sake of Hightown and against the enemies of the Hightown. 

"Since we know the reasons behind this chaos why not join hands and kill the culprit?" the experienced Rank Master grimly uttered. He was tired of the never ending pursuit of those beasts. Rank Masters had been struggling from previous decade to keep the beasts limited in their Frost Fire Continent for the sake of adjacent islands. 

His suggestion has grown old just like issue. He was asking this suggestion long ago however it was almost impossible to work on. A Rank Master of third Rank was leading them from a decade. He has several secrets of the Hightown and always the missions failed because of his presence among beasts. 

If not for the disloyal hunters and the elders; the present trouble had never been rising and bringing chills for the loyals of the Hightown. "My friend I agree with your suggestion but how can we reach the sour spot and kill the scum. He is hiding among beasts. The Frost Fire Continent is not small place. We always get lost because of the over smart beasts. Only a Hunter Monarch can break their conscious levels of strength." The old Rank Master spoke in broken tone. 

When a Rank Master took the position, he happened to be a retired hunter so it was individually impossible to battle those conscious attacks of the higher level intellect influence of the beasts. 

There were several other problems which they had been wreaking their brains on but could not find solution or the suitable stones for battling in the Frost Fire Continent. None of the level eight stone follow commands under the territory of the Frost Fire continent. 

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