My Mom is a Maternal Slime

Chapter 86: Appointment Not Found


Somewhere among sprawled clothes on Daniel's bedroom floor lies his phone. The man himself twitches as its muffled vibration reaches his ears. Too sensitive to the many dealings he requires of its use, he opens his eyes half-way, only to catch the cool valleys of his pale silver mother spreading across his view.

Viviane is like a mystical breeze as she hugs him close, brushing the back of his head to aid in his rest. It's plenty effective, lulling her son to close his eyes again and forget matters of the intense night he endured. With a hum, he cedes deeper into her softness.

His enveloper giggles. Now that her son is awake to some degree, she pauses her strokes along his head, then slides down his back to help him snuggle further into her.

"Good morning, child," she whispers before drawing a kiss to his forehead.

The artist wiggles contently before lifting his eyes up to meet his caretaker's sweet smile. As her warm silvery gaze sucks him in, he can't possibly stop his lips from rising from the force of it, linking himself to her.

The elder slime closes her eyes to her son's evident draw, humming contently into his mouth as he tastes her. She continues brushing his head as they make out, filling the bedroom with familiar sugar. Although it hasn't been long since she separated from Mary, she already misses the ability to feel his lips. To make up for such loss, she prolongs the kiss and accepts the small mental pleasure of hearing her son melt in her hold.

However, Daniel has enough mind to break away before he might escalate the morning. Taking a deep breath before her chest, he sits up and clears his throat. It's immediately evident from the lack of additional movement that Mary and Anne are gone.

"What time is it?" he asks, rubbing his neck.

"10 A.M. Surprisingly early for you to wake up considering all we've done," the elder slime says, raising to sit next to him.

Being malleable, she stretches her arm a few meters to the floor, taking out her son's phone from his pant pocket. When her arm retracts, she looks down, catches the latest message, and grins.

"If you're wondering where your Mama and Mummy has gone..."

Trailing off as there's no need to explain herself, she hands Daniel his phone with a text message from his British girlfriend:

Last night was great, love! If you haven't heard from Mommy yet, I'm taking your Mama this time to my studio. Now you must come to my place at eight for dinner if you want to see us again! Muahaha! >:D

Also, we need to talk about plans for my uncle's visit tomorrow. No rush immediately, so please rest well and update us on your check-up later!

'God damn it.'

Daniel forehead creases as remembers such appointment is in three hours. After pounding against all three of his lovers, he's not sure if such exertion will show, proving him to be "healthy." In fact, he worries about potential inquires if they're able to tell.

Laying a hand on his arm, Viviane cocks her head. "Is something wrong? If you're worried about them—"

"It's not exactly about them," Daniel assures, then sighs. "I'm just wondering if I'm any good to see a doctor after last night."

The elder slime blinks, then presses a hand to her mouth to suppress a short laugh. "Oh please, child, you're fine! You're sturdier than you take credit for. If anything, it's a sign of good health and youth."

That said, she lowers her hand and averts her gaze, coughing. "Still, I apologize for my over-eagerness. I'm sure it showed through Mavi."

Daniel snorts. "Long as it was, why would I blame you for a good night? Besides, if there's anyone overeager, it's Mary."

"Pfft...Well, I certainly can't deny that."

Straightening, Daniel closes his eyes and clears his throat. "Of course, maybe next time we do more one-on-one instead of all-on-one. Just thinking of all the heat we did is making me feel a little parched."

He opens one eye to her, and Viviane's lips widen to his meaning. Giggling, she opens her arms and motions with her hands. "Then, by all means, my sweet child, I'm here to help quench that thirst."

"That is quite the offer."

One that Daniel takes as he shuffles around so he's facing her chest. Once his upper body is suitably above her lap, she supports his weight with one hand behind his head and another wrapped around his back.

"So, did Mary and Anne fall asleep together or did they split towards the end?" he asks before latching on.

The elder slime hums for a bit, allowing her cells to reproduce the milk that Anne similarly inherited.

"They separated," she answers, sliding through her son's hair with her fingers as he suckles. "After you fell asleep, Marianne debated with herself whether to let Mary and Anne go to the dream world or not. Ultimately, the Mary within was too worried that she'd be alone in the fog without direction. If she's going back, she said she wants it to be with you again."

Daniel raises his brows, but is unsurprised. Mary's concern is valid, given he's returned to the same spot after being booted out. This is why he was initially against going deeper into Viviane's fog; although, it did lead them to finally learn the name of the mysterious woman who cared for her.

On that note, he swallows and unlatches to look up at her. "And how are you feeling about everything you saw?"

Viviane blinks, then leans back against the headboard of the bed. She takes a moment to recall the experience of being the lost baby, all while squeezing the larger one in her arms. As the memory replays vividly in her mind, she twists her lips while nudging him back to nursing.

"Relieved, mostly. It's not like I feel unburdened completely, but I think back to my time trapped, always hearing the baby cry out. To finally know it was my past self is much better than the alternative. My worst fear was that it was punishment for failing a child in the past."

The elder slime's eyes lower before continuing. "Well, who knows. Perhaps it's too early to say that. As Mavi said, it's a little frustrating, though. I can't shake off the feeling that something more must've come out of Nimue taking me in."

Daniel remains focused on her, absorbing her uncertainty as she wallows in self-doubt. Slowly, he lifts his hand from her shoulder, squeezing it.

"We'll find out more about this enchantress, but it shouldn't change who you are now."

Viviane's eyes soften, and she squeezes his head closer to her chest. "Of course."

After a second of silence, she huffs. "Anyway, we'll just have to continue learning. For now, the only legendary figure that matters here is Mommy, you understand?"

Feeling her expectant gaze, Daniel stifles a chuckle, then does his best to nod dramatically. "Of course, my lady."

He returns to his descent into her right breast while cupping her left one. As he draws in her milk, his slime mother lifts her chin, satisfied. She slides her hand down to his erect member that can't be controlled anymore.

She hums. "Speaking of legendary, looks like you have quite the sword for Mommy, huh?"




Later, after a breakfast that is more than just milk, Daniel changes and drives out for his appointment. Viviane insisted on joining him, unwilling to be left alone at the studio. Not only that, but it's a good opportunity to head to Keystone library that's close to the clinic, giving them the chance to research more about the second Lady of the Lake. Although Daniel wasn't particularly optimistic, Viviane's book find at the occult shop by Layna Moore showed that there was some worth checking books in person.

None of that was on the lake dweller's mind, however, as she turns her transformed blonde head towards her son. "So, we never established our public relationship, you know?"

Keeping his eye on the road, Daniel's lips lift slightly. "What do you think it should be?"

"Your third girlfriend, of course."

"Yeah, I'll just go tell everyone that I have three girlfriends. No big deal, right?"

"Hehe~ You mock, but maybe it really isn't such a big deal. Artists tend to be...varied, I heard."

"Don't apply that so generally unless it's specifically Mary."

"Fine, fine," Viviane accepts before squinting her eyes. "If anyone asks, just say I'm a friend...with benefits."

"I will say you're a friend. Simply, a friend."

"Oh? It's not good to be too deceiving, child."

"That's real funny of you to say, Mother."

Viviane titters before returning to the rushing tall buildings and people bustling, all blurring together. As she thinks about herself out there among people, she hums.

"Do you think witch hunts exist today?" she asks.

The unprompted question causes Daniel to blink. Figuring she must be referring to the memory of Nimue about to be burned at the stake, he shrugs. "As far as the news goes, there's plenty of so-called 'witch hunts' going around, but regarding Nimue, I...well, actually, I can't even be sure that's not going around either."

The elder slime grimaces, leaning against the window with her elbow. "Guess we'll be deceiving for a long time, then. Still, it would be great if we could make people forget so we would have some leeway about being discovered."

"Okay, now I see where you're going with this, but I wouldn't go that far," Daniel reasons, thinning his lips. "It just sounds like it's asking for more trouble, and we've been risking plenty of that."

True as that may be, Viviane doesn't press. Instead, she takes on the mask and role she's been assigned as they arrive at the clinic. Of course, one day, she hopes she can stand proudly as one of Daniel's mothers in the face of others. Even though it's wishful thinking, her maternal pride from Amy is unwavering, especially with how far her son has come in life.

For now, she steps into the waiting area as a "friend" who came along, standing by her son's side as he checks in for his appointment with the front lady. There are a few others seated and waiting for a doctor or assistant to call them in. Overall, it doesn't seem so busy today, but that could be because it's in the middle of the workday.

Sitting next to Daniel after he finishes some signing and a copay, the phone Daniel got for her dings. Humming, she pulls it out to see a text from Anne...or, not quite.

Sister, need advise! (I'm Marianne btw). Out shopping for clothes on Mary's behalf, especially for our dinner tonight! What would you suggest?

'They already rejoined? Well, can't blame them.'

Knowing of Mary's wardrobe, she begins texting back:

You should find something with more red. I know she doesn't have a lot. Also, don't go off merging however you want!

The fusion's response comes quickly:

Don't you deny my existence! Plus, it's easier this way when going out together. Don't worry, I'm being aware of my form, okay? Anyway, what about some purple?

Viviane shakes her head. Before she could reply, the main door to the offices opens. Time seemed to have passed quicker than she expected as an assistant pops through with her clipboard.

"Mister Hart? Doctor Grayson is ready to see you."

Daniel raises to his feet before turning to his mother. "Shouldn't be long."

"Hm, okay."

Viviane sneaks in a quick squeeze to his hand before letting him go. Once the main door shuts, she returns to her phone, only to see a new text with a photo of Mary posing in a very nice column dress of royal purple. It's obvious they split once in the changing room.

How about this?

The elder slime narrows her eyes. 'Are they trying to steal his attention?'

Huffing, her thumbs tapping wildly against her phone.

Maybe try green instead—

"Um, excuse me, miss? Are you here for an appointment?" the front lady interrupts her typing.

Viviane freezes before lifting her gaze to the lobby's desk. Looking around, she notices all the rest of the people around are gone. Had they already been served?

Perhaps time passed faster than she realized while texting.

"No, I'm just waiting for my friend who went in," Viviane answers regardless, assuming her accompaniment wasn't apparent to the woman.

The front lady stares, then looks at her computer for a moment. "Sorry, but...there's nobody who has checked-in in the past hour. Are you sure your friend said he'd be here?"

Viviane tilts her head as her forehead creases. Even though she literally saw her son leave into the main offices not long ago, how can this receptionist forget?

"No, that can't be. He literally...Hold on."

Stammering, the elder slime's head spins as she dials her son, but it immediately goes to voicemail. If she had a heart, it would be pounding now as the silence of the waiting room weighs on her.

Is this a bad joke?

Stopping the call to nowhere, she stands up and approaches the woman while trying to compose herself with a short laugh. "Sorry, but you're mistaken. I literally saw my so-I mean, friend leave this room for Doctor Grayson."

The receptionist is, perhaps, more confused than the elder slime. "Ma'am, we don't have physicians associated with that name."

Viviane holds herself, staring into the woman's eyes with increasing concern. Somehow, it doesn't look like this woman was lying, but that also can't be right.

It would be easy to make a scene at this point, but the slime controls herself. With a stiff smile, she closes her eyes for a moment. "Sorry for the confusion. Where is the restroom?"

The front lady blinks, then points next to the desk window with a relieved smile. "Over there. If nothing else, you might want to call your friend. It could be he does have an appointment with us, but I'm afraid I can't disclose that out of HIPAA compliance."

"Of course, I'm sure I might be mistaken," Viviane answers lightly before trailing into the restroom calmly. Once in, she looks at herself in the mirror as her gaze hardens, then takes out her phone. She hesitates to let Mary and Anne know what's going on without knowing much herself.

'What the hell...?'

She scoffs, thinking to Daniel's doubts earlier on the convenience of making people forget.

"He was right. This is far more troublesome."

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