My Third Empire

Chapter 39 - Defence Force Freshman

Biquge, update my latest chapter of the third empire as soon as possible!

In southern Bavaria, Germany ’s secret military base h-1, in the middle of the barbed wire fence, a gate was slowly pushed open by a dozen soldiers, and a new Mercedes-Benz car waiting on the road slowly started and passed the opening. Door.

Lieutenant Colonel Guderian, the co-pilot, pointed to the open space in front of him and turned to the Akado in the back of the car with a smile and said, “In a moment we can see the tanks cooperate with the Air Force’s assault exercises. This is for me. Well prepared. “

“There is a middle-level officer of the National Defense Forces in the back. This is all I can find, and there are more than a dozen military factory technicians. You have to prepare this exercise for them, not for me! Those officers pay the money. It ’s those engineers who make weapons. I ’m just an insignificant person. “

“Poof.” Gustav Krupp, who was sitting next to Akado, laughed: “As the vice chairman of the Grand German Party, I have to say to you seriously that you are the supreme leader of our party , It ’s not an insignificant person. “

“There are 60 150mm cannons and 90 88mm anti-aircraft guns. They are all of the latest design and can be dragged and transported by mule cars. I guarantee my life and all the weapons here are the world ’s weapons. The most advanced. “Krupp smiled at Akado and patted his chest on the shaking car to advertise his weapon:” When the French fire one shot, we can return twenty shots. “

“How is the secret weapon part prepared?” Akado crossed his fingers and looked at Guderian. He was more concerned about other things than the cannon. For example, the Defense Force has only recently equipped not many tanks. .

“The P-2 tanks are equipped with 30 vehicles. I assigned the tank drivers from the Soviet Union to take turns to train 5 tank trains. Now many people are waiting for their tanks. There are too few tanks that we secretly equip. The delivery was too slow. “Guderian glanced at Krupp and said helplessly.

There are really too few, 30 tanks, 6 platoons, each tank can only be used by three people (a captain and gunner, a communication technician, a driver), these 30 tanks can only make a total of 90 armored soldiers use their own equipment.

Krupp shook his head, strangling Guderian’s hope for more tanks: “Lieutenant Colonel Guderian, do you know how much the FDF gave to man’s factory? Less than 90,000 German marks! These Money doesn’t even sell the wheels of the tank! The IDF owes the heavy artillery tank to me and the man company for a total of 700,000 US dollars. I will lose tens of thousands for every cannon you provide! “

He glanced at the helpless Akado and spread his hands and said: “This is only part of the reason! We have to avoid the eyes and ears of the joint arms control committee! We can only start construction in the middle of the night, and we dare not use large machinery, which increases The cost has also limited the production speed and output. I am still a big business, and I have a loan from the United States. The man is miserable. They are being recovered by the Swedish mines these days! Because they owe others. The payment is unclear. “

Akado cannot afford to spend too much money to buy weapons. After all, several companies in his hands also need to develop. Although these companies have historically become super enterprises, Akado dare not embezzle too much money now. He was afraid that these companies would miss out on development opportunities, and was eventually destroyed by his killing chickens and eggs.

Historically, Hitler ’s regime used to slaughter the Jews and confiscate their property to make up for part of the fiscal deficit, but Akado did not dare to do so blatantly at this time, and his Great German Party program also required him not to do so. do.

Akado had to sigh and came up with the solution he thought was the best: “Krupp, you give me a list, I will inform Gestapo to start. First, these people must be rich people; Second, industrialists are not allowed to appear on the list. I only deal with pure capital speculators. “

Krupp nodded his head. Akado wanted to make up for the economic shortfalls. Although this method was very irregular and had a lot of injustice, it was indeed a way to quickly make up for the financial shortfalls. Methods.

As far as he knows, Akado even confiscated the IDF ’s private mining of coal mines in the Ruhr industrial zone, and the base price was sold to France and Sweden to smooth out part of France ’s grievances and paralyze senior French officials. The private users of senior generals appear to be just like their embezzlement, but the money is secretly collected by the Gestapo and used as additional military expenses for the National Defense Forces.

There is no other way for Akado. The 90,000 German mark he paid to Krupp was still cut off by embezzlement. He used his power to pull out a little egg white for each of the fried eggs for the soldiers ’breakfast, and saved the egg white. It was sold to a nearby restaurant, which resulted in the “small money” of 90,000 German marks.

Akado even used the tricks he saw in an unknown book that year. He ordered many merchant ships under the National Defense Army to “deliberately lose the chimney” when they went to Sweden and Denmark’s ports, and then bought good copper locally. The quality chimney is shipped back to China as a copper raw material reserve. This clumsy method was used to make up for the control of the Federal Army ’s copper raw material reserve by the Coalition Arms Control Committee.

He also ordered to monitor all the communications of the Coalition Arms Control Committee, intercept secret correspondence between them, and arrange for soldiers to monitor all members of the Coalition Arms Control Committee for 24 hours. He even perfected the interception plan to avoid the last forced The incident of killing the French official appeared again.

Despite all these restrictions and resistances, the National Defense Force has grown with the joint efforts of Seekert, Akado and others.

As of January 20, 1924, the German top secret document “Pluto Plan Executive Memorandum” shows that Germany already has 300,000 regular army troops, secretly stocks 110 newest aircraft, 17 destroyers, and 30 tanks.

Of course, this army is still very weak, and its neighbor Poland now has more than 600,000 troops, twice the size of the German Wehrmacht. However, if you look closely at the composition of the German Wehrmacht, it is really scary.

With the efforts of Akado and Seekert, more than half of the soldiers of the German Wehrmacht have a high school degree or above, and a quarter of them graduated from university. This unit has a 2,000-person paratrooper reserve team, 4,000 soldiers who have used tanks directly or trained in tank use, about more than 1,500 people have gliders, and more than 300 people have actually simulated high-speed air combat in the Soviet sky. .

Even more frightening is that in the 15th and 22nd Divisions of the National Defense Forces, 17 people have applied for technology patents, 94 people have published papers on professional equipment such as artillery, tanks and aircraft, and a total of more than 3,300 people have received air-ground integrated combat training.

The average army has a radio station for every 40 people, 33 people can be divided into a mechanical vehicle-including cars and motorcycles, 2 people have a war horse, more exaggerated is that each soldier in this army can be competent platoon leader work.

They can shoot at least 5 times a day, and their opponents, Poland and France *, do not reach this standard every week. These soldiers have undergone rigorous combat training, and every tactical action is engraved in the bone. On average, they can participate in small-scale secret military exercises every two months.

In a secret base in the mountainous region of southern Bavaria, Akado spent more than a year accumulating a full 9 million rifle bullets for the National Defense Force, 150,000 rounds of the latest 150-mm artillery shells, and a full 100,000 new Mauser 98k Rifle. Most of the raw materials used in these weapons and ammunition are smuggled from countries such as Sweden.

Of course, the German Wehrmacht also stored 700,000 tons of oil, 100,000 tons of flour, and smuggled 100,000 tons of rubber from China, as well as the newly built 200-kilometer road that relies on the “Pluto Project” branch “White Pigeon Project” to seize the time. 400 kilometers long railway.

Money, money, money everywhere, the stretched finances have completely drove the defense force generals crazy, the production of new weapons requires a lot of money, the construction of road and rail transportation networks requires a lot of money, and the storage of strategic materials requires more money Pay the army, repair and maintain weapons and equipment, feed a large number of secret troops, and research fees for developing new weapons … Akado even imagined that he could break a penny in half.

The German Defense Forces have a wide range of economic sources. The serious sources are the government ’s defense funds, which are familiar military expenditures. The secret sources are partly the seizure of speculative capitalists ’assets, partly Akado ’s sneaky deposits, and exports Income from weapons, benefits from secret cooperation with the Soviet Union, and Akado ’s private income subsidies.

In any case, at the beginning of 1924, the German Wehrmacht was reborn, and it now has the strength to face its own neighbors, defeat Poland and even challenge France. Rennes privately disclosed to Akado that if he hit the French forces head-on, he was confident to command the 15th Division to break through the defense line of any French army.

When Akado picked up his thoughts, he was already sitting on the observation platform of the exercise. Twenty new tanks were lined up on the school ground. The infantry carried by the truck and armored vehicles launched an attack on the intended target. They released The smoke, with evidence of advance and retreat, quickly took the target area. Two biplanes passed by at low altitude, dropping two stones to simulate air support.

In applause, the soldiers began to shout Akado’s name: “Akkado! Akado!”

Then, under the leadership of the officers, everyone shouted a louder slogan: “Long live the Great Germany! Long live the victory!”

Akado stood up, stood up and saluted, and replied loudly to the soldiers cheering below: “Long live victory! Long live Big Germany!”

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