My wife Im found out that I resurrected Roger!

Chapter 70

Looking at the latest information about Impel Down from the Navy Headquarters,

Im's expression gradually changed.

"The resurrected Orochimaru, the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army Sabo, and the masked great swordsman landed in the port of Impel Down from the Calm Belt?"

"Roger confirmed his resurrection, and cut off half of Impel Down with one sword?"

"Ivankov and Lightning, the revolutionary army cadres who were previously prisoners at LV5 underground, built a base at LV5.5 underground?"

"Roger injured Magellan, the director of Impel Down, in just one minute?"

"Orochimaru demonstrated the power of the natural-type Wood-Woo Fruit and instantly killed the chief warden and deputy warden of the Impel Down Castle?"

"Orochimaru forced Magellan to poison fifty underground LV6 prisoners and took away Sea Knight Jinbei, Golden Lion and Director Magellan?"

Seeing the end, Im's face exuded a chill that chilled people to the bone.


A bunch of trash!

The Impel Down, known as the"iron wall", was actually breached by three invaders.

Now the face of the World Government has been lost by you!


Im reviewed the entire intelligence again.

The most core figure among them was not the masked swordsman who was confirmed by the Navy Headquarters to be Roger, but the resurrected Roger.

It was he who summoned a coffin from the sea with magical means.

And a Roger walked out of the coffin.

According to the description of the appearance of the coffin by the navy on the nearby warship,

Im can be sure that this is the kind of coffin that was lying in his basement before.

Because the style of that coffin is different from the style of most coffins in this world, even if it is not the same, it must be from the same person, or the same coffin seller.

And according to the person imprisoned in the underground LV6 of Impel Down , According to the guard Shiryu Nagase, after the dust on Roger's face was peeled off, it was actually another face.

The Roger who appeared in Impel Down was disguised by someone else.

This is consistent with the views of the vast majority of prisoners who are still alive at LV6 in the underground.

But there are also a few prisoners, such as Crocodile Sand, Barrett, the"Devil's Descendant" of the former Roger Pirates crew, Red Redfield, Bondi Wald, the World Destroyer, and others, who believe that it was Roger, even though his real face behind the makeup is actually another person.

They also clamored that if the Pirate King Roger is resurrected, the world will be in chaos again!

All this has further confirmed the fact that her husband Roya is Orochimaru.

Because the"Roger" she saw in her basement before also had the appearance of a fake Roger, and through a layer of dust attached to its surface, it can be seen that"Roger" is another person.

"Did you really break into Impel Down, husband?"

"So what exactly do you want to do?"

"Since you are in Impel Down, who is Roya who has been at home according to Stryce's intelligence?"

Im didn't intend to believe Stryce's intelligence.

She planned to investigate it herself.

Because, at present, she is the only one who knows the secret that Roya might be Orochimaru. She was the only one who saw the coffin with"Roger" lying in her basement a few days ago.

If the investigation finds out that her husband Roya is indeed Orochimaru and did break through Impel Down not long ago, then Im will be relieved.

Because her husband said that everything he did in private was to protect her and to protect their happy life.

Through the observation Haki, no, even if that kind of means is not needed, she believes that what her husband said is true. This is the same as her purpose of enduring loneliness and boredom and ruling the World Government.

If that was the case, then she would help her husband cover up the matter.

What's a mere Impel Down Town?

If you want it, husband, I'll give it to you!

At this time, Im remembered that the intelligence showed that

Orochimaru did not release all the prisoners frantically and let Impel Down Town fall completely.

He only released Buggy the clown on the ground floor,

Ivankov and Lightning, the revolutionary cadres of the underground LV5,

Jinbe the sea hero of the underground LV6, and the dying old Golden Lion.

In addition, he also asked for the bodies of fifty underground LV6 serious criminals.

Im frowned and thought.

My husband would never do something meaningless.

Those corpses would help my husband's goal, which is to increase his strength to protect her.

"Could it be……"

Im had a bold guess in his mind.

But this needed more information to confirm.

The most urgent task was to confirm that her husband was indeed Orochimaru who had just broken through Impel Down.

If so, he would be in danger.

Because the Navy Admiral Sengoku swore to report to the World Government Headquarters that he had sent out two generals, Akainu and Aokiji, and Orochimaru and his gang would definitely not escape!

"That old bastard Zhan Guo!"

Yim cursed in his heart

"If you hurt my husband, I will make you navy pay!"

She still remembered that this Admiral Akainu had privately expressed his loyalty to the Five Elders not long ago, wanting to be the next Admiral of the Navy.

If you, you bastard, hurt my husband in the pursuit, let alone the Admiral of the Navy, I will not even make you an Admiral!

She didn't want the Admiral of the Navy to catch Orochimaru at all, but hoped that her husband could escape!

The harder the Admiral chased, the more unhappy she was.

"I already know what happened."

Yim looked down at the kneeling CP0 leader and said calmly,

"This information is indeed very important.

But now, I have something more important to do.

Prepare the carriage!

I want to go home!"

Sitting in the carriage, Yimu took out the exquisite and luxurious golden Den Den Mushi and dialed the number.


The moment the call was connected, she heard her husband's panicked, nervous, excited, and surprised voice, but in addition to that, she seemed to hear the whistling of the sea breeze and the bombardment of artillery shells.

Hearing this, Yim's heart skipped a beat.

No way?

Could it be that her husband was attacked by the warships pushed out of the city?

"old……���"Husband, are you okay?"

Yim asked nervously with trembling hands.

Fortunately, what I heard just now might be an illusion, caused by excessive worry.

The next moment, the other side returned to normal.

The sound of bombing and the whistling of the sea breeze disappeared.

Only the joyful voice of my husband remained.

"Honey, of course I'm fine!

I'm in good health!

If you don't believe me,

I'll let you know how healthy I am tonight!"

Im blushed when she heard that.

After confirming the flirtatious words, it's still my familiar husband!

But she hasn't completely relaxed yet.

She wants to go home and see who the Roya in her house is according to Stryce's intelligence.

It's impossible for two Royas to exist at the same time, or for Roya to teleport from Impel Down to her home in an instant, right?

"So where are you now?"

Yim asked.

She wanted to know if her husband would cheat on her.

"I'm at home!"

Hearing this answer, Im frowned again.

Through the information reported by the Navy Headquarters and the information only she knew, it can be basically confirmed that you are Orochimaru.

How could you return home so quickly after just leaving Impel Down?

Did you cheat on me?

""Hubby, are you really home now? Didn't you lie to me?"

Yim asked again.

There was already a hint of annoyance in his tone.

But Luoya, who was familiar with Yim, immediately heard something wrong in his wife's words.

He had always known that his wife was very observant and seemed to be able to detect lies and even the inner thoughts.

���If you want to sleep with her, you may have just opened your mouth and said a few words, but before you can express your intention, your wife will blush and her heart will beat fast, and she will go to take a shower and change into her favorite clothes.

If you want to kiss her, before you get close to her face and say anything naughty, your wife will close her eyes obediently and put on a cute posture of letting him kiss her.

For example, your wife asked you shyly if you wanted her to wear a sailor suit.

Seeing that your wife was a little angry, he naturally would not admit that he had such a perverted idea in his mind, and directly denied it three times.

As a result, his wife did not believe it at all, and clearly pointed out that he was lying, and said that he was not allowed to lie in the future, otherwise she would be able to see it.

If you want something, just say it honestly!

Even if you make a mistake, it doesn’t matter, because you are so handsome, so no matter what you do, she will forgive you!

In fact, this is the same for him and his wife.

No matter what his wife does wrong, he will forgive her, because she is so beautiful, and she is his most beloved wife!

If his wife discovered something unusual about him one day and wanted to ask about his identity, such as whether he was Orochimaru or Minato Namikaze, he would not hide it but would honestly tell his wife:

"Wife, I won't pretend anymore. I'm going to reveal my cards.

I'm actually Orochimaru, the captain of the Orochimaru Pirates, and I'm also the Celestial Dragon killer and the most vicious criminal in history, Minato Namikaze.

I'm actually the mastermind behind Konoha and Akatsuki!"

Because he believed that no matter what he did, his wife would stand with him.

And what he had to do was to master the invincible power to protect his wife even if he had to make enemies with the whole world!

However, if his wife didn't find out clearly, he wouldn't tell her, because his two aliases are now regarded as enemies by the World Government.

He doesn't want his wife to worry about those things.

He just hopes that his wife can live a happy and ignorant life.

Thinking of this, Luo Ya's tone became a little solemn.

"Wife, no matter where I was before, I am indeed at home now, I am not lying to you!"

In the carriage, Yim's face moved when she heard Luoya's words.

Even if she did not use the top-level observation Haki to perceive, she could still sense the passionate feelings and truth in her husband's words.

It seems that her husband is indeed at home now.

But here comes the problem.

Her husband's words can actually be understood as that he was not at home before, but just returned home now.

Could it be that her husband, who had just left Push City, returned home in the blink of an eye?

After that, Yim hung up the phone and contacted the Five Elder Stars again.

"Contact the Navy Headquarters and report to me the actual situation of the Impel Down incident in a timely manner.

In particular, investigate whether Orochimaru is currently in Impel Down."

Originally, she did not intend to bring the World Government work home, but if this work involves protecting the safety of her husband, then she will have to make an exception.


Roya opens the door

""Wife, you're finally back! I missed you so much!" Luo Ya rushed over, wanting to hug his wife and make out with her.

But he didn't expect his wife to come up to him, put her face on his chest, and sniffed.

It seemed like she was smelling something.

"I won’t smell the scent of another woman again, will I?"

Luo Ya's heart skipped a beat.

In the past few days, he had come into contact with so many women.

Including Boa Hancock and other female warriors from the Amazon Lily Kingdom of the Nine Snakes Island,

Tsunade, the subordinate of the Fifth Hokage, and Xiao Sadie, the female guard in the Impel Down Castle. But the only one who had a slightly intimate contact was Boa Hancock.

After all, he accidentally entered someone's bath and was invited by her to enter her bedroom and even behind the wide wooden curtain.

If his wife knew about this, she would definitely misunderstand.

But he had long known that his wife's nose was as sensitive as a puppy's nose. She smelled the perfume of the female Celestial Dragon from him at once.

So every time he was actively intimately contacted by Boa Hancock, he would come back and take a bath to ensure that there would be no smell of Hancock on his body.

Just now, when he remembered that his wife was going home on the weekend, he immediately drove Thor back and took a bath, trying to wash off all the smells of Hancock and the female guards in the Impel Down Castle that might be on his body, so as to prevent his wife from misunderstanding that he had someone else outside.

"What a nice smell!"Yim Qiong's nose moved slightly,"Husband, you took a shower and used my shower gel."

Luo Ya breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that his wife didn't smell the scent of another woman on him this time.


"Knowing that you were coming back, of course I washed myself clean the first time, you know!"

As he said this, Luo Ya winked at his wife with a sly smile on his face, as if hinting at something.

He wanted to disrupt his wife's thoughts in this way.

Sure enough...

Seeing this naughty look, Yimu understood immediately, knowing what her husband wanted to express by washing himself clean.

He was hinting that he should also wash himself clean, and then the two of them...

Woo, so embarrassing!


Yimu shook his head secretly.

This time when she came back, she had another important task.

She was here to investigate the information about her husband's vest Orochimaru!

Through a simple contact, she could be sure that the person in front of her was indeed her beloved husband Luo Ya.

But there were still doubts about him.

He actually took a shower.

His hair was still wet, obviously he had just washed it after learning that he was coming back, and he seemed to have changed his clothes.

Is he covering up something?

Considering the information he had obtained before, Yimu had to be so suspicious.

""Hubby, go cook, I'm so hungry!"

Yimu deliberately acted like a spoiled child and asked her husband to go to the kitchen.

She went to the bathroom, picked up her husband's changed clothes, put them in front of her nose and sniffed.


It's the smell of her husband!

But besides that, there are other smells.

It's a fishy smell.

Not the dirty fishy smell, but the unique smell of the sea, the fishy smell of the sea breeze, the fishy smell of seafood.

Sure enough... my husband was on the sea just now.

Then it can be confirmed!

My husband's vest is Orochimaru.

He landed in the Impel Downs from the Calm Belt before, and naturally he was stained with the fishy smell of the sea.


Luo Ya's unbelievable voice came from the bathroom door.

"What are you doing?"

Im didn't expect her husband to find her, and asked anxiously:

"Husband, please listen to my explanation. I didn't mean to doubt you. I just……"

"What is this?"

Luo Ya looked distressed.

" could you do such a thing?

I didn't expect that I was wrong about you!

Wife, you are such a person!"


Yim was anxious.

Many marital relationships break up because of suspicion between the couple.

She didn't want to have a problem with her husband just because she wanted to confirm that her husband had just conquered the city.

She quickly explained

"I just smelled the scent of the sea from you.

So I was a little suspicious and wanted to check what was going on from the clothes you took off."

"So that's how it is. But,"

Luoya pointed at what Yim was holding,

"I understand the truth, but you smell my pants so well, how can I feel bad about that?

If you want to smell them so badly, can't I send you the original smell of my pants that I just changed out of?"


Yim quickly threw away the things in her hand, as if she was a monster.

After her husband reminded her, she realized that she had just sneaked into the bathroom with a nervous mood for fear of being discovered by her husband. She was eager to verify it, but she didn't notice that the clothes that her husband had changed out of were actually his panties. Yim's face turned red with shame. This is really hard to explain! Could her husband think that she is a pervert or a nymphomaniac?!

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